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Stephani H. — Relativity: an introduction to special and general relativity
Stephani H. — Relativity: an introduction to special and general relativity

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Название: Relativity: an introduction to special and general relativity

Автор: Stephani H.


Thoroughly revised and updated, this textbook provides a pedagogical introduction to relativity. It is self-contained, but the reader is expected to have a basic knowledge of theoretical mechanics and electrodynamics. It covers the most important features of both special and general relativity, as well as touching on more difficult topics, such as the field of charged pole-dipole particles, the Petrov classification, groups of motions, gravitational lenses, exact solutions and the structure of infinity. The necessary mathematical tools (tensor calculus, Riemannian geometry) are provided, most of the derivations are given in full, and exercises are included where appropriate. Written as a textbook for undergraduate and introductory graduate courses, it will also be of use to researchers working in the field. The bibliography gives the original papers and directs the reader to useful monographs and review papers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Гравитационное взаимодействие/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 396

Добавлена в каталог: 02.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Parallel displacement and curvature      136
Parallel propagator      131
Parallelism of vectors      129
Particle horizon      359 370
Peeling theorem      276
Penrose diagram      274
Penrose diagram of Minkowski space      346
Penrose diagram of the Schwarzschild solution      347
Perfect fluids      89 171
Perihelion precession      193 201
Petrov classification      272
Petrov types      274
Phase of a plane wave      35
Plane waves in the linear theory      240
Plane waves, exact solution      243
Plane waves, motion of test particles      242
Plane waves, scalar      34
Planetary orbits      191 201
Point charges in arbitrary motion      69
Point charges in uniform motion      59
Point charges, equations of motion      69
Point charges, field of      74
Point charges, radiation field of      76
Pole-dipole particles      80
Poynting's theorem      55
Principle of covariance      156
Principle of equivalence      157
Principle of relativity      15
Principle of the invariance of the velocity of light      7 15
Projection tensor      249 268
Proper mass      26
Proper time in general relativity      158
Proper time in special relativity      24
Pseudotensors      42 119
PSR 1913+16      xvi 202 248
Pure radiation fields      68
Quadrupole moment of a source      224
Quadrupole radiation      236
Quantization of a scalar field      333
Quantization of a scalar field in a Schwarzschild background      336
Quantum theory      330
Radiation Universe      366
Radius of the universe      353 363
Rank of a tensor      118
Raychaudhuri equation      386
Redshift      355 371
Redshift in static gravitational fields      195
Redshift of the cosmic background radiation      375
Redshift on Earth      203
Reflection at a moving mirror      39
Refractive index of a static gravitational field      197
Reissner — Nordstroem solution      199
Rest mass      26
Rest system      26
Retarded potentials      52
Ricci tensor      142
Ricci tensor for a spherically symmetric metric      187
Riemann tensor      138
Riemannian geometry      103
Riemannian space      105
Riemannian space, normal-hyperbolic      112
Rigid bodies and Special Relativity      23
Robertson — Walker metrics      353 363
Robertson — Walker metrics, motion of particles      353
Robinson — Trautman solutions      294
Rotation of a timelike vector field      265
Rotation of light rays      270
Rotations      3
Run-away solutions      78
Sachs tetrads      63 124
Scalar potentials in Maxwell's theory      289
Scalars      41 117
Schwarzschild cavity      376
Schwarzschild radius      190
Schwarzschild singularity      301
Schwarzschild solution      189
Schwarzschild solution in Eddington — Finkelstein coordinates      305
Schwarzschild solution in harmonic coordinates      198
Schwarzschild solution in isotropic coordinates      198
Schwarzschild solution in Kruskal coordinates      306
Schwarzschild solution in Lemaitre coordinates      304
Schwarzschild solution in Weyl coordinates      296
Schwarzschild solution, radial geodesics near r = 2M      303
Second fundamental form      251
Second rank tensors algebraic properties of      46
Secular equation      46
Self-dual bivectors      65
Semiclassical gravity      332
Shear of a timelike vector field      265
Shear of light rays      271
Shock waves      256
Simultaneity      18
Singularity theorems      385
Space like vectors      16
Spaces of constant curvature      144 283
Spaces of constant curvature, three-dimensional open and closed      147
Spin-tensor      180
Spin-vector      181
Spinning particle      180
Spinor components      125
Spinors      124
Stationary limit of the Kerr solution      324
Stokes law      153
Structure constants of a group      284
Superpotential      232
Superradiance      325
Superspace      332
Symmetric tensors      44
Symmetric tensors, eigenvectors of      46
Tachyons      23
Temperature four-vector      92
Tensor algebra      43 116 121
Tensor analysis      48
Tensor densities      119
Tensors      42 118
Tensors, symmetries of      44
Tetrad components of a tensor      122
Tetrad transformations      122
Tetrads      122
Thermodynamic equilibrium      170 290 363
Thermodynamics      167
Thermodynamics of black holes      340
Time dilatation      19
Timelike vectors      16 265
Tolman solution      317
Tractrix      145
Twin paradox      20
Two-point tensors      121
Type D solutions      293
Variational principle for charged point particles      70
Variational principle for Einstein's theory      182
Variational principle for geodesics      98 106
Variational principle for the light travel time in static fields      197
Variational principle for the Maxwell field      56 163
Variational principle for the Maxwell field and point charges      71
Vector fields, covariantly constant      264
Vector fields, geodesic      263
Vector fields, geodesic null      268
Vector fields, hypersurface-orthogonal      262
Vector fields, Killing      264 278
Vector fields, rotation-free      262
Vector fields, timelike      265
Vectors      117
Velocities exceeding that of light      22
Velocity addition for non-parallel velocities      33
Velocity addition for parallel velocities      13
Visual shape of moving bodies      37
Wave vector      35
Weyl class      295
Weyl coordinates      295
Weyl tensor      142 272
Weyl tensor, algebraic classification      272
Weyl tensor, null eigenvectors      275
Weyl tensor, self-dual      273
World line congruences      262
World lines      25
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