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Senechal M. — Crystalline Symmetries, An informal mathematical introduction |
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(r, R) system 15
(r, R) system, regular 16
Agricola, G. 89 121
Aristotle 3 12 88 121
Barlow, W. 60
Bieberbach, L. 17 59 121
Bragg's condition 54
Bragg, W.H. 54
Bravais class 93
Bravais lattice 42
Bravais, A. 42 56 58 59 93 101 121
Brillouin zone 43
Burckhardt, J.J. 61 121
Cell, centered 43
Cell, unit 42
Cell, Voronoi 43
Center of symmetry 25
Centrosymmetric 25
Color group 85
Color symmetry 74
Convex 9
Coset 62
Coset, left 63
Coset, right 63
Crystal class 38
Crystal class, arithmetic 92
Crystal class, geometric 92
Crystal system 41 93
Crystallographic restriction 17
Curie, P. 8 122
de Bruijn, N.G. 111 112 113 114 115 121
de Wolff, P. 107 108
Delone, B.N. 15 18 46 122
Density function 55
Density of planar lattice 42
Diffraction 54
Dimension of a lattice 39
Dirac delta function 55
Dirichlet domain 43
Discrete 9
Donnay, J.D.H. 101
Eigenvalues 26
Engel, P. 12
Equivalent (units) 21
Escher, M.C. 75 76 77 83 87 122
Euler, L. 33 122
Ewald sphere 55
Fedorov, E.S. 12 45 59 89 122
Fourier transform 54 55
Frankenheim, M. 7 122
Frobenius congruence 69
Frobenius, G. 59 105 122
Frost, R. 88
Gadolin, A. 90 122
Generalized crystallography 115
Glide reflection 25
Graph 9
grid 113
Group, color 85
Group, commutative 27
Group, crystallographic 59 105
Group, cyclic 28
Group, generator 27 28
Group, orbit 28
Group, order of 28
Group, orthogonal 32
Group, point 32
Group, quotient 65
Group, space 59
Group, subgroup 29
Group, symmetry 27
Harker, D. 101
Hauey, R.-J. 4 6 7 12 17 39 56 59 90 122
Hermann, C. 72 75 122
Hilbert, D. 11 105 123
Hooke, R. 4 11 123
Index of a pentagrid vertex 115
Index of a subgroup 31
inversion 25
Isometry 22
Isomorphic 30
Isotropy group 30
Jordan, C. 59 60 123
Kepler, J. 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 103 108 123
| Klein, F. 33 90 123
Lagrange's theorem 31 63
Lattice 16 39
Lattice, Bravais 42
Lattice, dual 50
Lattice, reciprocal 53
Laue class 96
Laue, M. v 123
Law of Reticular Density 56
Linnaeus, C. 4 123
Little group 30
Mackay, A. 108 117 123
Matching rules for tiles 109
Miers, H. 60
Minkowski, H. 105
Modulated crystal 107
N-dimensional space group 105
Needham, J. 2
Network 13
Node of a graph 10
O(3) 32
Orbit 28
Orbit, generic 31
Parallelohedron 45
Pasteur, L. 60 123
Patterson symmetry 99
Penrose tiles 108
Penrose, R. 103 118 124
Pentagrid 113
Perfect coloring 77
Periodic pattern 16
Plato 3 6 88 124
Point group 32
Pole of rotation axis 33
Polyhedra, space-filling 11
Projection 105
Quasicrystal x 2 118
Reflection 23
Reflection conditions 101
Regular system of points 16
Relatively dense set of points 10
Rogers, C.A. 11
Rotary inversion 25
Rotary reflection 24
Rotation 24
Schoenflies symbol 98
Schoenflies, A. 16 59 98 124
Screw rotation 25
Semi-direct product 70
Shubnikov, A.V. 75 77
Site-symmetry group 30
Sohncke, L. 59 124
Space group 59
Space group, nonsymmorphic 71
Space group, symmorphic 70
Sphere-packing 10
Sphere-packing, densest 11
Split extension 70
Stabilizer 29
Steno, N. 4 124
Strata 91
Subgroup 29
Subgroup, class-equivalent 72
Subgroup, conjugate 30
Subgroup, index 31
Subgroup, maximal 73
Subgroup, normal 64
Subgroup, proper 29
Subgroup, translation-equivalent 72
Symmetry group 27
Symmetry, color 74
Symmetry, element 23
Symmetry, five-fold 17 108
Symmetry, operation 22
Translation 25
Unit cell 42
Voronoi cell 43
Voronoi, G. 105 124
Wigner — Seitz cell 43
Willson, S. 58
Wulff equilibrium form 56
Wulff, G. 56 57 124
Wyckoff position 95
Zassenhaus, H. 61 124
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