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Parr R., Yang W. — Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules |
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Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), differential equation 8
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), energies for neutral atoms 113
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), exchange operator as nonlocal operator 23 38
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), Fock operator 8
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), invariance to unitary transformation 9
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), noninteracting reference system in 149
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), operator formulation 38
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), restricted (RHF) 9 148
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), self consistency in 9
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), self-interaction in 180
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), unrestricted open-shell (UHF) 12
Hartree — Fock orbitals 7 9
Hartree — Fock orbitals, canonical 10
Hartree — Fock orbitals, circulant 11
Hartree — Fock orbitals, localized 11
Hartree — Fock orbitals, unitary transformation of 10
Hartree — Fock Slater method See method
Hartree — Fock — Kohn — Sham method (HFKS) 183—186 245
Hatsopoulos, G.N. 75 297
Haufe, A. 208 292
Haymet, A.D. J. 217 291 298
Heaton, R.A. 183 298 309
Heaviside step function 128
Hedin, L. 170 177 178 274 298 315
Heller, D.F. 220 221 298
Hellmann — Feynman theorem 16 112 115 188 221
Helmholtz free energy functional 62—63
Helmholtz free energy functional, for non-interacting reference system 201
Helmholtz free energy functional, variational principle for 63
Henderson, G. 136 244 298 315
Herman, F. 140 298
Herring, C. 138 298
Hibbs, A.R. 161 292
Hilbert space 20 46 259
Hilbert, D. 246 252 254 290
Hillery, M. 265 267 270 298
Hinze, J. 93 298
Hodges, C.H. 128 132 298
Hoffman, G.G. 158 163 298 310
Hohenberg — Kohn theorems 51—53
Hohenberg — Kohn theorems, first theorem, proof by constrained search 57
Hohenberg — Kohn theorems, first theorem, proof by contradiction 51—52
Hohenberg — Kohn theorems, first theorem, restatement as a mapping 53
Hohenberg — Kohn theorems, second theroem 52 54
Hohenberg, P. 50 51 52 54 299
Holzman, M.A. 117 285
Holzwarth, N.A. W. 179 287
HOMO and LUMO 99—101 166 167
Homogeneity of functionals 251—252
Homogeneity of kinetic energy operator 18
Homogeneity of potential energy operator 18
Homogeneity of TFD energy components 109
Homogeneous electron gas See uniform electron gas
Hong, S.H. 183 314
HSAB principle 98 224—228
HSAB principle, covalent effects in 227
HSAB principle, hard likes hard 225
HSAB principle, polarization and electrostatic effects in 227
HSAB principle, soft likes soft 225
Hu, C.D. 197 299
Hubbard model 97
Hubbard, J. 97 299
Hugon, P.L. 204 294
Huheey, J.E. 98 225 235 299
Hunter G. 243 299
Hurley, A.C. 14 16 292 299
Hydrodynamical formulation of dft 244 282
Iczkowski, R.P. 93 299
Idempotency 22 26 36—37 42
Information theory 138. See phase-space distribution function
Inner product 20
Insulator, hardness of 96
Integral formulation of dft 157—163
Integral, Coulomb 7
Integral, electron-electron repulsion 13
Integral, electron-nucleus attraction 13
Integral, exchange 7
Integral, overlap 13
Interatomic forces 219—221. See Gordon — Kim method
Intrinsic framework electronegativity 235
Ionization energy or potential 10 72 166 178 224 243 276
Jaffe, H.H. 93 298
Janak theorem 149 165 173
Janak, J. R 164 272 275 299 306
Jellium 271
Jennings, B.K. 128 265 286 299
Jensen's inequality 62 256 257 258
Joannopoulos, J.D. 244 308
Johnson, K.H. 156 278 299
Jones, R.O. 112 157 176 182 186 193 282 296 298 299
Jonson, M. 180 191 192 193 296
Jorgensen, C.K. 284 306
Kalos, M.H. 163 299
Kanhere, D.G. 204 299
Karplus, M. 156 289
Katriel, J. 207 299
Keller, J. 200 283 299
Kemister, G. 119 185 242 299
Kestner, N.R. 179 291
Kim, Y.S. 117 157 219 220 295 300 302
Kinetic energy density, local 119 136 138 239
Kinetic energy functional in Gordon — Kim method 219
Kinetic energy functional, gradient corrections 132 136—140 175
Kinetic energy functional, Kohn — Sham 143 144 149—152 162 164
Kinetic energy functional, spin-density-functional theory 172
Kinetic energy functional, TF or TFD theory 49 108 132 175 247 252 272
Kinetic energy functional, universal 58 63
Kinetic energy functional, Weizsacker term in 127 247 252
Kinetic energy, in terms of natural orbitals 143
Kirzhnits, D.A. 128 300
Kitaura, K. 180 300
