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Pettifor D.G. — Bonding and structure of molecules and solids
Pettifor D.G. — Bonding and structure of molecules and solids

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Название: Bonding and structure of molecules and solids

Автор: Pettifor D.G.


This book is intended to introduce advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students to the quantum mechanical concepts employed in materials science. With its exposition of essential ideas from density functional theory, the work will also interest practicing solid-state physicists and theoretical chemists. Topics range from experimental trends in bonding and structure to the bonding of transition metals and semiconductors.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 259

Добавлена в каталог: 25.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hartree approximation      45
Hartree potential      46
Hartree — Fock approximation      46 61
Heat of formation of AB compounds      12
Heat of formation of sp-valent metals      155 156
Heat of formation of transition metals      198
Heat of formation, Miedema predictions      198
Heat of formation, rectangular d band models      191—198
Heine — Abarenkov pseudopotential      see Pseudopotentials
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle      26—28
Heitler — London valence bond solution      61—62
Helium, embedding function      132
Hermitian operator      52 123
Hexagonal close-packed structure      see also Structure types
Hexagonal close-packed structure, relative structural stability      161—164 169 215—223 224
Holes      120
Honeycomb lattice      see Graphite structure
Hume — Rothery electron phases      166 168—171
Hund’s rules      186
Hybrid bond integral      200
Hybrid energy      200
Hybrid NFE-TB bands      178—180
Hybrid orbitals      74—76 75 200 210
hybridization      44 70 187
Hybridization gap      199 202
Hydrogen atom      see also Atomic eigenstates
Hydrogen atom embedding function      132
hydrogen molecule      see also Molecules
Hydrogen molecule, dissociation      60—66
icosahedron      see Local coordination polyhedra
Independent particle approximation      46
Indium antimonide, bond order of      205
Indium, axial ratio      9
Indium, density of states      125 126
Indium, equilibrium bulk properties      130
Indium, structural stability      164
Indium, value of $G/q_0$      150
Interatomic potentials      see also Pair potentials
Interatomic potentials, hardness      79
Interatomic potentials, many-body      131
Ionic core radius of lanthanides      40
Ionicity, degree of      57 58
Ionization potential      59
Iron boride structure      see Structure types
Iron silicide structure      see Structure types
Iron, band structure      180
Iron, magnetism      230
Iron, phase diagram      230
Iron, structure      12
Jahn — Teller distortion      88
Jellium      34—35 108—111
Jensen symbol      2 6—9 12—17
Jones model of electron phases      166 168—70
Kinetic energy of free-electron gas      33—4
Kinetic energy of jellium cluster      109 110 111
Kronig — Penney model      112—116
Lanthanide contraction      40
Lanthanides energy bands      226
Lanthanides structure      3
Lanthanides under pressure      225
Lanthanides, atomic radii      40
Lanthanides, ion core radii      40
Lead      11
Lindhard function      142 143
Linear chain of four s-valent molecules      78
Linear chain, relative structural stability      215—223
Linear combination of atomic orbitals for $AH_2$ trimers      100
Linear combination of atomic orbitals for bulk bands      173—178
Linear combination of atomic orbitals for s-valent molecules      51 85
Linear combination of atomic orbitals for sp-valent dimers      68
Linear response theory      139—145
Linear superposition      30
Local charge neutrality      194 238
Local coordination polyhedra      see also Jensen symbol
Local coordination polyhedra, bicapped octahedron      12 14 16 17
Local coordination polyhedra, bicapped trigonal prism      12 14
Local coordination polyhedra, cuboctahedron      7 8
Local coordination polyhedra, icosahedron      7 8
Local coordination polyhedra, octahedron      8 16 17 59 235
Local coordination polyhedra, pentagonal bipyramid      12 14
Local coordination polyhedra, pyramid      8
Local coordination polyhedra, rhombic dodecahedron      8
Local coordination polyhedra, tetrahedron      7 8 59
Local coordination polyhedra, tricapped trigonal prism      12 14 16
Local coordination polyhedra, trigonal prism      12 14 16 17 235
