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Mason W.P. (ed.) — Physical Acoustics. Principles and Methods (volume 10) |
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Fraas, L.M. 268 293
Franz creeping waves 22 26 29 34—35 see
Franz creeping waves, first calculation of 82
Franz creeping waves, hydrophone measurements and 73—81
Franz creeping waves, schlieren visualization of 71—73
Franz pole 55
Franz, W. 23 25 26 29 45 48 52 56 57 58 71 76 77 82 125
Fraser, D.B., Impurities and anelasticity in crystalline quartz V 59
Friedel, J. 279 280 281 282 294
Friedlander, F.G. 22 27 54 58
Friedle, W.D. 343 383
Fringe pattern, in hologram 315—316
Fritz, T.C. 272 293
Fritzler, D. 321 351 381 383
Froehlich, H. 292 293
Fujimovi, Y. 176 190
Fulde, P. 283 293
Gabor, D. 298 321 323 330 332 380 382
Gaerttner, M.R. 130 133 140 145 146 147 154 170 172 190 191
Gaidukov, Yu.P. 172 190
Galligan, J.M. see "Suenaga M."
Gantmaker, V.F. 129 164 166 174 178 179 181 190
Garbuny, M. see "Gottlieb M."
Garcia-Moliner, F. see "Elices M."
Garland, C.W., Ultrasonic investigation of phase transitions and critical points VII 51
Geballe, T.H. 194 201 204 206 282 293 295 296
Geers, T.L. 54 58
Geller, S. 194 295
Geometrical optics, rays of in elastic media 34
Geometry, helicon 152—157 164 168—169
Gey, W. 259 293
Giant quantum oscillations, in sound absorption 176—177
Gilbert, F. 27 33 58
Giorgi, A.L. 194 195 293
Goetz, G.G. 364 382
Goldberg, I.B. 278 285 293 296
Goldsberry, T.G. 29 58 87 125
Goldstein, Y. 184 185 190
Goodman, R.R. 7 38 42 43 58 84 87 125
Gordon, R.B., The effect of light on alkali halide crystals IIIB 97
Goringe, M.J. 209 294
Gossard, A.C. 197 201 204 206 282 293 296
Gottlieb, M., Garbuny, M., and Jones, C.K., Ultrasonic attenuation in superconductors: magnetic field effects VII 1
Grace, O.D. 7 13 38 42 43 58
Graebner, J.E. 285 294
Granato, A.V. see "Holder J."
Granato, A.V., and Lucke, K., The vibrating string model of dislocation damping IVA 225
Grant, R.M. 370 381
Greenspan, M.Transmission of sound waves in gases at very low pressure IIA 1
Gregory, R.D. 33 58
Greiner, E.S. 196 197 214 224 230 235 237 239 268 283 294 296
Grubin, H.L. 130 133 134 190
Grueneisen parameters, macroscopic 273
Gutman, L. 209 293
Haemmerle, W.H. 266 268 294
Hagen, J. 292 294
Haines, J.A. 370 382
Hall coefficient, in A-15 structure superconductors 201—203
Hall effect 164
Hallais, J. 203 211
Halloran, J.J. 201 281 293
Hammond, R.H. 266 268 294
Hanak, J.J. 205 206 207 208 214 219 221 224 232 233 234 242 253 255 294 295
Harbold, M.L. 28 29 59 76 77 125
Hardy, G.E. 194 294
Hargrove, L.E., and Achyuthan, K., Use of light diffraction in measuring the parameter of nonlinearity of liquids and the photoelastic constants of solids IIB 333
Harrison, M.J. 18 59 130 150 189
Harrison, W.A. 130 150 189
Hart, S.D. 17 19 20 60
Hartsough, L.D. 206 268 294
Harvey, F.K. 326 382 383
Hauser, J.J. 266 268 291 292 294 296
Headwaves, conical 17
Headwaves, schlieren photographs of 118—120
Headwaves, shear rays in 122
Heflinger, L.O. 370 382
Heiniger, F. 204 294 296
Helicon geometry 152—157 164 168—169
Helicon wave solution 163
Helicon-phonon coupling 163 179
Herbertz, J. 141 147 190
Heydemann, P., Ultrasonic measurements at very high pressures VIII 203
Hickling, R. 54 58 59
High- superconductors, at superconducting transition 242—278
High-temperature superconductors, Cohen — Cody — Halloran (RCA) model of 281—283
High-temperature superconductors, density-of-states peak model of 278—284
High-temperature superconductors, elastic behavior and structural instability of 193—292
High-temperature superconductors, Labbe — Frieder model of 279—283
High-temperature superconductors, lattice anharmonicity model in 287—290
High-temperature superconductors, structural instability of 290—292
High-temperature superconductors, theoretical models of 278—290
Hikata, A. see "Truell R."
