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Wilcox D. — Turbulence modeling for CFD |
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Algebraic models 23—64
Algebraic models, Baldwin — Lomax 8 52—53 53ff 78 81 133 136 160 195 197 207 209 352 365 368
Algebraic models, Cebeci — Smith 8 30 50—51 53ff 78 133 136 195 197 212 256f 352 365 368
Algebraic models, Prandtl eddy viscosity 31 48 53 69
Algebraic models, Prandtl mixing length 2 6 8 23 27—44 47 77 95 100 352 354—359
Algebraic Stress Model 221—223 233 243 266
Aliasing 319
ASM see “Algebraic Stress Model”
Asymptotic, consistency 73 133 138—146 150—153 247 259
Asymptotic, expansion (defined) 338
Asymptotic, sequence (defined) 338
Autocorrelation 91 316 329
Averaging, ensemble 11—12
Averaging, Favre 172—174
Averaging, phase 14 20
Averaging, Reynolds 11—14
Averaging, spatial 11—12
Averaging, time 11
Backscatter 327
Backward-facing step 161—163 221 261—263 266 321 328
Boundary-layer applications, compressible, flat-plate 81 195—198
Boundary-layer applications, compressible, nonadiabatic 201—202 255—256
Boundary-layer applications, compressible, rough-wall 201—203
Boundary-layer applications, compressible, separated 203—209 263—266
Boundary-layer applications, compressible, variable-pressure 198—201
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, curved-wall 215—217 253—255
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, flat-plate 59 81 133—136 142 253
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, mass transfer 131—132 136—138
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, rough-wall 128—130
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, separated 61—64 66—68 81—82 160
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, spinning-cylinder 256—257
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, transitional 155—159
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, unsteady 256—261
Boundary-layer applications, incompressible, variable-pressure 59—61 66—67 78 81—82 136 142—146 253
Boussinesq approximation (defined) 23
Butterfly effect 329
Cascading 4—5 314 316 320 327
CFL condition (defined) 293
CFL number (defined) 293
Channel flow 53—59 94 132—134 154—156 248—250 364—370
Channel flow, rotating 249
Channel flow, skin friction formula 56
Clauser defect law 48 105 111
Common part 106 345
Complete model 7 73 83 99 163
Completely-rough surface 129—130
Convective Mach number 186
Convergence, grid 304—305
Convergence, iteration 303—304
Correlation (defined) 15
Correlation, auto see “Autocorrelation”
Correlation, single-point 90 227
Correlation, two-point 90 227
Cross-term stress 325
Curved-wall flow see “Boundary-layer applications”
Defect layer 44—46 48 110—121 127 142 375
Delta formulation 298
Displacement thickness (defined) 197
Dissipating eddies 4 85 89 146 233 314 318 320 323
Dissipation (defined) 75
Dissipation, dilatation 184
Dissipation, Favre-averaged 179
Dissipation, incompressible 74
Dissipation, solenoidal 184
Dissipation, tensor 224
Distinguished limit 343
Drastic surgery 75 89 90 231 233
Dynamic SGS model 327
Dynamical system 328—330
echo effect “see Pressure-echo effect”
Eddy shock 183 185
Eddy turnover time 315 320
Energy spectral density 316
Energy-bearing eddies 86 89 233 238 314 316
Enstrophy 86
Entrainment 100 281 284
Equilibrium parameter (defined) 10
Equilibrium turbulence 29—30 63 77
Ergodic hypothesis 12
Escudier defect law 48
Far wake 32—38 95ff 242 279 355—356
Far wake, spreading rate (defined) 99
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 320
Filter 323—325
Filter, function 324
Filter, Gaussian 324
Filter, volume-average box 323
Filter, width 323
Flux Jacobian matrix 298
Fourier’s law 175
Friction velocity (defined) 46 190
Gradient-diffusion approximation 76
Grid insensitivity see “Convergence grid”
Half-equation models 65—67
Half-equation models, Hung 64 66
Half-equation models, Johnson — King 65—67 78 160
Half-equation models, Shang — Hankey 63
Heat transfer 63—64 158 172 182 195 197—198 200—201 204—205 207—210 215 321—322 328
Heat-flux vector, laminar see “Fourier’s law”
