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Schiff L.I. — Quantum mechanics |
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Matrix in Dirac equation 312—314
Matrix representation 128
Matrix transformation of 125
Matrix unitary 125
Matrix unitary for transformation 127 128
Matrix unitary wave function as 130
Maxwell's equations 241
Meggers, W.F. 269
Meson 146
Meson and nuclear forces 300
Meson field theory 329
Mesotron see “Meson”
Molecular structure 288—297
Momentum 48—54
Momentum canonical 133 333
Morse potential 294—297
Morse, P.M. 77 294
Mott scattering formula 304
Mott, N.F. 115 168 230 304
Negative energy states 326—327 352—354
Neumann, J. von 122 126
Nonrelativistic limit Schrodinger relativistic equation 308
Nonrelativistic limit, Dirac equation 318
Normalization 22—23
Normalization function 51
Normalization in a box 43 49
Normalization of collision wave functions 93—94 102 2335
Nuclear structure 297—304
Nucleon 298
Old quantum theory 3—6
Old quantum theory addition of angular momenta 147
Old quantum theory and WKB approximation 186
Old quantum theory for harmonic, oscillator 62
Old quantum theory for hydrogen atom 84 325
Old quantum theory space quantization 76
Operator 41—42 122
Operator angular-momentum 74—75 140
Operator creation and destruction 343 347 371
Operator differential 20 25
Operator electron spin 226 320
Operator exchange 300 303
Operator for number of particles 339 350
Operator Hermitian see “Matrix Hermitian”
Operator momentum 20 48-49
Operator parity 139
Operator total energy 20 42
Oppenheimer, J.R. 222 235 289
Orthogonality 43
Orthogonality lack of, in rearrangement collision 233
Orthogonality of energy eigenfunctions 49-50
Orthogonality of momentum eigenfunctions 49—50
Orthogonality of spherical harmonies 72—73
Orthogonality of spin eigenfunctions 225 278
Orthonormality see also “Orthogonality” 45
Packing fraction 298
Parabolic coordinated 87
Parity 39
Parity and allowed transitions 261
Parity of harmonic-oscillator wave functions 62
Parity of Legendre polynomials 71
Parity of spherical harmonics 73—74
Parity of variation trial function 171
Parity operator and eigenvalues 139
Partial waves, method of 103—108
Partial waves, perturbation treatment of 164—166
Parzen, G. 302
Paschen — Back effect 283
Pauli spin matrices 226—227
Pauli, W. 221 224 227 327 330 364 371
Pauling, L. 3 66 69 86 178 288 293
Periodic boundary conditions 43 49
Periodic motion 34
Periodic system 268—271
Periodic system table 270
Perturbation approximation, for collisions 159—169 193—195 231—235
Perturbation approximation, for Coulomb interaction 380—382
Perturbation approximation, for radiation processes 243—245 382—395
Perturbation approximation, stationary 149—158
Perturbation approximation, time-dependent 189—199 233—235
Perturbation approximation, time-dependent connection with adiabatic approximation 210—211
Phase shift 106—108
Phase shift for modified Coulomb field 119—120
Phase shift from Born approximation 166—166
Pipes, L.A. 13
Planck distribution formula 256
Planck's constant 2 7
Podolsky, B. 362
Poisson bracket 133
Poisson bracket for a field 334
Polarization of radiation 251—252 259 388
Polarization of radiation in Zeeman effect 284
Position probability density 22 59 310
Positron 327 353
Potential barrier 92—95
Potential barrier due to centrifugal force 113—114
Potential energy well 32—33
Potential energy well use of WKB approximation see also “Square well potential” 184—186
Potential energy well, sign of phase shift 107—108
Poynting vector 242
Probability current density 24
Probability function 42
Probability function for momentum 53
Probability function for position 22 59
Probability function for potential energy 59
Probability function for total energy 47
Propagation number 13
Propagation vector 20 49
Quantum conditions 135
Quantum conditions for a field 335
Quantum electrodynamics 361—396
Quantum number 36
Quantum number atomic, 277
Quantum number atomic, 268
Quantum number atomic, j 146
Quantum number atomic, l, m 75
Quantum number atomic, n, n' 84
Quantum number for harmonic oscillator 62
Quantum number molecular, 295—296
Racah, G. 389
Radiation 240—266 361—396
Radiation absorption of 243—248 386
Radiation angular momentum of 252—254 259
Radiation by uniformly moving charge 262—265
Radiation from charge distribution 249—254
Radiation induced emission of 243—248 387—388
Radiation plane waves 242 366—371
Radiation polarization of 251—252 259 388
Radiation selection rules 258 260—261
Radiation spontaneous emission of 249—257 387—388
Ramsauer — Townsend effect 109
Rare-gas atom, scattering by 109
Rare-gas atom, structure of 271
Rayleigh, Lord 170 178
Reduced mass 81
Relativistic wave equations 306—328
Representation 128
Representation coordinate 130—131
Representation energy 139—140
Representation for angular momentum 141
Representation in terms of number of particles 340—343 346—348
Resonance scattering 112—113
Resonance scattering of neutron on proton 303
Resonance, in homopolar binding 292
Retherford, R.C. 325
| Richtmyer, F.K. 3
Rigid rotator 296
Rigid sphere, scattering by 110—111