Kleinman, L. 86 179 300 302 312
Klopman, G. 93 98 300
Kohl, H. 210 300
Kohn — Sham effective potential 145
Kohn — Sham effective potential, exact 199
Kohn — Sham effective potential, exchange-only 198
Kohn — Sham effective potential, finite temperature 203
Kohn — Sham effective potential, in HFKS method 184
Kohn — Sham effective potential, spin-dependent 173
Kohn — Sham effective potential, time-dependent 209
Kohn — Sham equations 142—145
Kohn — Sham equations, canonical form 146 151
Kohn — Sham equations, compared with Hartree — Fock equations 147 149
Kohn — Sham equations, derivation 145—149 151 165
Kohn — Sham equations, finite-temperature extension 203—204
Kohn — Sham equations, for uniform electron gas 271
Kohn — Sham equations, local density approximation (LDA) 153 203
Kohn — Sham equations, self-consistent nature of 145 147
Kohn — Sham equations, semiempirical version of 234
Kohn — Sham equations, time-dependent extension 209
Kohn — Sham noninteracting reference system 141 148
Kohn — Sham noninteracting reference system, Hamiltonian for 143 144 202
Kohn — Sham noninteracting reference system, kinetic energy of 143 144 149—152 162 172 174—175 238
Kohn — Sham noninteracting reference system, statistical mechanics of 202
Kohn — Sham noninteracting reference system, v-representability problem with 144 148 187
Kohn — Sham orbitals 143—144
Kohn — Sham orbitals, for uniform electron gas 271
Kohn — Sham orbitals, polar form for time-dependent systems 209
Kohn — Sham spin-polarized (spin-density) theory 148 172—174 283
Kohn — Sham spin-polarized (spin-density) theory, local spin-density approximation for self-interaction correction to 182
Kohn, W. 50 51 52 54 141 142 144 154 165 173 183 201 207 208 211 243 296 299 300 301 305 307
Kohn-Sham theory (method) 142—168
Kohn-Sham theory (method), and chemical binding 218 234
Kohn-Sham theory (method), exactness in principle 147
Kohn-Sham theory (method), extension to nonintegral occupation numbers 163—168
Kohn-Sham theory (method), finite-temperature extension 201—204
Kohn-Sham theory (method), inclusion of spin 148 169—174
Kohn-Sham theory (method), intergal formulation 132 157—163 204
Kohn-Sham theory (method), orbital energies, physical meaning of 149
| Kohn-Sham theory (method), time-dependent extension 208—210
Kohn-Sham theory (method), total energy formula in 147
Kolos, W. 221 300
Komorowski, L. 233 300
Koninski, M. 226 228 233 306
Koopmans theorem 10
Koopmans, T. 10 300
Kozlowski, P.M. 244 306
Krakauer, H. 243 316
Kress, J.D. 138 141 198 243 290 300
Krieger, J.B. 157 301
Kryachko, E.S. 243 244 284 301 310
Kutzler, F.W. 205 301
Lackrter, K.S. 275 301
Lagowski, J.B. 179 292
Lagrange undetermined multipliers 6 254—255
Lagrange undetermined multipliers in Hartree — Fock method 8 37
Lagrange undetermined multipliers in Kohn — Sham method 146 151
Lagrange undetermined multipliers in phase-space maximum-entropy approach 240
Lagrange undetermined multipliers in statistical mechanics 44 45
Lagrange undetermined multipliers in Thomas — Fermi theory 50
Lagrange undetermined multipliers in time-dependent dft 209
Landau, L.D. 111 301
Lang, N.D. 243 301 307
Langer, R.E. 140 301
Langreth, D.C. 195 196 197 198 199 283 299 301
Lannoo, M. 199 301
LaPlaca, S.J. 243 305
Laufer, P.M. 157 301
Lawley, K.P. 13 301
Lebowitz, J.L. 67 301
Lee, C. 98 101 118 120 121 122 123 136 138 199 243 289 301 302 316 317
Lee, S. 179 220 302
Leech, J.W. 230 308
Leite, J.R. 200 302
LeSar, R. 221 302
Lester, W.A., Jr. 221 296
Levine, I.N. 3 302
Levine, Z.H. 212 302
Levy constrained-search formulation of dft 56—60. See constrained search
Levy, M. 12 15 30 54 56 58 70 74 75 77 86 133 140 148 149 151 152 164
Levy, M. (cont.) 176 187 189 205 213 214 216 222 224 237 238 239 243 244 292 302 303 305 308 309 312
Li, L. 224 303
Li, T. 210 303
Lieb, E.H. 39 54 55 58 69 82 105 114 116 133 149 150 163 206 213 288 303
Lifshitz, E.M.I 11 301
Ligand-field splitting 220
Lin, C.C. 183 298 309
Linderberg, J. 75 303
Lindgren, I. 181 303
Lindholm, E. 234 303
Linear response function 16 88 90 104
Linear response function, for non-interacting ground state 211—212
Linear response function, spectral representation of 210
Linear response, theory of dynamic 210—212
Linear response, theory of dynamic, applications 210 212
Linear response, theory of dynamic, finite-temperature and non-linear extensions 212
Lloyd, J. 221 303
Local spin-density approximation (LSD) 174 175 176 178 181 275
Local spin-density approximation (LSD), assessment 180 245
Local spin-density approximation (LSD), illustrative calculations 178—179
Local-density approximation (LDA) 49 109 127 152—157 174 281 283.
