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Ortega J. M. — Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables |
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Strong derivative (see F-derivative)
Strongly consistent approximation (see Consistent approximation)
Strongly downward sequence 475
Strygin, V. 542
Subinverse 53—56 443
Sublinear convergence 286 291
Successive displacement method (see Gauss-Seidel method)
Successive overrelaxation method (see SOR method)
Superinverse 53
Superlinear convergence 285 291
Swann, W. 265 553
Sylvester, R. 553
Symmetry of higher derivative 76 77 81 82
Symmetry principle 95
Syn, W. 552
Takahashi, I. 265 553
Takota, M. 553
Tamme, E. 554
Tangent-hyperbola method 188
Tapia, R. 554
Taylor formula 79
Taylor, A. 50 554
Temple, G 499 554
Tensor product of matrices 67 310
Thompson, G. 536
Thurston, G. 554
Tietze — Urysohn extension theorem 175
Todd, J. 554
Toeplitz lemma 399
Tornheim, L. 200 293 294 378 507 554
Traub, J. 187 188 200 286 294 307 316 317 522 554
Trinkaus, H. 242 551
Trotter, H 242 534
Tsuda, T. 554
Turner, L. 554
Two-cyclic matrix 344
Two-point boundary value problem 9— 14 23 111 116 145 201 235 344 392 393 454
Types of convergence theorems 5 (see also Various theorems (global local monotone semi-local
Ul’m, S. 188 203 363 429 554
Underrelaxation factor 253
Uniform approximation 25
Uniform monotonicity theorem 143 167
Uniformly differentiable mappings 349
Uniformly linearly independent sequence 514 518
Uniformly nonsingular matrices 369 370
Unimodal function 275
Univariate relaxation method 244
Univariate relaxation method, convergence 516—519
Urabe, M 399 554 555
Ural’tseva, N. 16 30 541
Urysohn equation 19
Ustaal, A. 540
Vainberg, M 65 66 74 167 499 522 555
| Vandergraft, J. 57 439 454 455 555
Varga, R. 26 32 50 57 222 225 293 307 332 341 342 343 344 522 527 530 555
Varjuhin, V. 555
Vasudevan, R. 526
Vector 1 34
Vector, nonnegative 52
Vertgeim, B. 555
Vitasek, E. 239 548
Voevodin, V. 555
Vogl, L. 542
Voigt, R. 205 295 307 308 309 334 353 365 366 369 379 380 555
Vulich, B. 539
VVetterling, W. 556
Vyhandu, L. 555
Wachspress, E. 222 555
Wall, D. 293 555
Walsh, J. 555
Waltman, P. 12 525
Wang, H. 528
Wasow, \V. 16 17 222 307 343 521 533 545
Wasscher, E. 555
Weak regular splitting 56—58 456
Weakly coercive mapping 165—168
Weakly linear convergence 294
Wegge, L. 201 223 363 555
Weierstrass approximation theorem 171 172
Weinitschke, H. 391 556
Weinstock, R. 26 556
Weissinger, J. 390 399 556
Wells, M. 556
Whiteside, D. 556
Wilde, D 264 556
Wilkinson, J. 37 44 556
Willers, F. 428 556
Witte, B. 556
Wolfe, P. 200 556
Wouk, A. 390 556
WTarga, J. 399 555
Yamamuro, S. 165 556
Yohe, M. 222 535
Yoshiaki, M. 446 556
Zaguskin, V. 556
Zangwill algorithm 265 519
Zangwill, W 265 556
Zaplitna, G. 556
Zarantonello, E. 167 407 408 557
Zeleznik, F. 213 557
Zhidkov, E. 557
Zhidkov, N. 390 393 446 526
Zielke, G 50 557
Zincenko, D. 414 415 431 557
Zuber, R 557
Zuev, A. 557
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