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Mason W.P. (ed.) — Physical Acoustics. Principles and Methods (volume 15) |
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Shenderov, E. L. 218 293
Shibata, M. 343 345 346 358
Shibayama, K. 102 189
Shiraiwa, T. 339 359
Shock waves, in Hartmann generator 40
Shockley delay unit 77—78
Shreve, W. R. 162 177 189
Shunt-tuned transducers 166—167
Siegel, J. 179 188
Siemens Schucker equipment 70
Sikkeland, T. 67 93
Silica firebrick, acoustic emissions from 339
Silva, H. J. 162 189
Silvester, P. 113 188
Simmons, J. A. 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 357 359
Simple matching circuits, circuit factors for 164—165
Sinclair, J. E. 322 324 325 326 327 328 329 353 359
Siren, acoustical 8 64
Skavlem, S. 67 93
Skorpik, J. R. 350 357
Skraiber, D. S. 54 96
Skudrzyk, E. 88 96
Slobodnik, Jr., A. J. 101 123 124 162 189
Smith, H. I. 181 189
Smith, W. R. 102 103 107 108 110 113 124 125 126 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 156 157 163 164 166 168 169 170 172 174 175 179 180 185 188 189
Smoke coagulation, ultrasound in 70
Snell’s law 234
Snow, P. B. 125 188
Soellner, K. 58 90
Sokolov patent, for ultrasonic testing 54
Sokolov, S. 53 54 96
Solid cylinders and spheres, resonance formulation for 197—202
Solid inclusions, scattering of longitudinal waves from 273—281
Solie, L. P. 181 189
Solomon, S. G. 193 268 269 270 271 272 273 293 294
Solvay International Physics Institute 34
Sonar, improvements in 85—86
Song of Insects, The (Pierce) 53
Sonics (Hueter and Bolt) 89
Sono-luminescence 66
Souder, W. H. 22 92
Sound see also Acoustic emission Acoustics Ultrasound
Sound in narrow tubes 14—15
Sound propagation, finite displacement and 16
Sound propagation, fluid viscosity and 14
Sound radiometer 24
Sound scattering, tank experiment in 223—227 see
Sound velocity, finite displacement and 13—16
Sound waves in light intensity control 48—49
Sound waves, speed and propagation of 13—16
Sound waves, visualizing of 48
Sound, attenuation of 13—15 25
Sound, fluid flow analogy and 14
Sound, fluid viscosity in propagation of 14
Sound, heat conduction and 15
Sound, velocity of 13—15
Source-withdrawal weighting 120—122
Spanner, J. C. 296 359
Spark discharges 21—22
Spark discharges from condensers 24
Speake, J. H. 353 360
Sperry, W. R. 162 177 189
Spheres, resonance formulation for 197—202 see
Spherical fluid-filled cavities 240—267
Spherical fluid-filled cavities, compressional waves and 241 —247
Spherical fluid-filled cavities, dispersion curves of surface waves for 256
Spherical fluid-filled cavities, giant monopole resonance and 262—267
Spherical fluid-filled cavities, incident shear waves and 247—251
Spherical fluid-filled cavities, modular surfaces for 260—261
Spherical fluid-filled cavities, plots for 251—254
Spherical shells, interpretation of in terms of surface waves 218—223
Sproule, D. O. 76 91
St. Clair generator 70
St. Clair transducer 63—64
St. Clair, H. W. 63 70 96 97
Stagni, L. 339 358
Stagnic, L. 359
Stapleton, J. 353 357
Steam siren 64
Steel plate, Rayleigh and Lamb-mode dispersion curves for 235
Steel, acoustic emission source for 329
Steel, ductile fracture of 321—323
Steel, magnetomechanical AE effect in 343
Steel-quartz-steel sandwich transducer 31 51
Stegeman, G. I. 49 97
Steinberg, J. 335 336 337 339 347 348 349 359
Stephens, R. W. B. 84 97
Stokes, C. A. 71 97
Stokes, G. G. 14 97 301 360
Stopband problem, double electrodes and 125—126
Strasberg, M. 228 294
Stroboscopic illumination techniques 21
Strutt, R. J. 20 97
Stuart, W. D. 192 286 287 294
Sturdivant, T. D. 125 188
Su, J. 193 294
Submarine detection 26—33
Submarine detection, Chilowsky’s work in 29—30
Submarine detection, piezoelectric effect in 29—31
Submarine detection, transducers in 31—33
Submarine detectors, passive 29
