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McCoy J.F. — Geo-Data. The world Geographical Encyclopedia |
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Vegetation, Australia 35
Vegetation, Austria 38
Vegetation, Barbados 49
Vegetation, Barbuda 23
Vegetation, Belarus 51
Vegetation, Belgium 54
Vegetation, Belize 57
Vegetation, Benin 59
Vegetation, Bermuda 61
Vegetation, Bhutan 64
Vegetation, Bolivia 67
Vegetation, Bosnia and Herzegovina 70
Vegetation, Botswana 72
Vegetation, Brazil 77 78
Vegetation, Brunei 81
Vegetation, Bulgaria 84
Vegetation, Burkina Faso 86
Vegetation, Burundi 88
Vegetation, Cambodia 91
Vegetation, Cameroon 94
Vegetation, Canada 100 101
Vegetation, Cape Verde 102
Vegetation, Central African Republic 107
Vegetation, Chad 110
Vegetation, Chile 114
Vegetation, China 120
Vegetation, Colombia 122 126
Vegetation, Comoros 127 128
Vegetation, Congo, Democratic Republic of 129
Vegetation, Congo, Republic of 135
Vegetation, Costa Rica 138
Vegetation, Cote d’Ivoire 139
Vegetation, Croatia 143 144
Vegetation, Cuba 147
Vegetation, Cyprus 149
Vegetation, Czech Republic 152
Vegetation, Denmark 155
Vegetation, Dominica 158
Vegetation, Dominican Republic 161
Vegetation, East Timor 163
Vegetation, Ecuador 166 167
Vegetation, Egypt 169 170
Vegetation, El Salvador 173
Vegetation, Equatorial Guinea 175
Vegetation, Eritrea 178
Vegetation, Estonia 180
Vegetation, Ethiopia 183
Vegetation, Fiji 185
Vegetation, Finland 188
Vegetation, France 193 194
Vegetation, Gabon 197
Vegetation, Gambia 199
Vegetation, Germany 205 206
Vegetation, Ghana 209
Vegetation, Greece 213
Vegetation, Greenland 216
Vegetation, Guadeloupe 219
Vegetation, Guatemala 221
Vegetation, Guinea 224
Vegetation, Guinea — Bissau 226
Vegetation, Guyana 228 229
Vegetation, Haiti 231 232
Vegetation, Honduras 234
Vegetation, Hungary 237 238
Vegetation, Iceland 240
Vegetation, India 244 246 247
Vegetation, Indonesia 252 253
Vegetation, Iran 258
Vegetation, Iraq 261
Vegetation, Ireland 264
Vegetation, Israel 267 268
Vegetation, Italy 272
Vegetation, Jamaica 275
Vegetation, Japan 280
Vegetation, Jordan 283
Vegetation, Kazakhstan 287
Vegetation, Kenya 291
Vegetation, Kiribati 294
Vegetation, Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of 296
Vegetation, Korea, Republic of 299
Vegetation, Kuwait 301
Vegetation, Kyrgyzstan 304
Vegetation, Laos 306
Vegetation, Latvia 309
Vegetation, Lebanon 311
Vegetation, Lesotho 313
Vegetation, Liberia 315
Vegetation, Libya 317 318
Vegetation, Liechtenstein 319
Vegetation, Lithuania 321
Vegetation, Luxembourg 324
Vegetation, Macedonia 326
Vegetation, Madagascar 327 329 330
Vegetation, Malawi 332
Vegetation, Malaysia 336
Vegetation, Maldives 338
Vegetation, Mali 341 342
Vegetation, Marshall Islands 345
Vegetation, Martinique 346 347
Vegetation, Mauritania 348 349
Vegetation, Mexico 356
Vegetation, Moldova 361
Vegetation, Mongolia 366 367
Vegetation, Morocco 369
