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Versteeg H.K., Malalasekera W. — An introduction to computational fluid dynamics
Versteeg H.K., Malalasekera W. — An introduction to computational fluid dynamics

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Íàçâàíèå: An introduction to computational fluid dynamics

Àâòîðû: Versteeg H.K., Malalasekera W.


This text aims to provide information for novice CFD users who, whilst developing CFD skills by using software, need a reader that covers the fundamentals of the fluid dynamics behind complex engineering flows and of the numerical solution algorithms on which CFD codes are based.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/×èñëåííûå ìåòîäû/Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ôèçè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 257

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.02.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model      64 67—75 81—83 218 224
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, approximate boundary conditions      73
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, assessment of      74—75
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, boundary conditions      73—75
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, constants      71
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, RNG      82—83
$k-\varepsilon$ turbulence model, standard      70—72
$T^+$      202
$u^+$      202
$y^+$      200—202 208
$\nu$-control volume      141
$\nu$-momentum equation      141 194 204
'P' function      73 202
Accuracy      3 114 119 171 187—188 241
Algebraic equations      3 91 106 131 173
Algebraic stress model (ASM)      64 79—80
Algebraic stress model (ASM), assessment of      80
Algebraic stress model (ASM), constants for      79
Analytical solution      92 94—95 98 106 108—109 122 130 174 177 179 185 235—237
Application areas of CFD      1 222—239
Arrhenius kinetic rate      215
Auxiliary conditions      see Boundary conditions
Back-substitution      158
Backward difference formulae      242
Backward differencing      119 169 171
Backward staggered      139
Body force      15
Body-fitted coordinate system      167 219—222 239
boundary conditions      35—36 88 93—94 94 96—97 102 107 121 124 134 192 197—209 213
Boundary conditions wall      192 198
Boundary conditions, constant pressure 36      204
Boundary conditions, cyclic      36 192 205
Boundary conditions, for k-E model      73 201—202
Boundary conditions, for Reynolds stress equation model      77
Boundary conditions, inlet      36 192 194
Boundary conditions, outlet      36 192 196
Boundary conditions, periodic      192 205
Boundary conditions, symmetry      192 205
Boundary value problem      28
Boundedness      6 110 112—113 118 134
Buffer layer      200
Buoyancy term      248
Buoyant flows      218
Calculation of source terms      246
cells      3
Central coefficient      131
Central difference formulae      243
Central differencing      87 103—106 109—110 114 118 120 123 125—126 134 169
Central differencing, assessment of      113
Characteristics      30—33
Checker-board pressure field      137 138
Chemical reaction      210—211
Classical turbulence models      62
Classification      27—30 32—33 34—5
Classification methods      32—3
Classification of flow equations      34—5
Closure problem      53
Coefficients      88 93 105 116 122 129 133 139 141 145 195
Combustion modelling      210
Conductive heat transfer      88
Conductive heat transfer, boundaries      11
Conjugate gradient method (CGM)      167
Conservation laws      10
Conservation principle      4
Conservative form of flow equations      14 24
Conservativeness      6 110 118 134
Consistency      6
Constant pressure boundary condition      203 206
Continuity equation      11—12 104 135—136 138 144 146 151
Control volume      3 11
Control volume method      85
Control volume method, faces      11
Control volume method, integration      4 85 92 103—104 168
Control volume method, nodes      11
Convection      26 103 113 135
Convection-diffusion      103—104 139 156 168
Convection-diffusion equation      104—105 133
Convection-diffusion equation, one-dimensional      104
Convection-diffusion equation, three-dimensional      123
Convection-diffusion equation, transient      181—183
Convection-diffusion equation, two-dimensional      123
Convective flux      103 106 129 185
Convective heat transfer      95
Convective mass flux      104 139—140
Convective terms      103 105
Convergence      6 167
Correction formulae      143
Corrector step      150—151
Crank — Nicolson scheme      171 172—173
Cyclic boundary condition      36 205
Deformation rate      22 67
Diffusion      26 28 85 103 113
Diffusion coefficient      86
Diffusion coefficient, interface      87
Diffusion term      105—106
Diffusion, false      7 119—120 132
Diffusion, numerical      7 125
Diffusive conductance      104
Diffusive flux      87 103 121 128 184
Direct methods      156
Discrete control volumes      86
Discretisation      3 4 87 103 139 180—181
Discretisation schemes, higher order      125 133
Discretisation schemes, properties of      110
Discretised equations      85—90 94 97—98 101—102 104 106 115-16 121—122 129 131 133 136 145—146 171 175 178 181 184—185 188 192—194
Discretised, continuity equation      151
Discretised, momentum equations      142 146 151
Discretised, pressure correction equation      150—151
Discretised, v-momentum equation      146
Discretised, w-momentum equation      145
Dissipation, $k-\varepsilon$ model      67—75
Dissipation, rate in turbulent flow      70
Dissipation, Reynolds stress equation model      76
Dissipation, viscous      24
Domain      3
Domain of dependence      31
Donor cell differencing      115
Eddy      42—43
Eddy-break-up model      211 215—216
Eddyviscosity      63 71
Elliptic problem      27
Elliptic problemflow      34
energy equation      17—20
Energy equation, internal      20
Energy equation, kinetic      19
Energy equation, specific      19
Enthalpy      20 211
Enthalpy, total      20
