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Lamb H. — Hydrodynamics |
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Ahlbom, F. 680
Air-waves, plane 476 479
Air-waves, plane, due to a local disturbance 502
Air-waves, plane, due to a vibrating sphere or cylinder 508 510
Air-waves, plane, effect of viscosity and heat-conduction on 646 648 654
Air-waves, plane, general 492
Air-waves, plane, in two dimensions 524
Air-waves, plane, in variable medium 541 545
Air-waves, plane, incidence of, on narrow obstacles, or on screens with narrow apertures 513 517 519 529 531 532 533 537
Air-waves, plane, of finite amplitude 481 483 484
Air-waves, plane, spherical 489
Airy, Sir G.B. 259 260 262 267 274 278 279 281 341 342 345 354 368 484 565 566 630
Aitken, J. 631
Allen, H.S. 599 608
Ampere, A.M. 211
Analysis of the motion of a fluid element 31
Annulus, liquid, rotating 707
Annulus, liquid, rotating, motion of a solid, in frictionless liquid 183
Apertures, irrotational flow of a liquid through rectilinear, circular, and elliptic 73
Apertures, irrotational flow of a liquid through rectilinear, circular, and elliptic, transmission of sound-waves through 518
Arnold, H.D. 599 608
Atmospheric oscillations 541 547 551 556 557
Atmospheric tides 558 559
Baird and Darwin 354
Bairstow, L. 615 617
Bankine, W.J.M. 63 83 130 421 484 665
Barnes and Coker 664
Barnes, E.W. 549
Basin, tidal oscillations in a circular 284
Basin, tidal oscillations in a circular, tides in a rotating 320 326
Basmussen, A. 440
Basset, A.B. 134 156 183 195 232 239 602 620 627 644 708 714 717 722
Bateman, H. 695
Bayleigh, Lord 27 40 75 80 99 102 116 122 136 137 138 250 253 254 260 261 275 280 283 287 290 296 301 306 313 320 355 362 374 375 379 381 383 385 394 399 417 419 420 423 441 443 444 445 455 458 463 468 469 472 473 478 482 486 487 488 492 494 499 506 507 510 512 514 516 517 519 521 527 528 530 531 533 538 541 557 562 568 584 589 590 591 598 599 608 609 618 619 620 630 644 648 650 651 652 665 670 672 673 674 680 696
Belf, E.F 65 680
Beltrami, E. 85 88 147
Benard, H. 680
Bernoulli, D. 21 23 360
Bernoulli’s theorem 21 23
Berry, A. 605
Besant, W. 122
Bessel, F.W. 136
Bessel’s functions 134 136 275 285 287 527
Bessel’s functions of the ‘second kind’ 293 528
Beusch, E. 242
Bieeke, E. 222
Biemann, B. 54 482 717 719 721
Bifurcation, forms of 711 715
Bitz, W. 253
Bjerknes, C.A. 134 147
Bjerknes, V. 134 156 247
Blasius, H. 82 91 665 685
Blasius’ theorems 91
Bobyleff ’s problem 104
Bobyleff, D. 104 580
Boggio 591 644
Bohr, N. 455
Boltze, E. 688
Boltzmann, L. 108 201
Borda, J.C 25 96
Borda’s mouthpiece 25 97
Bore, in canal 280
Borohardt, C.W. 595 596
Bosenhead, L. 229 231 680
Bota, G. 440
Boundary layer 684 687 689
Boussinesq, J. 423 425 587
Bouth, E.J. 195 196 224 250 254 305 311 562 570
Boys, C.V. 695
Brioschi, F. 721
Bromwieh, T.J.I’a. 295 357 452
Bryan and Jones 104
Bryan, G.H. 118 183 718
Bubble, collapse of a 122
Bubble, collapse of a, vibrations of a 475
Burgess, E.W. 617
Burkhardt, H. 61
Burnside, W. 379 393 420
Bussell, J.Seott 380 423 468 471 630 631
Bybczynski, W. 600
Byerly, W, E. 110 114
Canal, ‘long’ waves in 254 278 445
Canal, ‘long’ waves in, effect of variation of section 262
Canal, ‘long’ waves in, waves of finite amplitude in 262 278 280
Canal-theory of the tides 267
Canal-theory of the tides, effect of friction 565
Capillarity 455
Capillary waves 456 458
Carleman, T. 698
Carskw, H.S. 246 538 591 592
Cauchy — Poisson wave-problem 384 387
Cauehy, A. 17 18 32 204 384 431
Cavity, expanding 122
Cayley, A. 237 240 709
Chapman, S. 560 561
Chree, C 507
Christoffel, E.B. 81 95 523
Chrystal, G. 277
Circular sheet of water, tidal oscillations in 284
Circular sheet of water, tidal oscillations in, case of variable depth 291
