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Coffin D. — Calculus on the HP-48G/GX |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
MATCH command 73 74
Absolute value 222
Accuracy factor for integration 124 125 155 159 164 258 260 273
Addition with lists 223
Algebraic syntax 63
Amplitude 152
Angle mode 69 107
Angles between curves 103—111
Angles of intersection 103—104
Angular velocity 254
ANIMATE command 230
Animation 230 231
Antiderivative 123 131—137 170—193 260 275—276
Antidifferentiation 123 170—172
Approximation error 46 52—53
Approximation of definite integral 138—143
Approximation of functions 38—42
Approximation of limits 24—28
Approximation of series 31 36—37
Approximation, best linear 242
Approximation, Monte Carlo method 212
Approximation, polynomial 38 53 155—157 242
Arc length 195 207—208 271—272
Arc length as integration element 271 277
Area 195
Area between two curves 195—198
AREA command 128—129 159 196
Area function 130—131
Area of cylinder 205
Area, bounded by polar functions 199—200
Area, cross-sectional 201
Area, parallelogram 277
Area, probability as 212—215
Area, signed 128
Arithmetic sequence 10
Arithmetic with vectors 223—226
Arrays 222
Asymptotes 28 167—169
Average 209—211
Average value of a function 195 209—211 254 268—270
Average, arithmetic 209
Average, location 268
Average, moving 211
Average, weighted 210
Axis of revolution 203 -208
Axis of rotation 254
Center of mass 210 268—270
Centroid 268—270
Chain rule for differentiation 57 63—64 71—72 82 84 181
Chain rule for integration 181
Changing variable of integration 164—165 181—184 188
Chi-square distribution 215
Circular sectors 199
Circulation of a fluid 272
Closed-form sequences 10—11 14
Comparison Test 31
Complex functions 234
components 221 235 250
Composite view of Y-Slice plot 231
Compositions of functions 181
Conic plot type 73 104 111
CONNECT mode 14
Conservative vector function 276
Constant of integration 136 171 186
Constraints 94—97 99 249
Continuity 18 58
Continuity, integration and 129
Continuity, interpolation and 146
Continuity, single-sided 18
Contour curves 233
Contour Plot 227 232—233
Convergence interval 48—50 162
Convergence of series 29—35 40
Convergence, testing for 31—35 48 49 162—164 166—169
Convergent sequences 29
Convergent Series 9
costs 87 94—97 99 100
Critical points 89—100 204 247—248
Critical points, stationary 247—248
Cross product 224—225 256
Cubic spline 142 146 154
Curl of a vector function 254—255 276
Current directory path 12 65 68
Curvature 251
Curve fitting 147—154
Curves, length of 207—208
Cusp 158—160
Cylinder 202
Cylindrical coordinates 238 262 266
Cylindrical shell 205 266
Data model 147 149 151—152
Definite integral 123—131 137—143 155—169 189 271
Degree of a Taylor polynomial 43
Degrees of freedom 215
density 210 218 264—268 272 278
DEPND variable 227—229 235
der- See User-defined derivatives
Derivative of a function 42—43 55—84 101 123 130—131 170 207 227
Derivatives and angle mode 69
Derivatives and units 70
Derivatives of polynomials 76—80
Derivatives with respect to curved paths 244
Derivatives, built-in 56—57
Derivatives, directional 244—246
Derivatives, extremaand 92 93
Derivatives, graphical methods 58—62
Derivatives, higher order 52—53 62 250
Derivatives, implicit 72—75 232
Derivatives, marginal analysis and 88
Derivatives, multi-variable functions 240—248
Derivatives, multiple 240
Derivatives, notation 71 74
Derivatives, numeric methods 63—67
Derivatives, parametric functions 82—84
Derivatives, partial 240 244 248 252 256
Derivatives, polar functions 82—84
Derivatives, symbolic (formal) methods 63 68—69
Derivatives, total 241 252—254
Derivatives, user-defined 71 74
Derivatives, vector functions 250—256
Determinant 248 253 262 266
Differential equations 172
Differentiation 55—84
Differentiation, complete 57 63
Differentiation, implicit 72—75 104 106 112—114
Differentiation, logarithmic 79 81
Differentiation, step-wise 57 63—64 67 70
Direction angles of a vector 226
Direction of a vector 222 226
Directional derivatives 244—246
Directory 283
Discontinuities 28 129 137
disks 202
Display formats 124
Display range 234 236
Distance 195 216—217
Divergence of a vector function 254—255
Divergent series 9 31—32 39
Domain, non-rectangular 237 280
Domain, rectangular 238—239
Dot product 224 242 244
Double integration 257—263 278—279
Equation of a plane 256
Equation writer 125 126
Equations, solving 106
Error bars 147 150 153
Error measurement 142—143 147 151—154
Error of approximation 46 52—53
Euler algorithm 172
Exponential form 189
| Extremum 90 91
Eyepoint 228—229 234 236
F' command 61 92 131
F-distribution 215
Factor, implied 179
Factor, linear 190
Factor, quadratic 190
Factorial 37
Factoring polynomials 76 80 190 191
Fibonacci sequence 13—14