Hildebrand, B.P. 359 370 380 382
Hirsch, P.M. 366 368 369 381 382 383
Ho, J.C. 292 294
Hoffstein, V. 268 294
Holder, D.W. 61 125
Holder, J., and Granato, A.V., Third-order elastic constants and thermal equilibrium properties of solids VIII 237
Hologram 299—300 see "Holography"
Hologram pulse compression 374—378
Hologram radar 333—334
Hologram speckle 327—331
Hologram, diffraction patterns in 329
Hologram, early acoustic 312—318
Hologram, fringe pattern in 315—316
Hologram, interference patterns in 322
Hologram, kinogram 301
Hologram, microwave 313
Hologram, of pinhole 310
Hologram, optical 331
Hologram, point source of light in 309
Hologram, side lobes in 327—330
Hologram, theory of 312
Hologram, zone plates in 301—311
Holography see also "Hologram"
Holography, "in-line" vs "off-axis" 308
Holography, acoustic 297—280
Holography, Babinet's principle in 343
Holography, coherence in 318—321
Holography, coherence length in 320
Holography, DKDP crystal in 360 364—365
Holography, information handling in 359—360
Holography, optical 297—298
Holography, reflection zone plates in 321—327
Holography, seismic applications of 378—380
Holography, spatial coherence in 319—320
Holography, synthetic-aperture concept in 332—340
Hopfield, J.J. 265 294
Hopkins, I.L., and Kurkjian, C.R., Relaxation spectra and relaxation process in solid polymers and glasses IIB 91
Horton, C.W. 29 46 58 59 87 125
Horton, C.W., Sr. 87 125
Houck, J.R. 129 135 137 140 146 147 170 174 178 190 191
Hsu, D. 130 140 155 156 162 171 172 174 175 177 180 181 182 183 189 190 191
Hsu, F.S.L. 194 269 294
Huang, H. 54 59
Hudimac, A. 21 59
Hull, G.W., Jr. 194 201 204 206 282 295 296
Hulm, J.K. 194 292 293 294
Hydrophone measurements for aluminum cylinder 87—96
Hydrophone measurements for cylindrical shells 103—104
Hydrophone measurements of creeping waves 73—81
Hydrophone measurements, schlieren photographs and 90—96
Hydrophone, acoustic holography and 364
Hydrophone, Rayleigh angle and 112—113
Hydrophone, Rayleigh waves and 111
Il'ina, M.A. 257 294
Ilukor, J., and Jacobson, E.H., Coherent elastic wave propagation in quartz at ultramicrowave frequencies V 221
Imai, I. 26 59
Ingalls, A.L. 332 333 379 382 383
Interferometry, with acoustic holography 370—374
| Ionic displacement, in nonlocal limit 154—157
Itskevich, E.S. 257 294
Jaccarino, V. 197 199 278 293
Jacobsen, E.H. see "Ilukor J."
Jaffe, H. see "Berlincourt D.A."
Jardetzky, W.S. 3 5 9 10 58
Jones, C.K. see "Gottlieb M." "Rayne J.A."
Jonod, A. 204 296
Jordan, J.A., Jr. 366 368 369 381 382 383
Joyce, G.C. see "N-Nagy F.L."
Junger, M.C. 56 57 58 59
Junod, A. 203 204 294
Kaganov, M.I. 160 174 190
Kallard, T. 2 59
Kamm, G.N. 174 190
Kaner, E.A. 160 179 189 190
Karal, F.C. 33 59
Keller, J.B. 29 30 32 33 59
Keller, K.R. 214 219 221 224 232 233 234 242 294
Ketterson, J.B. see "Eckstein S.G."
Kiemle, H. 318 381 382
King, H.W. 205 208 211 294
King, W.R. 46 59
Kinoform hologram 301
Kinoform, acoustic 366—370
Kiseleva, R.V. 205 295
Kjeldaas, T. 154 155 190
Klauder, J.R. 374 376 382
Klein, B.M. 211 283 294
Klemens, P.G., Effect of thermal and phonon processes on ultrasonic attenuation IIIB 201
Klimker, H. 221 222 224 235 237 295
Kline, M. 34 59
Klose, W. 265 266 283 284 293 294 295
Knapton, A.G. 291 294
Kneser, H.O., Relaxation processes in gases IIA 133
Knight shift 199 201
Knopoff, L. 27 58
Knopoff, L., Attenuation of elastic waves in the earth IIIB 287
Kock, W.E. 301 304 315 321 323 324 326 331 332 333 338 339 341 343 345 346 347 348 355 357 358 367 368 371 374 375 380 381
Kock, W.E., Acoustic holography X 297
Kodess B.N. 205 206 294
Kodis, R.D. 46 52 53 60
Kontorovich, V.M. 162 165 168 190
Koppelmann, R.F. 364 382 383
Kouyoumjian, R.G. 30 59
Kravchenko, V.Ya. 162 164 167 168 180 189 190
Kreutzer, J.L. 351 383
Krueger, M. 5 59
Krupa, M.C. 194 195 293
Kuan, W. 204 294
Kunzler, J.E. 194 203 204 211 212 224 236 237 242 250 256 257 268 269 275 277 285 288 294 295 296
Kurithzin, V.B. 205 206 294
Kurkjian., C.R. see "Hopkins I.L."
