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Thorisson H. — Coupling, Stationarity, and Regeneration |
Предметный указатель |
-coupling event 149
-identical 149
-algebra, exchangeable 243
-algebra, generated by 78 79
-algebra, induced by 78 79
-algebra, invariant 161 174 221 232
-algebra, post-t 153
-algebra, remote 247
-algebra, smooth tail 161 188
-algebra, tail 156 161 246
-algebra, trivial 196
-finite 214
-coupling 178 (see also “Epsilon-couplings)
-coupling, distributional 179
-coupling, inequality 181
-coupling, maximality 187
-coupling, nondistributional 179
-coupling, successful 72
Absolutely continuous 82
Age process 69 339
Almost sure (a.s.) 81 87
Aperiodic 42 47 344
Aperiodic strongly 47
Bell inequality 27 479
Biasing, exponential-biasing 442
Biasing, length-biasing 70 250 259 284 341 345
Biasing, length-debiasing 250 259 284
Biasing, volume-biasing 310 323
Biasing, volume-debiasing 316
Birth and death process 33
Borel, equivalence 88
Borel, equivalent, isomorphic 88
Borel, set 78
Brownian motion 97 128 242 336
Can be close to 57
Canonical 78
Cartesian product 79
Cemetery 132
Censoring state 132
Classical coupling 34 385 399
Common probability space 81
Complete metric space 86
Component 94
Component, common component 104
condition in 88
Conditional distribution 87
Conditional distribution, regular 88
Conditional distribution, version of 87
Conditional distribution, weak-sense-regular 135
Conditional expectation 87
Conditional independence 87 90 91
Conditional probability 87
Conditionally i.i.d. 91
Convergence 35
Convergence from-the-past 338 422
Convergence in distribution 23 118 184 185 269
Convergence in the path space 183—185
Convergence in the state space 183—185 195
Convergence rate 409
Convergence rate, exponential order 144
Convergence rate, geometric order 144
Convergence rate, moment-order 145
Convergence rate, order 144
Convergence rate, power moment-order 168
Convergence rate, power order 144 168
Convergence rate, uniform 406
Convergence to-the-future 338 422
Convergence, Cesaro total variation 161 167 288 331 345
Convergence, dominated 26
Convergence, geometric rate 46
Convergence, plain total variation 143 266 351 361 378
Convergence, pointwise 21 118
Convergence, smooth total variation 161 182 267 354 362
Convergence, taboo limit 436
Convergence, time-average total variation 167
Convergence, uniform 46 146 168 183 401
Convergence, weakly 118
Copy 1 78
Coupling 1 79 125 161 “Epsilon “Exact “Shift “Transformation
Coupling, canonical version 80
Coupling, classical 34 338
Coupling, decoupling 484
Coupling, distributional 140 142
Coupling, epoch 34 137
Coupling, event 7 106
Coupling, event inequality 7 9 14 112 141
Coupling, from-the-past 338 428
Coupling, i.i.d. 2
Coupling, impossible 27 479
Coupling, independence 2 79
Coupling, index 113 115 116
Coupling, index inequality 113 115 116
Coupling, indicator 106
Coupling, maximal 7 9 10 106 141
Coupling, maximal w.r.t. A 151
Coupling, Ornstein 48
Coupling, permutation 243
Coupling, quantile 3
Coupling, radius inequality 247
Coupling, regenerative processes 349 376
Coupling, remote 247
Coupling, rotation 243
Coupling, self- 2
Coupling, site inequality 246
Coupling, strong stationary time 481
Coupling, successful 35
Coupling, time 34 137
Coupling, time inequality 35
CYCLE 53 252 340 438
Cycle, one-dependent cycles 366
Cycle-length 252 340 438
Cycle-stationary 249 250 254 259 284 295 341
Defined on 78
Delay 53 340 438
Delay time 62
Delay-length 341
Deleting a null event 82
Deleting an inner null set 82 84
Depends on ... only through 91
Diagonal 44
distribution 78
Distribution, initial 34
Distribution, joint 80
Distribution, marginal 79
Distribution, stationary 37
Distributionally unique 118
Domination in distribution 4
Domination, pointwise 4
Domination, stochastic 4 146 168 183 401
Drift 67
EPR 27 479
Epsilon-couplings 125 161 178
Epsilon-couplings, maximally successful 192
Epsilon-couplings, regeneration 354 362
Epsilon-couplings, success probability 178
Epsilon-couplings, successful 178
Event 81
Event, coupling 7
Event, coupling event 106
Event, null 81
Event, shift-coupling 219
Exact coupling 125 137 161
Exact coupling, coupling epoch 137
Exact coupling, coupling time 137
Exact coupling, coupling time inequality 35
Exact coupling, distributional 125 137
Exact coupling, maximal 147
Exact coupling, maximal at time t 146
