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Mason W.P. (ed.) — Physical Acoustics. Principles and Methods (volume 15) |
Предметный указатель |
Landau, L. D. 312 358
Lane, A. M. 231 293
Langenecker, B. 72 90
Langevin sandwich transducer 31—32 51 54—55 78
Laser welds, AE monitoring of 353
Lasky, M. 26 29 34 52 84 94
Lebedev, P. 25 94
LeConte, J. 6 9 94
Lee, R. E. 145 146 149
Leedom, D. A. 146 188
Leemans, D. V. 350 358
Lewis, S. T. 268 293
Li, R. C. M. 125 188
Lifshitz, E. M. 312 258
Lifson, H. 299 300 301 316 317 359
Likhodacva, E. A. 218 293
Lindsay, R. B. 13 15 16 18 20 47 50 94
Linear-FM dispersive transducer 118—119
Lithium sulfate 61
Litsios, J. 64 94
Loenvik, K. 339 357
Loomis Laboratory 41—46
Loomis, A. L. 44 50 55 92 93 96 97
Lord, A. E., Jr. 78 94 295 296 335 336 337 339 342 347 348 349 356 358 359
Low-frequency oscillations 27
Lozinskii, M. G. 63 94
Luborsky, F. 336 358
Lucas, R. 47 94
Lynnworth, L. C. 78 94
Madigosky, W. 233 235 238 239 292 293
Magnetic Barkhausen effect 347—348
Magnetic field drives 344—345
Magnetomechanical acoustic emission 342—348
Magnetomechanical effect, in stress determination for ferromagentic materials 354
Magnetostriction in submarine detection 30
Magnetostriction in ultrasonics 46—47
Magnetostriction, discovery of 16
Magnetostriction, later developments in 62
Magnetostrictive oscillators 47
Magnetostrictive transducers 67
Magnetostrictive-based QG gear, on destroyers and submarines 51
Magnetostrictors 46—47
Mahoux, G. 56 94
Makarov, L. O. 67 96
Marinesco, N. 60 94
Marshall, S. W. 218 293
Masentcn, W. K. 106 188
Mason, W. P. 61 62 63 88 94 137 189
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 22 78 84
Matching circuits, circuit factors for 165
Matthaci, G. L. 102 146 188
Mattiat, O. 71 73 95
Matzkanian, G. A. 347 358
May, J. E, Jr. 78 95
Mayer, W. G. 234 239 294
McBridc, R. J. 192 273 293
McBridc, S. L. 317 339 350 358
McClellan, J. H. 179 189
McElroy, J. W. 296 359
McElroy, W. D. 66 92
McMaster, R. C. 77 94
Medical ultrasonics 79—83
Medwin, H. 228 292 293
Meissner, A. 37 95
Melngailis, J. 125 188
Meniere’s disease 82
Metallic glasses, acoustic emission from 338—339 346—347
Metallurgy processes, acoustic emission in 339—340
Metallurgy processes, ultrasonic applications in 71—72
Metglass, acoustic emission from 347—349
Meyer, E. 48 90 267 268 293
Meyer, F. R. 69 72 95
Mezzorani, G. 193 218 228 230 294
Michael, P. L. 83 95
Microcracks, crack volume and 327
Microcracks, lifetime and propagation rate for 332
Microcracks, parameters of for various mild steel specimens 330—331
Miklowitz, J. 268 294
Miller, D. 351 357
Miller, D. C. 4 5 6 8 9 14 20 95
Miller, H. B. 63 95
Milsom, R. F. 101 189
Minnaert, M. 228 294
Mittag — Leffler expansion 245
Molecular theory of gases 19
Molecular transformations, acoustic emission during 335—340
Molten metals, ultrasonic treatment of 72
Morse, F. 183 188
Moser, P. J. 193 290 291 293 294
Moving-coil transducer 27
Mow, C. C. 268 294
Muehlhaueser, O. 53 95
MueUer, G. 301 358
Mukherjee, A. K. 342 355
Murphy, J. D. 193 208 210 212 218 219 223 286 290 291 294
Murphy, R. 339 358
Musical tone, production of 6
Nagl, A. 193 210 218 219 228 230 286 290 291 294
