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Parr R., Yang W. — Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules
Parr R., Yang W. — Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules

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Íàçâàíèå: Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules

Àâòîðû: Parr R., Yang W.


This book is a rigorous, unified account of the fundamental principles of the density-functional theory of the electronic structure of matter and its applications to atoms and molecules. Containing a detailed discussion of the chemical potential and its derivatives, it provides an understanding of the concepts of electronegativity, hardness and softness, and chemical reactivity. Both the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham and the Levy-Lieb derivations of the basic theorems are presented, and extensive references to the literature are included. Two introductory chapters and several appendices provide all the background material necessary beyond a knowledge of elementary quantum theory. The book is intended for physicists, chemists, and advanced students in chemistry.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Êâàíòîâàÿ ìåõàíèêà/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1989

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 333

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Electron density, atomic, piecewise exponential approximation for      116
Electron density, cusp at nucleus in      14
Electron density, differential equation for      243
Electron density, effect of Weizsacker correction      127
Electron density, example of non-v-representable      54
Electron density, for atoms in molecules      223
Electron density, in Gordon — Kim method      219
Electron density, in LDA method      156
Electron density, in terms of Kohn — Sham orbitals      145 203
Electron density, in terms of natural orbitals      143
Electron density, in TFDW model      133
Electron density, long-range behavior of      15
Electron density, N-representability of      55—56
Electron density, operator      68 170
Electron density, path-integral representation      162
Electron density, scaled      109 237
Electron density, second-quantized formula      264
Electron density, Thomas — Fermi theory      110—112
Electron density, Thomas — Fermi — Dirac model      110
Electron magnetization density      170
Electron repulsion energy functional, determination by constrained search      214
Electron repulsion energy functional, Hartree — Fock      106
Electron repulsion energy functional, universal      60 63
Electron spin density      169
Electron spin susceptibility      173
Electron-electron repulsion energy, classical      34 238 248
Electron-electron repulsion energy, in Hartree — Fock theory      8 11
Electron-electron repulsion energy, in terms of exchange-correlation hole      35
Electron-electron repulsion energy, in terms of second-order density matrix      124 177
Electron-electron repulsion energy, local model      123—127
Electron-electron repulsion energy, operator for      4 263
Electronegativity equalization      90—95
Electronegativity equalization in bond-charge model      232—234
Electronegativity equalization in HSAB analysis      226—228
Electronegativity equalization in polyatomic molecules      235
Electronegativity, alternative definitions      93
Electronegativity, as chemical potential      74—75 92 276
Electronegativity, as driving force for charge transfer      92
Electronegativity, difference, as coordinate in structure-stability diagrams      235
Electronegativity, equalization schemes      92
Electronegativity, finite-difference definition      83 95—96
Electronegativity, history of concept      92
Electronegativity, in bond-charge model      230—234
Electronegativity, intrinsic framework      235
Electronegativity, Mulliken's formula      74 93 166
Electronegativity, periodic dependence on atomic number      94—95
Electronegativity, transition-state calculation      166—167
Electronegativity, valence-state dependence      93
Electronegativity, values for      95 276—279
Electronic energy (functional)      3
Electronic energy (functional), atoms, calculated by various methods      134 156
Electronic energy (functional), canonical ensemble      82
Electronic energy (functional), change in charge transfer process      91 226—227
Electronic energy (functional), convexity of      72 78 80 81 84 95
Electronic energy (functional), density-matrix formula      31 33 37 39 60
Electronic energy (functional), density-matrix-functional theory      213
Electronic energy (functional), differentiability of      52
Electronic energy (functional), differential expression for      87
Electronic energy (functional), excited state theory      207
Electronic energy (functional), Gordon — Kim method      219
Electronic energy (functional), grand canonical ensemble dft      71
Electronic energy (functional), Hartree — Fock theory      7 8 9
Electronic energy (functional), Hartree — Fock — Kohn — Sham theory      184
Electronic energy (functional), in density-functional theory      52
Electronic energy (functional), Kohn — Sham theory      145 147 165
Electronic energy (functional), multicomponent systems      216
Electronic energy (functional), purely local model      126
Electronic energy (functional), spin-density-functional theory      171
Electronic energy (functional), spin-polarized Kohn — Sham theory      172
Electronic energy (functional), TFDW model      133—135
Electronic energy (functional), Thomas — Fermi theory      49
Electronic energy (functional), Thomas — Fermi — Dirac model      109—110
Electronic energy (functional), uniform electron gas      271—275