Vegetation, Mozambique 373
Vegetation, Myanmar 376
Vegetation, Namibia 380
Vegetation, Nauru 382
Vegetation, Nepal 385 386
Vegetation, New Zealand 393 394
Vegetation, Nicaragua 397 398
Vegetation, Niger 400
Vegetation, Norway 407 408
Vegetation, Oman 409
Vegetation, Pakistan 414
Vegetation, Palau 416
Vegetation, Panama 419
Vegetation, Papua New Guinea 423
Vegetation, Paraguay 427
Vegetation, Peru 431
Vegetation, Poland 439
Vegetation, Portugal 443
Vegetation, Puerto Rico 445
Vegetation, Romania 450
Vegetation, Russia 456 457
Vegetation, Rwanda 459
Vegetation, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 465
Vegetation, Samoa 467 468
Vegetation, San Marino 469
Vegetation, Senegal 477
Vegetation, Slovakia 486
Vegetation, Solomon Islands 490
Vegetation, Somalia 493
Vegetation, Spain 501 502
Vegetation, Sri Lanka 504
Vegetation, Sudan 509
Vegetation, Sweden 517
Vegetation, Switzerland 520
Vegetation, Syria 523
Vegetation, Taiwan 526
Vegetation, Tajikistan 528
Vegetation, Tanzania 529 532
Vegetation, Thailand 535 536
Vegetation, The Bahamas 42
Vegetation, The Netherlands 389
Vegetation, The Philippines 435 436
Vegetation, Togo 538
Vegetation, Tonga 540
Vegetation, Tunisia 545
Vegetation, Tuvalu 555
| Vegetation, Uganda 558
Vegetation, Ukraine 561
Vegetation, United Kingdom 570
Vegetation, United States 579 580
Vegetation, Vatican City 589
Vegetation, Vietnam 596 597
Vegetation, Virgin Islands 598
Vegetation, Yemen 601
Vegetation, Yugoslavia 605
Vegetation, Zambia 606 608
Vegetation, Zimbabwe 611
Veimandu Channel (Maldives) 337 338
Veld (see Grasslands)
Velebit Mountains (Croatia) 142
Velebit National Park (Croatia) 144
Velika Kapela Mountains (Croatia) 142
Velika Kapela peak (Croatia) 142
Velika Ljubusa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 69
Velika Morava River (Yugoslavia) 604
Velika Plaza (Yugoslavia) 604
Velka Domasa Reservoir (Slovakia) 485
Velky Litny Ostrov (see Great Rye Island (Slovakia))
Vella Lavella Island (Solomon Islands) 489 490
Venada Island (Nicaragua) 396
Venetian Alps (see Eastern Alps (Italy))
Venezuela 589 594 590 593
Venice (Italy) 271 272
Venta River 308 320
Ventuari River (Venezuela) 591
Veracruz (Mexico) 355 356
Verde Island Passage (The Philippines) 434
Verde River (Paraguay) 426
Verkhoyansk (Russia) 456
Verkhoyanskiy Range (Russia) 453
Vermont (United States) 574
Vesteralen (Norway) 406
Vestlandet (see West Country (Norway))
Vestmannaeyjar crater (Iceland) 241
Vestur — Skaftafellssysla (Iceland) 238
Vesuvius (Italy) 269
Victor Emmanuel Range (Papua New Guinea) 420
Victoria (Seychelles) 480
Victoria Falls 605 607 610
Victoria Falls Reservoir (Sri Lanka) 503
Victoria Island (Canada) 99
Victoria Nile River (Uganda) 557
Victoria Nyanza (see Lake Victoria)
Victoria Peak (Belize) 56
Victoria Valley (Antarctica) 19
Victory Peak (see Jengish Chokusu (Kyrgyzstan))
Vidzeme Uplands (Latvia) 308
Vienna Basin (Austria) 36 38
Vientiane (Laos) 306
