Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Büchner J., Dum C., Scholer M. — Space Plasma Simulation |
Предметный указатель |
method 12
2 step Lax — Wendroff method 311
8-wave scheme 255
Adaptive blocks 257
Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) 257
Alfven speed 38 197 251
Alfven time 197
Alfven wave reflection 202 207 209
Alfven waves 193 199 201 204 209
Alfvenion beam instability 146
Amdahl’s Law 304
Anomalous transport 337
Aurora 193 207 210
Auroral precipitation 228
Auroral zone simulation 95
Autoregressive model 324
BBF 240
BGK equilibrium 86
Bicoherence 320
Bispectrum 319
Boris correction 219 252
boundary conditions 9 16 19 199 217
Boundary, open 88
Boundary, periodic 85 88
Bow shock 47
Buffer size 45
Buffer zone 28
Bulk velocity 28
Bursty Bulk Flows 240
CFL criterion 219
CFSHIFT Function 47
Charge conserving interpolation 7
Charge Flux 29
CME 236
Code coupling, BATSRUS-RCM 268
Code coupling, BATSRUS-TIEGCM 266
Cold plasma 40
Collision frequency 196 199 203 204
Collisions 12 193 195 200
Common language 296 311
Compiler 297 298 312
Compiler, parallel compiler 298
Computation time 310
Computational physics 1
Computer memory 311
Computer processing capability 311
Conductance, Hall 226
Conductance, ionospheric 226
Conductance, Pedersen 226
Conductivity 209
Conductivity, Hall 199 207
Conductivity, Pedersen 199 203 207 208
Conservative difference schemes 220
Constrained transport 256
Continuity equation 6—7
Convection, challenge 212
Convection, enhanced 232
Convection, ionosphere 212
Convection, magnetospheric 212 226
Convection, potential 225
Cooling 199 204
Coronal mass ejection simulation 269
Courant condition 39
Courant — Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition 6 10 13
CPCP 237
Cross polar cap potential 237
CTIM 227
Current Deposit 34
Current Flux 35
Current polarization 204
Current, field-aligned 201 204 207 209 212
Current, Hall 195 204 210
Current, Pedersen 204 208—210
Cyclotron frequency 38
Darwin approximation 10
Darwin model 136
Data assimilation 235 241
Debye length 33
Decomposition 298 299 305 306
Diffusion region 15 18
Diffusion, anomalous 217
Diffusion, quasi-linear 83 88
Dipolarization 234
Dipole field 225
Direct implicit method 11
dispersion relation 39
Displacement current 10 13
Distributed data 298 303 305
Distribution function 215
Distribution function method 171 176
Distribution function, marker particle 111
Distribution function, perturbed 110
Divergence B control 254
Divergence-free 224
Domain decomposition 41
Drift kink mode 7 18—19
DuFort — Frankel scheme 197
Dusty Plasmas, Dynamically Shielded Dust (DSD) Simulation Code 127
Dusty Plasmas, Experimental Properties 125
Dusty Plasmas, Kinetic Modeling 126
Earth, dipole 217
Eigenvector, degenerate 221
Electric Acceleration 32
electric field 29
Electric Field Update 31
Electrojet 230
Electromagnetic field solver 140
Electromagnetic simulations 3—4
Electromagnetic, -PIC 110
Electromagnetic, cyclotron instability 118
Electron hole 85 87 89
Electron inertia 13—15 17
Electron magnetohydrodynamics 14
Electron precipitation,diffuse 227
Electron precipitation,discrete 227
Electron pressure tensor 139 149
Electrostatic ionosphere model 265
Electrostatic simulations 10
Embedding 161
Energy density 36
ENO 223
Equation of state 13
Equation, continuity 195
Equation, energy 195
Equation, induction 195
Equation, momentum 195
Equations, Boltzmann 213
Equations, Maxwell 213
Equations, non-conservative 222
Equations, Vlasov 213
Error terms 221
Essentially Non-oscillatory 223
Explicit time integration 6 10
fac 212 225
Faraday’s law 223
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 8
Fast mode speed 198
FCT 223
Field Decomposition 41
Field Density 37
Field line tying 232
Field Manager 27
Field Push 29
Fields Symmetry 29
Finite difference approximation 6
Finite differences 219
Finite differencing 98
Finite element method 215 219
Finite volume method 170 215 219
