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Schiff L.I. — Quantum mechanics |
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Absorption of radiation 243—248 380
Adiabatic approximation 207—211
Alkali atoms 279—288
Allowed transition 248
Angular momentum addition of 146—147 224
Angular momentum eigenvalues of 143
Angular momentum electron spin 319—320
Angular momentum in scattering 106
Angular momentum matrix for 140—147
Angular momentum of radiation 252—254 259
Angular momentum of several electrons 277—279
Angular momentum of variation trial function 171
Angular momentum spin 145 223—230 297
Anticommutator bracket 344
Anticommutator bracket constancy of 340 350 378
Anticommutator bracket for different times 354—359
Anticommute 312
Antisymmetric wave function 218
Antisymmetric wave function and Fermi — Dirac statistics 221
Antisymmetric wave function and spin 224
Aperiodic motion 34
Approximation methods 149—215
Arley, N. 150
Associated Laguerre polynomial 84 89
Associated Legendre function 72
Atomic structure approximations 267—288
Bacher, R.F. 298
Bergmann, P.G. 261 306
Bethe, H.A. 298
Birge, R.T. 7
Bohr, N. 8 109 301 373
Borchscnius, V. 150
Born approximation 159—169
Born approximation and time-dependent perturbation theory 193—195
Born approximation for rearrangement collision 231 —233
Born approximation, validity criterion for 167—169
Born, M. 3 14 122 150 207 289
Boundary condition 29
Boundary condition at rigid wall 30
Boundary condition in WKB approximation 186—187
Boundary condition periodic 43 49
Box normalization 43 49
Breit, G. 120 300 304
Brillouin, L. 178
Bullard, E.C. 169
Bush, V. 273
Caldwell, S.H. 273
Canonical variables 7 133
Canonical variables for a field 333
Center-of-mass coordinate system 96
Central-field approximation 267
Central-field approximation for nuclei 301
Cerenkov effect 261—265
Cerenkov, P.A. 262
Characteristic function see “Eigenfunction”
Characteristic value see “Eigenvalue”
Charge and current densities, from Dirac equation 316
Charge and current densities, from Schroidinger relativistic equation 307
Classical equation of motion 134
Classical equation of motion for a field 334
Classical limit and WKB approximation 178—179
Classical limit of commutator bracket 148
Classical limit of harmonic oscillator 65—69
Classical limit of scattering, by Coulomb field 120——121
Classical limit of scattering, by rigid sphere 111
Classical limit of wave packet 27 58—69
Closure 46 50
Closure of momentum eigenfunctions 52
Cloud-chamber track, production of 15 203—207
Collision theory 92—121 159—169
Collision theory for identical particles 222—223 226
Collision theory, and inelastic collision 199—207
Collision theory, and rearrangement collision see also “Scattering”230—235
Commutator bracket 134
Commutator bracket constancy of, for quantized field 339 378
Commutator bracket for different times 356—359 371—373
Commute 127
Complementarity principle 8
Complementarity principle and diffraction experiment 10
Complementarity principle and localization experiment 12
Condon, E.U. 117 147 267 269 281 282 322
Configuration, atomic 268
Confluent hypergeometric function 115—116
Connection formulas, WKB approximation 181—184
Constant of motion 138
Contact transformation 134
Continuity condition 29
Correspondence principle see also “Classical limit; Ehrenfest's theorem” 4 15
Coulomb energy of electrons 376—382
Coulomb field, energy levels of 84 89 310 325
Coulomb field, scattering cross section for 117 120 168—169
Creation operator 343 347 371
Degeneracy 44
Degeneracy and electric-dipole moment 158n
Degeneracy and homopolar binding 292
Degeneracy and parity 73
Degeneracy exchange 219
Degeneracy in stationary perturbation theory 153—158
Degeneracy of configuration states 277
Degeneracy of Coulomb wave functions 86—87 89
Degeneracy of Coulomb wave functions removal by non-Coulomb field 268
Destruction operator 343 347 371
Determinantal equation see “Secular equation”
Deuteron 298 302
Diffraction experiment 5—6
Diffraction experiment analysis of 9—11 389—395
Dirac function 50
Dirac function as unit matrix 128
Dirac function normalization in terms of 51 56—58
Dirac function properties of 50—52
Dirac equation 311—327
Dirac equation quantization of 348—359
Dirac equation quantization of, and electromagnetic field 373—382
Dirac, P.A.M. 50 51 135 189 311 329 341 357 362 383
Doublet 280
Dynamical variable 41 122
Dynamical variable as Hermitian matrix 129
Dynamical variable as operator 41—42
Eckart, C. 122
Ehrenfest's theorem 25—27 138
Ehrenfest, P. 25 222
Eigenfunction 28 41—59
Eigenfunction angular-momentum 75
Eigenfunction completeness of 42
Eigenfunction degenerate 44
Eigenfunction energy 28
Eigenfunction energy even and odd 38—40
Eigenfunction energy expansion in 45—48
Eigenfunction energy from Hamiltonian matrix 129
Eigenfunction energy nodes of 33 36 38 62 186
Eigenfunction momentum 48—54
Eigenfunction position 59
Eigenfunction potential-energy 59
Eigenfunction spin-angular-momentum see also “Wave function” 224—225
Eigenvalue 28 41—59
Eigenvalue degenerate 44
Eigenvalue energy, continuous 33—34 92—121
Eigenvalue energy, continuous discrete 32—34 60—91