Exact coupling, maximally successful 157
Exact coupling, random fields 245
| Exact coupling, regeneration 351 361
Exact coupling, success probability 137
Exact coupling, successful 137
Exact coupling, time inequality 143
Exact coupling, time-inhomogeneous reg. 378
Exact transformation coupling 244
Exchangeability 243
Expectation, mean 86
Expectation, mean, conditional 87
Extension 80
Extension, conditioning 89
Extension, consistency 85
Extension, independence 85
Extension, product space 83
Extension, proper 83
Extension, reduction 82 84
Extension, splitting 94
Extension, transfer 92 135
F0lner averaging sets 220 227 240
Future-independent time 481
Generalized inverse 3
Greatest common divisor 42
Harmonic function 195
Harmonic function, harmonic 207
Harmonic function, smooth space-time 209
Harmonic function, smoothed version 209
Harmonic function, space-time harmonic 205
Harris chain 364
i.i.d. coupling 2
Independence coupling 2 79
Independent stationary background 302 305
Induced by 78
Initial position 47
Inspection paradox 70
Invariant -algebra 161 174 221 232 281 320
Ionescu Tulcea theorem 89
Irreducible 33 39
Ising model 470
Jordan Hahn decomposition 112
Kolmogorov Extension Theorem 86
Lattice 57 343 351 361
Lebesgue interval 122
Lorentz transformations 244
Markov chain, continuous-time 39
Markov chain, coupling from-the-past 467
Markov chain, discrete-time 42
Markov chain, regular 45
Markov chain, simulation 467
Markov chain, time-homogeneous 39
Markov jump process 39
Markov process 201
Markov process, conditional stationary 214
Markov process, initial distribution 202
Markov process, regeneration set 364 365
Markov process, space-time process 375
Markov process, stationary distribution 213
Markov process, stationary measure 213
Markov process, strong 44 365
Markov process, taboo regenerative 440
Markov process, time-homogeneous 201
Markov process, transition probabilities 201
Markov process, uniform nullity 214
Markov process, version 202
Markov property 39
Markov property, strong 44 364
Maximal coupling 7 9 10
Maximal coupling event 7 9
Measure dependent 82
Measure-free 251
Mixing 195
Mixing, Cesaro mixing 199
Mixing, mixing 196 351 361 378
Mixing, smoothly mixing 200 354 362
Moment, -moment 45 167
Moment, -moment 144
Moment, classical coupling time 406 409
Mutually singular 107
Nonexplosion 33
Nonlattice 57 354 362
Nonlattice, strongly 61
Nonlocality 27 479
Ornstein coupling 48
Outcome 81
Palm theory 250
Palm theory, associated Z and S 253
Palm theory, coincidence of duals 290 335
Palm theory, cycle-stationary 254 259 284
Palm theory, duals 263
Palm theory, ergodic case 291
Palm theory, inversion formula 264
Palm theory, length-biasing 250 284
Palm theory, length-debiasing 250 284
Palm theory, Palm characterization 308 316
Palm theory, point process 293 296
Palm theory, point-at-zero duality 250 259 323
Palm theory, point-stationary 295 299 304 305 323
Palm theory, point/site 297
Palm theory, point/time 251
Palm theory, process and points 251
Palm theory, randomization 317
Palm theory, regenerative 262
Palm theory, sequence space 251
Palm theory, stationary 254 259 284 295 298 304 323 337
Palm theory, version 263
Palm theory, volume-biasing 310 323
Palm theory, volume-debiasing 316 323
Palm theory, Voronoi cells 308
Part 94
Poincare transformations 244
Point of increase 57
Point-map 300
Point-map, extended 303
Point-shift 283 300
Point-shift, bijective 302 304
Point-shift, extended 304
Point-stationary 295 299 304 305 323
Point-stationary, Palm characterization 308
Point-stationary, randomization 317
Poisson process 299 376
Polish space 85
Post-t -algebra 153
Power set 88
Probability, conditional 87
Probability, kernel 88
Probability, mass function 7
Product CT-algebra 79
Product probability space 85
Product space 79
Projection mapping 79
Quantile, coupling 3
Quantile, function 3
Quantum physics 27 479
Quasi-stationary 467
Queue GI/GI/I 347
Queue GI/GI/k 369 376
Queue M/GI/k 376
Random element 78
Random element, conditional 89
Random element, external 81
Random element, independent 85
Random element, orginal 81
Random element, transferred 92
Random field 218
Random field, exact coupling 245
Random field, random site 218
Random field, rotation invariant 244
Random field, shift-coupling 218 219
Random field, shift-map 218
Random field, site set 218
Random walk 47
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