Heat-flux vector, turbulent 181
Homogeneous turbulence 12 184 218 235—242
Homogeneous turbulence, anisotropic 236
Homogeneous turbulence, isotropic 93 235 326
Homogeneous turbulence, rotating 218 234 242
Homogeneous turbulence, sheared 235 240
Homogeneous turbulence, strained 235 240 321
Hypothesis of local isotropy 224 233 314
Incomplete model 6 23 37 67 68 73 163
Inertial subrange 316
Inhomogeneous turbulence 12 184 227
Inner expansion (defined) 342
Integral scale, length 90 314
Integral scale, time 91
Intermittency 49
Invariant modeling 224
Jet, plane 41—44 95ff 242 359—360
Jet, radial 103 359—360
Jet, round 41—44 95ff 242 359—360
Jet, spreading rate (defined) 99
Karman’s constant (defined) 47
Klebanoff intermittency function 49—52
Knudsen number (defined) 27
Kolmogorov -5/3 law 316
Kolmogorov scales (defined) 314
kurtosis 186
Law of the wake 117
Law of the wall (defined), classical 47
Law of the wall with suction 71
Law of the wall, compressible 189—195
Law of the wall, curved-wall 217
Leonard stress 325
Levy — Lees variables 429
Locally homogeneous 227
Log layer 44—46 48 51 93—94 105—110 122 171 189 195 197 217 235 244 322
Mass transfer see “Boundary-layer applications”
Matching (defined) 344
Mean free path 23 25 27
Mixing layer 38—41 95ff 242 321 357—358
Mixing layer, compressible 172 183—189 195
Mixing layer, curved 242—243
Mixing layer, spreading rate (defined) 99
Mixing-length hypothesis 6 23 27—30
Momentum-integral equation 113
Morkovin’s hypothesis 172
Navier — Stokes equation, Favre-averaged 176
Navier — Stokes equation, filtered 325
Navier — Stokes equation, Reynolds-averaged 16
Navier — Stokes operator 17 88 166
Nonstationary turbulence 14
Oldroyd derivative 219—220
| One-equation models 77—83
One-equation models, Baldwin — Barth 8 79 81—82 160 197
One-equation models, Bradshaw — Ferriss — Atwell 8 78—79 94
One-equation models, Goldberg 8 78 81
One-equation models, Nee — Kovasznay 78
One-equation models, Prandtl — Emmons — Glushko 6 74—79 327
One-equation models, Spalart — Allmaras 8 79—81 281
Outer expansion (defined) 341
Overlap region (defined) 344
Perfect-gas law 175 423
Permutation tensor (defined) 334
Phase-space portrait 239
Pipe flow 4 53—59 132—135 154—157 248—251 364—370
Pipe flow, skin friction formula 56
Pope’s modification 102 104 359
Prandtl number, laminar 175 328 423
Prandtl number, turbulent 182 357 423
Pressure diffusion 75—76 182—183
Pressure dilatation 179 182—183
Pressure work 179 183
Pressure-echo effect 229—230 235 248—249
Pressure-strain correlation 222 224 226—231 233 235 243
Pressure-strain correlation, rapid (defined) 226
Pressure-strain correlation, slow (defined) 226
Pressure-strain redistribution see “Pressure-strain correlation”
Production (defined) 75
Pseudo-spectral method 320 323
Rapid pressure strain see “Pressure-strain correlation”
Rapid pressure-strain models, Launder — Reece — Rodi 229
Rapid pressure-strain models, Lumley 230
Rapid pressure-strain models, Speziale — Sarkar — Gatski 230
Realizability 220 224 229
Realization 321
Resolvable scale 324—325
Return to isotropy 214 220 222 228 239
Reynolds-stress (defined) 16
Reynolds-stress, anisotropy tensor 225
Reynolds-stress, equation 19 179
Reynolds-stress, tensor invariants 230
Reynolds’ analogy 181
Richardson extrapolation 304—305
Richardson number 217
Rodi’s ASM approximation 221
Rossby number 252
Rotating channel flow see “Channel flow rotating”
Rotation tensor (defined) 218
Round-jet/plane-jet anomaly 102 104 242—243
Rubel — Melnik transformation 277 281—282 286 351 353 371—372
Second viscosity, eddy 181
Second viscosity, molecular 175
Second-moment closure models see “Second-order closure models”
Second-order closure models 223—235
Second-order closure models, Daly — Harlow 9 228
Second-order closure models, Donaldson 9 224—225 228
Second-order closure models, Fu — Launder — Tselepidakis 231 241
Second-order closure models, Gibson — Launder 229 252
Second-order closure models, Gibson — Younis 261—262
Second-order closure models, Hanjalic — Launder 253—254
Second-order closure models, Launder — Reece — Rodi 9 226 231—232 235ff.
