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Lamb H. — Hydrodynamics |
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Stationary phase, principle of 395
Steady motion of a frictionless liquid 20
Steady motion of a frictionless liquid, general conditions for 243
Steady motion of a frictionless liquid, of a viscous fluid 581
Steady motion of a frictionless liquid, with a free surface 94
Steady motion of a solid in frictionless liquid (possible types) 169 170
Steady motion of a solid in frictionless liquid (possible types), of a solid of revolution 178
Steady motion of a solid in frictionless liquid (possible types), stability of 170 177
Steam, H.T. 645
Stefan, J. 127
Stekloff, W. 722
Stokes, Sir G.G. 17 27 31 90 123 124 125 126 129 205 206 208 211 244 245 259 285 295 296 372 381 395 417 418 419 422 425 426 427 445 447 478 484 485 491 505 508 509 529 576 577 580 582 588 589 591 598 599 614 620 624 644 645 646 648 664 674
Stokes’ Theorem 35
Stream-function, Lagrange’s 62
Stream-function, Stokes’ 125
Stream-lines 18
Stream-lines, in two dimensions 63
Stream-lines, of a circular cylinder 76 78 79
Stream-lines, of a circular disk 145
Stream-lines, of a liquid globe 452
Stream-lines, of a row of vortices 225
Stream-lines, of a sphere 128
Stream-lines, of a sphere in viscous liquid 599
Stream-lines, of a spherical vortex 246
Stream-lines, of a vortex-pair 221
Stream-lines, of a vortex-ring 238
Stream-lines, of an elliptic cylinder (translation and rotation) 84 88
Stream-lines, of standing waves on deep water 366
Stresses in a viscous fluid 574
Struik, D.J. 420
Stuart, T. 249
Superposed liquids, oscillations of 370
Surface-conditions 6
Surface-distributions of sources 59
Surface-disturbance of a stream 398 403 406 465
Surface-energy and surface-tension 455
Surface-waves 363
Surface-waves, due to a local disturbance 384 387 429 432
Surface-waves, due to a submerged cylinder 410
Surface-waves, due to a travelling disturbance 413 433 437
Surface-waves, of finite height 426
Surfaces of discontinuity see “Discontinuous motions”
Swain, Miss L. 271 605
Sylvester, J.J. 112
Symmetry, hydrokinetic 172
Synge, J.L. 680
Tait, P.G 242 628
Tangential stress 564
Tarleton, B.A. 223
Taylor, G.I. 93 130 166 199 201 234 235 276 320 488 553 561 567 590 667 669 682 694
Tedone, O. 206 722
Tension, surface- see “Capillarity and Surface-energy”
Terazawa, K. 394 433 590
Terminal velocity, of a cylinder 616
Terminal velocity, of a sphere 599
Thomson and Tait 35 46 47 89 110 112 113 119 135 166 170 174 187 190 195 201 239 250 307 308 311 354 358 360 385 562 596 604 700 703 705 715
Thomson, J. 25
Thomson, Sir J.B. 81 216 218 219 224 608
Thomson, Sir W. see “Kelvin”
Tidal waves, defined 250
Tidal waves, in canal of variable section 262
Tidal waves, in uniform canal 254
Tidal waves, of finite height 262 278
Tidal waves, on a rotating globe 330
Tidal waves, on a rotating sheet of water 307 320 326
Tidal waves, on a spherical ocean 301 302
Tidal waves, on open sheets of water 282
Tide-generating forces 358
Tides, correction to 360
Tides, diurnal 341 351
Tides, effect of friction on 567
Tides, equilibrium theory of 358
Tides, Hough’s theory 347
Tides, Laplace’s theory 330
Tides, of long period 338
Tides, of second order 280
Tides, semi-diurnal 342 343 351
Tides, spring- and neap- 354
Tisserand, F. 710
Todhunter, I. 110 140 348 702
Topler, A. 108
Torricelli’s theorem 23
| Torrieelli, E. 23
Torsional oscillations, of a sphere surrounded by liquid 642
Torsional oscillations, of a spherical shell containing viscous liquid 638
Townsend, J.S. 608
Travelling disturbance, waves due to a 398 413 433 466
Trochoidal waves 421
Tube, flow of viscous fluid in a 585
Tube, flow of viscous fluid in a, critical velocity in a 664
Tubes of flow 38
Turbulence in atmosphere 669
Turbulent motion 663
Turner, H.H. 360
Unwin, W.O. 665
Velocity-potential, defined 17
Velocity-potential, in simply and multiply-connected spaces 41 50
Velocity-potential, kinematical property of 18
Velocity-potential, mean value of, over a spherical surface 39
Velocity-potential, of an isolated vortex 211
Velocity-potential, persistence of, in frictionless fluids 17
Vena contracta 24 99
viscosity 571
Viscosity, coefficient of 575
Viscosity, effect on sound-waves 646
Viscosity, of gases 645
Viscosity, stresses due to 574
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of 576
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of, flow between parallel plates 581
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of, pendulum oscillating in 642
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of, periodic motion of 619
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of, steady motion of 581
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of, steady motions of a sphere and of an ellipsoid in 598 604
Viscous fluid, equations of motion of, through narrow tubes 585
Voigt, W. 134 206
VonderMuhll 441
Vortex-lines and filaments 202
Vortex-lines and filaments, vortex-pair 221
Vortex-lines and filaments, vortex-sheet 212
Vortex-rings 236
Vortex-rings, mutual influence of 242
Vortex-system, energy of 216
Vortex-system, impulse of 214
Vortices 219 236
Vortices, circular 236
Vortices, cylindrical 219 230
Vortices, elliptic 232
Vortices, motion due to isolated 210
Vortices, persistence in frictionless liquid 203
Vortices, rectilinear 219
Vortices, spherical 245
Vorticity, defined 32
Vorticity, diffusion of 578
Walker, P.B. 691
Walton, E.T.S. 223
Wangerin, A. 110 119 146
Water-waves, effect of oil on 631 (see also “Capillary waves” “Surface-waves” “Tidal
Water-waves, effect of viscosity on 624 625
Watson, G N. 136 138 294 295 296 437 504 521 530 615 645
Wave-patterns due to a travelling disturbance 433 439
Wave-propagation in one, two, and three dimensions 525
Wave-resistance 415 438
Wave-velocities 368
Waves see “Air-waves” “Tidal-waves” and
Webb, B.B. 372 473
Weber, H. 14 138 496 527
Weber’s transformation of the hydrodynamical equations 14
Wedderburn 379
Weinstein, A. 425
Whetham, W.C.D. see “Dampier”
Whittaker and Watson 110 117 118 119 136 146 254 295 348
Whittaker, E.T. 119 196 250
Wien, W. 172 409
Wieselsberger, C 616
Wigley, W.C.S. 438
Williams, W.E. 598 599
Wilton, J.B. 418
Wind, action of, in generating water-waves 625 629
Wood, A.B. 477
Yarrow and Marriner 440
Young, T. 253 267 269
Zeilon, N. 689
Zemplen, G. 589
Zijnen, H.v.d. 690
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