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Anderson J.D.Jr. — Computational Fluid Dynamics : The Basics With Applications
Anderson J.D.Jr. — Computational Fluid Dynamics : The Basics With Applications

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Название: Computational Fluid Dynamics : The Basics With Applications

Автор: Anderson J.D.Jr.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Моделирование физических процессов/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 547

Добавлена в каталог: 18.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Adaptive grid      see “Grids”
ADI      see “Alternating-direction-implicit technique”
Adiabatic wall condition      81 468
Adiabatic wall temperature      81
Aeroelasticity      526
Aircraft flowfields, generic fighter      279
Aircraft flowfields, hypersonic body      274 278
Aircraft flowfields, Northrop F-20      10—13 209
Aircraft flowfields, space transportation system      519 520
Aircraft flowfields, X-24C      517 518
Alternating-direction-implicit (ADI) technique      243—247 494—495
Amplification factor      160 165
Analytical domain      163 164
Approximate factorization      247 492—496
Approximate Riemann solver      499 507 528
Artificial viscosity      236 238—243
Artificial viscosity for MacCormack’s technique      238 363—364 366—370
Automobile flowfields      14—17
Backward difference      see “Finite differences”
Base flow      191 (aee also “Rearward-facing step”)
Beam — Warming method      see “Implicit methods”
Block tridiagonal matrices      496—497
Blunt body, supersonic      29 30 119 120
Body forces      61
Boundary conditions for conservation form      343
Boundary conditions for pressure correction method      262 263 437
Boundary conditions for subsonic inflow      303—306
Boundary conditions for subsonic outflow      327—328
Boundary conditions for supersonic outflow      305—307
Boundary conditions, Abbett’s condition (inviscid flow over walls)      392—395
Boundary conditions, no-slip      80 457
Boundary conditions, physical      90—92 392
Boundary conditions, reflection      138
Boundary layer flows      113 114 450 472
Boundary-fitted grid      see “Grids”
Caloric equation of state      79
Cartesian grid      see “Grids”
Cell Reynolds number      456—457
Central difference      see “Finite differences”
CFD      see “Computational fluid dynamics”
CFD-generated schlieren      270 271
CFL condition      see “Courant — Friedrichs — Levy condition”
Characteristic lines      97 99 162 488
Civil engineering applications      19 20 22
Compatibility equation      101
Composite plots      274 278
Computational costs      27
Computational fluid dynamics as design tool      9—13
Computational fluid dynamics as research tool      6—9
Computational fluid dynamics, definition of      23 25 26
Computational fluid dynamics, new approach in      2—3
Computational plane, definition of      170 171
Computer graphic techniques      264—279 516—517
Computer programming      see “Programming procedures”
Conservation form for quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flow      336—356
Conservation form of continuity equations      51 55
Conservation form of energy equation      74
Conservation form of momentum equation      65 66
Conservation form, general discussion of      42 90 225 480—482
Conservation form, generic form of      83 481
Conservation form, strong form of      88 183 185 377 452
Conservation form, transformed form of      185
Conservation form, weak form of      88
Consistent equation      see “Finite differences”
Continuity equation      49—60
Continuity equation, differential form      55 56
Continuity equation, integral form      51 53
Continuity equation, one-dimensional flow      482
Continuity equation, quasi-one-dimensional flow      286 291
Contour plots, density      272 520 525
Contour plots, flooded      266 268
Contour plots, general discussion of      265—270 516
Contour plots, gray-scale color      266
Contour plots, Mach number      523 524 527
Contour plots, pressure      11 241 272 279 521 524
Contour plots, velocity      267 268
Contour plots, vorticity      15 530—533
Control surface      41
Control volume      41
Convective derivative      45
Couette flow      416—445
Courant number      162 324—325
Courant — Friedrichs — Levy (CFL) condition      162 302 395 457
Cramer’s Rule      98 178 230
Crank — Nicolson method      see “Implicit methods”
Cray computers      28 533
Delta form      496
Detonation wave      266—268