Kurmaev, E.Z. 285 294 295
Labbe, J. 203 211 279 280 281 282 293 294
Labeyris, A. 321 383
Lamb modes 118 121
Lamb theory, incidence angles in 122
Lamb waves 17—20
Lamb waves on flat plate 42 54
Lamb waves, dispersion curves for 18
Lamb waves, velocity of 120—121
Lamb, H. 10 17 59 62 118 125
Lamb, J.Thermal relaxation in liquids IIA 203
Lapin, A.D. 38 42 43 59
Larsen, P.K. 129 166 172 190
Larsen, R.E. 272 274 275 294
Laser, coherence and 319
Laser, holograms and 299
Lateral waves 14—17
Lateral waves, defined 9
Launching efficiency, of surface waves 9—10 14
Lawson, A.C. 292 294
Le Craw, R.C., and Comstock, R.L., Magnetoelastic interactions in ferromagnetic insulators IIIB 127
Leaky waves 19
Legg, K.O. 138 143 147 148 190
Leith, E.N. 299 332 333 339 379 382 383
Lerwill, W.E. 380 383
Lesem, L.B. 366 368 369 381 382 383
Levinstein, H.J. 203 204 211 212 224 236 237 242 250 256 257 268 269 275 277 288 294 296
Levy, B.R. 30 32 59
Lewis, R.M. 32 59
Libby, H.L. 139 189
Liebermann, L.N., Resonance absorption IVA 183
Liebermann, R.C. see "Anderson O.L."
Lin, L.H. 330 367 380 381
Lippmann, G. 321 383
Liquid-solid interfaces, surface waves on 5—14
Litovitz, T.A., and Davis, C.M., Structural and shear relaxation in liquids IIA 281
Liu, T. 204 294
Llewellyn, J.D. 131 134 135 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 147 189
Local limit, ionic displacement in 153
Lohmann, A.W. 366 381 383
Long, J.A. 379 382
Longinotti, L.D. 194 204 255 295
Lorentz force, in electromagnetic generation 132
Lorenz, L.V. 39 59
Love waves 20—21
Love, A.E.H. 1 3 5 20 59
Love, R.E. 217 294
Ludwig, D. 32 46 59
Luecke, K. see "Granato A.V."
Lund, V.M. 336 353 374 382
Luneberg, R.K. 34 59
Luo, H.L. 203 255 292 294 296
Lyall, K.R. 132 167 168 172 173 190 191
Magnetic field, electron energy in 176
Mailfert, R. 205 206 207 208 253 255 295
Maita, J.P. 194 201 203 204 206 211 212 224 236 237 242 250 256 269 275 277 282 284 292 293 294 295 296
Maloney, W.T. see "Damon R.W."
Malyuzhinets, G.D. 38 59
Mari, H. 176 190
Maris, H.J., Interaction of sound waves with thermal phonons in dielectric crystals VIII 279
Marom, E. 321 351 364 381 383
Marshall, S.W. 84 87 125
Martensitic phase transformation, in A-15 materials 205
Martin, F.D. 110 125
Marvin, R.S., and McKinney, J.E., Volume relaxations in amorphous polymers IIB 165
Mase, S. 176 190
Mason, H. 214 294
Mason, W.P. 216 217 295
Mason, W.P., Acoustic wave and dislocation damping in normal and superconducting metals and in doped semiconductors IVA 299
Mason, W.P., Effects of impurities and phonon processes on the ultrasonic attenuation of germanium, crystal quartz, and silicon IIIB 235
Mason, W.P., Internal friction at low frequencies due to dislocations: applications to metals and rock mechanics VIII 347
Mason, W.P., Multiple reflection ultrasonic delay lines IA 485
Mason, W.P., Semiconductor transducers-general considerations IB 173
Mason, W.P., Use of piezoelectric crystals and mechanical resonators in filter and oscillators IA 335
Massa, F. 358 383
Mattheiss, L.F. 284 286 287 295
Matthias, B.T. 194 197 199 204 255 292 293 295
Mattis, D.C. 148 190
Maxfield, B.W. 129 130 133 135 137 140 145 146 147 154 170 172 174 178 190 191
May, J.E., Jr., Guided wave ultrasonic delay lines IA 417
Mayer, W.G. 61 66 125
McCarthy, S.L. 255 294
McEvoy, J.P. 256 294
McFee, J.H., Transmission and amplification of acoustic waves in piezoelectric semiconductors IVA 1
McGehee, M.S. 356 383
McGlinn, E.J., Jr. 358 381
McKinney, C.M. 29 57
McKinney, J.E. see "Marvin R.S."
McMahon, D.H. see "Damon R.W."
McMillan, W.L. 265 266 270 284 294
McNicholas, J.V. 23 27 28 54 55 58 59 60 82 125
McNiff, E.F., Jr. 194 293
McSkimin, H.J. 215 240 294
McSkimin, J.H. see "Moore R.S."
McSkimin, J.H., Ultrasonic methods for measuring the mechanical properties of liquids and solids IA 271
Means, R.W. 54 59
Mechler, M.V. 87 125
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