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Landau L.D., Lifschitz E.M. — Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 6
Landau L.D., Lifschitz E.M. — Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 6

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Íàçâàíèå: Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 6

Àâòîðû: Landau L.D., Lifschitz E.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Îáùèå êóðñû/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1987

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 551

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Intermittency of turbulence      147n.
Irrotational flow      14
Isentropic flow      4
Jet from a slit, form of      25—26
Jet, laminar convective      220—221
Jet, submerged laminar      81—83
Jet, submerged turbulent      149—151 220
Jet, turbulent      147—152
Jouguet point      see “Chapman — Jouguet point”
Joukowski’s theorem      see “Zhukovskii’s theorem”
Kelvin’s theorem on circulation      13
Kinetic coefficients      230
Kinetic coefficients, symmetry principle for      230
Kolmogorov and Obukhov’s law      133
Kutta — Joukowski theorem      see “Zhukovskii’s theorem”
Lagrangian variable      5
Laminar flow      110
Landau constant      97
Laplace’s formula for      239
Lift coefficient      184
Lift force      29 69
Lift force on a wing      153—155 184 189—191 475 478 483
Limit cycle      108
Limit point      108
Limiting line      444
Logarithmic velocity profile      174
Loitsyanskii’s integral      140
Lyapunov characteristic indices      117
Mach, angle      314
Mach, number      182 314
Mach, reflection      427
Mach, surface      314
Mass flux density      2
Mass transfer coefficient      232
Metastable flow      97
Mixed flow      447
Mixing length      151n.
Mobility of suspended particles      235
Mobility of suspended particles, Einstein’s relation for      236
Momentum flux density tensor in a viscous fluid      44
Momentum flux density tensor in an ideal fluid      12
Momentum flux density tensor, relativistic      506
Multiplier      109
Navier — Stokes equation      45
Navier — Stokes equation for a laminar boundary layer      158
Navier — Stokes equation in cylindrical polar coordinates      48
Navier — Stokes equation in spherical polar coordinates      49
Neutral curve      104 168
nodes      268
Normal flow (of superfluid)      516
Normal part (of superfluid)      516
Notation      xiv
Nozzle      361
Nozzle, de Laval      362
Oscillations in a viscous fluid      83—92
Oscillations in an ideal fluid      16
Oscillations in finite media      267—269
Oscillations of a half-plane      85n.
Oscillations of a plane      83—85
Oscillations of a sphere      30—31 91—92
Oscillations of a spherical drop      245—247
Oscillations, degenerate      247
Oscillations, sound      251 281
Oseen’s equation      62
Over-compressed detonation waves      499
Peclet number      209n.
Penetration, depth of      84
Perfect gas      318 (see also “Poly tropic gas”)
Period doubling      119—128
Phase space      108n.
phase velocity      263
Physical plane      442
Pipes, (slow) combustion in      487
Pipes, absorption of sound in      304
Pipes, convection in      225—226
Pipes, detonation in      494—495 499—500
Pipes, emission of sound from      296—297
Pipes, equation of continuity for flow in      295
Pipes, laminar boundary layer in      162
Pipes, laminar flow in      51—55
Pipes, laminar flow in, stability of      103—106
Pipes, narrow, propagation of sound in      294—297
Pipes, resistance coefficient for      177
Pipes, resistance law for      176
Pipes, shock waves in      343—345
Pipes, similarity flow in      366 370—373
Pipes, similarity flow in, characteristics for      391—392
Pipes, turbulent flow in      176—179
Pipes, viscous gas flow in      364—366
Plane flow      19
Plane flow of gas      (XII) 435—466
Plate, flow along a, laminar      159—162
Plate, flow along a, turbulent      178—179
Poincare mapping      118
Poiseuille flow      53n.
