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Smullyan R.M. — First-Order Logic
Smullyan R.M. — First-Order Logic

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Название: First-Order Logic

Автор: Smullyan R.M.


This completely self-contained study, widely considered the best book in the field, is intended to serve both as an introduction to quantification theory and as an exposition of new results and techniques in "analytic" or "cut-free" methods. Presented in tableau format, the material covers propositional and first-order logic. 144 illustrations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 158

Добавлена в каталог: 21.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\Delta$-consistency      91
$\Gamma$-consistency      66
$\Gamma$-consistency, properties for finite sets      69
Analytic consistency      65 66
Analytic tableaux, for propositional logic      15
Analytic tableaux, for quantification theory      53
Analytic tableaux, relation to regular sets      75
Associate      74
Atomic valuations      47
Axiom systems      80
Axiom systems, $Q''_{1}$      83
Axiom systems, $Q'_{1}$      82
Axiom systems, $Q^{*}_{2}$      85
Axiom systems, $Q_{1}$      81
Axiom systems, $Q_{2}$      84
Axiom systems, Go      105
Axiom systems, QQ      138 139
Beth-definability theorem      131
Block tableaux      101 102 109
Boolean atoms      51
Boolean descendent      130
Boolean valuations      10
Clashing, configurations      144
Clashing, prenex tableaux      136
Clashing, tableaux      133 134
Closed branch (tableau)      17 24
Compactness theorem for deducibility      40
Compactness Theorem for first-order logic      63 65
Compactness Theorem for propositional logic      30 31 32
Complete branch      26
Complete regular set      88
Completeness theorem      60
configurations      142 143 144
Craig interpolation lemma      127 128 129
Critical parameters      72
Degrees (of formulas)      8 44
Disjunctive normal form      13
Dual configurations      151
Dual of a prefix      148
E-complete      91
Elimination theorems      110
First-order analytic tableaux      52
First-order truth sets      47
First-order valuations      47
Formation sequence      4
Formation trees      9 46
formulas      4 43
Fundamental theorem      47 73 137
Gentzen extended Hauptsatz      120 121 122 123
Gentzen Hauptsatz      110 113
Gentzen systems      105 109
Goedel's completeness theorem      60
Henkin completeness proof      94
Henkin — Hasenjaeger completeness proof      95
Hintikka lemmas      27 58
Hintikka sets      27 57
Interpretations      10 48
Junction point      3
Koenig’s lemma      32
Liberalized rule D      78
Lindenbaum construction      37
Linear reasoning      141 151 153
Linear reasoning for prenex formulas      153
Loewenheim theorem      61
Lyndon — Craig interpolation lemma      130 131
Magic sets      87
Maximal consistency      36
Modified block tableaux      104
Open branch (tableau)      26
Ordered trees      3
P-Hintikka sets      119
Parameters      43
prefixes      146
Prenex formulas      117
Prenex tableaux      118
Quantified configurations      146
Regular sequences      72
Regular sets      72
Satisfiability      11 49
Signed formulas      15
Skolem Loewenheim theorem      64 65
Special (pair of prefixes)      148
Strong associate      137
Subformulas      8
Symmetric completeness theorems      133
Symmetric Gentzen systems      124 126
Synthetic consistency      92
Systematic tableaux      59
Tableaux      15 118 133
Tableaux, propositional rules      17
Tableaux, quantification rules      53
Tautologies      11
Trees      3
Truth functional satisfiability      51
Truth sets      12 47
Tukey’s lemma      38
U-formulas      46
Unified notation      20 52
Unifying principle      65
Validity      49
Weak subformula      74
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