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Sakurai J.J. — Modern quantum mechanics |
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Schroedinger equation 56 71—73 126 129 138 181 281 299 366 406 424 425 435
Schroedinger equation, complex systems and 474
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 426 429 465
Schroedinger picture 80 144—145 181 318—319 327 343
Schroedinger picture, base kets in 87—89
Schroedinger picture, state kets and observables in 82—83
Schroedinger wave equation 97—109 131 134 267
Schroedinger wave equation, Feynman’s path integral and 121—123
Schroedinger wave equation, semiclassical (WKB) approximation of 104—109
Schroedinger wave equation, solutions to 446—455
Schroedinger wave equation, time-dependent 97—98
Schroedinger wave equation, time-independent 99—100
Schroedinger wave function 276
Schroedinger wave function, interpretations of 101—103
Schroedinger, E. 1 68 99 101
Schroedinger’s equation, two-dimensional 477
Schwartz inequality 35 64
Schwinger action principle 149
Schwinger, J. 26 46 217 221 324
Selective measurement 25—26
Silver atom beams, polarized vs. unpolarized 174—176
Silver atoms, spin states of, complex vector space and 10
Silver atoms, spin states of, representation of 8—10
Silver atoms, Stern — Gerlach experiment and 2—4
Similarity transformation 38
Simple harmonic oscillator 89—97 145 146 188
Simple harmonic oscillator, energy eigenkets and eigenvalues of 90—94
Simple harmonic oscillator, ground state of 92
Simple harmonic oscillator, one-dimensional, ground-state energy of 350
Simple harmonic oscillator, parity properties of 256
Simple harmonic oscillator, perturbation and 294—296 345—346
Simple harmonic oscillator, Schroedinger wave equation and 450
Simple harmonic oscillator, time development of 94—97
Simultaneous eigenkets 30
Singlets 354 377
Sodium atoms, fine structure and 304—307
Sodium D lines 306
Solid angle, geometrical phase factor and 469
Sommerfled, A. 107
Space inversion see "Parity"
Space quantization 4
Spatial displacement see "Translation"
Specific heats, Einstein — Debye theory of 1
Spherical harmonics, helium atom and 367
Spherical harmonics, Laguerre times 445
Spherical harmonics, orbital angular momentum and 198—203
Spherical harmonics, orthogonality of 216
Spherical tensors 234—236
Spherical-wave states 395
Spin 1/2 particles, spin operator for 204—205
Spin 1/2 systems 22—23 26—29 61
Spin 1/2 systems, anticommutation relations and 28
Spin 1/2 systems, canonical ensembles and 186—187
Spin 1/2 systems, dispersion in 35
Spin 1/2 systems, eigenvalues-eigenket relations in 12
Spin 1/2 systems, rotations of 158—168
Spin 1/2 systems, rotations of, matrix and 170
Spin 1/2 systems, spin precession and 76—78
Spin 1/2 systems, time reversal for 277—280
Spin 1/2 systems, time-evolution operator and 69—70
Spin correlations, spin-singlet states and 223—226
Spin magnetic resonance 322—324
Spin operator for spin 1/2 particles 204—205
Spin operator of spin 1/2 systems 160
Spin precession 76—78 161—162 305 323
Spin states of silver atoms 8—10
Spin states, complex vector space and 10
Spin-angular functions, definition of 215
Spin-orbit interaction, fine structure and 304—307
Spin-singlet states, spin correlations in 223—226
Spinors, two-component 164
Square-well potential, Schroedinger wave equation and 448
State kets, Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures and 82—83
State kets, time and 69—71
State vectors 11
Stationary states 76
Stern — Gerlach experiment 2—10
Stern — Gerlach experiment, description of 2—4
Stern — Gerlach experiment, light polarization and 6—10
Stern — Gerlach experiment, sequential 4—6
Stern, O. 2
Stoke’s Theorem 137
Stopping power, inelastic-scattering and 432
Sturm — Liouville theory 202
Sudarshan, E.C.G. 484
Suzuki, Yasunaga 464
Symmetrical double-well potential 256—259
Symmetrical states 257
Symmetrization postulate 361—363
Symmetry in classical physics 248—249
Symmetry operator 249
Symmetry, discrete, lattice translation as 261—266
