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Lawrence C. Paulson — ML for the working programmer
Lawrence C. Paulson — ML for the working programmer

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Íàçâàíèå: ML for the working programmer

Àâòîð: Lawrence C. Paulson


The new edition of this successful and established textbook retains its two original intentions of explaining how to program in the ML language, and teaching the fundamentals of functional programming. The major change is the early and prominent coverage of modules, which the author extensively uses throughout. In addition, Paulson has totally rewritten the first chapter to make the book more accessible to students who have no experience of programming languages. The author describes the main features of new Standard Library for the revised version of ML, and gives many new examples, e.g. polynomial arithmetic and new ways of treating priority queues. Finally he has completely updated the references. Dr. Paulson has extensive practical experience of ML, and has stressed its use as a tool for software engineering; the book contains many useful pieces of code, which are freely available (via Internet) from the author. He shows how to use lists, trees, higher-order functions and infinite data structures. He includes many illustrative and practical examples, covering sorting, matrix operations, and polynomial arithmetic. He describes efficient functional implementations of arrays, queues, and priority queues. Larger examples include a general top-down parser, a lambda-calculus reducer and a theorem prover. A chapter is devoted to formal reasoning about functional programs. The combination of careful explanation and practical advice will ensure that this textbook continues to be the preferred text for many courses on ML for students at all levels.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2 edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 496