Local coordination polyhedra, twinned cuboctahedron      7 8
Local density approximation      46
Local spin density approximation      61—62
Logarithmic singularity in energy-wave number characteristic      148
Logarithmic singularity in Lindhard function      143
Madelung constant      149 232
Madelung energy      20 148—149 151 232
magic numbers      108—111
Magnesium atomic energy levels      45
Magnesium equilibrium bulk properties      130
Magnesium screening cloud      144
Magnesium structural stability      12 161—163
Magnesium, band width      33
Magnesium, density of states      125 126
Magnesium, pair potential      154 159
Magnetic moment of electron      36—37
Magnetic moment of hydrogen dimer      63
Magnetic moment of, 3d transition metals      230
magnetic quantum number      36
Magnetism and anomalous structures      12 226—231
Magnetism, antiferromagnetism      228—231
Magnetism, ferromagnetism      228—231
Magnetism, Stoner band theory      227
Magnetism, Stoner criterion      228
Manganese phosphide structure      see Structure types
Manganese, magnetism      230
Manganese, structure      5 7 12 231
Many-body problem      45—48
Matrix element, between hybrids      201
Matrix element, Hamiltonian      52
Matrix element, overlap      52
Maximum gap rule      9 10
Metallic bond in sp-valent metals      127—131
Metallic bond in transition metals      180—198
Metallic bond, unsaturated behaviour of      132—133 188
Miedema predictions for heat of formation      198
Molecular orbital theory      50—51 209
Molecules, diatomic, dissociation of      60—66
Molecules, diatomic, s-valent      50—7
Molecules, diatomic, sp-valent      68—76
Molecules, electronic structure      54 71 72 87 99 102
Molecules, five-atom      85—91
Molecules, four-atom      77—81 85—100
Molecules, six-atom      85—91
Molecules, triatomic      18 100—106
Molybdenum band parameters      183
Molybdenum bulk properties      189
Moments and electron count      95
Moments theorem, interpretation of structural trends      91—100 219—223
Moments theorem, statement of      95
Moments, definition      91
Moments, fifth moment      220
Moments, first moment      92
Moments, fourth moment and modality      92 104
Moments, fourth moment and shape parameter      94 104 220
Moments, fourth moment of $\textrm{AH}_2$ molecules      104
Moments, fourth moment of d-valent rings      223—224 225
Moments, fourth moment of four-atom molecules      92—96
Moments, fourth moment of s-valent elements      220 221
Moments, second moment and mean square width      92
Moments, second moment and structural prediction      190—191
Moments, second moment of alloy d band      191—193
Moments, second moment of elemental d band      188
Moments, sixth moment      223 225 240
Moments, third moment and pd bonded AB compounds      237
Moments, third moment and skewness      92 219
Moments, third moment and sp-valent elements      219—220
Moments, third moment of four-atom molecules      92—95
Nearest neighbour histogram      10
Nearly free electron approximation, band structure      118—121
Nearly free electron approximation, justification      121—126
Nearly free electron approximation, secular equation      119
Neon, embedding function      132
Nickel arsenide structure      see Structure types
Nickel, atomic energy levels      45
Nickel, magnetism      230
Niobium, band parameters      183
Niobium, bulk properties      189
Niobium, cohesive energy      10
Nitrogen, core hardness      217
Nitrogen, core size      39
Nitrogen, dimer      69 72
Nitrogen, structure      11 217
Noble gas solids      3 10
Noble metals, atomic energy levels of      44—45
Nodes in energy-wave number characteristic      149
Nodes in Fourier component of pseudopotential      125
Nodes in radial function      38 183
Nodes in spherical Bessel function      109
Nonbonding state      70 71 87 98
Normalization condition      29
Normalized atomic energy mismatch      55
Normalized hardness      see Degree of normalized hardness
Of sp-valent elements      221
One-electron Schroedinger equation      46
Orbital quantum number      36
Orbitals, angular dependence of      41
Orthogonality constraint      37 122—124 131
Orthogonalized Plane Waves      122
Overlap integrals      53 85
Overlap matrix elements      52
Overlap repulsion      54 64 65
Oxygen core hardness      217
Oxygen core size      39
Oxygen dimer      69 73
Oxygen structure      11 217
Packing fraction      3
Pair potentials and stability of four-atom molecules      77—81
Pair potentials for Al, Mg, Na      154 159