Diagonalization      500
Difference equation      see “Finite differences”
Direct metrics      see “Metrics”
Direct numerical simulation      530—533
Dirichlet condition      118
Discretization      125 165
dispersion      237 (see also “Numerical dissipation”)
Dissipation      see “Numerical dissipation”
Divergence form      79
Divergence of velocity      47 48
Domain of dependence      106 107
Eigenvalues      102 482 487—489
Eigenvector      500
Elliptic nature of pressure correction formula      160
Elliptic nature, definition of      100 103
Elliptic nature, equations      30 104 105
Elliptic nature, general discussion of      117—119
Elliptic nature, regions in flow      29 277
energy equation      66—74
Energy equation, differential form      70 71
Energy equation, one-dimensional flow      482
Energy equation, quasi-one-dimensional flow      286 295 296
Engine calculations      14 16 17
Engineering Research Center for Computational, Field Simulation      276
Environmental engineering applications      20—23 25 26
Errors, boundary condition      321—322
Errors, discretization      154 155
Errors, general discussion of      153—165
Errors, high-frequency      513
Errors, low-frequency      513
Errors, round-off      155
Euler equations      77—79 154
Euler explicit form      162
Explicit methods, general discussion of      145—153 (see also “Lax — Wendroff technique; MacCormack’s technique”)
Finite differences, based on Taylor’s series      128
Finite differences, consistent difference equation      144
Finite differences, difference equations      142—145
Finite differences, first-order forward      130
Finite differences, first-order rearward      131
Finite differences, fourth-order central      135
Finite differences, general concept      123 127
Finite differences, modules      134—136 147 149 494
Finite differences, one-sided      139
Finite differences, second-order central      132
Finite differences, second-order second central      132—134
Finite differences, upwind      499
Finite volumes, discretized equations      167
Finite volumes, general concept      123
Flat plate flow      447—476
Flowcharts      459—466 (see also “Programming procedures”)
Fluid element model      41 42
Flux limiters      509 510 512
Flux terms      84 185 339 341 380
Flux variables      85
Flux-corrected transport (FCT) method      266
Flux-vector splitting      500—502 510 511
Forward difference      see “Finite differences”
Furnace applications      21
Gauss — Seidel method      231
Godunov schemes      499 502—508
Governing flow equations for quasi-one-dimensional flow      296
Governing flow equations, generic form      83
Governing flow equations, introduction to      38—40
Governing flow equations, summary of      75—80
Governing flow equations, transformed generic flow      185
Grid independence      322—324 355
Grid points      126 137 299 423
Grids, adaptive      200—208
Grids, boundary-fitted      15 18 170 192—200 269
Grids, C-type      194
Grids, compressed      15 186—192
Grids, elliptically generated      194—200
Grids, finite volume      20
Grids, generation of      124 168 171
Grids, O-type      194
Grids, rectangular (cartesian)      16 169 212—214 240
Grids, staggered      250—253 436
Grids, structured      126 210
Grids, unstructured      126 210—212 523
Heat conduction equation      116 121 142 145
High-resolution schemes      508—510
Hyperbolic nature, definition of      100 103
Hyperbolic nature, equations      30 104 105
Hyperbolic nature, from eigenvalues      488
Hyperbolic nature, general discussion of      106—111 416
Hyperbolic nature, regions in flow      29 277
Implicit methods, Beam — Warming method      490—492 497
Implicit methods, Crank — Nicolson method      148—151 244 420—425 489 491
Implicit methods, general discussion of      145—153 489
Implicit methods, lagging coefficients method      490
Implicit methods, linearization      490—492
Initial conditions      307—308 344 362 420
Initial data lines      108 226 227 379 386 387
Inverse metrics      183
Inverse transformation      see “Transformations”
Jacobi method      231
Jacobian for one-dimensional flow      486
Jacobian of the flux vector      481 493
Jacobian, determinant of the transformation      179 180 206
Laminar flow      7—9
Laplace’s equation      121 176
Lax — Wendroff technique      217—221
Local time stepping      302—303
MacCormack’s technique      222—229 238 288 330 336 375 387 448 449 453—455 460 461 463—465 474 497 517
Mach angle      376