Circular sheet of water, tidal oscillations in, influence of rotation 320 326
Circulation defined 33
Circulation defined, constancy of, in moving circuit 36 203
Cisotti, U. 86 93 106
Clebsch, A. 110 155 172 248 512 522 636
Clebsch’stransformation of thehydrodynamical equations 248
Coaxal circles, flow in 70
Coker and Clement 665
Colborne, D.C. 353
Colladon and Sturm 477
Collapse of a bubble 122
Communication of vibrations to a gas 508
Complex variable 67
Conduction of heat, effect on sound-waves 487 646
Confocal conies, flow in 73
Conformal representation 68
Continuity, equation of (Eulerian) 5
Continuity, equation of (Eulerian), in cylindrical co-ordinates 158
Continuity, equation of (Eulerian), in ellipsoidal co-ordinates 150
Continuity, equation of (Eulerian), in general orthogonal co-ordinates 148 156
Continuity, equation of (Eulerian), in spherical co-ordinates 112
Continuity, equation of (Eulerian), Lagrangian 13 15
Convective equilibrium, vibrations of atmosphere in 549 557
Couette, M. 588
Coulomb, C.A. 622
Craig, T. 172
Critical velocity in turbulent motion 664
Crudeli, U. 699
Cunningham, E. 608
Currents, action of wind on 593
Curved stratum of liquid, irrotational flow in 108
Curvilinear co-ordinates 148 156
Cyclic constants 51 180 193
Cyclic motion in multiply-connected spaces 51 69
Cylinder (circular), moving in frictionless liquid, without and with, circulation round it 76 79 187
Cylinder (circular), moving in frictionless liquid, without and with, circulation round it, (elliptic), moving in frictionless liquid, translation and rotation 84 88
Cylinder (circular), moving in frictionless liquid, without and with, circulation round it, in viscous fluid 615
Cylinder (circular), moving in frictionless liquid, without and with, circulation round it, steady motion of a, with circulation 78
Cylindrical coordinates 157
Cylindrical coordinates, expansions in terms of 135
Cylindrical coordinates, harmonics 134
Dale, J.B. 114 136 321
Dampier, Sir W. 586
Darcy, H. 665 666
Darwin, Sir G.H. 146 281 335 339 340 341 342 347 354 360 361 641 705 710 715 716
Dawson, H.G. 394
De Morgan, A. 296 403 484
de Saint-Venant and Wantzel 27
de Saint-Venant, B. 89 577
de Vries 426
| De, K. 223
Dedekind, E. 719 723
Dedekind’s ellipsoid 723
Determinateness, conditions of 41 42 207 208
Diffraction of sound-waves 517 529 531 533 537 538
Diffusion of vorticity 578
Dimensions, theory of 682
Dinnick, A. 504
Dirichlet, P.L. 123 311 402 403 604 719 720 721
Dirichlet’s ellipsoids 719
Discontinuities at wave-fronts 522
Discontinuous motions 105
Discontinuous motions, instability of 373
Disk (circular), moving in frictionless liquid 144
Disk (circular), moving in frictionless liquid, (elliptic), in frictionless liquid 154
Disk (circular), moving in frictionless liquid, steady motion of, in viscous liquid 605
Dissipation of energy by viscosity 579
Dissipation of energy by viscosity, a minimum in slow steady motion 617
Dissipation-Function 580
Dissipative systems, vibrations of 562
Distortion of a fluid element 32
Divergence of a vector-field 5 45
Diverging waves, in air 489 496 654
Diverging waves, on water 293 296
Doodson, A.T. 277 307 361
Dyson, Sir F.W. 156 246 708 709
d’Alembert, J.le E. 702
Earnshaw, S. 279 483
Eddy viscosity 593
Edge-waves 446
Edwardes, D. 608
Eethy, M. 104
Eeynolds, O. 22 27 243 382 575 583 584 631 663 668 674
Efflux of gases 27
Efflux of liquids 23
Eiffel, G. 679
Ekman, V.W. 391 416 440 593 664
Elasticity of gases 6
Electric analogies 65 210
Electromagnetic rotation of a liquid 30
Ellipsoid moving in a viscous liquid 604
Ellipsoid moving in frictionless liquid 152 154
Ellipsoid, Dedekind’s 723
Ellipsoid, Dirichlet’s 719
Ellipsoid, Jacobi’s 704
