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Sakurai J.J. — Modern quantum mechanics |
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Henley, E.M. 279
Hermite polynomials, properties of 450
Hermitian adjoint 15
Hermitian operator 27 45 66 71 85 90 96 98 144 156—157 178—179 274 279
Hermitian operator, anticommute 63
Hermitian operator, eigenvalues of 17
Hermitian operator, expectation values of 35
Hermiticity 40 178 391
Herzberg, G. 477
Hilbert space 11
Hilbert, D. 11 100
Hooke’s law 90
Hydrogen atom, ground state of polarizability of 298
Hydrogen atom, linear Stark effect and 302—304
Hydrogen atom, Schroedinger wave equation and 454—455
Hydrogen-like atoms, fine structure and 304—307
Hydrogen-like atoms, Zeeman effect and 307—311
Identical particles, scattering and 421—422
Identity operator 19 29
Identity operator, spin 1/2 systems and 22
Incoherent mixtures 175
Inelastic scattering 429—434
Inelastic scattering, nuclear form factor and 433—434
Inertia, moment of, computation of 6
Infinitesimal rotation operator 156—157 196
Infinitesimal rotations, commutativity of 155
Infinitesimal rotations, finite rotation and 152—155
Infinitesimal rotations, quantum mechanics and 156—158
Infinitesimal rotations, vector operator and 233
Infinitesimal time-evolution operator 70
Inner products 13—14
Integral equation 380
Interaction picture 318—319
Irreducible tensors 234—236
Isospin 221
Itano, W.M. 486
Jackson, J.D. 339
Jacobi identity 51
Jahn — Teller effect 475—479 480
Jordan, P. 50 100 187
Ket equation 380
Ket space 11—12
Ket space, bra space and 13
Ket space, operators and 14—15
Ket space, orthonormality and 65
Kets 8—9
Kets, base, change of basis in 36—37
Kets, base, eigenkets and 18—20
Kets, base, spin 1/2 systems and 22
Kets, base, transition amplitudes and 87—89
Kets, definition of 11
Kets, electromagnetic field polarization vectors and 10
Kets, normalized 14
Kets, null 11
Kets, operators and 14
Kets, operators and, spin 160—161
Kets, orbital state 477
Kets, perturbed, normalization of 293—294
Kets, state, Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures and 82—83
Kets, state, time and 69—71
Kets, vacuum 218
Khalfin, A. 483
Kinematic momentum 130 135
Kramers degeneracy 281
Kramers, H.A. 105
Kronecker symbol 41
Krypton, Ramsauer — Townsend effect and 413
Ladder operators, angular momentum commutation relations and 187—189
Lagrange equation 249
Lagrangian, classical 116—117 138
Laguerre polynomials 454
Lamb shift 303 349
Lande’s interval rule 306
Laplace transform 435
Laplace transform space 458
Laplace — Fourier transform 114
Laporte’s rule 260
Lattice translation operator 262—264
Lattice translation, as discrete symmetry 261—266
Legendre function 442
Leighton, R.B. 488
Lewis, J.T. 298
Light, circularly polarized, mathematical representation of 9—10
Light, polarized and Berry’s phase 479
Light, polaroid filters and 6—10
Light, x-polarized 6—10
Light, y-polarized 6—10
Linear Stark effect 302—304
Liouville’s theorem 181
Lippmann — Schwinger equation 379—386 389 424 426 447
Lippmann — Schwinger formalism 441 443
Longuet — Higgins, H.C. 477
Lorentz force 131 139
Lorentz force, equation of 267
Magnetic fields, charged particles in 281—282
Magnetic fields, Stern — Gerlach experiment and 2—4
Magnetic flux, fundamental unit of 139
Magnetic moment electron spin and 2—4
Magnetic monopoles 140—143
Mandl, F. 489
Masers 324—325
Matrices see "Specific type"
Matrix elements, angular-momentum operators 191—192
Matrix elements, double bar 239
Matrix elements, reduced 241
Matrix elements, tensors 238—242
Matrix mechanics 50
Matrix representations 20—22
Matter waves, de Broglie’s 1
Matthews, P.T. 489
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics 362
Maxwell’s equations 140 267
Mean square deviation 34
Measurements, quantum theory of 23—26
Measurements, selective 25—26
Merzbacher, E. 298 347 349 350
Messiah, A. 465
Minimum uncertainty wave packets 58
Misra, B. 484
Momentum operator 59—60 67
Momentum operator, position basis and 54
Momentum, canonical 130 135
Momentum, canonical, definition of 249
Momentum, definition of 54
Momentum, kinematic 130 135
Momentum, translation generation and 46—50
Momentum-space wave function 55—57 146
Morse, P.M. 113
Motion, Heisenberg equation of 83—84 95 243 249
Mott, N.F. 489
Multiplication, associative axiom of 16—17
Multiplication, noncommutative 15—16
Muons, spin precession of 161
Neutron interferometer 150
Neutron interferometry, rotations and 162—163
Newton’s Second Law 87 123 139
Non-Abelian, definition of 158
Non-exponential decays 481—486
Nonstationary states 76 257
Norm 14
Nuclear form factor, inelastic scattering and 433—434
Nuclear magnetic resonance 159
Null kets 11
Observables 12
Observables, compatible 29—32
Observables, eigenkets of 17—18
Observables, incompatible 29 32—34
Observables, incompatible, transformation operator and 36—37
Observables, matrix representation of 22
Observables, Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures and 82—83
| Observables, unitary equivalent 40—41
Operator equation 233
Operator identity 46
Operators 12 14—15 see
operators, definition of 34 65—66
Operators, time reversal and 273—275
Operators, trace of 38