Poisson’s formula      275
Polytropic gas      318
Polytropic gas, arbitrary one-dimensional flow of      399
Polytropic gas, detonation in      492—494
Polytropic gas, flow in pipes      370—372 382—385
Polytropic gas, flow through a heated tube      363
Polytropic gas, shock waves in      333—336
Polytropic gas, steady flow of      318—320
Polytropic gas, thermodynamic relations for      318
Potential flow of a gas      435—437
Potential flow of an ideal fluid      14—17
Prandtl number      209
Prandtl number for diffusion      213n.
Prandtl’s equations      158
Pressure coefficient      477
Proper frame      505
Proper values      505
Quantum fluids      515
Rarefaction waves, form of streamlines      419
Rarefaction waves, non-steady (one-dimensional)      368—370
Rarefaction waves, non-steady (one-dimensional), centred      391 402
Rarefaction waves, non-steady (one-dimensional), isothermal      372
Rarefaction waves, steady (two dimensional)      416—419 439
Rarefaction waves, steady (two dimensional), centred      439
Rayleigh number      219
Rays, sound      261
Reciprocity principle      294
Reciprocity principle for dipole emission      294
Reflection coefficient      260
Relativistic fluid dynamics      (XV) 505—514
Relativistic fluid dynamics of dissipative processes      512—514
Relativistic fluid dynamics, energy-momentum tensor      505—506
Relativistic fluid dynamics, equations of motion      506—510
Resistance coefficient for a pipe      177
Resistance law for a pipe      177
Resonator      268
Reynolds number      57
Reynolds number for turbulent eddies      130
Reynolds number in gas dynamics      313
Reynolds number, critical      96 (see also “Drag crisis”)
Reynolds number, flow at small      58—67
Reynolds stress tensor      175n.
Riemann invariants      394 446
Ripples      245
Rotational flow      14
Saddle paths      115
Scenario      110
Self-excitation, hard      97n.
Self-excitation, soft      97n.
Self-similarity      133n. 150
Separation      15 147 163
Separation, line of      147
Separation, line of, flow near      163—167
Sequence mapping      118
Shallow-water theory      411—413
Shock      see “Shock wave”
Shock adiabatic      325
Shock adiabatic, relativistic      511
Shock polar      347
Shock waves      (IX) 313—360
Shock waves in a pipe      343—345
Shock waves in a poly tropic gas      333—336
Shock waves in a relaxing medium      355—356
Shock waves in detonation      489—494
Shock waves, back of      324
Shock waves, boundary conditions at      320—321
Shock waves, collision of      377 422
Shock waves, collision of, with tangential discontinuities      377
Shock waves, damping of      387—390
Shock waves, evolutionary      332
Shock waves, formed in flow past bodies      441—442 467—470
Shock waves, formed in sound waves      381—382 385—390
Shock waves, front of      324
Shock waves, imploding spherical      406—411
Shock waves, instability of      336—341
Shock waves, intersection of      414—425
Shock waves, intersection of, with a solid surface      425—427
Shock waves, intersection of, with a weak discontinuity      423—424
Shock waves, normal      324n.
