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Mason W.P. (ed.) — Physical Acoustics. Principles and Methods (volume 10) |
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Medvedev, S.A. 205 295
Meeker, T.R., and Meitzler, A.H., Guided wave propagation in elongated cylinders and plates IA 111
Meitzler, A.H. see "Meeker T.R."
Menth, A. 201 204 206 282 296
Meredith, D.J. 130 131 135 136 137 138 140 143 146 147 148 149 150 153 181 189 190
Merriam, M.F. 292 294
Mertsching, J. 160 190
Metals, plate resonances in 172—174
Metherell, A.F. 351 355 381 383
Metsaveer, J.A. 46 59
Microsonics, in thin films 183—185
Microsound generation, conversion efficiency and 161
Microwave excitations, acoustic generation and 157—162
Microwave excitations, diffuse reflection and 160—162
Microwave excitations, specular reflection and 159—160
Microwave hologram interferometry 373
Microwave holograms 313
Miklailov, V.V. 205 295
Miklowitz, J. 56 59 60
Miller, J.G. see "Bolef D.I."
Miller, R.E. 198 296
Mintrop wave 9
Mishra, S.K. 54 59
Moessbauer effect 277
Monostatic configuration, for creeping waves 78—79
Monostatic reflection 72
Moore, R.S., and McSkimin, J.H., Dynamic shear properties of solvents and polystyrene solutions from 20 to 300 MHz VI 167
Morin, F.J. 194 203 204 295
Morse, P.M. 3 22 59
Mortell, M.P. 54 60
Mott, G. 115 126
Moving targets, radars and sonars for 345
Mueller, C.B. 259 295
Mueller, R.K. 349 351 364 380 381 382 383
Muller, J. 203 204 294 296
N-Nagy, F.L., and Joyce, G.C., Solid state control elements operating on piezoelectric principles IX 129
Nagase, M. 56 60
Nath, N.S.N. 63 126
Neeley, V.L. 383
Nembach, E. 206 295
Nemnonov, S.A. 285 294 295
Neubauer, H. 257 295
Neubauer, W.G. 29 46 60 64 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 124 125
Neubauer, W.G., Observation of acoustic radiation from plane and curved surfaces X 61
Neutron scattering experiments, phonon behavior and 259—262
Newman, D.R. 61 126
Niblett, D.H., Bordoni peak in face-centered cubic metals IIIA 77
Nichols, R.H. 383
Nicholson, J.W. 22 60
Nickerson, R.A. 2 60
Nondestructive testing, transducers in 146—148
Nonlocal limit, ionic displacement in 154—157
North, R.J. 61 125
Norton, K.A. 5 60
Norwood, F.R. 56 60
Nowick, A.S. see "Berry B.S."
Nuclear magnetic resonance, acoustic 169—170
Nuclear spins, acoustic shear waves and 169
Nussenzveig, H.M. 23 46 52 53 60
Nyborg, W.L., Acoustic streaming IIB 265
Oliver, B.M. 330 375 383
Olson, T.G. 87 125
Opaque objects, surface waves from 30—33
Optical maser (laser) 299 319
Osborne, M.F.M. 17 19 20 60
Ose, T. 380
Ott, H. 5 16 60
Palermo, C.J. 332 382
Papadakis, E.P., Ultrasonic attenuation caused by scattering in polycrystalline media IVB 269
Papi, G. 321 371 372 381 383
Pare, V.K. see "Thompson D.O."
