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Nikolsky S.M. — A Course of Mathematical Analysis (Vol. 2) |
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Approximation, with continuous functions in 159
Approximation, with continuous functions in L 372
Area of a sphere 77
Area of a surface 73—75
Area of a torus 78
Banach space 147
Banach, S. 147
Bernoulli's polynomials 216
Bernoulli, Daniel 216
Bessel, F.W. 173
beta function 133
Boundedness of a Riemann integrable function 26
Brouwer's theorem 67
Brouwer, L.E.J. 67
Bunyakovsky's inequality 153
Bunyakovsky, V.Ya. 153
Carleson, L. 209
Carrier (or support) of a function 140
Cauchy's inequality 153
Cauchy, A.L. 153
Change of variables in improper integral 71
Change of variables in Lebesgue's integral 384
Change of variables in multiple integral 54 56
Characteristic function 376
Chebyshev's polynomials 235
Chebyshev, P.L. 235
Coherent orientation 306
Compact 291
Complete normed linear space 147
Completeness of 382
Complex form of Fourier series 211
Continuity of multiple integral with respect to parameter 48
Continuity of uniformly convergent improper integral 128 135
Convergence in measure 353
Convergence in the mean square 156
Convergence of Fourier's single integral 245
Convergence uniform, of an improper integral 128
Convolution (faltung) 254 333
Cosine transformation, Fourier's 247
Curl (or rotation) of a vector 86 114
Derivative of Fourier's transform 249
Derivative, generalized (Sobolev) 392
Diameter of a set 9
Difference of differential forms 311
Difference of elementary figures 11
Differentiable manifold 289
Differential form 310
Differential of a form (exterior differential) 312
Differentiation of Fourier's series 213 287
Differentiation of gamma function 136
Differentiation of integral with respect to parameter 118
Dirac, P.A. 257
Dirichlet's integral 195
Dirichlet's kernel 196
Dirichlet's sum 195
Dirichlet, P.G.L. 195 196
Divergence of a vector field 108
Du Bois-Reymond, R. 209
Essential supremum 333
Estimation for the remainder of Fourier's series 216 232
Example of a Jordan nonmeasurable set 17
Extension of function with respect to metric of C 433
Fejer's sum 221
Fejer, L. 221
Finitely-valued function 156
Flux of vector through an oriented surface 104
Formula for remainder of Fourier's series 197
Formula, Green's 92
Formula, Stokes' 114 320
Fourier's coefficients 171 211 284
Fourier's cosine transform 249
Fourier's integral 240
Fourier's inverse transform 247
Fourier's series 171
Fourier's sine transform 249
Fourier's single integral formula 242
Fourier's transform 247
Fourier's transformation 247 248
Fourier's transformation, inverse 248
Fourier, J.B.J. 171 211 216 226 240 247 249
Fubini's theorem 375
Fubini, G. 375
Function, 257
Function, absolutely continuous 397
Function, Beta 133
Function, essentially bounded 333
Function, finite 156
Function, finitely-valued 156
Function, Gamma 136
Function, Heaviside 258
Function, Lebesgue integrable 356
Function, locally absolutely continuous 398
Function, locally integrable 247
Function, locally measurable 149
Function, locally piecewise smooth 246
Function, measurable 348
Function, polygonal 165
Function, Riemann integrable 26
Function, satisfying a Lipschitz condition 204
Function, simple 356
Function, step 273
Function, summable 357
Gamma function 136
Gauss — Ostrogradsky theorem 107
Gauss, K.F. 107
Generalized function (continuous linear functional) 255
Generalized function (continuous linear functional) on D' 404
Generalized function (continuous linear functional) on S 255
Generalized function (continuous linear functional) on S* 283
Generalized function (continuous linear functional), 259
Generalized function (continuous linear functional), periodic 326
Generalized function (continuous linear functional), regular 257
Generalized function (continuous linear functional), singular 257
Generalized, (Sobolev) derivative 392
Generalized, Minkowski's inequality 326
Geometrical interpretation of sign of determinant 51
Gibbs' phenomenon 219
Gibbs, J.W. 194 219
Green's formula 92
Green, G. 92
Harmonics of a trigonometric series 193
Heaviside O. 258
Hilbert, D. 156
Hoelder's condition 203
Hoelder's inequality 153
Hoelder, O. 153 203
Hunt, R.A. 209
Hurewicz, W. 67
Incompleteness of the space 407
Inequality, Bessel's 173
Inequality, Bunyakovsky's 153
Inequality, Cauchy's 153
Inequality, Hoelder's 153
Infinite-dimensional linear space 164
Integrability of product 39
Integrability of quotient 39
Integrability of sum 39
Integral of a differential form 316
Integral, Dirichlet's 195
Integral, Fourier's 240
Integral, improper 71 121
Integral, improper, nonuniformly convergent 131