Entrainment      55
EPISO      189
Equation of state      21 136
Equilibrium problems      27
Errors      7
Exchange coefficient      212
Explicit scheme      171 172—176 179
False diffusion      119—120 132
Favre averaged equations      53
Favre averaging      214
Finite difference method      3
Finite element method      4
Finite volume method      4 85 103
Fire modelling      223
First-order      125 169 242
FLOW3D      4
FLUENT      4 125
Flux consistency      111
Forward difference formulae      242
Forward elimination      156
Forward marching      171
Fully implicit      171 173
Gauss — Seidel iteration method      156
Gauss' theorem      25
General transport equation      25 85 103 135 211
Generation term      87 103
Governing equations      10—20 92 88 95
Governing equations, energy conservation      19
Governing equations, kinetic energy of mean flow      19 68
Governing equations, mass conservation      12—13
Governing equations, momentum conservation      16
Governing equations, turbulent kinetic energy      69
grid      3
Grid generation      86
Grid refinement      3
Guessed pressure field      142
Heat conduction      18
HENSA      9
Higher order differencing schemes      125 133—134
How does CFD work?      2
Hybrid differencing scheme      114 120—121 123—124 133—134
Hyperbolic problems      28—29
Hyperbolic problems, equations      30
Hyperbolic problems, flow      34
Hyperbolic problems, simple wave solutions      30
Implicit scheme      171 173—174 178—179 181 188
Indirect methods      156
Initial-boundary value problems      29
Inlet boundary condition      36 72 192 194
Instability, hydrodynamic      44—45
Integration constant (wall functions)      60 200
Integration,control volume      4 92 103—104 168
Interface diffusion coefficient      87
Intermittency      55
Iterative methods      156
Jacobi iteration method      156
Kinetic energy, equation for      19 68
Kinetic energy, mean      68
Laminar flamelet model      211 216
Laminar flow      42 200
Laminar steady flow      135 142
Laplace's equation      27
Law of the wake      60
Law of the wall      59
Line-by-line method (TDMA)      159
Linear approximation      87 96
Linear extrapolation      128
Linear interpolation      105
Linear sub-layer      59 200 208
Link suppression      102
Log-law      60 66 200 208
Mach number      10 34—35
Marching problems      28
Mass conservation      10 11—13
Mass conservation, compressible flow      12
Mass conservation, incompressible flow      13
MATLAB      91
Matrix equation      91 117
Matrix form      94 97 107 122 129 179
mesh      3
Mixing length      65 66
Mixing length model      62 64—67
Mixing length model, assessment of      67
Mixing length model, Baldwin and Lomax      67
Mixing length model, Cebeci and Smith      67
Mixture fraction      212—215 218
Modelling skills      7
Momentum equation      14—17 135—136 139
Moving walls      203
Navier — Stokes equations      21—24
Neighbour coefficients      102 116 133—134 171 180
Neighbouring nodes      101 102 104
Neighbours      86 99 139
Newton's law of viscosity      22
Newton's second law      10 14
No-slip condition      200
Nodal point      86—87 89—90 93 96 106
nodes      3 89 101—102 107 111—112 121 129
Non-linear $k-\varepsilon$ model      82
Non-orthogonal grid system      220
Non-uniform grids      244
Notation      86 137 139
Numerical diffusion      125
Obstacles      193 207
One-dimensional, convection-diffusion      104 106 120—121 125 127
One-dimensional, heat conduction      88
One-dimensional, steady state diffusion      86 88 102
One-dimensional, unsteady heat conduction      169
One-step reaction      212
Operator, skills      7
Outlet, boundary condition      36 192 196
Parabolic equations      28
Parabolic flows      34
Parabolic problems      28
Peclet number      112 114 120—122
Periodicity boundary condition      36 192 205
PISO algorithm      150—153 187 189
PISO algorithm, transient      187
Post-processor      2 5
Power law      114 124 133—134
Prandtl number      71 201—202
Pre-processor      2
Predictor step      150 187
Pressure boundary condition      36
Pressure control volume      138
Pressure correction      38 145—147
Pressure correction equation      136 146 151 187 194 196
Pressure gradient source term      139
Pressure-velocity coupling      135
Problem solving      5
Propagation of information      28—30
Pseudo-velocities      147
Quadratic interpolation      111 125 130
Quadratic upwind differencing scheme      125
QUICK scheme      111 125 127—128 131—134 156 166 182—183 243
QUICK scheme, assessment of      130
Rate of change      25
Rate of change, following fluid element      14
Rate of change, following fluid particle      13
Reference pressure      196
refinement      3; see grid refinement
Renormalisation Group (RNG) $k-\varepsilon$ model      82—83
Residuals      7
Reynolds equations      52
Reynolds number      10 36 40—49 57 60 69—70 73—78 114 120 203 222 224
Reynolds number, critical      42
Reynolds number, large eddy      43
Reynolds stress      52 54 63
Reynolds stress equation model      64 75—78
Reynolds stress equation model, approximate boundary conditions      78
Reynolds stress equation model, assessment of      78
Reynolds stress equation model, boundary conditions for      77
Reynolds stress, flat plate boundary layer      61
Reynolds stress, in jets      57—58
Reynolds stress, mixing layer      58
Reynolds stress, wake      58
Richardson number      219
Rough walls      203
Roughness      200
Scalar control volume      138 144
Second-order      125 173 188
Self preservation      55 56
Shear force      200
SIMPLE algorithm      38 136 142—143 146 148 150—153 187—189 198 223
SIMPLE algorithm, transient      186
Simple Chemical reacting system      211 212
SIMPLEC algorithm      148 154 187
SIMPLER algorithm      146—148 152—155 187—188 222 236
Solution of algebraic equations      2—4
Source terms      86—87 92 102—103 168 192—193 202—203
Source terms, calculation of      246
1 2
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