Paris, D. 366 383
Parkins, B.P. 357 383
Partington, S. 374 376 382
Patel, J.R. 210 211 217 229 230 231 232 241 255 270 295
Payton, R.G. 54 60
Peck, D.R. 185 190
Pekau, D.F. 353 354 383
Perel, J. 205 208 211 254 295
Perov, A.P. 172 190
Peverley, J.R., Ultrasonics and the Fermi surfaces of the monovalent metals IVA 353
Phillips, J.C. 292 295
Philoppoff, W., Relaxations in polymer solutions, liquids and gels IIB 1
Phonon behavior, high-frequency 259—269
Phonon behavior, neutron scattering experiments and 259—262
Phonon density, calculation of 261—264
Phonon dispersion curve 260
Phonon dispersion curve, specific heat and 262—265
Phonon softening, superconductivity and 265—269
Piezoelectric generation, in aluminum alloy 143
Piezoelectric transducers in ultrasonic-wave generation 127—128
Piezoelectric transducers surface wave generation with 7
Piezoelectric transducers vs. electromagnetic 145
Pinhole, hologram of 310
Pippard, A.B. 159 190
Plane interfaces, acoustic radiation and reflection from 104—125
Plane surfaces, acoustic radiation from 61—125
Plate resonances, in metals 172—174
Plate resonances, in semimetals and semiconductors 178—181
Poincare, H. 22 60
Pollock, J.T.A. 205 208 211 294
Porcello, L.J. 332 333 339 357 381 382
Porto, S.P.S. 268 293
Posakony, G.J. 61 126
Powell, R.L. 370 383
Press, F. 3 5 9 10 58
Price, A.C. 374 376 382
Pulse theory, in surface-wave generation 26—29
Pytte, E. 283 295
Quimby, S.L. 216 295
Quinn, J.J. 130 152 153 162 164 167 168 169 171 172 175 190
Rachinger, W.A. 216 227 228 293
Radar holograms 332—337
Radar, synthetic-aperture 332—338
Radar, zone plate in 301
Raman, C.V. 63 126
Rayl, M. 224 234 282 295
Rayleigh angle 9 107—109 113—117
Rayleigh angle and 107—109 115
Rayleigh pole 13 54
Rayleigh pole, Lamb waves and 20
Rayleigh rays, transparent objects and 35
Rayleigh waves 1 4 54
Rayleigh waves, amplitude of 14
Rayleigh waves, attenuation constant and 43
Rayleigh waves, curved transparent objects and 37
Rayleigh waves, generalized 6—7 16
Rayleigh waves, generation of 7 115
Rayleigh waves, in water 110
Rayleigh waves, Schoch formulation for 106—107
Rayleigh, Lord 1 4 17 37 60 301 303 316 383
Rayne, J.A., and Jones, C.K., Ultrasonic attenuation in normal metals and superconductors: Fermi surface effects VII 149
Read, M.H. 291 292 296
Reduced temperature, insertion losses and 185
Reed, W.A. 195 206 214 216 219 222 224 229 274 296
Reflection zone plates, in holography 321—327
Rehwald, W. 205 206 211 219 224 234 235 253 263 281 282 295 296
Rendeiro, J. 383
Resonant magnetic fields, frequency and 182
Reuter, G.E.H. 160 190
Richardson, R.L. 2 7 57 113 114 115 125
Roberts, B.W., Oscillatory magneto-acoustic phenomena in metals IVB 1
Rodriguez S. 150 151 152 162 173 190
Rogers, G.L. 301 303 333 383
Rosen, L. 383
Rosen, M. 221 222 224 235 237 295
Ross, D. 318 381 382
Rothwarf, A. 292 295
Rubin, R.J. 137 154 189
Rubinov, S.I. 45 60
| Rudgers, A.J. 28 60 78 80 126
Rulf, B. 38 41 43 52 53 54 60
Ruoff, A.L. 272 274 275 294
Russo, V. 321 371 372 381 383
Ryder, E.J. 203 211 212 269 275 277 294
Sabisky, E.S. see "Anderson C.H."
Sackman, J. 56 58
Saddle-point method, for surface waves 10—12
Saermark, K. 129 166 172 190
Salzmann, E. 2 7 58 113 125 see K."
Sarachik, M.P. 202 203 237 295
Saur, E.J. 259 295
Scanning microphone 313—315
Scheggi, A.M. 321 381
Schiller, P. see "Seeger A."
Schilz, W. 178 179 190
Schlieren photographs 62—67
Schlieren photographs for aluminum cylinder 83—86 88—96 103 109
Schlieren photographs of plates in water 117—119
Schlieren photographs of pulses in water 116—117
Schlieren photographs of radiation from cylindrical shells 96—100
Schlieren photographs, Franz creeping waves in 71—73
Schlieren photographs, hydrophone measurements and 90—96 110
Schlieren photographs, pulse incidence and 83—84
Schlieren system, elements of 63—67
Schmidt headwave 9 14
Schoch, A. 5 18 19 60 106 107 126
Schoebe, W. 39 60
Schuele, D.E. 272 295
Schuster, H. 265 266 283 284 293 294 295
Seebeck coefficient, in A-15 structure semiconductors 203
Seeger, A., and Schiller, P., Kinks in dislocation lines and their effects on the internal friction in crystals IIIA 361
Seismic exploration, acoustic holography in 379—380
Semiconductors, shear waves in 174—178 see
Semiinfinite medium, liquid-solid interface between 104—117
Semimetals, compressional waves in 181—183
Semimetals, deformation generation in 166
Semimetals, electromagnetic generation in 162—166
Semimetals, plate resonances in 178—181
Semimetals, shear waves in 174—178
Sessler, G.M., Acoustic and plasma waves in ionized gases IVB 99
Sham, L.J. 244 251 284 295
