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Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics
Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics

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Название: Introduction to solid state physics

Автор: Kittel C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1953

Количество страниц: 396

Добавлена в каталог: 13.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$T^{3/2}$ law      164 362
Absorption band, fundamental      320
Acceptors      280
Acoustical branch      66 67
Activation energy, diffusion      310 322
Activator atoms      316
Adiabatic demagnetization      149
After-glow      316
Alkali halides, dielectric constants, table      100
Alkali halides, infrared absorption and reflection, table      09
Alkali halides, refractive indices, table      100
Alkali metals, hand theory      208
Alkali metals, magnetic susceptibility      236
Alkaline earth metals, conductivity      201 208
Allison, S.K.      28
Allowed hands      250
Alloy phases, Hume-Rothery rules      370
Alloys, band theory      270
Alloys, heat, conductivity      244
Alloys, Hume-Rothery rule      270
Alloys, magnetic momenta      197
Alnico V      177
Alpert, N.L.      104
Amplitude, structure      24
Anderson, P.W.      132 191
Andrew, E.R.      221
Anharmonic interactions      78
Anisotropy energy, cobalt      181
Anisotropy energy, ferromagnetism      170
Anisotropy energy, iron      181
Anisotropy factor      52
Anisotropy factor, alpha-brass      58
Anisotropy factor, beta-brass      58
Anistropy, diamagnetic      137 138
Anistropy, paramagnetic      159
Antiferroelectricity      131
Antiferromagnetic resonance      193
Antiferromagnetism      187 198
Antiferromagnetism, susceptibility      191 198
Antiferromagnetism, table      189
Apker, L.      320ff.
Appelbe, B.J.      339
Atomic polarizability      94
Atomic scattering factor      22
Averbach, B.L.      329
Axes, crystal      11
Axis, rotation      8
Axis, rotation-reflection      9
Axis, rotation-reflection, screw      17
Baertschi, P.      115
Band theory, alloys      270
Band theory, copper      269
Band theory, ferromagnetism      165 196 197
Band theory, insulators      261
Band theory, metals      249
Band theory, results      268
Band widths, observed      271
Bantle, W.      115
Bardcen, J.      209 221ff. 258 263 266 272 277 280 283ff. 289 291 293 341
Barium titanate, crystal structure      116 119
Barium titanate, dielectric constant      119 121
Barium titanate, dielectric constant, near Curie point      124
Barium titanate, domains in      128 129
Barium titanate, frequency dependence of dielectric constant      130
Barium titanate, local field      122
Barium titanate, phase transitions      118 119
Barium titanate, refractive index      122
Barium titanate, Slater theory      122
Barium titanate, spontaneous polarization      118
Barium titanate, Wul theory      125
Barnes, R.B.      69
Barnett method      166
Barnett, S.J.      166 168 268
Barrer, R.M.      322
Barrett, C.S.      8 12 15ff. 58 343
Barrier layer      290
Basis vectors      11
Bates, L.F.      159 173 198
Baumgartner, H.      132
bcc lattice      14 27
bcc structures, instability at low temperatures      58
Becker, J.A.      275
Becker, R.      111 171 183 198 213 248 337 343 357
Bergmann, L.      52
Berman, R.      83ff. 87 244 246
Bethe, H.A.      248 255 306 359
Bhagavantam, S.      17 28
Biermasz, T.      84
Binding energy, ionic crystals      38
Binding energy, metals, values of      56
Birch, F.      86
Bismuth, diamagnetism of      259
Bitter, F.      188
Bizette, H.      188ff.
Blackman, M.      73ff. 751f. 88 266
Bleaney, B.      157
Bloch $T^{3/2}$ law      164 362
Bloch equation      155
Bloch functions      249 251
Bloch theorem, superconductivity      211 363
Bloch wall      172 183
Bloch — Floquet theorem      251
Bloch — Grueneisen relation      265
Bloch, F.      153 155 164 183 185 211ff. 221 224 248ff. 251ff. 262 277 362ff. 366 371
Bloemborgen, N.      154 150
Boas, W.      343
Body-centered cubic lattice      14 27
Body-centered cubic structures, instability at low temperatures      58
Boerdijk, A.H.      27
Boettcher, C.J.F.      111
Bohm, D.      212 364
Bohr magnetons      143
Bohr magnetons, effective number of      145 146 147 166
Bohr radius, impurity states      279
Bohr — van Leeuwen theorem      158
Boltzmann, L.      71ff. 78 87ff. 101 105 108 152 158ff. 224ff. 227 247 277 294 304 307 309 372 376ff.
Boltzmann, transport equation      247
Borelius, G.      248
Born, M.      7 39 42 50 54 99 133 221 224 282
Bose, D.M.      147
Boundary energy, superconductors      220
Boundary, domain      183
Boundary, periodic conditions      65
Bowers, W.A.      67
Bozorth, R.M.      91 166 168 174 182 197ff.
Bragg law      18 21 260
Bragg reflection      70
Bragg, W.L.      17ff. 21 24 28 64 70 251 260 326ff. 346 365
Branch, acoustical      66 67
Branch, optical      66 67
Brass, order-disorder transformation      303
Brattain, W.H.      291 293
Bravais lattice      11 12
Breakdown, dielectric      272
Breckenridge, R.G.      108 313
Bridgman, P.W.      36 81 86
Brillouin function      144 158
Brillouin zones      70 259 368
Brillouin, L.      70 144 158ff. 248 259 261 268 270ff. 368ff.
