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Meriam J. L. — Engineering Mechanics: Statics. Volume 1 |
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Absolute system of units 10
Acceleration of a body 8 115
Acceleration, due to gravity 11
Accuracy 13
Action and Reaction, Principle of 8 25 105 195 216 271
Active force 390
Active-force diagram 391
Addition of vectors 6 25 28 468
Aerostatics 297
Angle of friction 331
Angle of repose 334
Approximations 14 246
Archimedes 3
Area moments of inertia see "Moments of inertia of areas"
Area, first moment of 230
Area, second moment of 230 427
Atmospheric pressure 298
Axes, choice of 27 65 108 171 229 231
Axes, rotation of 450
Axis, moment 37 74
Beams, concentrated loads on 265
Beams, definition of 264
Beams, distributed loads on 265
Beams, external effects 265
Beams, internal effects 271
Beams, loading-shear relation for 272 273
Beams, resultant of forces on cross section of 271
Beams, shear-moment relation for 272—274
Beams, statically determinate and indeterminate 264
Beams, types of 264
Bearing friction 359
Belt friction 368
Bending moment 271
Bending-moment diagram 272
Bodies, interconnected 195 390
Body force 24 226
Body, deformable 5
Body, rigid 4
boundary conditions 285
British system of units 9
Buoyancy, center of 303
Buoyancy, force of 303
Buoyancy, principle of 302
Cables, catenary 287
Cables, flexible 283
Cables, length of 286 289
Cables, parabolic 285
Cables, tension in 286 289
Cajori, F. 8
Center of buoyancy 303
Center of gravity 25 227
Center of mass 227 229
Center of pressure 299
Centroids 230
Centroids by integration 230
Centroids by theorems of Pappus 256
Centroids of composite figures 246
Centroids of irregular volumes 247
Centroids, table of 483
Coefficient of friction 330 331 481
Coefficient of rolling resistance 369
Collinear forces, equilibrium of 115
Components of a force 26—28
Components of a vector 6 26 27 64
Components, rectangular 6 27 28 64
Components, scalar 27
Composite areas, moment of inertia of 442
Composite bodies, center of mass of 246
Composite figures, centroid of 246
Compression in truss members 167 169
Computer-oriented problems 18 100 161 221 322 381 425 460
Concentrated forces 25 225
Concentrated forces on beams 265
Concurrent forces, equilibrium of 115 139
Concurrent forces, resultant of 25 57 86
Cone of friction 332
Constant of gravitation 12 482
Constraint 118 141
Constraint, adequacy of 119 142
Constraint, partial 142
Constraint, proper and improper 119
Constraint, redundant 120 142
Coordinates, choice of 27 65 108 231 316 429
Coplanar forces, equilibrium of 115 116
Coplanar forces, resultant of 28 56
Coulomb 328
Couple 48 75
Couple, equivalent 48
Couple, moment of 48 75
Couple, resolution of 49 86
Couple, resultant 56 85 86
Couple, vector representation of 48 75
Couple, work of 387
Cross or vector product 38 73 469
D'Alembert, J. 4
da Vinci 4
Deformable body 5
Degrees of freedom 392 410 420
density 229 481
Derivative of vector 470
Derivatives, table of 471
Diagram, active-force 391
Diagram, bending-moment 272
Diagram, free-body 16 104 108 139
Diagram, shear-force 272
Differential element, choice of 231
Differentials, order of 14 231 316
Dimensions, homogeneity of 17
Direction cosines 7 64
Disk friction 360
Displacement 386
Displacement, virtual 388
Distributed forces 25 225 226 316 317
Distributed forces on beams 265
Distributive law 39 469
Dot or scalar product 65 386 469
Dynamics 4 8
Efficiency, mechanical 393
Elastic potential energy 405
Energy, criterion for equilibrium 410
Energy, criterion for stability 410
Energy, elastic 405
Energy, potential 405 407 409
Equilibrium by virtual work 388 389 391
Equilibrium of a particle 389
Equilibrium of a rigid body 389
Equilibrium of collinear forces 115
Equilibrium of concurrent forces 115 139
Equilibrium of coplanar forces 115 116
Equilibrium of interconnected rigid bodies 195 390
Equilibrium of machines 195
Equilibrium of parallel forces 115 141
Equilibrium with two degrees of freedom 392
Equilibrium, alternative equations of 117
Equilibrium, categories of 115 139
Equilibrium, condition of 56 115 138 389 391
Equilibrium, energy criterion for 409 410
Equilibrium, equations of 115 138