Electrophilic reagent      101
Electrostatic potential      50
Electrostatic potential used to define electronegativity      93
Electrostatic theorem      17
Ellis, D.E.      179 290
Embedded atoms (effective medium theory)      243
Energy functional      See electronic energy (functional)
Engel, E.      136 243 291
Englert, B.-G.      117 140 243 291 292
Englisch, H.      71 187 205 208 217 292
Englisch, R.      71 187 205 217 292
Entropy functional      63
Entropy functional for non-interacting reference system      201
Entropy maximization      44 45 239—241
Entropy of a mixed state      44
ErdahI, R.      31 282 292
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, density-functional theory      52 71 74 142 204
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, finite-temperature dft      68
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, for extremal of a functional      252—253
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, Hartree — Fock theory      38
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, Hartree — Fock — Kohn — Sham method      184
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, in finite-temperate Kohn — Sham theory      203
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, in purely local theory      127
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, Kohn — Sham method      142 144 146 158 165
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, modified Thomas — Fermi model      117
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, natural boundary conditions for      254
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, spin-polarized Kohn — Sham method      172
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, TFDW model      133 135
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, Thomas — Fermi theory      50
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, Thomas — Fermi — Dirac model      109
Euler — Lagrange (Euler) equation, wave function theory      6
Evans, G.C.      246 292
Evans, R.      67 69 292
Exchange energies of atoms      120 123 182 198
Exchange energy (functional), Dirac formula      108 113 154 272
Exchange energy (functional), for uniform electron gas      272—274
Exchange energy (functional), Gaussian formula      120
Exchange energy (functional), gradient correction      140 197
Exchange energy (functional), in Gordon — Kim method      219
Exchange energy (functional), in Hartree — Fock theory      106
Exchange energy (functional), in spin-density-functional theory      176—177 273
Exchange energy (functional), in terms of exchange hole      190
Exchange energy (functional), phase-space approach to      141 242—243
Exchange energy (functional), rational fraction approximation      141
Exchange energy (functional), scaling behavior      238
Exchange hole      40 189 193
Exchange hole, calculated for neon atom      191 192 193
Exchange hole, spherical average      193
Exchange hole, sum rule      190
Exchange potential      154 185
Exchange-correlation free-energy functional      202
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), average density approximation      191 194
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), for uniform electron gas      275
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), formula in terms of exchange-correlation hole      186—194
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), in density-functional theory      52 144
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), in spin-density functional theory      173
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), Langreth — Mehl approximation      196—197
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), local density approximation for      153 190 196
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), modified weighted density approximation      193—194
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), need for improved approximations for      244
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), wave-vector analysis of      194—197
Exchange-correlation functional (energy), weighted density approximation      191—193 194
Exchange-correlation hole (charge)      34. See exchange-correlation energy functional
Exchange-correlation hole (charge), in Hartree — Fock theory      40
Exchange-correlation hole (charge), local density approximation for      190
Exchange-correlation hole (charge), spherical average      189
Exchange-correlation hole (charge), sum rule      34 189
Exchange-correlation hole (charge), weighted-density approximation for      191—194
Exchange-correlation potential      145
Exchange-correlation potential, local density approximation for      153
Exchange-correlation potential, self-interaction in      182
Excited states, conversion to ground state by apparatus      86
Excited states, density-functional theory for      204—208
Excited states, lowest state of given symmetry      205
Excited states, orthogonality difficulties with      6 204
External potential      3
Extra-ionic resonance energy      92 93
Falicov, L.M.      102 292
Feibelman, P.J.      243 292
Fermi energy      48 211
Fermi function      202
Fermi level      102
Fermi — Amaldi correction      181 182
Fermi — Dirac distribution      48 202
Fermi, E.      47 105 181 292
Ferreira, L.G.      200 302
Ferromagnetic electron gas      177
Feynman path integral      159 204
Feynman, R.P.      17 44 45 161 259 260 292
Fieseler, H.      208 292
Finite-temperature dft      60—69
Finite-temperature dft, Kohn — Sham version      201—204
Finlan, J.M.      230 313
Fischer, C.F.      179 292
Fock space      26 46 202 259—264
Fois, E.S.      244 292
Fomin, S.V.      246 248 253 294
