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Thorisson H. — Coupling, Stationarity, and Regeneration |
Предметный указатель |
Random walk, ladder heights 360
Random, point 251 297
Random, site 218 297
Random, time 78 251
Random, transformation 223
Random, variable 78
Randomized stopping time 349
Recurrence time 62 347
Recurrent 35
Recurrent, null 37
Recurrent, positive 37
Regenerative process see “Taboo regenerative “Time-inhomogeneous
Regenerative process, classical 337 346
Regenerative process, discrete time 344
Regenerative process, epsilon-couplings 354 362
Regenerative process, equilibrium process 486
Regenerative process, exact coupling 349 351 361 376
Regenerative process, inter-regeneration times 347
Regenerative process, lag-l 358
Regenerative process, lag-l+ 359
Regenerative process, regeneration times 346 358
Regenerative process, renovating event 487
Regenerative process, sequence space 339
Regenerative process, stationary 348
Regenerative process, two-sided 262
Regenerative process, version 348 359
Regenerative process, wide-sense 337 358
Regenerative process, zero-delayed 341 348
Relative age process 69 339
Relative position U 252 253
Relativity 244
Renewal process 62 347
Renewal process, epsilon-couplings 64
Renewal process, exact coupling 103 419
Renewal process, intensity measure 104
Renewal process, taboo 442
Renewal Theorem, Blackwell’s 64
Renewal theorem, total variation on 419
Renewal theorem, total variation on [0, h] 103
Representation 1 78
Representation, splitting 11
Residual life process 69 339
Scheffe’s theorem 111
Self-coupling 2
Self-similarity 242
Separable metric space 86
Set, inner probability one 82
Set, outer null 81
Set, outer probability one 82
Shift-coupling 57 125 161 162 345
Shift-coupling in Palm theory 289 330
Shift-coupling, distributional 163
Shift-coupling, events 219
Shift-coupling, inequality 165 220
Shift-coupling, maximality 170
Shift-coupling, maximally successful 175
Shift-coupling, nondistributional 163
Shift-coupling, random fields 218 219
Shift-coupling, success probability 162
Shift-coupling, successful 162
Shift-coupling, times 162
Shift-map 130 218 251 340
Shift-map, joint 340
Signed measure 109
Simulation 272 326
Simulation, acceptance-rejection 272 326
Simulation, birth and death process 477
Simulation, coupling from-the-past 338 467
Simulation, imperfect 279 326
Simulation, initial transient problem 272 326
Simulation, perfect 272 326 338 467
Simulation, perfection probability 279
Simulation, quasi-stationarity 467
Simulation, S-s-inventory system 276
Simulation, stationarity detection 489
Site-shift 298 303
Smooth tail -algebra 161 188
Span of a lattice 74 343
Splitting 99 365
Splitting, element 95
Splitting, extension 94
Splitting, indicator 94
Splitting, representation 11 94
Splitting, variable 95
Spread out 98 351
Standard space 88
Starts anew 44
State space 33
Stationary 70 72 249 250 254 259 284 295 298 304 323 337 341 348 “Point-stationary “Taboo
Stationary, asymptotically 37 383
Stationary, conditional 214
Stationary, distribution 37 213
Stationary, intensity 255 317
Stationary, measure 213
Stationary, nonstationary 429
Stationary, Palm characterization 316
Stationary, periodically 343
Stationary, simulation 467
Stationary, stochastic process 143
Stationary, vector 36
Stein’s method 479
Step-lengths 47
Stochastic process 33 126
Stochastic process, birth 132
Stochastic process, canonically jointly measurable 130
Stochastic process, cemetery 132
Stochastic process, censoring state 132
Stochastic process, Cesaro mixing 199
Stochastic process, distribution 127 128
Stochastic process, exchangeable 243
Stochastic process, index set 126
| Stochastic process, jointly measurable 129
Stochastic process, killing 132
Stochastic process, mixing 196
Stochastic process, path process 359
Stochastic process, path set 128
Stochastic process, path space 128
Stochastic process, paths 127
Stochastic process, real valued 127
Stochastic process, self-similar 242
Stochastic process, shift-map 130
Stochastic process, shift-measurable 130 252
Stochastic process, smoothly mixing 200
Stochastic process, space-time process 163
Stochastic process, standard settings 128
Stochastic process, state space 126
Stochastic process, stationary 143
Stochastic process, trivial 196
Strassen’s theorem 479
Strong stationary time 481
Strong uniform time 481
Successful coupling 35
Supported by 78
Taboo regenerative 338 436 438
Taboo regenerative, acceptance-rejection 468
Taboo regenerative, lag-l 439
Taboo regenerative, regeneration times 438 439
Taboo regenerative, simulation 468
Taboo regenerative, taboo limits 338
Taboo regenerative, taboo region 338
Taboo regenerative, taboo stationary 338 454
Taboo regenerative, taboo time 438 439
Taboo regenerative, time-inhomogeneous reg. 441
Taboo regenerative, under taboo 439
Taboo regenerative, version 439
Taboo regenerative, wide-sense 439
Taboo regenerative, zero-delayed 439
Taboo stationary 338 451 452
Taboo stationary, characterization 453
Taboo stationary, coupling from-the-past 467
Taboo stationary, periodically 466
Taboo stationary, simulation 467
Taboo stationary, taboo regenerative 454
Taboo stationary, taboo time 452
Taboo stationary, under taboo 451
Taboo stationary, version 459 461
Tail -algebra 156 161 246
Time, coupling 34
Time, parameter 33
Time, random 78
Time, randomized stopping 349
Time, shift-coupling times 162
Time, sojourn 33
Time, stopping 44 349
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative 337 373
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative of type 373
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, classical coupling 338 385 399
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, exact coupling 378
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, lag-l 373
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, lag-l+ 373
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, nonstationary 338
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, recurrence distribution 374
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, regeneration times 373
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, taboo renewal process 442
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, time-homogeneous 374 383
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, up to time zero 432 433 441
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, version 373
Time-inhomogeneous regenerative, wide-sense 373
Topological transformation group 238
Topological transformation group, amenable 240
Topological transformation group, Haar measure 238
Topological transformation group, locally compact 238
Topological transformation group, second countable 238
Total life process 69 339
Total variation 12 109
Total variation, measure 112
Trace 82 128
TRANSFER 92 100 120 135
Transformation coupling 223 239
Transformation coupling, coupling transformations 223
Transformation coupling, distributional 223 239
Transformation coupling, exact 244
Transformation coupling, inequality 226 240
Transformation coupling, maximality 228
Transformation coupling, maximally successful 232
Transformation coupling, nondistributional 224 239
Transformation coupling, success probability 223
Transformation coupling, successful 223 240
Transformation semigroup 222
Transformation semigroup, acts jointly measurably 222
Transformation semigroup, Folner averaging sets 227
Transformation semigroup, group 222
Transformation semigroup, invariant measure 225
Transformation semigroup, inverse-measurable group 223
Transformation semigroup, jointly measurable 222
Transformation semigroup, measurable 222
Transformation semigroup, random transformation 223
Transient 40
Transition, jointly measurable 203
Transition, matrix 34
Transition, probabilities 201
Transition, semigroup 34
Triviality 195 196
Unconscious probabilist 85
Uniformly integrable 381
Version 63 202
Version, differently started 34 202
Version, independent 34
Voronoi cells 308
vrandomized-origin duality 250 284
Waiting time paradox 70
Wiener process 97 128 242
Zero-delayed 63 341
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