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McCoy J.F. — Geo-Data. The world Geographical Encyclopedia |
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Flooding, France 191
Flooding, Guinea 224
Flooding, Hungary 236 237
Flooding, Iceland 239
Flooding, Iraq 261
Flooding, Italy 271
Flooding, Japan 280
Flooding, Kazakhstan 286 287
Flooding, Korea, Republic of 298
Flooding, Laos 306
Flooding, Maldives 337
Flooding, Mali 341
Flooding, Mozambique 372
Flooding, Nepal 385
Flooding, Papua New Guinea 423
Flooding, Russia 455
Flooding, Somalia 491
Flooding, Sudan 507 508
Flooding, The Netherlands 387
Flooding, The Philippines 434
Flora (see Vegetation)
Flores (Indonesia) 248 250 252
Flores (Portugal) 442
Flores Sea (Indonesia) 251
Florida (United States) 575 577 578 580
Florida Keys (United States) 577
Fly River (Papua New Guinea) 421 422
Foehn (Switzerland) 520
Fog, Namibia 379
Fog, Oman 410
Foggaras (Algeria) 8
Fogo (Cape Verde) 102
Fohn (see Winds)
Folgefonn (Norway) 405
Fond River (Saint Lucia) 462
Fontur Point (Iceland) 241
Fontvieille (Monaco) 362
Foothills (see Hills)
Forcados River (Nigeria) 403
Forest Ecosystem Reserves (Japan) 280
Forest Region (Guinea) 222 224
Forestry products, Algeria 11
Forestry products, Canada 100
Forestry products, Chile 114
Forestry products, Finland 188
Forestry products, Georgia 202
Forestry products, Guatemala 222
Forestry products, India 248
Forestry products, Indonesia 253
Forestry products, Laos 307
Forestry products, Macedonia 326
Forestry products, Malaysia 336
Forestry products, Mexico 357
Forestry products, Myanmar 377
Forestry products, Nepal 386
Forestry products, Puerto Rico 445
Forestry products, Romania 451
Forestry products, Sweden 517 (see also Timber)
Forests, Afghanistan 4
Forests, Albania 7
Forests, Algeria 10
Forests, Angola 15
Forests, Antigua 23
Forests, Argentina 27
Forests, Australia 35
Forests, Austria 38 39
Forests, Bangladesh 47
Forests, Barbados 49
Forests, Belarus 51
Forests, Belgium 52 54
Forests, Belize 57
Forests, Benin 59
Forests, Bhutan 64
Forests, Bolivia 67
Forests, Bosnia and Herzegovina 70
Forests, Botswana 71
Forests, Brunei 80 81
Forests, Bulgaria 84
Forests, Burkina Faso 86
Forests, Burundi 88
Forests, Cambodia 91
Forests, Cameroon 94
Forests, Canada 100 101
Forests, Chad 110
Forests, Chile 114
Forests, China 120
Forests, Colombia 126
Forests, Comoros 128
Forests, Congo, Democratic Republic of 132
Forests, Congo, Republic of 135
Forests, Costa Rica 138
Forests, Cote d’Ivoire 141
Forests, Croatia 143 144
Forests, Cuba 147
Forests, Cyprus 149
Forests, Czech Republic 152
Forests, Denmark 155
Forests, Dominica 158
Forests, Dominican Republic 161
Forests, East Timor 163
Forests, Ecuador 166 167
Forests, El Salvador 173 174
Forests, Equatorial Guinea 175
Forests, Estonia 180
Forests, Ethiopia 183
Forests, Fiji 185
Forests, Finland 186 188
Forests, France 194
Forests, French Guiana 195
Forests, Gabon 197
Forests, Gambia 199
Forests, Germany 206
Forests, Ghana 210
Forests, Greece 213
Forests, Grenada 217
Forests, Guadeloupe 219
Forests, Guatemala 221
Forests, Guinea 224
Forests, Guinea — Bissau 226
Forests, Guyana 229
Forests, Honduras 234
Forests, Hungary 237 238
Forests, India 247
Forests, Indonesia 252 253
Forests, Iran 258
Forests, Ireland 264
Forests, Israel 268
Forests, Italy 272
Forests, Jamaica 275
Forests, Japan 280
Forests, Jordan 283
Forests, Kazakhstan 287
Forests, Kenya 291
Forests, Kiribati 294
Forests, Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of 296
Forests, Korea, Republic of 299
Forests, Kyrgyzstan 304
Forests, Laos 306 307
Forests, Latvia 309
Forests, Lebanon 311
Forests, Liberia 315
Forests, Libya 318
Forests, Liechtenstein 319
Forests, Lithuania 321
Forests, Luxembourg 324
Forests, Macedonia 326
Forests, Madagascar 330
Forests, Malawi 332
Forests, Malaysia 336
Forests, Maldives 338
| Forests, Mali 342
Forests, Marshall Islands 345
Forests, Martinique 346 347
Forests, Mauritius 351
Forests, Mexico 356
Forests, Micronesia 359
Forests, Moldova 361
Forests, Mongolia 367