Nath, R. S. N. 48 95
National Bureau of Standards 33
National Research Council 32
Naval Consulting Board 43
Naval Research Laboratory 51
NDt see Nondestructive testing
Neklepajew, N. 25 95
Neppiras, E. A. 46 62 63 66 67 95
Neubauer, W. G. 194 197 221 227 268 292 293
Neumann, E. P. 70 73 74 95
New London Naval Experiment Station 33
Newton, R. G. 193 212 220 241 294
Nigul, U. K. 218 294
Nilsen, A. 281 293
Nishi, R. Y. 228 294
Nobel prize 18
Noltingk, B. E. 66 95
Nondestructive testing, acoustic emission in 353
Nondestructive testing, advances in 89
Nondestructive testing, pulse-echo 75—77
Nondestructive testing, ultrasonics in 74—79
Nondispersive bandpass filters, transducer design and 177—180
Nondispersive filter transducer 117—118
Nonlinear wave propagation 15—16
Nonplane acoustic wave fronts, in apodized transducers 124
Northrup, C. J. M. 339 357 358
Norton, E. T. 340 357
Norton, J. L. 70 73 74 95
Nuclei of strain, transient wave generation by 354
Nudd, G. R. 185 189
Nyborg, W. L. 66 67 95
Nyffeler, F. 102 189
Olson, A. R. 55 96
Olson, J. G. 218 293
Ono, K. 296 342 343 345 346 358
Openheim, A. V. 179 188
Optical sensing, of acoustic emission transients 334
Osborne, M. F. M. 233 294
Oscillators, crystal 36 see
Oscillators, low-frequency 27
Otto, O. W. 180 188
O’Handley, R. C. 347 358
P. U. A. 85 95
Packman, P. F. 317 357
Palaiologos, K. 39 95
Palazzo, V. 351 357
Palfreeman, J. S. 78 90
Palmer, C. H. 332 334 356 358
Pao, Y. H. 268 294 301 302 324 354 355 359
Papa, T. 339 358
Pardee, W. J. 301 359
Parks, T. W. 179 189
| Partial-wave scattering amplitude 206
Payne, C. H. 351 356
Pearson, K. 7 95
Pease, D. C. 66 92
Peck, J. C. 268 294
Pedinoff, M. E. 124 188
Pedler, W. R. 142 143 144 145 146 148 149 151 152 153 189
Pekeris, C. L. 298 299 300 301 316 317 359
Phonautograph 8—9
Physical acoustics see also Acoustics Sound
Physical acoustics, development of 25
Physical acoustics, progress in 49—51
Physical acoustics, ultrasonics and 83—87
Physical effects, early awareness of 41—42
Physical Optics (Wood) 42
Pielemeier, W. H. 38 50 95 96
Pierce acoustic interferometer 38 45 49—50
Pierce, G. W. 38 46 53 87 95
Piezoelectric acoustic emission transducer 318
Piezoelectric effect 17
Piezoelectric effect in submarine detection 29—31
Piezoelectric engineering 35
Piezoelectric materials, anisotropy of 123—124
Piezoelectric materials, man-made 61
Piezoelectric resonators (piezoresonators) 36—37
Piezoelectric waves 129
Piezoelectricity (Cady) 61
Piezoelectricity, discovery of 16
Piezoelectricity, telephone applications of 35
Pitts, L. E. 234 239
Plastic strain rate, acoustic emission and 341
Plastic welding 69
Plona, T. J. 234 239 294
Pohlman, R. 49 55 64 93 95
Posakony, G. J. 77 95
Power ultrasonics, development of 55—59
Press, F. 279 280 292
Prestressed sandwich transducer 63
Preyer, W. 6 95
Price, A. C. 107 180 182 188
Princeton University 45
Prout, J. H. 83 95
Pulse-echo nondestructive testing 75—77
Pulse-echo nondestructive testing, medical applications of 80
Pye, D. 40 87 96
Pyroelectricity 17
Quartz crystals as sound propagator 31
Quartz crystals in vacuum-tube oscillators 35
Quartz crystals, displacement of by man-made crystals 61