Submarine Signal Company 27 35 51
Subrahmanyan, J. V. 290 294
Supersonic jet, impingement of on cavity 39
Surface acoustic wave delay line 102—104 see
Surface acoustic wave delay line, tapped 106
Surface acoustic wave devices, transducer design for 99—187
Surface acoustic wave filters, bulk or plate waves and 129—130
Surface acoustic wave filters, computer simulation of 146—153
Surface acoustic wave filters, diffraction or beam steering and 123—124
Surface acoustic wave filters, dispersive 180—183
Surface acoustic wave filters, electrode resistivity and acoustic propagation loss in 131—132
Surface acoustic wave filters, electromagnetic feedthrough and ground loops in 130—131
Surface acoustic wave filters, filter insertion loss and 161—163
Surface acoustic wave filters, specific transducer geometries for 177—187
Surface acoustic wave filters, three-port transducer networks for 148—149
Surface acoustic wave filters, transducer design and 109—110
Surface acoustic wave filters, types of 179—180
Surface acoustic wave filters, “brick-wall” 178—179
Surface acoustic wave propagation, metal electrodes in 125
Surface acoustic wave signal processing devices 100
Surface acoustic wave transducers, as transversal filters 161
Surface acoustical waves, regeneration distortion in 127
Surface waves, spherical shells and 218—220
Suzuki, T. 339 359
Swain, W. E. 350 360
Szabo, T. L. 101 102 123 124 189
Tamir, T. 226 292
Tamm, K. 267 268 293
Tancrell, R. H. 107 110 113 178 189
Tanglis, E. 290 293 294
Tapped delay lines 183—184 see
Taton, R. 23 97
Tawil, E. P. 48 97
TE mode see Transverse electric mode
Telecommunications Research Establishment 77
Telephone receivers, impedance characteristics of 23
Teller, C. M. 347 358
Templin, L. 183 188
Texas Christian University 46
Texas, University of 46
Theory of Sound (Rayleigh) 18
Thermal Kaiser effect 338
Thermionic triode 23
Thomas, R. G. 231 293
Three-port circuit for crossed-field model 138—139
Three-port circuit for generalized circuit model transducer 145—146
Three-port circuit, general capabilities of 132—137
Tiersten, H. F. 101 188
Titania ceramics, piezoelectric properties of 61
| Titanic, S.S. 26—27
TM mode see Transverse magnetic mode
Toepler, A. 13 21 97
Toepler, M. 21 97
Townsend, M. A. 317 357
Tradeoffs, in interdigital transducers 170—176
Transducer geometry, array-factor response and 115—120
Transducer materials, ultrasonic generators and 61—64
Transducer response, transducer geometry and 110—122
Transducer transfer functions, in interdigital transducers 134—136
Transducer(s) for typical filter applications 177—187
Transducer(s), capacitance 317—318
Transducer(s), direct-connection or “untuned” 165—166
Transducer(s), electromagnetic 63—64
Transducer(s), linear-FM dispersive 118—119
Transducer(s), magnetostrictive 67
Transducer(s), moving-coil 27
Transducer(s), nondispersive filter 117—118
Transducer(s), piezoelectric acoustic emission type 318
Transducer(s), quartz-focusing 69
Transducer(s), quartz-steel-quartz type 31 51
Transducer(s), shunt-and series-tuned 166—177
Transducer(s), transducer response and 110—122
Transducer(s), ultrasonic 31—32
Transducer(s), “untuned” 165—166
Transduction mechanisms 16—18
Transfer functions, for interdigital transducers 135—136
Transient secondary system, schematic of 320
Transient waves “nuclei of strain” generation of 354
Transversal filter 104—106 see
Transversal filter, versatility of 106—109
Transverse electric modes 287
Transverse magnetic modes 287
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (Maxwell) 18
Triple-transit signal or echo 128—129
Triple-transit suppression, defined 128
Truell, R. 192 273 274 292 294
Truesdell, C. 50 84 97
Tschiegg, C. E. 297 299 301 355
Tuning-fork tonemeter 8
Tuxedo Park Laboratory 44
Two-port network, for two-transducer filter 146—148
