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Borwein P.B., Cuyt A., Zhou P. — Explicit construction of general multivariate Padé approximants to an Appell function (Advances in Computational Mathematics (2005) 22, Number 3: 249–273)
Borwein P.B., Cuyt A., Zhou P. — Explicit construction of general multivariate Padé approximants to an Appell function (Advances in Computational Mathematics (2005) 22, Number 3: 249–273)

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Название: Explicit construction of general multivariate Padé approximants to an Appell function (Advances in Computational Mathematics (2005) 22, Number 3: 249–273)

Авторы: Borwein P.B., Cuyt A., Zhou P.


Properties of Padé approximants to the Gauss hypergeometric function 2 F1 (a, b; c; z) have
been studied in several papers and some of these properties have been generalized to several
variables in [6]. In this paper we derive explicit formulae for the general multivariate Padé
approximants to the Appell function F1 (a, 1, 1; a + 1; x, y) = ∞ =0 (ax i y j /(i + j + a)),
where a is a positive integer. In particular, we prove that the denominator of the constructed
approximant of partial degree n in x and y is given by q(x, y) = (−1)n m+n+a F1 (−m −
a, −n, −n; −m−n−a; x, y), where the integer m, which defines the degree of the numerator,
satisfies m
n + 1 and m + a
2n. This formula generalizes the univariate explicit form
for the Padé denominator of 2 F1 (a, 1; c; z), which holds for c > a > 0 and only in half of
the Padé table. From the explicit formulae for the general multivariate Padé approximants, we
can deduce the normality of a particular multivariate Padé table.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 25

Добавлена в каталог: 24.04.2010

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