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.10.2010

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Library, arrays and      335
Library, characters and      26
Library, functionals and      187
Library, input/output and      350
Library, lists and      82 335
Library, strings and      26
Lisp      7 9 75 234
List structure      82 138
list type      70 144
ListPair structure      82 187
LISTS      6 69—122 141 336
Lists in $\lambda$-calculus      387—388
Lists in other languages      71
Lists, doubly linked      see “Ring buffers”
Lists, functionals for      182—188 195
Lists, induction on      225
Lists, lazy      see “Sequences”
LN function      24
Local declarations      55—56 300—301 457 460
Logic, first-order      398—407
Logic, notation      215
Logic, prepositional      164—170 399—400
Lolita      11
MacQueen, David      12 299
Magnusson, Lena      13
Making change      83—84 139 197—198
map function      182—183 187—188 190 209
map function for pairs of lists      187
map function for sequences      195
map function, proofs about      235—236
map function, x sequences      199
Match exception      73 137
Math structure      24 137
Matrix operations      87—93 183 275—280
Mauny, Michel      136
max function      24
maxl function      72—73 238
mem function      97—99 185
Menissier-Morain, Valerie      446
Merging      111 117—118
meta-variables      see “Variables in unification”
Miller, Keith      108
Miller, Steven      256
Milner, Robin      11—12 66 421
min function      24
Miranda      9
ML      1
ML and verification      214—215
ML as meta-language      12—13 430—431
ML, compilers for      xii—xiii
ML, evolution of      ix 11—12 28
ML, Standard      10—16
ML-Yacc      371
mod infix      22 49
Modules      12 16 59—63 257—312 “Signatures” “Structures”)
Modules, reference guide to      308—312
Multisets      251—254 399
Names      see “Identifiers”
Natural numbers      216—219 224
Natural numbers in $\lambda$-calculus      386—387 393—395
Negation normal form      166—167 238—240
newmem function      98 187
Newton — Raphson method      see “Square roots real”
nil constructor      70—71
Nipkow, Tobias      371
nlength function      76 226—227 229 233 238
NONE constructor      128
nonfix declarations      38 460
Nordstroem, Bengt      13
Normal forms in $\lambda$-calculus      374—375 392
not function      27 127
NQTHM system      246
nrev function      79—80 227—233 237
nth function      138 424
Null function      74 82
null function for sequences      327
Nuprl system      443
o infix      180—181 187 234—237 370
Occurs check      416—417
Odersky, M.      102
Okasaki, Chris      159 164
op keyword      37—38 176—177 180—181 186 465
open declarations      299—305 363 460
Oppacher, F.      443
Oppen, Derek      354
option type      128
ord function      25—26
ORDER signature      280—284 286
Order type      127 281
Ordered binary decision diagrams      170 446
ordered predicate      249
orelse keyword      27 43 462
OS structure      15
Otter system      443
Overflow exception      137
Overloading      23—24 27 64 67 102
O’Keefe, Richard      112—113
Pairs and tuples      27—38 136
Pairs and tuples in $\lambda$-calculus      386
Palindromes      207—208 211
Parameters in logic      406—407 416—417 428—433 435
Park, Stephen      108
Parsing      360—372 381—382 411—414
Parsing, LR      371
Pascal      4 7 108 175
Pascal, pointers in      316 321 332
Patterns      130—133 182—183 463—464
Patterns and fn notation      172
Patterns for datatypes      125—127
Patterns for lists      72—73
Patterns for pairs and tuples      28—32
Patterns for records      34—35 338
Patterns for trees      143
Patterns in val declarations      31—32 131—132 138
Patterns, layered      see “As keyword”
Patterns, non-exhaustive      73—75 83—85 137
Patterns, overlapping      126 168
Patterns, wildcard      74 126 131
Paulson, Lawrence C.      246 440 443
PDP-8      446
Pelletier, F.      441
permutations      95—96 251
Peyton Jones, Simon L.      10
Polymorphism      see “Types”
Polynomials      114—121 446
Posegga, J.      443
Powers      48—49 223—224
powerset      99—100
Pretty printing      351—356 369—371 382—384 414
Pretty structure      355
Prime numbers      94 199 219
PrimIO functor      351
print function      345 348
Priority queues      159—164 281 283—284 290—293
PriorityQueue functor      284 296
Product types      27—38
Products, Cartesian      100 187 203
PROLOG      71 417 443
proof      399—407
Proof, automated      440—443
Proof, constructive      219
Proof, states      420—424
prop type      165
Quaife, A.      443
Quantifiers      215—216 403—407 428—430
Quantifiers and induction      221—224 227—228 245
Queues      206 258—274
Queues, mutable      334
Queues, priority      see “Priority queues”
raise keyword      136 462
Random numbers      108—109 198—199
Reade, Chris      154
Real function      24
REAL signature      303
Real structure      24 340
Real type      22—24 303
Real32 structure      14
Real64 structure      14
Rec keyword      460
Records      32—35 338
Records, selecting fields of      34—35 464 467
Recursion      see “datatype declarations” “Functions”
Recursion in $\lambda$-calculus      388—395
recursion, infinite      363
Recursion, mutual      57
Recursion, well-founded      245—246
ref constructor      314 325
ref type      314 321
references      314—334
References and polymorphism      321—326
References, cyclic      316 329 331
Referential transparency      3—4
reflect function      144 189 230—233
repeat function for parsing      362—363 382
repeat function for powers of a function      188—189 202
repeat function, tactical      436—437 439—440
Reppy, John      13
rev function      79—80 82
revAppend function      80 227—228
Reversing a list      79—80 186 324—325 “Rev” “RevAppend”)
Ring buffers      331—334
Scanning      see “Lexical analysis”
Scheme      9
Scott, Dana      13 375n
Search      204—211
Search, best-first      160 206
Search, breadth-first      104 204—208 210—211
Search, depth-first      103—105 204—210 437—443
Search, depth-first, iterative deepening      210—211 439 441
Sections      179—181
Sedgewick, Robert      105 108
Semirings      280
Sequences      191—211 366—367 423
Sequences and numerical analysis      199—201
Sequences, infinite      8 195 226
Sequences, infinite, in $\lambda$-calculus      388 389 395
Sequences, using references      327—330
Sequents      398—407 428
Sequents, basic      399 423—424
Set operations      98—100 187
SETHEO system      443
Sharing of references      323
Sharing, constraints      290—294 306—310 459
Side effects      3 323
Sign function      24
Signature constraints      264—266 269 275 299 311—312
signature declarations      62—63 311 457
signatures      62—63 263—271 285 309—310 458
Signatures, closed      297—299
Signatures, empty      288
sin function      24
Sisal      9
Size exception      138
Size function      25
size function for trees      143 189 232
Skolem Functions      417
Sleator, Daniel      262
Smith, M.H.      11
Software development      15—16 213 285
SOME constructor      128
Sorting      108 114 160—162 177—178
Sorting, topological      105—107
Sorting, verification of      249—254
Space      5 42 130
Specifications in signatures      264 286 309—310 459
Specifications of programs      220 248—249 251 255—256
Specifications, executable      10 229
sqrt function      24
Square roots, integer      52—53
Square roots, real      54—55 199—201
Srivas, Mandayam      256
Static binding      21
Stickel, Mark      170 446
Str function      26
StreamIO functor      350
streams, input/output      344—347
String structure      26 341—342
string type      26
StringCvt structure      341
strings      24—26 73—74 184 340—343 465—466
Structure declarations      60—63 311 457
structure specifications      283—284 310 459
structures      60—62 308 311 458
Structures in logic      398
Structures, empty      288
subs infix      99 115
Subscript exception      82 137
Substitution in $\lambda$-calculus      373—379
Substitution in logic      403—404 408
Substring structure      26 341 348
substrings      26 341—342 348—350
Suen, E.      443
Sum of two squares      93—94
Sussman, Gerald      200
Tacticals      13 436—440
Tactics      13 420—435 440—443
take function      77 82 111 424
take function for sequences      193 328
take function, proofs about      251—254
takewhile function      184
Tarditi, David      371
Tarjan, Robert      262
Tautology checking      164—170 238—242 354
Terms in logic      398 408
Terms of $\lambda$-calculus      372—373 378—379
Theorem proving      11—13 397—443 446
Time structure      15
Timer structure      15
tl function      75 82 138
tl function for sequences      192 327
Tofte, Mads      12 325
TREE signature      295 297
Tree structure      148 297 304—305
tree type      142 148 304
Trees      6 141—164 189
Trees, balanced      143—147 150—154
Trees, binary search      150—154 176—177 281—283
Trees, induction on      229
Trees, traversing      145—147 189 231—233
true constructor      26 127
TRUNC function      24
Turner, David A.      9 47 100 182
Type abbreviations      see “Type declarations”
Type abbreviations in signatures      307
type constraints      23—24 29—30 35 324 334 462
Type constructors      368
Type declarations      29 35 460
type specifications      269 309 459
Type variables      65—67 368 466
Type variables, equality      97—99
Types      63—67 199 464
Types, dynamic      136 177
Types, equality      97 102
Types, parsing and displaying      367—371
types, polymorphic      128—130 321—326
Types, restrictiveness of      71 124 325
Unification      405—407 416—420
Unification, efficient      420
Unification, higher-order      421
Unification, tactic for      423—426 435
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