Vieques Island (Puerto Rico) 444
Vieques Sound (Puerto Rico) 444
Vietnam 594 597 595 596
Vieux Fort (Saint Lucia) 463
Vijose River (Albania) 6
Vilnius (Lithuania) 320 321
Vilyui River (Russia) 454
Vina del Mar (Chile) 114
Vindel River (Sweden) 515
Vindhya Range (India) 244
Vinson Massif (Antarctica) 19
Virgin Gorda (British Virgin Islands) 79
Virgin Islands National Park 598 599
Virgin Islands, British 78 80 79
Virgin Islands, United States 571 577 597 599 598
Virgin Passage (Puerto Rico) 444
Virginia (United States) 576
Virunga Mountains 130 458
Visayan Islands (The Philippines) 434 435
Visayan Sea 434
Visby (Sweden) 516
Viscount Melville Sound (Canada) 99
Vishakapatnam (India) 245
Viskan River (Sweden) 515
Visoke (DROC) 130
Vistula River (Poland) 437 438 439
Viti Levu (Fiji) 184 185
Vitiaz Strait 422
Vitim River (Russia) 454
Vitoria (Brazil) 76
Vitosha Mountains (Bulgaria) 8
Vlad Tepes 449
Vladivostok (Russia) 455 456 457
Vlasic Mountains (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 69
Vlieland Island (The Netherlands) 388
Vltava River (Czech Republic) 152
Vojvodina (Yugoslavia) 602 604
Volcan Baru (Panama) 417
Volcan Casita (Nicaragua) 395
Volcan Chiriqui (see Volcan Baru (Panama))
Volcan Concepcion (Nicaragua) 395
Volcan de San Miguel (El Salvador) 172
Volcan de San Salvador (El Salvador) 172
Volcan de San Vicente (El Salvador) 172
Volcan de Santa Ana (El Salvador) 172
Volcan Izalco (El Salvador) 172
Volcan Masaya (Nicaragua) 395 396
Volcan Misti (Peru) 428
Volcan San Cristobal (Nicaragua) 395
Volcan Telica (Nicaragua) 395 396
Volcan Yucamani (Peru) 428
Volcanic Highlands (Honduras) 233
Volcanic Plateau (New Zealand) 391 394
Volcano Islands (Japan) 279
Volcanoes, Antarctica 19 21
Volcanoes, Antigua 22
Volcanoes, Argentina 24
Volcanoes, Cameroon 92 93
Volcanoes, Chile 112
Volcanoes, Colombia 122 124
Volcanoes, Comoros 127
Volcanoes, Congo, Democratic Republic of 130
Volcanoes, Costa Rica 136
Volcanoes, Djibouti 156
Volcanoes, Dominica 157 158
Volcanoes, Ecuador 164 165
Volcanoes, El Salvador 171 172
Volcanoes, Ethiopia 182
Volcanoes, Greece 212
Volcanoes, Guadeloupe 218
Volcanoes, Guatemala 220
Volcanoes, Iceland 238 239
Volcanoes, Indonesia 249 250
Volcanoes, Italy 269 272
Volcanoes, Japan 276
Volcanoes, Kenya 289 290
Volcanoes, Madagascar 328 329
Volcanoes, Martinique 346
Volcanoes, Mauritius 350
Volcanoes, Mexico 352 353
Volcanoes, Myanmar 374
Volcanoes, New Zealand 391
Volcanoes, Nicaragua 395 396
Volcanoes, Papua New Guinea 421
Volcanoes, Peru 428
Volcanoes, Russia 453
Volcanoes, Saint Kitts and Nevis 460
Volcanoes, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 465
Volcanoes, Samoa 466 467
Volcanoes, Solomon Islands 489
Volcanoes, The Philippines 433
Volcanoes, Tonga 539
Volcanoes, United Kingdom 568
Volcanoes, United States 573 575
Volga River (Russia) 454
Volgograd (Russia) 454
Volta Basin (Ghana) 207 208
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