Brindley, G.W.      135ff.
Broer, L.J.F.      157
Brooks, H.      138
Brown, S.      268
Brown, W.F., Jr.      330
Bubble model      327
Buerger, M.J.      28 345
Bulk modulus, definition      59
Bunn, C.W.      28
Burgers vector      327 329
Burgers, J.M.      327 330ff. 333ff. 343 374
Burton, W.K.      337
Busch, G.      115
c/a ratio      16 27
Cabrera, N.      337
Cady, W.G.      133
Calvin, M.      139 318
Capacity, condenser      93
Carr, W.J.      197
Casimir, H.B.G.      84 159 201 210
Catastrophe, $4\pi/3$      120
Catastrophe, polarizability      103
Catastrophe, polarization, ferroelectrics      118
Cauchy relations      52
Cavity field      89 92 110
Cell, primitive      13
Cell, unit      11 13
Center of inversion      9
Cesium chloride, crystal structure      4
Chalmers, B.      322
Chandrasekhar, S.      82
Chapin, D.M.      91
Chapman, S.      282
Characteristic temperature, definition      75
Characteristic temperature, table      77
chemical potential      372
Cheng, K.C.      221
Christy, R.W.      307
Chynoweth, A.G.      322
Clark, H.      86
Classes, crystal      9
Clausius — Mossotti equation      95
Close-packed structures      15 17 27
Coercive force      113 180
Coercive force, ferroelectrics      117
Coercive force, ferromagnetism      177
Coercive force, fine particles      179 198
Cohen, E.R.      377
Cohen, M.H.      124 131
Cohesive energy of metals, value of      56
Cohesive energy, calculation      271
Cold-work, energy stored      328
Collisions, electron-electron      241
Collisions, electron-phonon      243 244
Collisions, phonon-phonon      243 244
Color centers      311
Complex dielectric constant      108
Compliance constants      47 50
Compressibility, definition      36
Compressibility, ionic crystals      36 39
Compressibility, values of      56
Compton, A.H.      28
Condenser      93 111
Condenser, effect of air gap in      132
Condon, E.U.      148 317
Conductivity      see “Electrical conductivity” “Heat
Conductivity, ionic      311
Configurational heat capacity      321
Constants, values of      377
Conwell — Weisskopf equation      282 371
Conwell, E.      282 371
Cooling by adiabatic demagnetization      149
Copper oxide rectifier      288
Copper, energy bands      269
Copper, heat conductivity      246
Copper-activated zinc sulfide      318
Cottrell impurity hardening      337
Cottrell, A.H.      324ff. 328 374
Counters, crystal      322
covalent bond      2 4
Cowley, J.M.      307
Crystal structure, barium titanate      116 119
Crystal structure, cesium chloride      4
Crystal structure, data      25
Crystal structure, diamond      16 27 278
Crystal structure, perovskite      116
Crystal structure, sodium chloride      4
Crystal structure, table      26
Crystal triodes      see “Transistors”
Crystalline electric fields      357
Crystals, axes      11
Crystals, classes      9
Crystals, counters      322
Crystals, directions, notation      14
Crystals, growth      337 343
Crystals, infrared absorption      67
Crystals, planes, notation      13
Crystals, systems      10
Cubic crystals, elastic constants of      50
Cubic space lattices      14
Cubic system      9 10
Curie law, paramagnetism      143 145
Curie point      160
Curie point, antiferromagnetism, table      189
Curie point, barium titanate      132
Curie point, ferroelectric      124
Curie point, ferroelectric, table      115
Curie point, ferromagnetic      161
Curie point, ferromagnetic, table      166
Curie point, order-disorder transformation      306
Curie point, paramagnetic      161
Curie — Weiss law      161
Curie — Weiss law, dielectric constant      120
Currents, superconducting      200
Cut-off frequency      63
Cut-off frequency, metallic sodium      111
Cyclotron frequency      136
D-centers      313
Dailey, B.P.      1
Damage, radiation      322
Darrow, K.K.      159
Darwin, C.G.      111
Daunt, J.G.      208 215
Dawson, I.M.      339ff.
de Boer, J.H.      267
de Haas — van Alphen affect      247
De Haas, W.J.      84 166ff. 247 267
Debye equation of state      80
Debye relaxation time      107
Debye temperature, definition      75
DeBye temperature, table      77
Debye temperature, variation with temperature      75 76
Debye theory of dielectric constants      100
Debye theory of specific, boats      74
Debye unit, definition      103
Debye, P.      21 71 73ff. 83 87 100 102ff. 107 111 141 149 246 262 265 277 370
Degenerate distribution, definition      228
Dehlinger, U.      324
Demagnetization factor      91
Demagnetization, adiabatic      149
Dendritic crystals      339
Depolarization factor      91
Depolarization field      89 90
Desirant, M.      221
Devonshire, A.F.      133
Dexter, D.L.      320 330
Diamagnetic anisotropy      137 138
Diamagnetic correction to nuclear resonance      140
diamagnetic susceptibility      134
Diamagnetic susceptibility, measurement of      139
Diamagnetic susceptibility, table      136
Diamagnetism      134
Diamagnetism, bismuth      259
Diamagnetism, metals      235 257
Diamagnetism, molecules      137
Diamagnetism, quantum theory      353
Diamond, crystal structure      16 27 278
Diamond, energy gap      276
Dickinson, W.C.      140
Dielectric breakdown      272
dielectric constant      94
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