Second-order closure models, Mellor — Herring 225
Second-order closure models, Shih — Lumley 231 241
Second-order closure models, Wilcox multiscale 232—235 235ff 277 352 364—365 368 371 373 391 408—409 412 424
Second-order closure models, Wilcox — Rubesin 225 232 238 256—257
Secondary motion 165 214 218 220—223 255 266
Self preserving (defined) 30
Self similar see “Self preserving”
SGS Reynolds stress 325
Similarity-solution method 33—36
Similarity-solution method, existence conditions 35
Single-point correlation 90 227
Singular perturbation problem, defined 339
Slightly-rough surface 278 364 371
Slow pressure strain see “Pressure-strain correlation”
Smagorinsky model 326—327
Specific dissipation (defined) 85—87
Spectral method 319 320 323 324
Spinning, segmented cylinder 256—257
Spreading rate (defined), far wake 99
Spreading rate, jet 99
Spreading rate, mixing layer 99
Stability, analysis 293—297
Stability, conditional 294
Stability, unconditional 290 291 294
Stanford Olympics, first 60
Stanford Olympics, second 60
Stationary turbulence 11 12 14
Stiffness 273—275 303
Strain-rate tensor (defined) 218
Strange Attractor 328—329
Stratification 214 218 224 266
Streamline curvature 7 50 110 214 215—217 222—223 243 253—255 412
Subgrid scale (SGS) 323—324 326—327
Surface mass transfer see “Boundary-layer applications”
Surface roughness see “Boundary-layer applications”
Taylor microscale 315
Term-by-term modeling see “Drastic surgery”
thermal conductivity 175
Transcendentally small (defined) 338
Turbulence Mach number (defined) 184
Turbulence Reynolds number (defined) 139 152
Turbulent transport 76 182 225—226
Turbulent/nonturbulent interface 38 40 94 98 118 279—286 305 320 354
Two-equation models 83—92
Two-equation models, , Zeierman — Wolfshtein 91 94
Two-equation models, , Chien 139—145 154 194 196 198—200 261—262 278 291 408 428
Two-equation models, , Dutoya — Michard 139 142—143
Two-equation models, , Fan — Lakshminarayana — Barnett 139 291 408 428
Two-equation models, , Hassid — Poreh 139 142—143
Two-equation models, , Hoffmann 139 142—143
Two-equation models, , Jones — Launder 87 139—142 144—145 154 198 205 287 291 408 427
Two-equation models, , Lam — Bremhorst 139—145 154 278 291 408 427
Two-equation models, , Launder — Sharma 87—89 92ff. 198 204 232 242—243 252 291 352 355 357 359 375 408 427
Two-equation models, , Myong — Kasagi 139
Two-equation models, , Reynolds 139
Two-equation models, , Rodi 205 207 209
Two-equation models, , Shih-Hsu 139
Two-equation models, , Speziale — Abid — Anderson 139
Two-equation models, , Yang — Shih 139 291 408 428
Two-equation models, , Zhang — So — Speziale — Lai 139 198 201—202
Two-equation models, , Kolmogorov 7—8 83—88 92
Two-equation models, , Speziale — Abid — Anderson 85
Two-equation models, , Wilcox 9 84—87 92ff 194 196 198 216 223 260 265 277 352 355 357 359 364—365 368 371 373 375 391 408 412 424
Two-equation models, , Saffman 8 84 88 94 123 281 284
Two-equation models, , Saffman — Wilcox 9 85 190 203
Two-equation models, , Spalding 85—86 124
Two-equation models, , Wilcox — Alber 9 85—86 183
Two-equation models, , Wilcox — Rubesin 9 85—86 110 114 123 142—144 151 214 219 238 256—257 289
Two-equation models, , Wilcox — Traci 9 85
Two-equation models, , Speziale — Abid — Anderson 92 123—124
Two-equation models, , Coakley 85
Two-equation models, k-kl, Ng-Spalding 91
Two-equation models, k-kl, Rodi — Spalding 91
Two-equation models, k-kl, Rotta 83 90
Two-equation models, k-kl, Smith 91
Two-equation models, k-kl, Vollmers — Rotta 281
Two-equation models, k-l, Rotta 83
Two-point correlation 90 227
Universal equilibrium theory 314 316
Unsteady flow 14 256—261 292 296
Van Driest damping function (defined) 47
Velocity thickness (defined) 50
Viscous sublayer 44—46 48 122—125 128 130—132 142 152 244—247 261 277 305 322 373—374
Viscous-interface layer 284—286 308
Von Neumann stability analysis see “Stability analysis”
Vortex stretching 3 4 94 103
Wake see “Far wake”
Wake-strength parameter 117—120 375
Wall functions 126—128 133 142 161f 195 204f 244f 248 255 261ff 275f 305
Wall-reflection effect see “Pressure-echo effect”
Weak solution 279—284
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