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Carl D. Meyer — Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Book and Solutions Manual |
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Inverse matrix of a sum 220
Inverse matrix, best approximation to 428
Inverse matrix, Cauchy formula for 615
Inverse matrix, computation of 118
Inverse matrix, computation of, operation counts 119
Inverse matrix, continuity of 480
Inverse matrix, determinants 479
Inverse matrix, eigenvalues of 501
Inverse matrix, existence of 116
Inverse matrix, generalized 615
Inverse matrix, integral representation of 441
Inverse matrix, norm of 285
Inverse matrix, properties of 120
Invertible operators 246 250
Invertible part of an operator 399
Involutory 113 325 339 485
Irreducible Markov chain, limits 693
Irreducible matrix 209 671
Isometry 321
Iteration matrix 620
Iterative methods 620
Jacobi's diagonalization method 353
Jacobi's iterative method 622 626
Jacobi, Karl G.J. 353
Johnson, Charlie xii
Jordan blocks 588 590
Jordan blocks, functions of 600
Jordan blocks, nilpotent 579
Jordan chains 210 401 575 576 593
Jordan chains, construction of 594
Jordan form 397 408 589 590
Jordan form for nilpotent matrices 579
Jordan form, preliminary version 397
Jordan segment 588 590
Jordan structure of matrices 580 581 586 589
Jordan structure of matrices, uniqueness of 580
Jordan, Marie Ennemond Camille 15 411 589
Jordan, Wilhelm 15
Kaczmarz's projection method 442 443
Kaczmarz, Stefan 442
Kaplansky, Irving 268
Kearn, Vickie xi 12
Kernel 173
Kirchhoff's rules 73
Kirchhoff's rules, loop rule 204
Kline, Morris 80
Kowa, Seki 459
Kronecker product 380 597
Kronecker product and the Laplacian 573
Kronecker, Leopold 597
Krylov, Aleksei Nikolaevich 645
Krylov, method 649
Krylov, sequence 401
Krylov, subspaces, sequences, matrices 646
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 597
Lagrange interpolating polynomial 186 230 233
Lagrange multipliers 282
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 186 572
Lancaster, Peter xii
Lanczos algorithm 651
Lanczos, Cornelius 651
Laplace's determinant expansion 487
Laplace's equation 624
Laplace, Pierre-Simon 81 307 487 572
Laplacian 563
Latent semantic indexing 419
Latent values and vectors 490
Law of Cosines 295
LDU factorization 154
Leading principal minor 558
Leading principal submatrices 148 156
Least common multiple 647
Least squares 226 439
Least squares and Gram — Schmidt 313
Least squares and orthogonal projection 437
Least squares and polynomial fitting 230
Least squares and pseudoinverse 438
Least squares and QR factorization 346
Least squares, total least squares 223
Least squares, why least squares? 446
LeBlanc, Kathleen xii
Left-hand eigenvectors 490 503 516 523 524
Left-hand eigenvectors and projectors 518
Left-hand eigenvectors in inverses 521
Left-hand nullspace 174 178 199
Left-hand nullspace, spanning set for 176
Legendre polynomials 319
Legendre's differential equation 319
Legendre, Adrien-Marie 319 572
Leibniz, Gottfried W. 459
Length of a projection 323
Leontief's input—output model 681
Leontief, Wassily 681
Leslie population model 683
Leslie, P.H. 684
Leverrier — Souriau — Frame Algorithm 504
Leverrier, U.J.J. 504
Levy, L. 497
Limiting distribution 531 636
Limits and group inversion 640
Limits and spectral radius 617
Limits in Markov chains, irreducible Markov chains 693
Limits in Markov chains, reducible Markov chains 698
Limits in vector spaces 276 277
Limits of powers of matrices 630
Limits of vector sequences 639
Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinand von 662
Linear algebra 238
linear combination 91
Linear correlation 296 306
Linear dependence and connectivity 208
Linear estimation 446
Linear functions 89 238
Linear functions, defined by matrix multiplication 106
Linear functions, defined by systems of equations 99
Linear models 448
Linear operators 238
Linear operators and block matrices 392
Linear regression 227 446
Linear spaces 169
Linear stationary iterations 620
Linear transformation 238
Linearly independent and dependent sets 181
Linearly independent and dependent sets, and rank 183
Linearly independent and dependent sets, basic facts 188
Linearly independent and dependent sets, maximal 186
Linearly independent eigenvectors 511
Lines in not through the origin 440
Lines, projection onto 440
Long-run distribution 531
Loop 73
Loop, equations 204
Loop, rule 74
Loop, simple 75
Lower triangular 103
LU factorization 141 144
LU factorization with interchanges 148
LU factorization, existence of 149
LU factorization, operation counts 146
LU factorization, summary 153
M-matrix 626 639 682 703
Main diagonal 41 85
Markov chains 532 638 687
Markov chains, absorbing 700
Markov chains, periodic 694