Symmetry, discrete, time-reversal 266—282
Symmetry, in quantum mechanics 249—250
Symmetry, permutation 357—361
Symmetry, permutation, Young tableaux and 370—377
Symmetry, scattering and 422—424
Taylor expansion 195
Tensors 232—242 see
Tensors, matrix elements of 238—242
Tensors, product of 236—238
Tensors, rank of 234
Thomas precession 305
| Thomas — Reiche — Khun sum rule 338
Thomas, L.H. 305
Threshold behavior 411
Tight-binding approximation 263 265
Time evolution operator 69—71 250 326
Time evolution operator, Heisenberg equation of motion and 84
Time evolution operator, infinitesimal 70
Time evolution operator, Schroedinger equation and 71—73
Time evolution, of ensembles 181—182
Time reversal 266—282
Time reversal operator 271—275
Time reversal operator, wave function and 275—277
Time reversal, Kramers degeneracy and 281
Time reversal, spin 1/2 systems and 277—280
Time-dependent potentials 316—325
Trace, definition of 38
Transformation functions 55—56
Transformation matrix 37—39
Transformation matrix, diagonalization and 66
Transformation operator 36—37
Transition amplitudes, base kets and 87—89
Transition amplitudes, composition property of 115
Transition amplitudes, propagators as 114—116
Transition probability 327—328
Transition rate 332
Translation 44—46
Translation operator, physical interpretation of 188—189
Translation, infinitesimal 44
Translation, momentum as generator of 46—50
Transmission-reflection, Schroedinger wave equation and 448—449
Two-electron systems 363—366
Two-level crossing, general consideration of 471—472
Two-state problems, perturbation theory and 286—288
Two-state problems, time-dependent 320—322
Two-state systems, Hamiltonian matrix for 348
Two-state systems, Hamiltonian operator for 62
Two-state systems, Stern — Gerlach 2
Uncertainty principle, Heisenberg 3
Uncertainty relation 34—36
Uncertainty relation, energy-time, correlation amplitude and 78—80
Unitarity 401—404
Unitarity relation 402
Unitary circle 404
Unitary equivalent observables 40—41
Unitary operator 37 80—82 249
Unitary transform 40
Unitary unimodular matrix 169—71
Unpolarized beams 174—176
Unsold, A. 369
Vacuum ket, definition of 218
van Dam, H. 217
Van der Waals’ interactions 311—312
Variance 34
Vector operator 232—233
Vector operator, defining property of 233
Vectors see also "Specific type"
Vectors, definition of 232
Vectors, transformation properties of 166
Virtual transitions 333
von Neumann, J. 176
Watson, G.N. 442
Wave equations, Feynman’s path integral and 121—123
Wave equations, Schroedinger’s 97—109 131 134 267
Wave equations, Semiclassical (WKB) approximation of 104—109
Wave equations, solutions to 446—455
Wave equations, time-dependent 97—98
Wave equations, time-independent 99—100
Wave functions, momentum-space 55—57 67 146
Wave functions, position-space 51—53
Wave functions, renormalization of 293—294
Wave functions, Schroedinger 101—103 276
Wave functions, time reversal and 275—277
Wave functions, under parity 254—256
Wave mechanics 98
Wave mechanics, classical limit of 103—104
Wave mechanics, probability density in 101
Wave mechanics, propagators in 109—114
Wave packets, Gaussian 57—59 64 67 100 112
Wave packets, minimum uncertainty 58
Wave packets, scattering and 385—386
Wentzel, G. 105
Weyl, H. 100
Whiskers, Aharonov — Bohm effect and 139
Whittaker, E.T. 442
Wiener, N. 90 483
Wigner functions 192
Wigner — Eckart theorem 239—242 247 280 297 399
Wigner, E.P. 192 221 227 260 281 345 415
Wigner’s 3-j symbol 210
Wigner’s formula 223
Wilson, E.B. 489
Wilson, W. 107
Wittke, J.P. 488
Xenon, Ramsauer — Townsend effect and 413
y-axis, space fixed, Euler rotations and 171
Young tableaux, permutation symmetry and 370—377
Young, A. 370
Yukawa potential 431 442 445 447
Yukawa potential, scattering by 387—388
Zeeman effect 307—311
Zeeman splitting 346—347
Zero-energy scattering, bound states and 413—416
Zeroth-order eigenkets 298
Zeroth-order energy eigenstates 347
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