Tyagi, S. 335 336 337 339 347 348 349 359
Tyndall effect 9
Tyndall, J. 5 6 8 11 13 97
Ueberall, H. 193 197 202 204 206 207 208 210 212 213 218 219 221 222 223 227 228 229 230 231 233 234 235 237 238 239 240 242 245 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 265 266 267 268 269 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 289 290 291 292 293 294
Ugincius, P. 208 227 292 294
Uhlemeyer, B. 55 96
Ultrasonic agglomeration 70
Ultrasonic burglar alarms 78
Ultrasonic cavitation 20 38—39 58
Ultrasonic cleaning 67—68
Ultrasonic degassing 71
Ultrasonic degreaser 68
Ultrasonic dental drills 83
Ultrasonic echo-ranging system 34 86
Ultrasonic emulsification 70
Ultrasonic garage-door openers 78
Ultrasonic generators, transducer materials and 61—64
Ultrasonic generators, whistles as 6
Ultrasonic machining 67
Ultrasonic Physics (Richardson) 88
Ultrasonic plastic welding 69
Ultrasonic radiation, harmful effects of 82
Ultrasonic soldering 68 89
Ultrasonic therapy 79
Ultrasonic tomography 81
Ultrasonic underwater transmitters 23
Ultrasonic welding 69 89
Ultrasonics see also Ultrasound
Ultrasonics as aid to blind 78
Ultrasonics for underwater telephony 34
Ultrasonics in chemical-biological processes 72—74
Ultrasonics in dentistry 83
Ultrasonics in fluids 65—66
Ultrasonics in nondestructive testing 74—79
Ultrasonics in ore flotation 71
Ultrasonics in surgery 82
Ultrasonics, acoustic emission and 78—79
Ultrasonics, acoustic streaming and 66—67
Ultrasonics, birth of 28—33
Ultrasonics, cavitation and 20 38—39 58 65—66
Ultrasonics, coagulation action in 57
Ultrasonics, commercial uses of 89
Ultrasonics, defined 2
Ultrasonics, drilling and cutting action in 67
Ultrasonics, emulsifying-dispersing action of 56—57
Ultrasonics, growth of science of 33—39
Ultrasonics, high-power 64—74
Ultrasonics, Langevin’s work in 28—30
Ultrasonics, Loomis Laboratory and 41—46
Ultrasonics, metallurgical applications of 71—72
Ultrasonics, optical aspects of 47—49
Ultrasonics, physical acoustics and 25 83—87
Ultrasonics, postwar books on 87—89
Ultrasonics, postwar developments in 60—89
Ultrasonics, power 55—59
Ultrasonics, steel-quartz-steel transducer in 31 51
Ultrasonics, submarine detection and 26—33
Ultrasonics, technical literature on 59—60
Ultrasonics, underwater sound and 83—87
Ultrasonics, “coming-of-age” of 60—89
Ultrasonics, “old” techniques in 39—40
Ultrasonics, “sea birth” of 26
Ultrasound see also Ultrasonics
Ultrasound in medical diagnosis 79—80
Ultrasound, Edelmann whistle and 20
Ultrasound, first uses of in testing and medicine 53—55 79
Ultrasound, history of 2—20
Ultrasound, light diffraction by 47
Ultrasound, scientific uses of 37 53—55
Ultrasound, sea birth of 28—29
Ultrasound, submarine detection with 26—33
Underwater sound 26—33 85
Underwater ultrasound transmitters 23
Vahaviolos, S. J. 351 357
Van der Burgt, C. M. 63 97
Van Dyke, K. S. 36 97
Varadan, V. 193 294
Vasile, C. F. 178 179 189
Very-low-frequency generators 27
Vigoureux, P. 37 60 88 97
Vincent, J. H. 46 97
Viscoelasticity, Kelvin — Voigt model of 221
Vivian, J. E. 71 97
Vogt, R. H. 197 227 292
Vollers, H. 102 188
Vonnegut, B. 64 97
Vortex whistle 64
Wadley, H. N. G. 296 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 332 353 359 360
Wagers, R. S. 101 130 132 189
Waldner, M. 185 189
Wallaston, W. H. 5 97
Walter, J. 336 358
Ware, G. 353 357
Warren, S. D., Paper Company 70
Washington Navy Yard 51
Waterman, P. G. 193 294
Watson transformation 218—219
Watson — Sommerfeld solution, in coatedshell analysis 221
Wave propagation, mode conversion and 241
Webster horn equation 41
Webster, A. G. 40 97
Webster, E. 66 97
Weinberg, L. 108 189
Weissler, A. 67 73 97
Weld strength, acoustic emission monitoring of 352
Wenk, S. 94
Wente, E. G. 39 97
Western Electric Company 33 35 350
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