Mach disk      528
Mach number profiles, flat plate flow      474 476
Mach wave      376
Manufacturing applications      17—19
Marching solutions, general      146 153
Marching solutions, space marching      225—232 375
Marching solutions, time marching      30 85 119 146 221
Marching variables      143
Mass source term in pressure correction method      260 443 444
Mathematical behavior of equations      95—121 277
mesh      see “Grids”
Mesh plots      273 275—277
Method of characteristics      102
Metrics      173 178—183 206 207
Miley airfoil      198 199
Models of the flow      40—42
Modified equation      235
Momentum equation, differential form      64
Momentum equation, general discussion of      60—66
Momentum equation, one-dimensional flow      482
Momentum equation, quasi-one-dimensional flow      286 294
Monotone variation      499
Multigrid method      513—514 521
Naval architecture applications      22 23 26
Navier — Stokes equations      64 66 75—77 79 154 225 236 239 249 250 266 417 450 451 490
Neumann condition      118
Nonconservation form of continuity equation      53 56
Nonconservation form of energy equation      70 72
Nonconservation form of momentum equation      64
Nonconservation form, general discussion of      42
Normal shock wave      91 357 359
Nozzle flow      see “Quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows”
Numerical dispersion      237
Numerical dissipation      232—243
Numerical domain      163 164
One-dimensional flow      482—489
Parabolic equations for Couette flow      417 421
Parabolic equations, boundary-layer equations      113
Parabolic equations, definition of      100
Parabolic equations, general discussion of      111—117
Parabolic equations, heat conduction equation      116
Parabolic equations, parabolized Navier — Stokes equations      115
Parabolic equations, regions in flow      277
Parabolized Navier — Stokes equations      see “Parabolic equations”
Parallel processors      see “Processors”
Particle paths      15
Physical plane, definition of      170 171
Point-iterative method      229
Poisson equation      260
Prandtl — Meyer expansion wave      374—415
Prandtl — Meyer function      377
Pressure contours      see “Contour plots”
Pressure correction formula      260 441
Pressure correction technique      247—264 435—445
Pressure profiles      469 475
Primitive variables      85 340 380 490
Processors, parallel      28 153
Processors, vector      28
Programming procedures      459—467
Quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows with shock wave      356—372
Quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows, general discussion of      283—372
Quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows, subsonic isentropic flow      325—336
Quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows, subsonic-supersonic isentropic flow      285—325 336—356
Rearward-facing step      240—243 (see also “Base flow”)
Rectangular grid      see “Grids”
Region of influence      106 107 110
Relaxation technique      229—232
Residual      316 317
Riemann problem      504
Runge — Kutta scheme      521
Scatter plots      273 275
Schlieren      see “CFD-generated schlieren”
Shock interaction      268—270
Shock layer      449
Shock tube problem      502—504 511 512
Shock-capturing method      89—92 356—372
Shock-fitting method      89
SIMPLE algorithms      248 261—262
Solutions vector      84 87 340
Source term      84
Space marching      see “Marching solutions”
Stability criterion      151
Stability of solutions      153—165
Staggered grid      see “Grids”
Step size, spatial      395—397
Step size, time      301—303 455—457
Streamlines      21 271—274
Structured grid      see “Grids”
Submarine flow field      27
Substantial derivative      43—46
Successive overrelaxation      231
Supersonic nozzle flow, two-dimensional      527
Taylor’s series      128
TECPLOT      264
Temperature profiles      471 472
Thermal diffusivity      116
Thermal equation of state      79
Thomas’ algorithm      150 243 245 246 424 426—429 534—538
Time marching      see “Marching solutions”
Time step calculation      301—303 455—457
Total-variation-diminishing schemes      499 509—510 512
Transformations of first derivatives      173
Transformations of second derivative      175 176
Transformations, general discussion of      124 171—178
Transformations, inverse      178
Trapezoidal rule      491 493
Tridiagonal matrix      150 424 496
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