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Chang C.C., Keisler H.J., Troelstra A.S. — Model Theory
Chang C.C., Keisler H.J., Troelstra A.S. — Model Theory

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Название: Model Theory

Авторы: Chang C.C., Keisler H.J., Troelstra A.S.


Since the second edition of this book (1977), Model Theory has changed radically, and is now concerned with fields such as classification (or stability) theory, nonstandard analysis, model-theoretic algebra, recursive model theory, abstract model theory, and model theories for a host of nonfirst order logics. Model theoretic methods have also had a major impact on set theory, recursion theory, and proof theory.
This new edition has been updated to take account of these changes, while preserving its usefulness as a first textbook in model theory. Whole new sections have been added, as well as new exercises and references. A number of updates, improvements and corrections have been made to the main text.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3 edition

Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 650

Добавлена в каталог: 02.07.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Svenonius' Theorem      329
Symmetric relation      580
Syntax      3
Tarski's theorem      346
Tautology      8 24
Term      22
Theorem      25
Theory      12 36
Theory of a model      37
Theory of a type      100
Three-cardinal problem      598
Torsion group      78
Torsion-free group      40
Totally indiscernible set      495
Totally transcendental theory      500
Transcendence basis      181
Transcendence rank of a field extension      181
Transcendence rank of a formula      497
Transcendence rank of a model      497
Transcendence rank zero      496
Transcendental set in a field extension      348
Transfer Scheme      285
Transfinite induction      582
Transitive model      45
Transitive property      37
Transitive realization      49
Transitive relation      580
Transitive submodel      125 270
TREE      244
Tree property      244
Trivial Boolean algebra      369
Trivial filter      211
True in a model      7 32
Truncation      271
Truth definition      1
Truth table      8
Tuple      579
Two-cardinal model      533
TYPE      78
Type of a model      100
Type of a tuple      100
Ultrafilter      46 166 213
Ultrafilter theorem      214
Ultrapower chain      260
Ultrapower extension      260 448
Ultraproduct      215
Unbounded set      246
Uniform filter      252
Union of a chain of models      140
Union of a set of models      145 321
Unions axiom      592
Uniqueness Theorem for Countably Saturated Models      103
Uniqueness Theorem for Special Models      300
Universal model      103 297
Universal sentence      34
Universal-existential sentence      146
Universe      20
Universe class axiom      595
Unstable theory      505
Upward Lowenheim — Skolem — Tarski Theorem      67
Upward Morley Theorem      488
Valid sentence      7 32
Valuation ring      352
Value group      351
Value of a sentence      8
Value of a term      27
Valued field      351
Valued subfield      354
Vaught’s conjecture      506 597
Weak compactness theorem      232
Weakly compact cardinal      233
Weakly forces      209
Weakly homogeneous model      303
Weakly Horn formula      418
Well — Ordering Principle      585
Well-founded partial order      78
Well-founded relation      237
Well-ordered chain      580
Well-ordered model      147 535
Well-ordering      580
Witness      61
Z-group      370
Z-valued field      371
Zermelo set theory      593
Zermelo — Fraenkel set theory      592
Zero sharp      566
Zero sharp exists      566
ZF      592
ZF - P      594
ZFC      593
Zorn’s Lemma      585
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