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Conte S.D., de Boor C. — Elementary numerical analysis - an algorithmic approach
Conte S.D., de Boor C. — Elementary numerical analysis - an algorithmic approach

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Название: Elementary numerical analysis - an algorithmic approach

Авторы: Conte S.D., de Boor C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Численный анализ/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 1980

Количество страниц: 432

Добавлена в каталог: 20.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Multiplicity of a zero      36
Multistep methods      373ff
Murnaghan — Wrench algorithm      241
Nested form of a polynomial      33
Nested multiplication      112
Nested multiplication for Chebyshev polynomials      258
Nested multiplication for Newton form      33 112
Nested multiplication for orthogonal polynomials      257
Nested multiplication for series      37
Nested multiplication in fast Fourier transform      279
Neville’s algorithm      50
Newton backward-difference formula      62 373 382
Newton form of a polynomial      32ff
Newton formula for the interpolating polynomial      40—41
Newton formula for the interpolating polynomial, algorithm for calculation of coefficients      44
Newton formula for the interpolating polynomial, program      45 68—69
Newton forward-difference formula      57
Newton’s method      79 100—102 104—106 108 113ff 241 244 404
Newton’s method for systems      216—222 223 224
Newton’s method for systems, algorithm      217
Newton’s method for systems, damped      218—220
Newton’s method for systems, modified      221
Newton’s method for systems, quasi-      223
Newton’s method, algorithm      79
Newton’s method, algorithm for finding real zeros of polynomials      113
Newton’s method, algorithm for finding real zeros of polynomials, program      115
Node of a rale      295
Noise      295
Norm      170ff
Norm, Euclidean      171
Norm, function      235
Norm, matrix      172
Norm, max      171
Norm, vector      171
Normal equations for least-squares problem      215 248—251 260
Normalized floating-point number      7
Numerical differentiation      290 295—303
Numerical instability      see “Instability”
Numerical integration      see “Integration”
Numerical quadrature      see “Integration”
Octal system      3
One-step methods      355
Optimization      209ff
Optimum step size in differentiation      301
Optimum step size in solving differential equations      366—372 385 396
Order of a root      36 109 110
Order of a trigonometric polynomial      268
Order of convergence      20—24 102
Order, symbol $\mathcal{O}(\, )$      20—24 163 192 202 221 337ff 353ff 361 363—365 367 390 393
Order, symbol o( )      20—24 98 334ff
Orthogonal functions      250 252 270 418
Orthogonal polynomials      251ff 313
Orthogonal polynomials, generation of      261—265
Orthogonal projection      248
Osculatory interpolation      62ff 308
Osculatory interpolation, program      68—69
Overflow      8
Parseval’s relation      270
Partial double precision accumulation      3
Partial pivoting      159
Permutation      143
Piecewise-cubic interpolation      285ff
Piecewise-cubic interpolation, programs      285 287 290
Piecewise-parabolic      293
Piecewise-polynomial functions      284ff 319 418
Piecewise-polynomial interpolation      284ff
Pivotal equation in elimination      151
Pivoting strategy in elimination      157 180
Polar form of a complex number      270 277 351
Polynomial equations      110ff
Polynomial equations, complex roots      120ff
Polynomial equations, real roots      110ff
Polynomial forms, Lagrange      38
Polynomial forms, nested      33
Polynomial forms, Newton      32ff
Polynomial forms, power      32
Polynomial forms, shifted power      32
Polynomial interpolation      see “Interpolating polynomial”
Polynomials, algebraic      31ff
Polynomials, trigonometric      268ff
Port      421
Power form of a polynomial      32
Power method      192—196
Power spectrum      271
Predictor-corrector methods      379ff
Propagation of errors      14 395
QR method      199—200
Quadratic convergence      100ff
Quadratic formula      13—14
Quotient polynomial      35
Rayleigh quotient      201
Real numbers      24
Rectangle rale      305
Rectangle rale, composite      320
Reduced or deflated polynomial      117
Regula Falsi      76
Regula falsi, modified      see “Modified regula falsi”
Relative error      12
Relaxation      232—233
Remez algorithm      241
Residual      169
Rolle’s Theorem      26 52 74
Romberg integration      340—345
Romberg integration, program      343—344
Round-off error      8
Round-off error in differentiation      300—302
Round-off error in integration      322
Round-off error in solving differential equations      395—398
Round-off error in solving equations      83 87 116—117
Round-off error in solving linear systems      157 178—185
Round-off error, propagation of      9ff 12ff 395ff
Rounding      8
Rule      295
Runge — Kutta methods      362ff
Runge — Kutta methods, Fehlberg      369—370
Runge — Kutta methods, order 2      363—364
Runge — Kutta methods, order 4      364
Runge — Kutta methods, Verner      370
Sampling frequency      272
Scalar (or inner) product      142 143
Scalar (or inner) product of functions      251 270 273
Schur’s Theorem      197 234
Secant method      78—79 102—104 106—109 412
Secant method, algorithm      78
Self-starting      365 376
SEQUENCE      20
Series summation      37
Shooting methods      412ff
Significant digits      12
Significant-digit arithmetic      18
Similarity transformation      196ff
Similarity transformation into upper Hessenberg form      197—199
Similarity transformation into upper Hessenberg form, algorithm      199
Simpson’s rale      307 317 318 329—332 385
Simpson’s rale, composite      320
Simpson’s rale, program      325
Simultaneous displacement      see “Jacobi iteration”
Single precision      7
Smoothing      271
SOR      231
Spectral radius      228
Spectrum of a matrix      see “Eigenvalues”
Spectrum of a periodic function      271
SPLINE      289—293
Stability      see “Instability”
Stable, absolutely      394
Stable, relatively      394
Stable, strongly      391 392
Stable, weakly      393
Steepest descent      210ff.
Steepest descent, algorithm      211
Steffensen iteration      98 108
Steffensen iteration, algorithm      98
Step-size control      366 384 394
Sturm sequence      205
Successive displacement      see “Gauss — Seidel iteration”
Successive overrelaxation (SOR)      231
Synthetic division by a linear polynomial      35
Tabulated function      55
Taylor polynomial      37 63 64
Taylor series, truncated      27 32 100 336 353 354 357 359 390
Taylor series, truncated for functions of several variables      29 216 363 414
Taylor’s algorithm      354ff 362 366
Taylor’s formula with (integral) remainder      27 (see also “Taylor series truncated”)
Termination criterion      81 85 122 194 227
Three-term recurrence relation      254
Total pivoting      159
Trace of a matrix      146
Trapezoid rale      272 305 317 340
Trapezoid rale, composite      32 1
Trapezoid rale, corrected      see “Corrected trapezoid rale”
Trapezoid rale, program      323
Triangle inequality      171 176
Triangular factorization      160ff
Triangular factorization, program      165—166
Tridiagonal matrix      see “Matrix tridiagonal”
Trigonometric polynomial      268ff
Truncation error      see “Discretization error”
Two-point boundary value problems      406ff
Underflow      8
Unit roundoff      9
Unit vector      135
Unstable      see “Instability”
Upper-triangular      131 147—149
Vandermonde matrix      147
Vector      129
Wagon wheels      274
Waltz      106
Wavelength      271
wronskian      347
Zeitgeist      432
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