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Bathe K.-J. — Finite element procedures
Bathe K.-J. — Finite element procedures

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Название: Finite element procedures

Автор: Bathe K.-J.


A text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses on finite element analysis or for self-study by engineers and scientists, developed from the author's earlier Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis (Prentice-Hall, 1982). It does not present a survey of finite element methods, but concentrates only on certain procedures, namely on techniques that are useful in engineering practice and that will likely be employed for many years to come. The emphasis is on reliability and on finite element procedures that are general and reliable for engineering analysis. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Конечные элементы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 1037

Добавлена в каталог: 19.02.2005

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Предметный указатель
Spaces V      236
Span of vectors      36
Sparse solver      714
Spatial isotropy      368
Spectral decomposition      57
Spectral norm      68
Spectral radius      58 70 808
Spherical constant arc length criterion      763
Spin tensor      511
Spurious modes      472
Stability constant of matrix      71
Stability of formulation      72 308 313
Stability of step-by-step displacement and stress analysis      806
Stability of step-by-step fluid flow analysis      835
Stability of step-by-step heat transfer analysis      831
Standard eigenproblems, definition      51
Standard eigenproblems, use      58 231 726
STAP (STructural Analysis Program)      988
Starting iteration vectors      890 909 952 960
Static condensation      717
Static correction      795
Step-by-step integration methods      see “Direct integration in”
Stiffness matrix assemblage      79 149 165 185 983
Stiffness matrix definition      164
Stiffness matrix elementary example      166
Stiffness proportional damping      798
Storage of matrices      20 985
Strain hardening (tangent) modulus      601
Strain measures Almansi      585 586
Strain measures engineering      155
Strain measures Green-Lagrange      512
Strain measures Hencky      512 614
Strain measures logarithmic      512 614
Strain singularity      369
Strain-displacement matrix definition      162
Strain-displacement matrix elementary example      168
Stress calculation      162 170 179 254
Stress integration      583 596
Stress jumps      254
Stress measures Cauchy      499
Stress measures first Piola — Kirchhoff      515
Stress measures Kirchhoff      515
Stress measures second Piola-Kirchhoff      515
Stress-strain (constitutive) relations      109 161 194 297 581
Stretch matrix left      510
Stretch matrix right      508 510
Strong form      125
Structural dynamics      813
Studying finite element methods      14
Sturm sequence check      953 964
Sturm sequence property      63 728 846
Sturm sequence property application in calculation of eigenvalues      943 964
Sturm sequence property application in solution of equations      731
Sturm sequence property proof for generalized eigenvalue problem      859
Sturm sequence property proof for standard eigenvalue problem      64
Subdomain method      119
Subparametric element      363
subspace      37
Subspace iteration method      954
Substructure analysis      721
SuPG method      691
Surface load vector      164 173 205 214 355 359
Symmetry of bilinear form      228
Symmetry of matrix      19
Symmetry of operator      117
Tangent stiffness matrix      494 540 755
Tangent stress-strain matrix      524 583 602
TARGET      623
Tejnperature gradient interpolation matrix      651
Temperature interpolation matrix      651
Tensors      40
Thermal stress      359
Thermoelastoplasticity and creep      606
Torsional behavior      664
Total Lagrangian formulation      523 538 561 587
Total potential (or total potential energy)      86 160 268
Trace of a matrix      30
Transformations in mode superposition      789
Transformations of generalized eigenproblem to standard form      854
Transformations to different coordinate system      189
Transient analysis      see “Dynamic response calculations by”
Transition elements      415
Transpose of a matrix      19
Transverse shear strains      424
Trapezoidal rule in displacement and stress dynamic step-by-step solution      625 780
Trapezoidal rule in heat transfer transient step-by-step solution      831
Trapezoidal rule Newton-Cotes formula      457
Triangle inequality      67
Triangular decomposition      705
Triangular factorization      705
Truncation error      735
Truss element      150 184 199 342 543
Turbulence      676 682
Tying of in-layer strains      408 444
Tying of transverse shear strains      408 430 444
Unconditional stability      774 807
Uniqueness of linear elasticity solution      239
Unit matrix      see “Identity matrix”
Unit vector      see “Identity vector”
Updated Lagrangian formulation      523 565 587 614
Upwinding      685
Vandermonde matrix      456
Variable-number-nodes elements      343 373
Variational formulations (introduction to)      110
Variational indicators Hellinger — Reissner      274 285 297
Variational indicators Hu — Washizu      270 285 297
Variational indicators incremental potential      561
Variational indicators total potential energy      86 125 160 242 268
Vector back-substitution      707 712
Vector cross product      41
Vector definition      18 40
Vector deflation      see “Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization”
Vector dot product      41
Vector forward iteration      889 897
Vector inverse iteration      889 890
Vector norm      67
Vector reduction      707 712
Vector space      36
Vector subspace      37
Velocity gradient      511
Velocity strain tensor      511
Vibration analysis      see “Dynamic response calculations by”
Virtual work principle      see “Principle of virtual displacements”
Viscoplasticity      609
Von Mises yield condition      599
Vorticity tensor      511
Warping      413
Wave equation      106 108 114
Wave propagation      772 783 814
Wavefront solution method      see “Frontal solution method”
Weak form      125
Weighted residuals collocation method      119
Weighted residuals Galerkin method      118 126 688
Weighted residuals least squares method      119 257 688
Wilson $\theta$ method      777 804 809 811
Zero mass effects      772 852 862
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