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Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics |
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Dielectric constant, alkali halides, table 100
Dielectric constant, barium titanate 119 121
Dielectric constant, complex 108
Dielectric constant, Curie — Weiss law 120
Dielectric constant, free electrons 111
Dielectric constant, ice 106
Dielectric constant, ice, loss angle 110
Dielectric constant, ice, measurement 95
Dielectric constant, ice, microwave frequencies 110
Dielectric constant, ice, nickel zinc ferrite 111
Dielectric constant, ice, Onsager theory 103
Dielectric constant, ice, polar substances 352
Dielectric constant, ice, power factor 110
Dielectric properties 89
Dielectric relaxation 107
Dielectric susceptibility 94
Dielectrics, artificial 111
Diffraction, electron 18 28
Diffraction, neutron 18 28
Diffraction, X-ray 17
Diffusion 310 340
Diffusion coefficient, definition 310
Diffusion, self- 309
Dilation 45
Diode theory of rectification 298
Dipolar polarizability 96 100
Dipole field, electric 89
Dipole moments 102
Dipole orientation in solids 104
Dipole sums 123 350
Dislocations 324
Dislocations, bubble model 327
Dislocations, concentrations 328 329 330
Dislocations, photographs 343
Dislocations, rings 329
Dislocations, stresses 374
Disorder in alloys 300 301
Dispersion forces 7
Distribution, Fermi — Dirac 224 227 228
Doborzynski, D.W. 79
Doering, W. 183 198 343 357
Domain boundaries 183
Domain boundaries, ferroelectrics 130
Domain boundaries, ferromagnetism 172
Domain boundaries, superconductors 218 220
Domain theory 186
Domain theory, fine particles 179 198
Domains, ferroelectric 128 129
Domains, ferromagnetic 171
Domains, order-disorder transformation 307
Domains, origin 173
Donors 280
Donors, number ionized 282
Dorendorf, H. 315ff.
Drude, P. 238
Dugdale, J.S. 81
Dulong and Petit law 75
DuMond, J.W.M. 377
Duralumin, hardening of 336
Dushman equation 237
Dushman, S. 237
Dyatkina, M.E. 3 28
Easy direction 180
Edge dislocation 324 325 326
Effective magneton numbers, alloys 197
effective mass 251 257
Effective mass, table 258
Effective number of Bohr magnetons 145 146 147 166
Ehrenfest, P. 138
Einstein relation 309
Einstein — de Haas method 166
Einstein, A. 77ff. 88 166ff.
Elastic anisotropy factor 52
Elastic anisotropy factor, alpha-brass 58
Elastic anisotropy factor, beta-brass 58
Elastic compliance constants 47 50
Elastic constants 49 50
Elastic constants of metals, calculation 55
Elastic constants, experimental values 57
Elastic constants, lattice theory of 54
Elastic energy density 47
Elastic energy density, cubic crystals 49
Elastic isotropy 52
Elastic limit, table 325
Elastic stiffness constants 47 50
Elastic strain components 43 45
Elastic stresses, normal 58
Elastic waves 51
Electrets 113
Electric dipole field 89
Electric field, local 89 94 110 120
Electric field, Lorentz 90 92 94 110 120
electric polarizability 94
Electrical conductivity, effect of cold-work 330
Electrical conductivity, effect of disorder 302
Electrical conductivity, effect of impurity atoms 266
Electrical conductivity, free electron theory 238
Electrical conductivity, Grueneisen relation 265
Electrical conductivity, impurity conductivity 277
Electrical conductivity, intrinsic 273
Electrical conductivity, low temperatures 370
Electrical conductivity, Mathiessen’s rule 266
Electrical conductivity, metals, calculation 262
Electrical conductivity, n-type 279 280
Electrical conductivity, Ohm’s law 238
Electrical conductivity, p-type 279 280
Electrical conductivity, relaxation time 238
Electrical conductivity, resistance minimum 267
Electrical conductivity, sodium 267
Electrical conductivity, table 240
Electrical resistivity see “Electrical conductivity”
Electron diffraction 18 28
Electron inertia experiments 268
Electron resonance 153 167
Electron-electron collisions 241
Electronegativity 5 6
Electronic configurations 3
Electronic polarizability 96
Electronic polarizability, table 97
Electrons in applied field 256
Electrons, velocities in metals 240
Electrostatic energy 355
Elements, crystal structures of 26
Elements, periodic table 3
Elmore, W.C. 173
Emission spectra, soft x-rays 271
Emission, thermionic 236
Energy gap 274
Energy gap, table 276
Energy levels in metals 250
Energy, magnetic and electric 355
entropy 376
Entropy, spin system 152 159
Enumeration of states, free electrons 228
Equation of state of solids 79
Erginsoy, C. 282
Estermann, I. 258
Eucken, A. 88
Evjen method 34
Evjen, H.M. 32 34
Ewald construction 346
Ewald method 42 347
Ewald, P.P. 32 35 42 343 346ff. 350
Ewing, D.H. 262
Exchange field 160
Exchange force, superexchange 194
Exchange integral 162 103
excitons 319
Exhaustion layer 289 290
Expansion, thermal 78
| F-bands 313
F-centers 313
F-centers, energies, table 314
Factor, power 110
Factor, Q 110
Fairweather, S.H. 194 198
Fallot, M. 164
fcc lattice 14 27
Fermi energy, definition 228
Fermi energy, equation for 229 231
Fermi energy, intrinsic semiconductors 270
Fermi energy, table 240
Fermi gas, pressure 248
Fermi level 371
Fermi temperature 229
Fermi — Dirac distribution 224 227 229
Fermi, E. 23 223ff. 227ff. 232 234 236 239ff. 242 245 247ff. 257 265 271 274ff. 281 287ff. 298 370ff.