Rigid wall 30
Rigid wall boundary condition at 30
Rigid wall box normalization with 43 49
Rigid wall potential well 34
Rigid wall potential well energy levels 35
Rosenfeld, L. 298 361 373
Russell — Saunders case 277
Russell, H.N. 277
Rutherford scattering 117 169
Saturation of nuclear forces 300
Saunders, F.A. 277
Scattering by Coulomb field 104 114—121
Scattering by modified Coulomb field 119—120
Scattering by rare-gas atom 109
Scattering by rigid sphere 110—111
Scattering by screened Coulomb field 168—169
Scattering by square potential barrier 94
Scattering by square well potential 95n 111—114 166—168
Scattering cross section 97 99 102 105—106
Scattering inelastic 199—207
Scattering method of partial waves 103—108
Scattering of identical particles 222—223 226
Scattering phase shift 106—108
Scattering resonance 112—113
Scattering time-dependent perturbation theory for 193—195
Scattering, Born approximation for 159—169
Schiff, L.I. 286 302
Schroedinger wave equation 17—40
Schroedinger wave equation for molecule 290
Schroedinger wave equation for two particles 81
Schroedinger wave equation general solution of 48
Schroedinger wave equation including electromagnetic potentials 138 240
Schroedinger wave equation matrix solution of 129 130
Schroedinger wave equation quantization of 336—348
Schroedinger wave equation relativistic 306—311
Schroedinger, E. 19 122 149 306
Schwinger, J. 169 303 379
Seaborg, G.T. 269
Second quantization 336
Secular equation 126
Secular equation for degenerate perturbation theory 156
Secular equation for Stark effect 157
Selection rules 258 260—261 278
Self-adjoint see “Matrix Hermitian”
Self-consistent fields 273—276
Shell, atomic 268
Shortley, G.H. 147 267 269 281 282 322
Slater, J.C. 274
Snyder, H. 286
Sommerfeld, A. 61 325
Spherical Bessel function 77—79
Spherical harmonic 72
spherical polar coordinates 69
Spin angular momentum 145 223—230
Spin angular momentum and statistic 223—224 354
Spin angular momentum eigenfunctions 224—225
Spin angular momentum of electrons 226—227 22 319—320
Spin angular momentum of nuclei 297
Spin-orbit energy 270 321
Spontaneous emission 249—257 387—388
Square potential barrier 92—95
square well potential 34
Square well potential energy levels 35—38 79—80
Square well potential scattering by 95n 111—114 160—168
Stark effect 156—158
Stationary state 4 28
Statistical interpretation of 22 42
Statistical mechanics 221
Sudden approximation 211—214
Summation symbol S 128
Supplementary condition 304 375
Symmetric wave function 218
Symmetric wave function and Einstein — Bose statistics 221
Symmetric wave function and spin 224
Symmetric wave function connection with quantized field 344
Tamm, I. 202
Teller, K. 303
Thaxton, H.M. 304
Thomas — Fermi atom model 168—169 271-273
Thomas, L.H. 271 276
Tolman, R.C. 221 230 250 300
Tomonaga, S. 379
Transient disturbance 212—213
Transition probability 191—193
Transverse electromagnetic field 377
Transverse self-energy 379
Trial function 170
Trial function for excited states 171
Turning point 31
Turning point in WKB approximation 181—187
Uhlenbeck, G.K. 216
Uncertainty principle 7
Uncertainty principle and angular momentum 75
Uncertainty principle and cloud-chamber track 203
Uncertainty principle and diffraction experiment 10
Uncertainty principle and electromagnetic field measurement 373
Uncertainty principle and energy of intermediate state 199
Uncertainty principle and line breadth 257
Uncertainty principle and localization experiment 12
Uncertainty principle and lowest energy level 36 62
Uncertainty principle and transition probability 192
Uncertainty principle and velocity measurement 316
Uncertainty principle and wave packet 13—14 55
Unitary see “Matrix unitary”
van der Wanls interaction 174—178 294
van Vleck, J.H. 135 155 159
Variation method 169—178
Variation method and self-consistent fields 274—276
Variation of constants, method of 189—199
Virtual energy level 113
Virtual energy level of deuteron 303
Volkoff, G.M. 300
Watson, G.N. 71 77 78 105 111 115 105 173 183 198 357
Wave equation see also “Sehrodinger wave equation” 17—40
Wave function 12 15 17—40
Wave function as unitary matrix see also “Eigenfunction” 130
Wave function for Coulomb scattering 116 119
Wave function for modified Coulomb scattering 119
Wave function harmonic oscillator 64
Wave function symmetric and antisymmetric 218
Wave function symmetric and antisymmetric connection with quantized field 344—346
Wave function, hydrogen atom 85 89
Wave functional 342
Wave packet 12—14
Wave packet expectation values for 24—27
Wave packet minimum uncertainty product 55
Wave packet motion of 54—59
Wave packet normalization of 22—24
Wave packet oscillating 67—69
Weinstein, D.H. 171
Weisskopf, V. 327
Wentzel, G. 178 329 353
Wheeler, J.A. 120
Whittaker, E.T. 71 115 133 134 17179 183 198 357
Wigner, E. 300 303 344
Wilson, E.B., Jr. 3 66 69 86 178 288-293
WKB approximation 178—187
Yost, F.L. 120
Zeeman effect 282—288
Zero-point energy of harmonic oscillator 62
Zero-point energy, of electromagnetic field 370 388
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