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Korsch H.J., Jodl H.-J. — Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC
Korsch H.J., Jodl H.-J. — Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC

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Название: Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC

Авторы: Korsch H.J., Jodl H.-J.


Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC presents an outstanding selection of executable programs with introductory texts to chaos theory and its simulation. Students in physics, mathematics, and engineering will find a thorough introduction to fundamentals and applications in this field. Many numerical experiments and suggestions for further studies help the reader to become familiar with this fascinating topic. The second edition includes one CD-ROM, the executable programs are Windows 95 compatible.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Моделирование физических процессов/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 311

Добавлена в каталог: 25.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Quantum, dynamics      79
Quantum, systems      155 177
Quartic map      199 284
Quasiperiodic      14 15 17 24 26 29 299 305
Rayleigh number      2
Rayleigh — Benard convection      2 5 305
Reconstruction of attractors      285
Recurrence      55
Renormalization      200 221
Repellor      116 118 126
Residue      42 72 80
Resonance      148 158 162 166 168
Restricted three body problem      280
Return map      212 221
Rikitake      5
Rossler attractor      274
Rossler system      274
Rotation number      27 72 80 82 109 148 202 305
Rotor, driven      288
Rotor, kicked      202
Routes to chaos      25
Ruelle — Takens — Newhouse scenario      26
Runge — Kutta method      92 210 213 250
Sarkovskii’s theorem      201
Scars      65
Scenario      25
Scenario, period doubling      26
Scenario, Poincare      26 45
Scenario, Ruelle — Takens — Newhouse      26
Schrddinger equation      264
Schwarzian derivative      202
Self-similarity      20 24 118 194 221 305
Sensitivity to initial conditions      11 16 60
Sensitivity to parameter variation      29
Separatrix      49 151
Sin map      199 201
Smale’s horseshoe      25 230
Spin glasses      5
Spinning magnet      5 178 289
Stability, angle      40
Stability, exponent      39
Stability, matrix      33
Stable fixed point      20 34 72 147 188
Stable manifold      20
Stable orbit      19 49
Stadium billiard      50 55
Standard map      151
Sticking trajectory      116 126 129
Stochastic      87 305
Stochastic acceleration      144
Strange Attractor      24 177 193 227 230 262 271 306
String pendulum      1
Stroboscopic mapping      17 158 173
Subharmonic oscillation      160
Supercycles      200
Superstability      194
Surface of section      16 22 250 277 306
Symbolic dynamics      78 118 128 306
Symplectic      40
System, dissipative      see “Dissipative system”
System, ergodic      see “Brgodic system”
System, Hamiltonian      see “Hamiltonian system”
System, integrable      see “Integrable system”
System, quantum      see “Quantum system”
System, requirements      291
Tangent bifurcation      36 42
Tent map      196
Three-body problem      280
Three-body problem, restricted      280
Time-dependent systems      137 263
Time-periodic system      17 263
Time-series analysis      285
Topology of orbits      77
Torus      14 306
Transients      214
Tree organization      127
Turbulence      2
Twist map      27
Two-center problem      282
Two-dimensional maps      37 227
Ueda oscillator      2 160 171
Ultrasubharmonic oscillation      160
Universality      3 181 191 306
Universality metric      194 199
Universality structural      194
Unstable direction      40
Unstable fixed point      20
Unstable manifold      20
Ushiki map      244
van der Pol oscillator      2 226 286 306
Velocity distribution      139 142
Vortex tube      265
Wedge billiard      67
WEDGE program      6 7 73 292
Winding number      27 72 80 82 109 148 202 305
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