Optical isomers 259
Optical theorem 390—392
Orthogonal groups 168—169
orthogonal matrices 153—155
Orthogonal matrices, multiplication operations with 169
Orthogonality 14 17 27 52 54 209 431
Orthogonality, spherical harmonics and 216
Orthohelium 369—370
Orthonormality 18 19 23 30 37 61 120 209
Orthonormality, ket space and 65
Oscillation strength, definition of 338
oscillators see also "Simple harmonic oscillator"
Oscillators, uncoupled, angular momentum and 217—221
Outer products, matrix representation of 22
Paley — Weiner theorem 483
Paley, R. 483
Parahelium 369—370
Parity 251—254
Parity nonconservation 260—261
Parity operator 251
Parity, wave functions under 254—256
Parity-selection rule 259—260
Park, D. 489
Partial-wave amplituted 400
Partial-wave analysis for Coulomb case 438—441
Partial-wave expansion 399—401
Paschen — Back limit 310
Pauli exclusion principle 265 362
Pauli matrices 164—165
Pauli two-component formalism 163—165
Pauli two-component formalism, rotations in 165—168
Pauli, W. 163
Pauling, L. 489
Permutation operator, definition of 358
Permutation symmetry 357—361
Permutation symmetry, Young tableaux and 370—377
Pertubation 286
Pertubation expansion, formal development of 289—293
Pertubation, constant 328—333
Pertubation, harmonic 333—335
Perturbation theory, time-dependent 325—335 353 355
Perturbation theory, time-dependent, scattering and 426—429
Perturbation theory, time-independent, degenerate 298—304 354
Perturbation theory, time-independent, nondegenerate 285—298
Perturbation theory, variational methods in 313—316
Phase shifts, determination of 405—406
Phase shifts, unitarity and 401—404
photoelectric effect 339—341
Planck — Einstein relation, angular frequence and 71
Planck, M. 89 107
Planck’s constant 479
Planck’s radiation law 1
Podolsky, B. 227
Poisson bracket 66 84
Poisson bracket, commutators and 50—51
Polar vectors 254
Polarized beams 174—176
Polarized light and Berry’s phase 479
Polaroid filters, light and 6—10
Polyatomic molecules as complex systems 473—474
Position eigenkets 42—43
Position-momentum uncertainty relation 48
Position-space wave functions 51—53
Positive definite metric 14
Potassium atom, fine structure and 304—307
Potentials, Schroedinger wave equation and 447—448
Preston, M. 416
Probability conservation 402
Probability density, wave mechanics and 101
Probability flux 101
Projection operator 20
Projection theorem 241
Propagators, transition amplitude and 114—116
Propagators, wave mechanics and 109—114
Pseudoscalar, examples of 254
Pseudovectors 254
Pure ensembles 24
Quadratic Stark effect 296
Quantum electrodynamics, covariant 326
Quantum Hall effect 480
Quantum interference, gravity-induced 127—128
Quantum mechanics, Bell’s inequality and 229—232
Quantum mechanics, complex numbers and 27—28
Quantum mechanics, gravity in 126—129
Quantum mechanics, infinitesimal rotations and 156—158
Quantum mechanics, symmetry in 249—250
Quantum mechanics, tunneling in 258
Quantum statistical mechanics 182—187
Quantum Zeno effect 485 486
Quarkonium 109
Quenching 284
Rabi, I.I. 320 324
Rabi’s formula 320
Radial integration, helium atom and 367
Radiation law, Planck’s 1
Ramsauer — Townsend effect 413
Rayleigh — Schroedinger perturbation theory 285 311
Recursion relations, Clebsch — Gordan coefficients and 210—215
Reduced matrix element 241
Resonance 321 418
Resonance scattering 418—421
Resonance, spin magnetic 322—324
Rigid-wall potential, Schroedinger wave equation and 447—448
Rojansky, V. 489
Rosen, N. 227
Rotation generation, orbital angular momentum and 196—198
Rotation matrices, Clebsch — Gordan coefficients and 215—217
Rotation matrices, formula for 221—223
Rotation matrices, spherical harmonics and 202—203
Rotation operator 156—158
Rotation operator, matrix representation of 165—166
Rotation operator, effect on general kets 160—161
Rotation operator, irreducible representation of 174
Rotation operator, representations of 192—195
Rotational invariance 402
Rotations see also "Specific type"
Rotations, , neutron interferometry and 162—163
Rotations, angular momentum commutation relations and 152—158
Rotations, finite vs. infinitesimal 152—155
Rotations, Pauli two-component formalism and 165—168
Rutherford formula 434 438
Rutherford scattering 388
Sakurai, Akio 464
Sakurai, J.J. 305 434
Sands, M. 488
Saxon, D.S. 113
Scattering length 414
Scattering processes, Born approximation and 386—390
Scattering processes, Coulomb 434—441
Scattering processes, eikonal approximation and 392—394
Scattering processes, free-particle states and 395—399
Scattering processes, hard-sphere and 406—410
Scattering processes, identical particles and 421—422
Scattering processes, inelastic electron-atom 429—434
Scattering processes, Lippmann — Schwinger equation and 379—386
Scattering processes, low-energy, bound states and 410—418
Scattering processes, low-energy, rectangular well/barrier 411—413
Scattering processes, optical theorem and 391—392
Scattering processes, partial waves and 399—410
Scattering processes, resonance 418—421
Scattering processes, symmetry and 422—424
Scattering processes, time-dependent formulation of 424—429
Schiff, L. 106
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