Fitting curves to data 147—154
Flag -3 63—68
Fluid pressure 195 216 219
Flux of a fluid 278 280
force 195 216—217 219 272—273
Functions, analytical 56 71
Functions, approximating 38—41
Functions, area 130—131
Functions, complex 234
Functions, composites of 181
Functions, defining sequences with 10
Functions, incompressible 254
Functions, irrotational 254
Functions, limits of 17
Functions, multi- variable 220—281
Functions, parametric 082—84 234
Functions, parametrized 84
Functions, periodic 141 199
Functions, polar 82—84 199—200
Functions, probability density 213—215
Functions, scalar 221 227—233 235 240—246 257—271 275 277
functions, user-defined 71—72 74
Functions, vector 82 221 234—239 250—256 271—281
Functions, visualizing 221 227 228—229 230—231 232—233 234—239
Fundamental vector product 256 277—278
Gaussian probability density function 214
Geometric sequence 10
Golden ratio 15
Goodness-of-fit 147
Gradients 241—242 244 246—249 252—254 275—276
Harmonic sequence 10
IERR variable 124
Implicit differentiation 72—75 104 106 112—114 232
Improper integral 31 137 162—169
Incompressible vector functions 254
Indefinite integral 123 132—137 170—193
INDEP variable 227—228 235
Index of a term 9
Infinite sum 9 29 36—37
Infinity character 165
Inflection points 89 93
Initial condition 171 172
Inner product 224
Integral test of convergence 31—34 49—50
Integral, definite 123—131 137—143 155—169 189 194—219 271
Integral, improper 31 137 162—169
Integral, indefinite 123 132—137 170—193
Integral, iterated form 257—258
integrand 124 131 135—137 155 181—193
Integrand, integrating by parts 137 181 185—189
Integrand, partial fractions in 137 181 190—193
Integrand, segmenting 137 159—161 168—169 198 203 210 261
Integrand, substituting for 163—165 181—184 188 281
Integrate input form 125 127
Integration by parts 137 181 185—189
Integration of data set 137 142—143
Integration, changing the variable of integration 164—165 181—184 188
Integration, constants and 136
Integration, continuity and 129 137 168
Integration, double 257—263 278—279
Integration, graphical methods 128—131 137 170—172
Integration, multi-variable functions 257—281
Integration, multiple 257—281
Integration, numerical methods 124—127 138—141 155—169 258 278—279
Integration, pattern-matching 132—137 173 175—180 192 275
Integration, polar functions 199—200
Integration, programmed enhancements 137—193
Integration, segmenting the integrand 137 159—161 168—169 198 203 210 261
Integration, single-variable 122
Integration, symbolic methods 132—137 155 160 163 170 173—193 258 260 263 267 278—281
Integration, triple 264—270
Integration, vector functions 271 -281
Integration, vertical orientation 198 206
Interpolation 142
Interpolation, cubic spline 142 146 154
Interpolation, linear piecewise 142—144 153
Interpolation, single polynomial 142 145 150
Intersection of two curves 103—111
Intersection point 103—111 197 203—204 206
Interval of convergence 40—41 48—50 155 157
Interval of integration along a curved path 271 -274
Interval of integration with respect to arc length 207
Interval of integration, discontinuities in 137 158 168
Interval of integration, intersections within 195 197
Interval of integration, open 137 158 167—169
Interval of integration, unbounded 137 158 162—166
Interval of validity 40—41 43—48 157
IPATS variable 175—180 182 193 260 275
Irrotational vector functions 254
ISECT command 104—105 155—156 197 204 206
Iterated form of multiple integral 257—258
Jacobian matrix 252—254
Jacobian scale factor 253 262 266
Lagrange multipliers 249
Laplacian 254—255
Least-squares estimate 143 147—154
Level curves 227 233
Limit and infinite sums 9 29—30
Limit Comparison Test 31—35 50 162
Limits 17—18 24
Limits and continuity 18
limits of functions 17—18
Limits of integration 123—124 167 174 199 257—258 261
Limits of machine precision 20—21 24—25 30 49 108 124 189
Limits, graphical methods 19—23
Limits, numerical methods 24—28 167
Limits, one-sided 18
Limits, single-sided 24 27
Line integral 271—274 276—277
Line segment 222
Linearity 57—58
List addition 223
LISt Processing 110
Local maximum 248
Local minimum 248
Logarithmic differentiation 79 81
Maclaurin series 42
Marginal analysis 87—88 89
Mass 210 264 265 266 272 278
Matrices and vectors 222
Matrices, addition of 223
Matrices, determinants of 248 253
Matrices, multiplication 224
Matrices, subtraction 223
Matrices, traces of 254
Maxima and minima 89—94 96 98—100 140
Mean 214
Mean value theorem 209
Measurement error 142—143 147 151—154
Model for data set 147 149 151—152
Monte Carlo estimation 212
Moving Average 211
NDIST command 215
NMEQ command 61
Normal curve 214
Normal to a curve 101—102 256
Nth Term test 31
Numeric Results Flag (-3) 63—68
Operations on vectors 222
Optimization 89 94—100 249
Ðåêëàìà |