Integral, improper, uniformly convergent 128
Integral, Lebesgue's 338 355
Integral, Lebesgue's, generalized 424
Integral, Lebesgue's, over an unbounded set 388
Integral, line of the first type 80
Integral, line of the second type 81
Integral, Poisson's 140
Integral, Riemann 25
| Integral, Riemann — Stieltjes 414
Integral, Stieltjes 415
Integral, surface, of the first type 96
Integration of an improper integral with respect to parameter 129 240
Integration of Fourier's series 213
Iterated Fourier integral 247
Jordan content (measure) of a set 11 20
Jordan content (measure) of a set, generalized 408
Jordan measurable three-dimensional sets 20
Jordan squarable set 11
Jordan, C. 11 13 15 17
Kernel, Dirichlet's 195
Kernel, Fejer's 223
Kolmogorov's example 209
Kolmogorov, A.N. 209
Lebesgue measurability of intersection of measurable sets 345
Lebesgue measurability of sum of measurable sets 344
Lebesgue measurable set 338
Lebesgue's inner measure 343
Lebesgue's integral 355
Lebesgue's measure 338
Lebesgue's measure of a bounded closed set 339
Lebesgue's measure of a bounded open set 339
Lebesgue, H.L. 33 338 344 355 371
Legendre's polynomials 237
Legendre, A.M. 237
Line integral of the first type 80
Line integral of the second type 81
Linear property of Lebesgue's integral 362
Linearly dependent system of elements 163
Linearly independent system of elements 164
Lipschitz condition 204
Lipschitz, R.O.S. 204
Localization principle 199
Locally integrable function 247
Locally piecewise smooth function 246
Logarithmic potential 140
Lower integral sum, Lebesgue's 355
Lower integral sum, Riemann's 28
Lower step function 356
Manifold, differentiable 290
Manifold, orientable 296
Manifold, oriented 296
Many-dimensional Fejer's sum 221
Many-dimensional Fourier's series 221
Measurable function 348
Measure of a bounded closed set 339
Measure of a bounded open set 339
Measure, Jordan's 13
Measure, Jordan's, generalized 408
Measure, Lebesgue's 343
Minkowski's inequality 326
Minkowski, H. 153 326
Moebius strip 296
Moebius, A.F. 296
Nonuniformly convergent improper integral 131
Norm in 149
Norm in 149
Norm in L 149
Norm in L' 149
Normalized element of anormed space 170
Normed linear space 147
Orientable manifold 296
Orientation of a domain in the plane 91
Orientation of a surface 98
Oriented manifold 296
Orthogonal system of elements 170
Orthogonalization process 183
Orthonormal system of elements 153 170
Orthonormal system of elements, closed 176
Orthonormal system of elements, complete 174
Oscillation lemmas 199
Ostrogradsky, M.V. 107
Parseval's relation 173
Parseval, M.A. 173
Partition of the real line 355
Partition of unity 335
Plancherel's Theorem 278
Plancherel, M. 278
Poisson's integral 140
Poisson, S.D. 140
Polar coordinates in the plane 63
Polar coordinates, (spherical) in 125
Polar coordinates, (spherical) in three-dimensional space 65
Polygonal function 165
Polynomials, Bernoulli's 216
Polynomials, Chebyshev's 235
Polynomials, Legendre's 237
Potential of a vector field 83
Potential of single layer 141
Potential, logarithmic 140
Potential, volume 140
Product of differential forms 311
Regularization of a function 329
Representation of surface 290
Riemann's definite integral 25
Riemann's double integral 10
Riemann's integral sum 24
Riemann's lower integral 27
Riemann's triple 10
Riemann's upper integral 27
Riemann, G.F.B. 10 24 28
Rotation (or curl) of a vector field 86 114
Scalar product in 154
Scalar product in 154
Schwartz, L. 250
Schwarz, H.A. 79
Separable space 165
Series of generalized functions 261
Series, Fourier's 171 188 225
Series, Fourier's, in complex form 261
Set of Lebesgue measure zero 34
Set, complete 165
Set, dense 165
Set, Jordan measurable 13 17
Set, Lebesgue measurable 343
Sine transformation, Fourier's 247
Sobolev's generalized derivative 392
Sobolev's regularization of function 393
Sobolev, S.L. 329 392
Space, 154
Space, 149
Space, 154
Space, 150
Space, Banach 147
Space, C 148
Space, D' 404
Space, L 149 341
Space, L' 149
Space, linear 147
Space, normed linear 147
Space, S 250
Space, S' 255
Space, separable 165
Spherical (polar) coordinates in 125
Spherical (polar) coordinates in the three-dimensional space 65
Step function 273
Stieltjes integral 258
Stieltjes, T.J. 258
Stokes' theorem 114 320
Stokes, G.G. 114
Sum of differential forms 311
Sum of elementary figures 11
Sum, Dirichlet's 195
Sum, Fejer's 221
Sum, Fourier's, arithmetic mean 221
Support (or carrier) of a function 156
Support (or carrier) of a function, compact 156
Surface integral of the first type 96
Theorem on completeness 382
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