Markov, Andrei Andreyevich 687
Mass-stiffness equation 571
Matrices, the set of 81
Matrix 7
Matrix, diagonal 85
| Matrix, exponential 441 525 529
Matrix, exponential, and differential equations 541 546 608
Matrix, exponential, inverse of 614
Matrix, exponential, products 539
Matrix, exponential, sums 614
Matrix, functions 526 601
Matrix, functions, as infinite series 527
Matrix, functions, as polynomials 606
Matrix, group 402
Matrix, multiplication 96
Matrix, multiplication as a linear function 106
Matrix, multiplication by blocks 111
Matrix, multiplication, properties of 105
Matrix, multiplication, relation to linear transformations 244
Matrix, norms 280
Matrix, norms, -norm 127 283
Matrix, norms, 1-norm 283
Matrix, norms, 2-norm 281 425
Matrix, norms, Frobenius norm 425
Matrix, norms, induced norm 285
Matrix, polynomials 501
Matrix, product 96
Matrix, representation of a projector 387
Matrix, representations 262
Matrix, triangular 41
Maximal angle 455
Maximal independent set 218
Maximal linearly independent subset 186 196
Maximum and minimum of continuous functions 276
McCarthy, Joseph R. 651
Mean 296 447
Meyer, Bethany B. xii
Meyer, Carl, Sr. xii
Meyer, Holly F. xii
Meyer, Louise xii
Meyer, Margaret E. xii
Meyer, Martin D. xii
Min-max theorem 550
Min-max theorem for singular values 555
Min-max theorem, alternate formulation 557
Minimal angle 450
Minimal spanning set 196 197
Minimum norm least squares solution 438
Minimum norm solution 426
Minimum polynomial 642
Minimum polynomial of a vector 646
Minimum polynomial, determination of 643
Minimum variance estimator 446
Minkowski inequality 278
Minkowski, Hermann 184 278 497 626
Minor determinant, principal 559 466
MINRES algorithm 656
Mirsky, Leonid xii
Modern least squares 437
Modified gaussian elimination 43
Modified Gram — Schmidt algorithm 316
Monic polynomial 642
Montgomery, Michelle xii
Moore — Penrose generalized inverse 221 422 400
Moore — Penrose generalized inverse and orthogonal projectors 434
Moore — Penrose generalized inverse, best approximate inverse 428
Moore — Penrose generalized inverse, integral representation 441
Moore, E.H. 221
Morrison, W.J. 124
Multiplication of integers 375
Multiplication of matrices 96
Multiplication of polynomials 367
Multiplicities 510
Multiplicities and diagonalizability 512
Multiplier 22 25
Multiplier in partial pivoting 26
Negative definite 570
Neumann series 126 527 618
Newton 86
Newton's identities 504
Newton's second law 560
Nilpotent 258 396 502 510
Nilpotent, Jordan blocks 579
Nilpotent, part of an operator 399
No-intercept model 447
Noble, Ben xii
Node 18 73 202 204
Node, rule 74 204
Noise removal with SVD 418
Nonbasic columns 50 61
Nonderogatory matrices 644 648
Nondiagonalizable, spectral resolution 603
Nonhomogeneous differential equations 609
Nonhomogeneous systems 57 64
Nonhomogeneous systems, general solution 64 66 70
Nonhomogeneous systems, summary 70
Nonnegative matrices 661 670
Nonsingular matrices 115
Nonsingular matrices and determinants 465
Nonsingular matrices and elementary matrices 133
Nonsingular matrices, products of 121
Nonsingular matrices, sequences of 220
Norm 269
Norm for matrices 280
Norm for matrices, 1-, 2-, and -norms 281 283
Norm for matrices, Frobenius 279 337
Norm for matrices, induced 280 285 337
Norm for vectors 275
Norm for vectors, 1-, 2-, and -norms 274
Norm for vectors, p-norms 274
Norm of a function 288
Norm of a projection 323 391
Norm of a waveform 382
Norm of an inverse 285
Norm on a grid 274
Norm, compatibility 279 280 285
Norm, elliptical 288
Norm, equivalent 276 425
Normal equations 213 214 221 226 313 437
Normal matrix 304 400 409 547
Normal modes of vibration 562 571
Normalized vector 270
Nullity 200 220
NullSpace 173 174 178 199
Nullspace and transpose 177
Nullspace of a partitioned matrix 208
Nullspace of a product 180 220
Nullspace of an orthogonal projector 434
Nullspace, equality 177
Nullspace, spanning set for 175
Number of pivots 218
Numerical stability 347
Oblique projection 385
Oblique projection, method for linear systems 443
Oblique projectors from SVD 634
Oh notation 18
Ohm's law 73
One-to-one mapping 250
Onto mapping 250
Operation counts for convolution 377
Operation counts for Gauss — Jordan method 16
Operation counts for Gaussian elimination 10
Operation counts for LU factorization 146
Operation counts for matrix inversion 119
Operator norm 280
Operator, linear 238
Ortega, James xii
Orthogonal complement 322 403
Orthogonal complement, dimension of 339
Orthogonal complement, involving range and nullspace 405
Orthogonal decomposition theorem 405 407
Orthogonal diagonalization 549
Orthogonal distance 435
Orthogonal matrix 320
Orthogonal matrix, determinant of 473
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