Pair potentials for Ca and Zn      165
Pair potentials within second-order perturbation theory      150—166
Pair potentials, analytic damped oscillatory      158
Pair potentials, phase of oscillatory potential      158—164
Pair potentials, range dependence      159—161
Pair potentials, repulsive      85
Palladium, atomic energy levels      45
Palladium, band parameters      183
Palladium, bulk properties      189
Pauli’s exclusion principle and closed-shell repulsion      131
Pauli’s exclusion principle and core-orthogonality      39 124 131
Pauli’s exclusion principle and exchange energy      34
Pauli’s exclusion principle and Fermi wave vector      32
Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hartree — Fock approximation      46
Pauli’s exclusion principle and magnetism      63
Pauli’s exclusion principle and overlap repulsion      20 54
Pearson symbol      2 5 12—17 end
Periodic boundary conditions      31
Periodic table      2 13
Perturbation theory, change in eigenfunctions      141
Perturbation theory, change in eigenvalues      145
Perturbation theory, real-space representation      150—156
Perturbation theory, reciprocal-space representation      145—150
Pettifor structure maps for $\textrm{AB}_2$ sp-valent molecules      18
Pettifor structure maps for AB compounds      end of book
Phase diagram of copper-zinc      168
Phase diagram of iron      130
Phase shift      179
Phillips — Van Vechten structure maps      58
Phosphorus      4 5 9 217
Photoelectron effect      23—24
Pi bonds      see Bond integrals
Pi states of sp-valent dimers      71 72
Platinum, atomic energy levels of      45
Pnictides      5
Poisson’s equation      137
Poisson’s equation, Fourier transform of      140
Polonium, relativistic effects      217
Polonium, structure      217
Potassium, density of states      126
Potassium, equilibrium bulk properties      130
Potassium, screening cloud      144
Pressure and resistivity      126
Pressure and structural transformations      47 162 225
Pressure of sp conduction band      187
Probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics      28
Probability clouds      42
Probability density of atoms      37 38
Probability density of dimers      55
Probability density of NFE eigenstates      121
Probability density, definition      28
Promotion energy      74 205—206 214
Pseudoatom      152
Pseudopotential form factor      146
Pseudopotentials, Ashcroft empty core      124
Pseudopotentials, concept      121—127
Pseudopotentials, Heine — Abarenkov      125
Pseudopotentials, non-local      153 164 166
Pseudopotentials, non-local versus local      126—127
Quantum mechanical concepts      20—35
Quantum numbers      36
Quasiparticles      35
Radial functions      37 38
Radius ratio      233
Rayleigh — Jeans law      22
Reciprocal lattice vector, definition      116
Rectangular d band model of cohesion      187—191
Rectangular d band model of heats of formation      191—198
Rectangular d band model of magnetism      227—230
Relative ordering number      12 13
Relative size factor      234
Relative volume difference      236
Relativistic energy conservation      25
Relativistic shifts of energy levels      45 217
Renormalization energy      186
Resonant phase shift      179
Response function      see also Lindhard function
Response function for afm ordering      228
Response function for bond order potential      239
Response function, definition      140
Response function, exchange-correlation enhancement factor      142
Rhodium, band parameters      183
Rhodium, bulk properties      189
Rigid band approximation      168
Rings and fourth moment      223—224 225
Rings, odd-numbered and skewness      93
Root mean square width      see Moments
Rubidium, density of states      126
Rubidium, equilibrium bulk properties      130
Ruthenium, band parameters      183
Ruthenium, bulk properties      189
Saturated bond      97 see
Scattering theory      179
Schroedinger equation for diatomic molecules      50
Schroedinger equation for free atoms      36
Schroedinger equation for free-electron gas      31
Schroedinger equation for periodic lattices      174
Schroedinger equation, effective one-electron      46
Schroedinger equation, plausibility derivation      29—31
Screening length, Thomas — Fermi      39
Screening within linear response theory      139—145
Screening within Thomas — Fermi approximation      136—139
Screening, clouds      144
Second moment      see Moments
Secular equation, hybrid NFE—TB      179
Secular equation, LCAO      52 53 68 69
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