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Meriam J. L. — Engineering Mechanics: Statics. Volume 1 |
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Moment of a couple 48 75
Moment of a force 37 73
Moment, bending 271
Moment, components of 74
Moment, torsional 271 428
Moment, units of 37
Moment, vector representation of 38 73
Moments of inertia of areas 427
Moments of inertia of areas about inclined axes 450
Moments of inertia of areas by integration 428
Moments of inertia of areas for composite areas 442
Moments of inertia of areas, dimensions and units of 429
Moments of inertia of areas, maximum and minimum 450 451
Moments of inertia of areas, Mohr's circle representation of 451
Moments of inertia of areas, polar 429
Moments of inertia of areas, principal axes of 451
Moments of inertia of areas, radius of gyration for 429
Moments of inertia of areas, rectangular 428
Moments of inertia of areas, table of 483
Moments of inertia of areas, tabular computation of 442
Moments of inertia of areas, transfer of axes for 430 449
Moments, principle of 57 85 227 233 316
Morin 328
Motion, impending 330 332 333
Multi-force members 195
Neutral equilibrium 409
Newton (unit) 9
Newton's Laws 8
Newton's method 475
Newton, Isaac 4
Numerical integration 477 479
Order of differentials 14 231 316
Pappus 256
Pappus, theorems of 256
Parallel forces, equilibrium of 115 141
Parallel forces, resultant of 26 57 86
Parallel-axis theorems for area moments of inertia 431
Parallelogram law 6 25 56
Particle 4
Particles, equilibrium of 389
Pascal (unit) 226
Pascal's law 297
Pivot friction 360
Polar moment of inertia 428
Polygon of forces 56 117
potential energy 405 407 409
Potential energy, datum for 406
Potential energy, units of 406 407
Pound force 9
Pound mass 10
Pound, standard 10
Pressure 226 297
Pressure on submerged surfaces 298 300 301
Pressure, atmospheric 298
Pressure, center of 299
Pressure, fluid 297
Pressure, gage 298
Pressure, hydrostatic 298 300 301
Principal axes of inertia 451
Principia 8
Principle of action and reaction 8 25 105 165 195 216 271
Principle of buoyancy 302
Principle of concurrency of forces 116
Principle of minimum energy 409
Principle of moments 57 85 227 233 316
Principle of transmissibility 5 24 56
Principle of virtual work 389 391 408
Products of inertia 449
Products of inertia about inclined axes 450
Products of vectors 38 65 74 386 469
Radius of gyration 429
Reactive forces 24 390
Rectangular components 6 27 28 64
Rectangular moments of inertia 428
Redundancy, external and internal 170 188
Redundant supports 119 142
Repose, angle of 334
Resolution, force 26 27 64
Resolution, force and couple 49 56 76
Resultant of concurrent forces 25 57 86
Resultant of coplanar forces 28 56
Resultant of fluid pressure 298 300
Resultant of forces on beam cross section 271
Resultant of general force system 85
Resultant of parallel forces 26 57 86
Resultant, couple 56 85 86
Resultant, force 56 85 86 227 316
Right-hand rule 37 65 73 469
Rigid bodies, interconnected 195 390
Rigid body 4
Rigid body, equilibrium of 389
Rolling resistance, coefficient of 369
scalar 5
Scalar components 27
Scalar or dot product 65 386 469
Screw, friction in 349
Second moment of area 230 427
Sections, method of 179 189 215
Series, selected expansions 471
Shear force 271 297
Shear stress 428
Shear-force diagram 272
Shear-moment relation for beams 272—274
SI units 9
Singularity functions 274
| Sliding vector 5 24 37 75
Slug 10
Space 4
Space trusses 188 215
Specific weight 226
Spring, linear and nonlinear 107
Spring, Potential energy of 405
Spring, stiffness of 405
Stability for single degree-of-freedom system 409
Stability of Equilibrium 119 409
Stability of floating bodies 303
Stability of trusses 170 188
Static friction 330
Static friction, coefficient of 330 481
Statically determinate structures 119 142 165 170
Statically indeterminate structures 119 142 170 189 195
Statics 4
Stevinus 3
Stiffness of spring 405
Stress 226
Stress, shear 428
Structures, statical determinacy of 119 142 165 170 189 195
Structures, types of 165
Submerged surfaces, pressure on 298 300 301
Subtraction of vectors 6 468
Symmetry, considerations of 229 449
System of forces, concurrent 25 57 74 86 115 139
System of forces, coplanar 56
System of forces, general 23 85
System of forces, parallel 57 86 115 141
System of interconnected bodies 195 390
System of units 9
System with elastic members 405
System, force-couple 49 56 76
System, ideal 390
System, mechanical 104
System, real 392
Table of area moments of inertia 483
Table of centroids 483
Table of coefficients of friction 481
Table of densities 481
Table of derivatives 471
Table of mathematical relations 465
Table of solar system constants 482
Tension in truss members 167 168
Theorem of Pappus 256
Theorem of Varignon 38 57 74
Three-force member 116
Thrust bearing, friction in 360
Time 4 11
Ton 10
torque see "Moment of force"
Torsional moment 271 428
Transfer of axes for moments of inertia 430
Transfer of axes for products of inertia 449
Transmissibility, principle of 5 24 56
Triangle law 6 26
Triple scalar product 74 470
Triple vector product 470
Trusses, definition 167
Trusses, plane 167
Trusses, simple 167 188
Trusses, space 188 215
Trusses, stability of 170 188
Trusses, statical determinacy of 170 188 215
Trusses, types of 166
Two-force members 116 167
U.S. customary units 9
Unit vectors 7 27 64 66 74
UNITS 9 37 388
Unstable equilibrium 409
Varignon 4
Varignon's theorem 38 57 74
Vector equation 8
Vector sum of couples 76 85
Vector sum of forces 25 28 56 85
Vectors 5 23
Vectors, addition of 6 25 28 468
Vectors, components of 6 26 27 64
Vectors, couple 48 75
Vectors, cross or vector product of 38 73 469
Vectors, derivative of 470
Vectors, dot or scalar product of 65 386 469
Vectors, fixed 5 24
Vectors, free 5 6 48 75
Vectors, moment 38 73
Vectors, notation for 5
Vectors, resolution of 26 27 64 65
Vectors, sliding 5 24 37 75
Vectors, subtraction of 6 468
Vectors, unit 7 27 64 66 74
Virtual displacement 388
Virtual work 385 388
Virtual work for a particle 389
Virtual work for a rigid body 389
Virtual work for elastic systems 408
Virtual work for ideal systems 390 391
viscosity 328
Wear in bearings 360
Wedges, friction in 348
Weight 13 25 107 226
Work of a couple 387
Work of a force 386
Work, units of 388
Work, virtual 385 388
Wrench 86
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