Ferrimagnetism definition 195
Ferrites 166 194
Ferrites, dielectric constant 111
Ferrites, Neel theory 195
Ferroelectric crystals 113
Ferroelectric crystals, table 115
Ferroelectric domains 128 129
Ferroelectric polarization 103
Ferroelectric theory, Slater 116
Ferroelectricity, barium titanate 117
Ferroelectricity, coercive field 117
Ferroelectricity, spontaneous polarization 117
Ferroelectricity, Wul theory 125
Ferroelectrics, Curie point 124
Ferroelectrics, polarization processes 130
Ferromagnetic anisotropy 176
Ferromagnetic elements and compounds, table 166
Ferromagnetic resonance 167 197
ferromagnetism 160
Ferromagnetism, anisotropy energy 180
Ferromagnetism, baud theory 165 196 197
Ferromagnetism, Bloch wall 183
Ferromagnetism, coercive force 177
Ferromagnetism, coercive force, of fine particles 179 19S
Ferromagnetism, domain structure 171
Ferromagnetism, ferrites 194
Ferromagnetism, Heisenberg theory 162
Ferromagnetism, magnetostriction 182
Ferromagnetism, occurrence 166
Ferromagnetism, permeability 179 180
Ferromagnetism, spin wave theory 164 360
Ferromagnetism, Weiss theory 160
Ferroxcube 194
Field, Weiss 160
Filling factors 27
Fine particles, coercive force 179 198
Fletcher, G.C. 269
Floquet theorem 251
Fluorescein dye 318
Fluorescence 316
Flux closure domains 186
Flux density 160
Fock, V. 136
Fonda, G. 322
Forbidden bands 250
Forrer, R. 164
Forsbergh, P.W., Jr. 128 129
Fowler, R.H. 88 299
Franck — Condon principle 317
Franck, J. 317
Frank theory, crystal growth 337
Frank — Read mechanism 335
Frank, A. 137 146
Frank, F.C. 32 335 337ff.
Franz, W. 245
Free electron gas, pressure 248
Free electron gas, statistics 228
Free electrons, density in metals, table 240
Free electrons, dielectric constant 111
Free electrons, magnetic shielding by 140
Free energy 373
Free energy, superconductors 210
Free path, conduction electrons 238
Free path, conduction electrons, table 240
Free path, phonon 81 82
Free radicals, organic 141 154
Frenkel defect 308 309
Frenkel, J. 308ff. 311 320
Frequency, cut-off 63
Frequency, cut-off, metallic sodium 111
Frequency, cyclotron 136
Frequency, magnetron 136
Frequency, spin resonance 153 156
Frequency, ultrasonic 63
Froehlich, H. 104 112 209 221 248 272
Fuchs, K 55
Fuerth, R. 50
Fundamental absorption band 320
g-factor 143 153 170 171
g-factor, theory 359
Galkin, A. 206
Galt, J.K. 50 339
Ganz, E. 115
Garlick, G.F.J. 322
Gas, free electron 228 248
Geometrical structure factor 24 27
Germanium, p-n junction rectifier 296
Germanium, transistors 291
Gerritsen, A.N. 194
Giauque, W.F. 149
Gibbs, W. 337 376
Ginsburg, W.L. 220
Glasses, structure of 86
Glasses, thermal conductivity 85
Glide plane 16
Goertz, M. 173
Goldman, J.E. 303
Gorin, K.E. 258
Gorter, C.J. 156 159 194ff. 210
Goucher, F. 296
Gouy method 139
Grain boundaries, dislocation model 331 332
Griffel, M. 192
Griffin, L.J. 340
Griffiths, J.H.E. 168
Griswold, T.W. 234
Gronwold, F. 189
Groth, P.H. 28
Group velocity 69
Grueneisen constant 80
Grueneisen relation 265
Grueneisen, E. 79ff. 263 285f.
Gubar, S.W. 204
Guggenheim, E.A. 88 357
Guillaud, C. 179 195
Guinier, A. 337
Gurney, R.W. 281 299 307 309 312 322 375
Gutman, F. 114
Gyromagnetic experiments 165
gyromagnetic ratio 204
Habluetzel, J. 114
Hagen — Rubens relation 242
Hagen, E. 247
Hall coefficient, definition 242
Hall effect 267
Hall effect, metals 241
Hall effect, metals, table 242
Hall effect, semiconductors 283 284
Hall, E.H. 241ff. 249 267ff. 283ff. 298ff.
Hansen, W.W. 153
Haraldsen, H. 189
Hard direction 180
Hardening, impurity 337
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