Eigenvalue energy, continuous from Hamiltonian matrix 129
Eigenvalue energy, continuous reality of see also “Energy level” 45
Eigenvalue equation see also “Schroedinger wave equation” 28 41—42
Eigenvalue of electromagnetic field energy 370
Eigenvalue of matrix 125—126
Eigenvalue of matrix reality of 127
Eigenvalue of number of particles 341—342 345
Eigenvalue reality of 42
Einstein — Bose statistics 221—222
Einstein — Bose statistics and quantized field 344
Einstein — Bose statistics and spin 224
Einstein, A. 256
| Eisenbud, L. 304
Eisenhart, L.P. 69
Electric-dipole moment 158—159 305
Electric-dipole transition 247 255 388
Electric-quadrupolc moment 159 305
Electric-quadrupole transition 248
electromagnetic field 136 241—242 249—254
Electromagnetic field and Dirac equation 317—318 373—382
Electromagnetic field and Schrodinger relativistic equation see also “Radiation” 308
Electromagnetic field motion of particle in 135—138 240
Electromagnetic field quantization of 361—373
Electron spin 226—229 319—320
Electrostatic, self-energy 379
Energy level 32—34 60—91
Energy level breadth of 7 257
Energy level Coulomb-field 84 89 310 325
Energy level harmonic-oscillator 62
Energy level hydrogen-atom 84 89 325
Energy level in magnetic field 282—288
Energy level of molecule 288—289 296—297
Energy level square well potential 35—38 79—80
Energy level virtual 113 303
Eriksson, H.A.S. 174
Exchange degeneracy 219
Exchange energy 228 382
Exchange operator 300 303
Exclusion principle 221
Exclusion principle and periodic system 268
expectation value 24—27
Expectation value of energy 17
Expectation value of energy connection with variation method 170
Expectation value of momentum 53
Faxen, H. 109
Fermi — Dirac statistics 221 222
Fermi — Dirac statistics and quantized field 311
Fermi — Dirac statistics and spin 22
Fermi, E. 271 282 361 389
Field quantization 329—360
Fine structure of Coulomb energy levels 310 325
Fine-structure constant 257
Fock, V. 207 271 362
Forbidden transition 218
Frank, I. 262
Functional derivative 332
Furry, W.H. 178
Gamow factor 117
Gamow, G. 117 298
Gauge transformation 241
Gaunt, J.A. 281
Generating function associated Legendre functions 72
Generating function Hermite polynomials 63
Generating function Laguerre polynomials 84
Generating function Legendre polynomials 71
Generating function, associated Laguerre polynomials 85
Gordon, W. 115
Goudsmit, S. 216
Green's function 160—162
Group velocity 14
Gurney, R.W. 117
Guttinger, P. 207
Hamilton principal function 179
Hamiltonian 127
Hamiltonian canonical variables 7 133 333
Hamiltonian classical 133
Hamiltonian density 333
Hamiltonian for a field 333
Hamiltonian including electromagnetic potentials 135
Hamiltonian matrix 128—129
harmonic oscillator 60—69
Harmonic oscillator and N representation 341
Harmonic perturbation 195
Hartree, D.R. 273
Heisenberg's equation of motion 133
Heisenberg, W. 7 11 54 122 203 282 303 329 330 344 389
Heitler, W. 244 257 291 361 379 382
Helium atom, collision of electron with 237—239
Helium atom, first excited state of 228—229
Helium atom, ground state of 172—174
Hermite polynomial 63
Hermitian see “Matrix Hermitian”
Herzberg, G. 288
Holtsmark, J. 109
Homopolar binding 292
Hydrogen atom 80—90
Hydrogen atom collision of electron with 199—203 235—237
Hydrogen atom long-range interaction 174—178
Hydrogen atom relativistic 323—326
Hydrogen atom short-range interaction 292—294
hydrogen molecule 291—294
Hylleraas, E.A. 174
Identical particles 216—217
Identical particles collision of 222—223 226
Identical particles distinguishability of 217 219—220 226 237 238—239
Identical particles effect of spin 223—230
Identical particles wave functions for 217—219
Induced emission 243—248 387—388
Intermediate state 199
Invariance of relativistic equations 306
Invariance, of matrix equations 125
Jeffreys, H. 178
jj coupling scheme 279
Jordan, P. 122 282 344 371
Kemble, E.C. 44 45 178
Kennard, E.H. 3
Kollath, R. 109
Kramers, H.A. 178
Kronecker symbol 45
Kronecker symbol as unit matrix 124
Laboratory coordinate system 96
Lagrangian 133
Lagrangian density 330
Lagrangian for a field 330
Laguerre polynomial 84
Lamb, W.E., Jr. 325
Lande g factor 284
Langer, R.E. 178
Laporte rule 261
Legendre polynomial 71
Light cone 358
Light, speed of 373
Line breadth 257
Liquid-drop model of nucleus 301
Livingston, M.S. 298
Localization experiment 11—12
London, F. 291
Longitudinal electromagnetic field 377
Longitudinal self-energy 379
Lorentz condition 242
Lorentz invariance 306
LS coupling scheme 277—278
Magnetic pole 159
Magnetic-dipole moment 159 305
Magnetic-dipole moment of electron 283 318
Magnetic-quadrupole moment 159 305
Majorana, E. 303
Mass defect 298
Mass number 298
Massey, H.S.W. 115 168 169 230
Matrix 123
Matrix commutation of 127
Matrix diagonalization of 125—126 129
Matrix eigenvalues of 125—126 129
Matrix element 123
Matrix element second-order 196 198
Matrix equation of motion 132
Matrix for angular momentum 140—147
Matrix for Hamiltonian 128—129
Matrix Hermitian 125
Matrix Hermitian dynamical variable as 129
Matrix Hermitian reality of eigenvalues 127
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