Forests, Morocco 368
Forests, Mozambique 373
Forests, Myanmar 376
Forests, Namibia 380
Forests, Nepal 386
Forests, New Zealand 394
Forests, Nicaragua 397 398
Forests, Nigeria 403 404
Forests, Norway 408
Forests, Pakistan 414
Forests, Palau 416
Forests, Panama 419
Forests, Papua New Guinea 423
Forests, Paraguay 427
Forests, Peru 431
Forests, Poland 439
Forests, Portugal 443
Forests, Puerto Rico 445
Forests, Romania 450
Forests, Russia 456 457
Forests, Rwanda 459
Forests, Saint Kitts and Nevis 461
Forests, Saint Lucia 463 464
Forests, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 465
Forests, Samoa 468
Forests, Sao Tome and Principe 471
Forests, Senegal 477
Forests, Seychelles 479
Forests, Sierra Leone 482
Forests, Singapore 484
Forests, Slovakia 486
Forests, Slovenia 488
Forests, Solomon Islands 490
Forests, Somalia 493
Forests, South Africa 497
Forests, Spain 501 502
Forests, Sri Lanka 504
Forests, Sudan 509
Forests, Suriname 510 511
Forests, Swaziland 513
Forests, Sweden 517
Forests, Switzerland 520
Forests, Syria 523
Forests, Taiwan 526
Forests, Tajikistan 528
Forests, Tanzania 532
Forests, Thailand 536
Forests, The Bahamas 42
Forests, The Philippines 436
Forests, Togo 538
Forests, Tonga 540
Forests, Trinidad and Tobago 542
Forests, Turkey 549
Forests, Tuvalu 555
Forests, Uganda 558
Forests, Ukraine 561
Forests, United Kingdom 569 570
Forests, United States 579 580
Forests, Vanuatu 588
Forests, Venezuela 593
Forests, Vietnam 596 597
Forests, Virgin Islands 598
Forests, Yemen 601
Forests, Yugoslavia 604 605
Forests, Zambia 608
Forests, Zimbabwe 611 (see also Rainforests)
Forever White Mountains (see Changbai Shan (China))
Formentera Island (Spain) 500
Formosa (Guinea — Bissau) 225
Fort-de-France (Martinique) 347
Fort-de-France Bay (Martinique) 346
Fortuna (Vanuatu) 587
Fouta Djallon 222 223 340 476
Foveaux Strait (New Zealand) 393
Foyle River (Northern Ireland) 567
France 189 194 190 193
Franches — Montagnes Plateau (Switzerland) 519
Franconian Alb (Germany) 204
Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake (United States) 576
Franz Josef Land (Russia) 455
Fraser Island (Australia) 34
Fraser River (Canada) 98
Freetown (Sierra Leone) 481 482
French Alps 190
French Guiana 194 196
French Guiana, Guadeloupe 218 219
French Polynesia 193
French Riviera 192
Fresh Water Lagoons (Kiribati) 293
Friendly Islands (see Tonga)
Frigate Bay (Saint Kitts and Nevis) 461
Frigate Island (Grenada) 217
Frigate Island (Seychelles) 479
Front Range (United States) 573
Fruit bats (Samoa) 467
FSM (Micronesia, Federated States of) 357 360 358
Fua Mulaku Island (Maldives) 338
Fuerte Island (Colombia) 125
Fuerte River (Mexico) 355
Fuerteventura Island (Spain) 500
Fuiloro (East Timor) 162
Fulufjall (Sweden) 514
Funafuti (Tuvalu) 555
Funafuti Island (Tuvalu) 554
Funf Schwesterseen (see Five Sister Lakes (Austria))
Fur seals, Antarctica 20
Furka Pass (Switzerland) 519
Futuna (see Wallis and Futuna (France))
FYROM (see Macedonia Former
Gabon 196 198 197
Gabon River 196
Gagil — Tomil (Micronesia) 359
Gahar Lakes (Iran) 255 256
Gaizinkalns (Latvia) 308
Gal Oya National Park (Sri Lanka) 503 504
Gal River (Sri Lanka) 503
Galana River (Kenya) 290
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) 164 166
Galdhopiggen (Norway) 405
Galicica National Park (Macedonia) 326
Galilee (Israel) 266 267
Galion Bay (Martinique) 346
Gallegos River (Argentina) 26
Gallipoli Peninsula (Turkey) 548
Galty Mountains (Ireland) 262
Galway Bay (Ireland) 263
Gamba Protected Area Complex (Gabon) 197
Gambaga Scarp (Ghana) 208
Gambia 198 200 199 199
Gambia River 198 199 476
Gambier Island (France) 193
Gamgurtsev mountains (Antarctica) 19
Gamsberg (Namibia) 378
Gan Island (Maldives) 338
Gan River (Sri Lanka) 503 504
Gangdise Shan (China) 116
Ganges River 45 46 244 245
Gangetic Plain 244 245 246 247 385
Garabil Plateau (Turkmenistan) 550
Garabogazkol Gulf (see Kara-Bogaz Gol (Turkmenistan))
Garifiri hydroelectric dam (Guinea) 223
Garonne River (France) 191
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