Force concept      281. See Hellman — Feynman theorem
Fraga relations      114 116
Fraga, S.      114 116 292
Freed, K.F.      187 292
Freeman, A.J.      179 221 290 293 315 316
Freeman, D.L.      243 293
Frishberg, C.      32 199 243 290 305
Fritsche, L.      208 293
Frontier orbital      See HOMO and LUMO
Frontier-electron theory of chemical reactivity      101
Fu, C.L.      243 293
Fuentealba, P.      200 293
Fujiwara, Y.      160 200 293 308
Fukui function      88 99—101 168 236
Fukui function, role in HSAB principle      225—228
Fukui, K.      101 293
Functional      5 7 246—254
Functional derivative      15 88 246—250
Functional derivative, chain rule for      250
Functional derivative, inverse of      250—251
Functional, chain rule for differentiation      251
Functional, convex (concave)      257—258
Functional, derivative      15 88 246—248
Functional, differential      246
Functional, homogeneous      251—252
Functional, inverse of derivative      250—251
Functional, local      109 248.
Functional, necessary and sufficient conditions for minimum      253 257
Functional, necessary condition for extremal in      252—253
Functional, second-order derivative      249
Functional, Taylor (Volterra) expansion      249
Functional, universal      53
Fusco, M.A.      41 293
G&par, R.      155 183 293
Gadre, S.R.      116 124 126 127 166 167 244 287 293 308
Galvan, M.      94 95 293 294
Garrison, B.J.      221 296
Garrod, G.      41 293
Garst, J.F.      98 317
Gasteiger, J.      235 305
Gaussian model      118—123
Gaussian resummation      120 125
Gaydaenko, V.I.      220 293
Gazquez, J.L.      94 95 116 126 138 141 200 230 236 283 288 293 294 299
Geerlings, P.      235 315
Gelbart, W.M.      220 221 298
Geldart, D.J. W.      195 197 311
Gelfand, I.M.      246 248 253 294
Gell-Mann, M.      274 294
Ghazali, A.      204 294
Ghosh, S.K.      55 60 92 98 104 113 117 119 120 136 138 139 141 208 209 212 235 236 239 240 241 242 243 244 282 287 290 291 294 295 301 305 308 316
Giannozzi, P.      212 286
Gianturco, R.A.      220 295
Gibbs inequality      62 65 68 257
Gibbs, J.W.      44 46 257 295
Gilbert, T.L.      55 214 295
Girifalco, L.A.      138 191 285
Global property      88
Goddard, W.A., Ill      179 295
Goldberg, M.      243 305
Golden, S.      158 295
Goldstein, J.A.      117 243 295 302
Golka, E.      313
Gombas, P.      105 282 285
Goodgame, M.M.      179 295
Goodisman, J.      138 243 295
Gopinathan, M.S.      164 183 295 314
Gordon — Kim method      219—221
Gordon — Kim method, alternative ansatz      221
Gordon — Kim method, applied to rare-gas atoms      220
Gordon — Kim method, extensions      220—221
Gordon — Kim method, for ion-rare gas interactions      220
Gordon — Kim method, insensitivity to error      221
Gordon — Kim method, self-interaction correction in      221
Gordon, R.G.      117 138 157 219 220 221 289 295 300 302 309 315
Gordy, W.      93 230 295
Gradient correction or expansion, Hodges correction      132
Gradient correction or expansion, in Thomas — Fermi theory      127—132
Gradient correction or expansion, Weizsacker correction      127 175
Grammaticos, B.      128 132 295
grand canonical ensemble      45—46
Grand canonical ensemble, grand partition function in      46 67
Grand canonical ensemble, grand potential in      45
Grand canonical ensemble, zero-temperature limit      70—74 75—81
Grand potential (functional)      66
Grand potential (functional), differential of      89
Grand potential (functional), variational principle for      65 67 201
Green's function (propagator)      129 133 159 211
Green's function (propagator), physical meaning of      161
Green, S.      221 296
Grimaldi, F.      212 296
Grimaldi-Lecourt, A.      212 296
Gritsenko, O.V.      199 200 296
Groot, R.D.      243 296
Gross, E.K. U.      133 135 136 140 141 207 208 209 211 243 296 307 311 313
Grout, P.J.      136 285
Gruenebaum, J.      198 311
Gunnarsson, O.      60 86 157 173 178 179 182 186 190 191 192 193 197 205 275 296 297 299 312
Guse, M.P.      224 297
Gyftopoulos, E.P.      75 297
Hadjisawas, N.      149 207 297
HAM method, as semiempirical Kohn — Sham method      234
Handler, G.S.      104 158 297
Handy, N.C.      11 297
Hansen, J.P.      257 297
Haq, S.      138 297
Harbola, M.K.      191 311
Hardness (or absolute hardness)      81 88 95—98
Hardness (or absolute hardness), as energy charge for disproportionation reaction      96—97
Hardness (or absolute hardness), as measure of aromaticity      98
Hardness (or absolute hardness), in bond-charge model      232
Hardness (or absolute hardness), in HSAB principle      225—282
Hardness (or absolute hardness), kernel      103—104 225 228
Hardness (or absolute hardness), of bonds      233
Hardness (or absolute hardness), state and environmental dependence      98
Hardness (or absolute hardness), sum, as coordinate in structure-stability diagrams      235
Hardness (or absolute hardness), values for      276—279
Hardness, local      101—104
Hardness, local, in HSAB principle      225 228
Harriman, J.E.      55 149 215 297 316
Harris, J.      112 157 176 186 296 297 298
Harris, R.A.      158 163 220 221 298
Harrison, J.G.      183 298
Harrison, R.A.      183 298 310
Hartree method, orthogonalized      12 147 183
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF)      7—13
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), canonical form      10
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), compared with Kohn — Sham method      147 148
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), Coulomb-exchange operator in      8
Hartree — Fock method or theory (HF), density-matrix formulation      35—40 213 248
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