Shock waves, oblique      324n. 345—350
Shock waves, potential flow behind      435—437
Shock waves, reflection of      377—378 426—427
Shock waves, reflection of, regular      426
Shock waves, relativistic      510—512
Shock waves, stability of      331—333 336—341
Shock waves, strong spherical      403—406
Shock waves, thickness of      350—353
Shock waves, variation of quantities in      329—331
Shock waves, weak      327—329 435—437
Shock waves, weak and strong families of      349
Shooting flow      412
Similarity for flow past a cone      432—434
Similarity for heat transfer      208—210
Similarity for hypersonic flow      481—483
Similarity for one-dimensional gas flow      366—373
Similarity for transonic flow      479—481
Similarity in a laminar boundary layer      159
Similarity in viscous flow      56—58
Similarity, index      407
Sonic, analogy      471 481
Sonic, flow      456—461
Sonic, line      452 461—466
Sonic, surface      447
Sound      (VIII) 251—312
Sound waves      251—281
Sound waves in a superfluid      526—531
Sound waves in the second approximation      385
Sound waves, cylindrical      271—273
Sound waves, cylindrical, monochromatic      272
Sound waves, cylindrical, stationary      272
Sound waves, damping of      381 385
Sound waves, direct      276
Sound waves, discontinuities in      385—391
Sound waves, energy of      255—257
Sound waves, formation of shock waves in      381—382 385—390
Sound waves, lateral      276—281
Sound waves, longitudinal      252
Sound waves, mean pressure change in      257—259 270 273
Sound waves, monochromatic      253—254
Sound waves, plane      252
Sound waves, plane, monochromatic      253
Sound waves, plane, of arbitrary amplitude      378—385
Sound waves, plane, stationary      268
Sound waves, plane, travelling      252
Sound waves, reflected      259 277 341
Sound waves, reflection and refraction of      259—260 323—324
Sound waves, refracted      259
Sound waves, spherical      269—271
Sound waves, spherical, monochromatic      270
Sound waves, spherical, reflection of      276
Sound waves, spherical, stationary      270
Sound waves, stationary      268
Sound waves, travelling      252 267
Sound, absorption of      300—305
Sound, absorption of, at a wall      303—304
Sound, absorption of, by a sphere      305
Sound, absorption of, coefficient of      301
Sound, absorption of, due to diffusion      305
Sound, absorption of, in a pipe      304
Sound, absorption of, in a two-phase system      301n.
Sound, emission of      281—289
Sound, emission of, by an oscillating cylinder      284—285 288
Sound, emission of, by an oscillating sphere      286—287
Sound, emission of, dipole      284
Sound, emission of, from a tube      296—297
Sound, emission of, near a wall      288
Sound, excitation by turbulence      289—291
Sound, first      529—531
Sound, fourth      53 In.
Sound, propagation of, in a gravitational field      263
Sound, propagation of, in a moving medium      263—266
Sound, propagation of, in a superfluid      526—531
Sound, propagation of, in a tube      294—297
Sound, scattering of      297—300
Sound, scattering of, by a drop      299
Sound, scattering of, by a sphere      299—300
Sound, second      529—531
Sound, third      531n.
Sound, velocity of      252—253
Sound, velocity of, at high temperatures      255
Sound, velocity of, in a two-phase system      254—255
Sound, velocity of, local      314
Sound, velocity of, relativistic      509
Source, imaginary      277
Space of states      108
Span of wing      153 183
Spectral representation      142
Spectrum, continuous      96n.
Spectrum, discrete      96n.
Stability of a flame      486—487 501—503
Stability of flow between rotating cylinders      99—103
Stability of flow in a laminar boundary layer      167—172
Stability of flow in a pipe      103—106
Stability of shock waves      331—333 336—341
Stability of steady flow      95—97
Stability of tangential discontinuities      106—108
Stability, global      106
Stability, neutral      104
Stagnation point      18
Stagnation point, boundary layer near      162
Stagnation point, ideal flow near      23
Steady flow      8
Steady flow of gases      316—320 439
Steady flow, stability of      95—97
Stochastic attractor      115
Stokes’ formula      61—64
Strange Attractor      115
Stream function      19
Streaming flow      412
Streaming, acoustic      305
Streamlined bodies      183
Streamlined bodies in supersonic flow      470—479
Streamlined bodies, flow past      183—191
Streamlines      8 14
Streamlines in a rarefaction wave      419
Stress tensor      44
Stress tensor in an incompressible fluid      46
Stress tensor in an incompressible fluid in cylindrical polar coordinates      48
Stress tensor in an incompressible fluid in spherical polar coordinates      49
Stress tensor, viscous      45
Strouhal number      58
Subsonic flow      313
Subsonic flow, past a thin wing      474—476
Substantial derivative      3n.
Summation convention      xiv
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