| Finite volume technique 253
Flow, supermagnetosonic 213
Fluid plasma 193 209
Flux conservation 223
Flux conservation, magnetic 223
Flux Corrected Transport 222
Flux hybridization 222
Flux limiter 222
Force Interpretation 33
Forced self-organized criticality 334
Friction 195 197 199 203
Frozen-in condition, violation of 17
Full particle simulation 3
GEM, reconnection challenge 16 233
General concurrent PIC algorithm 12
Geospace 212
Geotail 230
Global conservation 221
Global magnetosphere model 229
Global MHD simulation 296 303 307 308 310 311 313
GOES 236
Grid number 311
Grid, Cartesian 213
Grid, hierarchy 215
Grid, non-Cartesian 214
Grid, numerical 213
Grid, staggered 223
Grid, stretched Cartesian 214 225
Grid, unstructured 215
Ground magnetic perturbations 236
Ground magnetometer 230 238
Group velocity 198
Guard Cell 41
Gyro frequency 200 204
Gyroradii 33
Hall current 18
Hall drift waves 169 181
Hall effect 195
Hall term 15 198
Hall-MHD codes 138 152 161
Hamiltonian systems 319
Harris neutral sheet 15
Harten’s Lemma 222
Heat conduction 195 197
Heating electron 196 207 210
Heating frictional 199 203
Heating ion 203
Heating joule 194 209
Heating rate 204
High order interpolation 172
Higher order statistics 328
Higher-order spectra 317
HmF2 228
HPF 25 296 297 312
HPF MHD code 297 312 313
HPF on home local 298 307 312
HPF, asynchronous 298 303 307 312
HPF, communication 298 312
HPF, HPF/JA 296—299 303 305 307 312 313
HPF, independent new 298 312
HPF, parallelization 298 305
HPF, reduction 298
HPF, reflect 298 299 312
HPF, shadow 298 299 312
HPF, vectorization 305
Hurst exponent 337
Hybrid codes 136 138 146 160
Hybrid codes, CAM-CL method 142
Hybrid codes, finite electron mass 136 138 144
Hybrid codes, global methods 154
Hybrid codes, iteration method 143
Hybrid codes, magnetic field subcycling 143
Hybrid codes, predictor-corrector methods 141
Hybrid codes, velocity extrapolation method 142
Hybrid simulations 12—15
hybridization 222
IMF 47 229 230
IMP-8 230
Implicit time integration 10—12
Implicit time-stepping 264
Initial conditions 201 218
Injection at boundaries 100
Inner do loop 299 302 304
Instabilities, beam 110
Instabilities, thermal anisotropy 118
Instability 40
Instability, bi-stream 81 85 88
Instability, bump-on-tail 83
Instability, Buneman 81
Instability, reactive 81
Instability, resistive 81
Instability, weak beam 88 89
Intermittency 331
Interplanetary magnetic field 303
Interpolation of particles and fields 2 4
Ion hole 85
Ion to electron mass ratio 20
Ion, acceleration 210
Ion, inertia 193 195 209
Ion, inertia scale 195
Ion, outflow 194
Ionization 194—197 199 207
Ionosphere 28 193 195 199 200 209 212 225 228
Ionosphere, convection 194
Ionosphere, E-region 195 201
Ionosphere, F-region 201 210
Ionosphere, transport 193 196
Ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling 264
Ionospheric outflow 241
Irregular grid system 94
ISTP 212
Knight relation 227
Landau damping 39
Landau damping, linear 113
Landau damping, nonlinear 116
Leap-frog method 28
Leapfrog 199
Leapfrog method 112
Leapfrog scheme 4—6 10 13
Levy processes 337
LFM 214
Light speed 39
Linear interpolation 28
load balancing 213
Load-Imbalance 28
Local time-stepping 263
Long-range dependence 334 335
Longitudinal fields 9
Lower hybrid drift instability 19 145
Lyon — Fedder — Mobarry 214
Mach number, magnetosonic 213
Macroparticles 2
Magnetic field 29 223
Magnetic field splitting 252
Magnetic flux 224
Magnetic reconnection 15—20 50 145 149 184 217 303
Magnetic Reynolds number 299
Magnetic Rotation 32
Magnetohydrodynamic 212 213 215
Magnetopause 36 212 236
Magnetosheath 47 236
Magnetosphere 28 193 212 229 296 303 307 309 312 313
Magnetosphere, compression 236
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling 193 209
Magnetotail 47
Mapping 225
Massive parallel codes 160
Massively parallel computers 12
Maxwell equation 223
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