Equilibrium, necessary and sufficient conditions for 115 138
Equilibrium, neutral 409
Equilibrium, stability of 119 409
Euler 4
External effects of force 24
First moment of area 230
Fixed vector 5 24
Flexible cables 283
Flexible cables, differential equation for 284
Fluids 297
Fluids, friction in 328
Fluids, incompressible 298
| Fluids, pressure in 297
Foot 9
Force system, concurrent 57 74 86 115 139
Force system, coplanar 56
Force system, general 23 85
Force system, parallel 26 57 86
Force, action of 23 105 106 140
Force, active 390
Force, body 24 226
Force, buoyancy 302
Force, components of 26 27 64
Force, concentrated 25 225
Force, concept of 4
Force, contact 24
Force, coplanar system of 56
Force, distributed 25 225 226 316 317
Force, effects of 23
Force, friction 107 327
Force, gravitational 12 25 107 226
Force, inertia 428
Force, intensity of 226
Force, internal 24 226 271 391
Force, kinds of 24
Force, magnetic 25 107
Force, measurement of 25
Force, mechanical action of 105 106 140
Force, moment of 37 73
Force, polygon 56 117
Force, reactive 24 390
Force, remote action of 107
Force, resolution of 26 27 64 65
Force, resultant 56 85 86 227 316
Force, shear 271 297
Force, specifications of 24
Force, unit of 9
Force, work of 386
Force-couple system 49 56 76
Formulation of problems 15
Frames and machines, rigidity of 195
Frames, defined 195 216
Frames, equilibrium of 195
Free vector 5 6 48 75
Free-body diagram 16 104 108 139
Freedom, degrees of 392 410 420
Friction in machines 348
Friction, angle of 331
Friction, bearing 359 360
Friction, belt 368
Friction, circle of 359
Friction, coefficients of 330 331 481
Friction, cone of 332
Friction, disk 360
Friction, dry or Coulomb 328 329
Friction, fluid 328
Friction, internal 328
Friction, journal bearing 359
Friction, kinetic 330
Friction, limiting 330
Friction, mechanism of 329
Friction, pivot 360
Friction, problems in dry friction 333 376
Friction, rolling 369
Friction, screw thread 349
Friction, static 330
Friction, types of 328
Friction, wedge 348
Friction, work of 392
Gage pressure 298
Galileo 3
Gas 297
Graphical representation 15 25 26 56
Gravitation, constant of 12 482
Gravitation, law of 12
Gravitational force 12 25 107 226
Gravitational potential energy 406
Gravitational system of units 10
Gravity, acceleration due to 11
Gravity, center of 25 227
Guldin, Paul 256
Gyration, radius of 429
Homogeneity, dimensional 17
Hydrostatic pressure 298 300 301
Hydrostatics 297
Hyperbolic functions 288
Ideal systems 390
Impending motion 330 332 333
Inclined axes, area moments of inertia about 450
Inertia 4 428
Inertia force 428
Inertia, area moments of see "Moments of inertia of areas"
Inertia, principal axes of 451
Inertia, products of 449
Integrals, table of selected 472
Integration of vectors 471
Integration, choice of element for 231 316
Integration, numerical techniques for 477 479
Interconnected bodies 195 390
Internal effects of force 24 226 271 391
Internal friction 328
International system of units 9
Joints, method of 168 189 215
Joule 388
Journal bearings, friction in 359
Kilogram 9 10 13
Kilopound 10
Kinetic friction 330
Kinetic friction, coefficient of 331 481
Lagrange 4
Laplace 4
Law of Cosines 468
Law of gravitation 12
Law of Sines 468
Law, associative 468
Law, commutative 468
Law, distributive 39 469
Law, parallelogram 6 25 56
Law, Pascal's 297
Law, triangle 6 26
Laws of motion, Newton's 8
Length, standard unit of 10
Limit, mathematical 14
Line of action 24
Liquids 298
Loading-shear relation for beams 272 273
Mach, Ernst 39
Machines, defined 195 216
Machines, equilibrium of 195
Machines, friction in 348
Machines, ideal or real 328
Mass 4 10
Mass, center of 227 229
Mass, unit of 9 10
Mathematical limit 14
Mathematical model 15
Mathematics, selected topics in 465
Mechanical efficiency 393
Mechanical system 104
Mechanics 3
Metacenter 304
Metacentric height 304
Meter 10
Method of joints 168 189 215
Method of problem solution 16 95 120 156 215 316 376 420
Method of sections 179 189 215
Method of virtual work 385
Metric units 9
Minimum energy, principle of 409
Mohr's circle 451
Moment arm 37
Moment axis 37 74
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