Shapira, Y., Acoustic wave propagation in high magnetic fields V 1
Shaw, R.W. 217 294
Shear wave generation 171—172
Shear wave generation by small coils 145—146
Shear wave generation in semimetals 174—178
Shear wave generation, frequency dependence in 175
Shear wave generation, temperature and frequency in 140
Shear waves in holograms 327—330
Shear waves in metals 170—172
Shear waves in semimetals and semiconductors 174—178
Shear waves, cylinder and 84
Shear waves, instability in 225
Shear waves, nuclear spins and 169
Shear waves, sound velocity of 249
Shekhtman, V.Sh. 205 206 294
Shen, L.Y. 268 295
Sheridon, N.K. 349 383
Sherwood, R.C. 194 197 200 204 295 296
Shier, J.S. 277 295
Shikina, N.I. 160 190
Shirane, G. 208 209 211 214 254 259 260 262 263 271 272 278 283 284 295
Shull, C.G. 205 295
Shull, H.E. 293
Shulman, R.G. 197 295
Sikorski, M.E., Use of p-n junction semiconductor transducers in pressure and strain measurements IB 237
Silbernagel, B.G. 196 197 255 296
Silverman, D. 379 383
Sittig, E.K., Design and technology of piezoelectric transducers for frequencies above 100 MHz IX 221
Skin depth, classic 165
Skobov, V.G. 179 190
Smith, C.S. 272 295
Smith, G.E. 202 203 237 295
Smith, J.H. 61 106 126
Smith, R.F. 61 126
Smith, T.F. 244 251 257 258 274 275 295
Smooth convex surfaces, surface waves from 29—37
Soden, R.R. 201 204 206 214 224 230 235 237 239 268 282 283 296
Solid cylinder see also "Aluminum cylinder"
Solid cylinder, creeping-wave treatment for 73—82
Solid cylinder, radiation from 68—96
Sololov, S. 351 383
Sommerfeld — Watson transformation see "Watson — Sommerfeld transformation"
Sommerfeld, A. 22 25 60
Sonar 298
Sonar, side-looking 355—357
Sonar, synthetic-aperture (hologram) 353—355
Sondheimer, E.H. 160 190
Sonstegard, D.A. 54 60
Sottini, S. 371 372 383
Sound absorption, giant quantum oscillations in 177
Sound scattering, surface waves generated by 21—29
Sound-velocity data, approximate nature of at phase transformation 245—249
Southgate, P.D. 154 155 160 161 190
Spatial coherence, in holography 319—320
Speckle, in holograms 327—333
Specular reflection, microwave excitations and 159—160
Spencer, W.J., Monolithic crystal filters IX 167
Spencer, W.J., Observation of resonant vibrations and defect structure in single crystals by x-ray diffraction topography V 111
Spinak, S. 355 383
Spitzli, P. 203 204 294 296
Staudenmann, J.L. 203 204 294 296
Steady state theory for surface waves on simple curved transparent objects 37—54
Steady state theory in surface wave generation 21—26
Steinberg, B.N. 28 29 59 76 77 125
Stenzel, H. 330 383
Stephens, R.W.B. see "Webber G.M.B."
Sterling, H.F. 214 296
Stetson, K.A. 370 383
Stone, J.L. 343 383
Stoneley waves 1 7 19 54
Stoneley waves, Franz creeping waves and 26
Stoneley waves, on flat elastic half-space 43
Stoneley waves, propagation and intensity for 8
Stoneley waves, Rayleigh pole and 13
Stoneley waves, transparent objects and 34
Stoneley, R. 1 5 60
Strauss, W., Magnetoelastic properties of yttrium-iron garnet IVB 211
Streifer, W. 46 52 53 60
Stroke, G.W. 301 321 370 380 381 383
Structural transformation, change due to 253—255
Struehr, J., and Yeager, E., The propagation of ultrasonic waves in electrolytic solutions IIA 351
Suenaga, M., and Galligan, J.M., Difference in electron drag stresses on dislocation motion in the normal and the superconducting states for type I and type II superconductors IX 1
Sukhoparov, V.A. 257 294
Superconductivity, high- at superconducting transition 242—248
Superconductivity, high-temperature A-15 structure and 193—292
Superconductivity, phonon solftening in 265—269
Superconductivity, structural transformation and 219 253—255
Superconductivity, theoretical models of 278—290
Surface rays, diffracted 34
Surface rays, geometrical rays and 34—36
Surface waves from curved plates in water 123—125
Surface waves from cylindrical shells 96—104
Surface waves from opaque objects 30—33
Surface waves from plane interfaces 104—125
Surface waves from plates in water 118—124
Surface waves from smooth convex surfaces 29—37
Surface waves from solid cylinders 62—96
Surface waves from transparent objects 33—37
Surface waves on flat surfaces 2—21
Surface waves on liquid-solid interfaces 5—14 104—117
Surface waves on simple curved transparent objects 37—56
Surface waves, "launching efficiency" of 9—10 14
Surface waves, caustic-correction factors in 32
Surface waves, cylinder-to-lateral transition in 53
Surface waves, Debye series in 50 52
Surface waves, defined 1
Surface waves, diffraction coefficients in 31
Surface waves, excitation mechanisms for 56—57
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