Local-density approximation (LDA), early calculations using 156—157
Local-density approximation (LDA), for exchange-correlation energy 153 176 196
Local-density approximation (LDA), for local temperature 121
Local-density approximation (LDA), in finite-temperature KS theory 203
Local-density approximation (LDA), self-interaction in 180
Lohr, L.L. 217 304
Long-range behavior, electron density 11
Long-range behavior, Hartree — Fock orbitals 15
Long-range behavior, natural orbitals 30
Long-range behavior, TFDW density 133
Long-range behavior, Thomas — Fermi density 112 117
Long-range behavior, Thomas — Fermi — Weizsacker density 127
Longuet-Higgins, H.C. 97 304
Lowdin, P.-O. 18 28 29 32 35 36 303 304
lseng, T.J. 183 311 314
Ludena, E.V. 138 140 214 284 294 304
Lundqvist, B.I. 173 178 179 186 190 191 192 193 205 274 275 283 296 297 298
Lundqvist, S. 234 297 303 304
MacDonald, J.K. L. 205 207 304
Macke, W. 55 304
Macroscopic systems 66—69 217 239
Magnetic field, Hamiltonian in presence of 169
Mallion, R.B. 97 289
Malmstrom, G. 195 311
Malone, J.G. 91 304
Malzacher, P. 133 135 136 313
Manninen, M. 243 310
Manoli, S. 166 182 304
Maradudin, A.A. 274 288
Marc, G. 18 304
March, N.H. 47 95 104 105 136 140 170 243 281 283 284 285 288 297 304 305 313
Margrave, J.L. 93 299
Markus, G.E. 95 287
Marron, M.T. 11 297
Martin, R.M. 230 305
Mascardtf, R. 200
Maschke, K. 56 60 214 317
Massa, L.J. 243 289 305
Massey, H.S. W. 220 305
Maxwell relations 88 90
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law 240
McClendon, M. 244 305
McCoy, J.D. 217 288
McDonald, I.R. 257 297
McGinn, G. 239 314
McMillan, W.G. 18 304
McQuarrie, D.A. 44 49 203 305
McWeeny, R. 3 28 32 35 199 285 305
Mean-path approximation 132 160
Mearns, D. 211 305
Mehl, M.J. 196 198 199 301
Mermin, N.D. 46 66 83 207 285 305
Merzbacher, E. 3 305
Messiah, A. 20 305
Metal-insulator-transition 204
Metal-metal bonds 179
Methods, l54
Methods, l83
Methods, ab initio 13
Methods, HF 7
Methods, HFKS 183
Methods, Huckel 97
Methods, LDA 153
Methods, LSD 174
Methods, PPP, CNDO, INDO, MINDO 97
Methods, RHF 9
Methods, semiempirical 13 234
Methods, SIC 181
Methods, UHF 12
Meyer, J. 118 305
Miller, J.E. 112 298
Miller, T.M. 210 305
Moffitt, W. 97 222 305
Mohammed, A.-R.E. 197 305
Molecular solids 221
Molecules, electronegativities and hardnesses of 280
Momentum space 241
Momentum space, density 241 266
Momentum space, density-functional theory in 244
Morokuma, K. 180 300
Morrell, M.M. 15 29 305
Mortier, W.J. 92 225 236 305 315 316
Moruzzi, V.L. 272 275 306
Moscardo, F. 200 312
Mullay, J. 276 306
Mulliken, R.S. 74 93 98 306
Multicomponent systems, dft for 215—217
Multicomponent systems, dft for finite temperature extension 217
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