Quartz sandwich transducer 31—32 51 54—55 78
Quimby, S. L. 38 95
Quinn, R. K. 340 355
RAc see Reflective array compressor
Raju, P. K. 202 293
Raman, C. V. 95
Randall, R. 334 359
Rassweiler, G. M. 77 91
Rayleigh circumferential wave 225—226
Rayleigh disk 21
Rayleigh resonances 207
Rayleigh waves 19 129
Rayleigh waves, crossed-field model and 140
Rayleigh waves, crystal tensors and 133
Rayleigh waves, dispersion curves for 213—214
Rayleigh waves, scattering and 206
Rayleigh, Lord 6 9 11 15 18 19 20 21 95 96 102 189
Rayleigh-mode dispersion curves, for steel plate 235
Raytheon Company 69
Redwood, M. 101 189
Reeder, T. M. 102 103 132 133 135 136 138 142 157 162 177 189
Reflective-array compressors 100
Reflective-array compressors, unapodized dispersive transducers in 184—187
Reflectoscope pulse-echo device 76
Regeneration distortion 127
Regge poles 193 212 219 246 258
Reid, J. A. 50 96
Reilly, N. H. C. 101 189
Repal, A. S. 340 356
Resonance formulation, for cylinders and spheres 197—202
Resonance scattering 191—292
Resonance scattering, quantum mechanical theory of 192—193
Resonance scattering, rubber-coated steel shell and 221
Resonances, of submerged plates 232—240
Reverberation control of gain 84
Reverse scattering problem 281—285
Rice, F. O. 50 93
Rich, D. L. 38 96
Richards, W. T. 50 55 56 58 59 96
Richardson, E. G. 37 55 57 58 59 70 71 79 86 88 96
Roberts, G. A. 162 189
Roberts, S. 62 96
Robinson, J. 8 96
Rochelle-salt crystal array 35 51 61
Roman, P. 192 198 294
Rosen, M. 339 355
Rosenfeld, R. C. 114 117 162 188
Rouby, D. 317 356
Royal Cancer Hospital 80
Rozenberg, L. D. 63 67 72 94 96
Rubin, W. L. 105 188
Ruck, G. T. 192 286 287 294
Rudnick, I. 64 83 90
Rytov, S. 60 96
S matrix 248—249
S. P. T. 8 96
Sachse, W. 301 312 313 314 315 354 359
Saenz, A. W. 281 292
Sage, K. A. 193 218 229 230 294
Sakamoto, Y. 339 359
Sales, G. 40 87 96
Sasaki, H. 342 343 344 358
Saunders, F. A. 23 36 46 52 96
Savart wheel, in pitch determination 5
Savart, F. 5 96
SAW see Surface acoustic wave
Scarpellini, R. S. 296 356
Scattering as reflection or diffraction process 192
Scattering resonances, surface-wave interpretation of 223—227
Scattering theory, classical 194—197
Scattering, from solid spherical inclusions 273—281
Scattering, inverse 281—285
Scattering, sound 223—227
Schaefer, CI. 39 96
Schaefer, K. L. 96
Scharnhorst, K. P. 265 266 268 293
Scheibe, A. 37 92
Schillinger, E. H. 82 93
Schlichting, H. 66 96
Schlieren photography, invention of 12—13
Schmidt, F. O. 55 96
Schoch, A. 233 294
School of Physics and Chemistry (Paris) 29—30
Schultze, F. A. 20 96
Schuster, A. 19 96
Scophony Supersonic Television System 49
Scruby, C. B. 296 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 332 353 359 360
Seabrook, W. 42 43 44 96
Sears, F. W. 47 91
Secrest, B. G. 102 149 188
Seitz, M. G. 350 356
Sensitive flames 9—13
Series tuning, vs. shunt tuning 177
Series-tuned transducers 167—169
Sette, D. 339 358
Shannon, C. E. 105 189
Shaw, H. J. 102 103 132 133 135 136 138 142 157 189
Shear waves, incident 247—251
Shells, coated 208—218
Shells, resonance theory for 208
Shells, spherical 218—223
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