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Büchner J., Dum C., Scholer M. — Space Plasma Simulation |
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Maxwell equations 111
Maxwellian distribution 215
Maxwellian velocity distribution 39
Maxwell’s equations 3—4 9 10
Mhd 198 212 213 215
MHD code 296-299 302 303 307 311—313
MHD equations, conservative form 249
MHD equations, eigensystem 250
MHD equations, gasdynamic conservation form 248
MHD equations, primitive variable form 248
MHD equations, symmetrizable form 249
Mhd simulation 305 307—310
MHD, conservative 216
MHD, global 193
MHD, non-conservative 216
MHD, non-relativistic 248
MHD, normalization 217
MHD, semi-conservative 217
MHD, semi-relativistic 250
Model, geospace 212
Model, global 212
Model, magnetosphere 212
Model, multi-fluid 227
Model, near-Earth neutral line 235
Modeling, geospace 212
Modeling, magnetosphere 213
Modified leap-frog method 298 303 311 312
Molecular dynamics model 3
Moment equations 11 14
Moments 215
Monopole potential 223
Monotonicity 222
MPI 26 296 297 312
MTU 45
Multi-fluid 241
Multifractals 334
NENL 240
Neutral atmosphere 200 203
Neutral density 228
Neutral drag 194
Neutral temperature 203
Neutral wind 228
Newton — Lorentz equation 27
NmF2 228
Non-periodic boundary conditions 99
Non-uniform grid system 94
Nonlinear wave interactions 318
Nonphysical behavior 6 8
Nonuniform spatial mesh 12
Normalization 38 197
Number density 37
Numerical accuracy 199
Numerical diffusion 222
Numerical dispersion 222
Numerical flux 220
Numerical instability 9 199
Numerical properties 199
Numerical stability 199
Ohm’s Law 13 15 166 195 199
Open system 79 91
Outer do loop 299 304
Parallel computation 298 305 307
Parallel computing 261
Parallel electric field 18
Parallel potential drop 227
Parallelization 213
Partial donor cell method 174
Particle Decomposition 42
Particle density 39
Particle flux 28
Particle injection 235
Particle Manager 27
Particle mover 140
Particle precipitation 193 194 207 210
Particle source terms 4
Particle Update 29
Particle-Entry 50
Particle-in-cell (PIC) 3 20
Particle-in-cell methods 137 138 140
Particle-in-cell, electromagnetic 110
Particle-in-cell, electrostatic 112
PDE’s 199
PDE’s, conservative 197
PDE’s, elliptic 197
PDE’s, hyperbolic 197
PDE’s, parabolic 197
Pedersen conductance 194
Periodic system 79 89 90
PGi 27
Phase space 215
phase velocity 198
Physical flux 220
PIC 25
Plasma beta 216
Plasma frequency 6 38
Plasma instabilities 104
Plasma opening switch 183
Plasma parameter 47
Plasma sheet 47 215 230
Plasma sheet boundary layer 102
Plasma-neutral equations 195 209
Poisson correction 7
Poisson equation 223
Poisson’s equation 6 9 80
Polar Cusp 47
Potential equation 225
Poynting vector 251
Predictor-corrector method 13
Principal domain 321
Probability density function (pdf) 328
Processing element 302 312
Projection method 223
Projection scheme 255
PVM 26
| Quasi-neutral limit 13
Quasi-neutrality 139 195
Quiet start 115
RCM 240
Reaction, chemical 228
Reaction, photo-chemical 228
Recombination 195—197 205
Reconnection 229 232
Reconnection rate 16
Recurrence effect 115
Relativistic effects 3 5
resistivity 196 197
Resistivity, anomalous 217 232
Resistivity, numerical 217
Rice Convection Model 240
Ring current 36
rpm 27
SAMR 214
Sausage mode 19
Scale invariance 328
Scheme, first order 222
Scheme, fourth order central 221
Scheme, Godunov 221
Scheme, Lax 221 222
Scheme, Lax Wendroff 221
Scheme, leap-frog 219
Scheme, predictor-corrector 219
Scheme, Rusanov 221 222
Scheme, second order central 221
Scheme, Van Leer 223
Self-organized criticality 334
Semi-collisional plasmas 160
Short-range forces 3
Singularity spectrum 334
Skeleton-PIC code 51
Solar wind 28
Solar wind-magnetosphere interaction 28 296 298 303 308 311
Solar-terrestrial environment 303
Solar-wind magnetosphere interaction 155
Sound speed 38
Space weather 161 228 235 240
Space weather, forecasting 235
Spatial discretization 219
Spatial grid 30 39
Spectral 219
Spectral energy transfers 326
Spectral index 329
Speedup 45
Stability 199
Steady state 204
Storm, Bastille Day 235
Storm, geomagnetic 235 240
Strongly Coupled Plasmas 125
Structure functions 329
Structured adaptive mesh refinement 214
Sub-Domain 25
Subcycling of time integration 14
Substorm 50 229 230
Substorm, challenge 213
Substorm, expansion phase 230
Substorm, growth phase 230
Substorm, onset 230 231
Supercomputer 297 311—313
Supercomputer, Fujitsu VPP5000 296 297 303 307 312 313
Supercomputer, Hitachi SR8000 297 313
Supercomputer, massive parallel 311
Supercomputer, massively parallel 296
Supercomputer, NEC SX-5 297 313
Supercomputer, parallel 298
Supercomputer, vector parallel 296 297 311
Tail dynamics 230
Tearing instability 7 16
TEC 228
The Earth dipole magnetic field 28
Thermal contact 195 197 199 204
Thermal fluctuation 83
Thermal velocity 28
Thermosphere 212 227
Time centering 5 11
Time differencing 219
Time integration 4—6
Time step 38
Total electron content 228
Total Variance Diminishing 223
Transverse current 4
Transverse fields 9
trapped particles 116
Trapping frequency 84
Trapping velocity 84
Tricoherence 320
Trispectrum 320
TVD 223
UCLA code 214
Uniform spatial mesh 12
Vector potential 224
viscosity 197
Vlasov equation 2 80 110
Vlasov simulations 2
Volterra series 318
VPP Fortran 296—299 302 303 305 312 313
Waiting-time statistics 336
Wave, electrostatic solitary(ESW) 79 90
Wave, ion acoustic 79 88
Wave, Langmuir 79 89
Wave, lower hybrid 91
Weak beam instability 117
Weighted particle 110
Whistler wave 198
Whistler waves 13 168 180
Work Array 43
X-line 234
Yee lattice 6 29
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