Ellipsoid, Maclaurin’s 701
Ellipsoidal coordinates 139 149
Ellipsoidal coordinates, harmonics 139 142
Ellipsoidal mass of liquid rotating under its own gravitation, precession of 728
Ellipsoidal shell, irrotational motion of a liquid in 147
Ellipsoidal shell, irrotational motion of a liquid in, motion of a liquid of uniform vorticity in, containing liquid, precession of 727
Elliptic basin, tidal oscillations in 290 293
Elliptic co-ordinates 84
Elliptic cylinder in frictionless liquid, circulation round 74
Elliptic cylinder in frictionless liquid, circulation round, motion due to an 84 87
Encke, J.F. 590
Energy of air-waves 479 495
Energy of capillary waves 457 460
Energy of irrotationally moving liquid 46 56 66
Energy of long waves 260
Energy of surface-waves 369
Energy of vortex systems 216
Energy, equation of 8 21 167
Equation of continuity see “Continuity”
Equations of motion, of a gas 476
Equations of motion, of frietionless’ fluid 2 12 156
Equations of motion, of solids in a frietionless liquid 168 180 184 187 192
Equations of motion, of viscous fluid 576
Equilibrium (relative), of a rotating system 311
Equilibrium theory of tides 358
Euler, L. 2 5 161 506
Eulerian form of the hydrodynamical equations 2
Everett, J.D. 478
Exchange of stabilities 712
Expansion defined 5
Expansion defined, and vorticity, velocities expressed in terms of 208
Expansion, waves of see “Air-waves”
Fage and Johannsen 679
Fawcett, Miss 179 183
Faxen, H. 617
Fear-shaped figure of equilibrium of a rotating liquid 716
Ferrel, W. 345
Ferrers, N.M. 110 118 139 140 146 512
Figures of equilibrium of rotating liquid 707
Filon, L.N. 617
Finite amplitude, waves of, in air 483 484 650
Finite amplitude, waves of, on water 262 278 417 421 426
Finite oscillations of a liquid globe about the spherical form 719
Fish-line problem 468
Flapping of sails and flags 374
Flow, defined 33
Flux, defined 38 62
Foppl, L. 223
Forced oscillations about equilibrium 252
Forced oscillations of a rotating system 316
Forsyth, A.E. 67 68 95 113 119 136 140 157 248 293 296 580 674 695
Fourier, J.B. 506
Fourier’s theorem 384
Franklin, B. 371
Frazer, E.A, 588
Free oscillations 250 562
Free oscillations of a rotating system 310 570
Free stream-lines 94
Friction, effect of, fluid see “Viscosity”
Friction, effect of, on tides 565
Frost, P. 40
Froude, E.E. 22 25 434 438 439
Froude, W. 380 438
Gases, elasticity of 6
Gases, viscosity of 645
Gauss, C.F. 40 104 113
Generalized co-ordinates 187 194
Gerstner, F.J.v. 421
Gerstner’s waves 421
Glaisher, J.W.L. 114 403 505
Glauert, H. 83 184 229 680 693
Globe, oscillations of a liquid 450 719
Globule, vibrations of a 473
Goldsbrough, G.R. 293 328 352 353
Goldstein, G. 290 326 617 688
Gouy, L.G. 381
Grace, S.F. 235
Graham, T. 27
Grating, flow of a liquid through a 533
Grating, flow of a liquid through a, reflection and transmission of sound-waves by a 536
Gray and Mathews 136 295
Gray, A. 241
Green, G. 382 440
Green, G.[1793—1841] 43 46 60 153 274 367 368
Greenhill, A.G. 12 80 90 105 173 174 178 224 372 378 442 587 719 722 723 724 727
Green’s Theorem 43
Green’s theorem, Helmholtz’ extension to sound-vibrations 498
Green’s theorem, Kelvin’s extension to cyclic regions 54
Grindley and Gibson 576
Grobli, W. 224 242
Group-velocity (of waves) 380 393 460
Guthrie, F. 192
Gwyther, E.F. 426
Gyrostat, stability of a liquid 724
Gyrostatic systems, equations of motion of 195
Gyrostatic systems, equations of motion of, small oscillations of 310
Gyrostatic systems, equations of motion of, with friction 570
Hadamard, J. 356 600
Hadley, G. 307
Hagen, G.H.L 663
Hamilton, Sir W.E. 187 193
Hamiltonian principle 187
Hankel, H. 35 293 295
Hanlon, G.O. 25
Hansen, P.A. 136
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