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Jauch J.M. — Foundations of quantum mechanics |
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-homomorphism see Observable(s)
a.e. see Almost everywhere
Abelian, algebra 57
Abelian, algebra, maximal 57
Abelian, group 137
Absolutely continuous measure 8
Achieser, N. I. 29 45 64 221
Adjoint operator 35
Albertson, J. 120
Algebra, boolean 5
Algebra, generated by an operator 57
Algebra, Lie 140
Algebra, maximal abelian 57
Algebra, semi-finite 271
Algebra, von Neumann 57 247 249
Almost everywhere 7
Angular momentum, composition of 259
Angular momentum, density 241
Angular momentum, intrinsic (or spin) 249
Angular momentum, orbital 258
Angular momentum, total 258
Annihilation operator 44 211 282 285
Antiautomorphism 129
Antilinear mapping 31
Antisymmetrical subspace 279
Aquinas, T. 275
Artin, E. 133 150
Atomic proposition 79 87
Automorphism 136 142 153
Automorphism, anti 129
Automorphism, inner 138
Baer, R. 133
Bargmann V. 149 150 221 225
Bauer, E. 191
Bell, J. S. 120
Bessel’s inequality 22
Bethe, H. A. 246
Biedenharn, L. 134
Birkhoff, G. 79 80 83 88 110 129 133
Bohm, D. 120
Bohr, N. 69 90 107 110 168 187 192
Borel, function 78 98 101
Borel, set 6
Born, M. 195
Bose gas (free) 280
Bose — Einstein statistics 278
Bound of propositions, greatest lower 74
Bound of propositions, least upper 76
Bounded, linear functional see Functional
Bounded, linear operator see Operator
Bra 32
Brodbeck, M. 88
Broglie de, L. 120 191
Calculus, functional, for observables 101
Calculus, pro positional 77
Canonical, commutation rules 43 199
Canonical, transformation 211
Carroll, L. 269
Cauchy sequence 16 19 26
Cayley equation 49
Center, of a lattice 5 108
Center, trivial 81
Characteristic function 39
Closed, linear manifold 25
Closed, operator 40
Closure of, a linear manifold 25
Closure of, a linear operator 40
Coherent, component 143 145
Coherent, lattice 124
Coherent, proposition system 115
Coherent, sublattice 109 145
Commutation rules, irreducible representation of the 201
Commutation rules, Schroedinger representation of the 200
Commutation rules, Weyl’s form of the 198
Compact space 59
Compatibility 80 81
Compatible, observables 101
Compatible, projections 86
Compatible, propositions 81 95
Compatible, subspaces 27
Complement, orthogonal 25
Complement, relative, of a subset 4
Complementarity 69
Complete, - 80
Complete, lattice 77
Complete, orthonormal system 22
Complete, space 16 19
Complete, system of observables 101
Conjugate, linear functional 32
Conjugate, linear transformation 177
Connected, automorphisms 145
Connected, component 145
Connected, multiply 141
Connected, simply 141
Conservative system 156
Convergence in the measure 12
Convergence, strong 21
Convergence, weak 21
Coordinate system 22
Coset, left 137
Coset, right 137
Covering group, universal 141
Creation operator 44 211 282 285
Croiset, R. 88 133
Current, probability 240
Dense sequence 19
density 240
Density, operator 132
Density, probability 239
Destouche—Fevrier, P. 89
Dimension of a space 20
Dirac picture 157
Dirac, P. A. M. 31 45 105 110
Direct integral of Hilbert spaces 250
Direct sum of, Hilbert spaces 281
Direct sum of, subspaces 25 26
Disjoint, propositions 86 95
Disjoint, subspaces 28
Displacement operator 198
Distributivity 28 39 79
Dixmier, J. 205 221 287
Domain, of a function 9
Domain, of an operator 33
Dual space 31
Dubreil—Jacotin, L. 88 133
Dunford, N. 17
d’Espagnat, B. 192
Eigenfunction expansion 62
Eigenvalue, of an operator 47
Eigenvalue, simple 47
Eigenvector of an operator 47
Einstein, A. Ill 112 174 185 186 187 190 191 192
Element 3
Elementary, particle 205 235
Elementary, quasi-, system 206
Elementary, system 145
Emch, G. 134 150
Energy, kinetic 210
Energy, potential 210
Energy, total 210
Equality, of propositions 74
Equality, of sets 3
Event 174
Evolution, operator 154 209
Evolution, time 151
Expectation value of an observable 99
Experiment, Stern — Gerlach 252
Experiment, Yes-no see Proposition
Extension of an operator 34
| Faithful representation 231 234
Feigl, H. 88
Fermi gas (free) 285
Fermi, E. 278
Filter 73 165
Finkelstein, D. 134
Fock space 281
Foldy, L. 221
Folias, C. 221
Form, definite 129
Form, Hermitian 129
Form, quadratic 32
Form, sesquilinear 129
Fourier transformation 63 243
Frank, P. 88
Frobenius, G. 201
Function space 16
Function, - additive 7
Function, analytic 215
Function, argument of a 9
Function, Borel 78 98 101
Function, continuous 11
Function, domain of a 9
Function, eigenfunction expansion 62
Function, integrable 12 55
Function, inverse 10
Function, measurable 11 55
Function, range of a 9
Function, set 10
Function, simple 11
Function, single-valued 10
Functional calculus 55
Functional, bounded linear 30 55
Functional, conjugate linear 32
Functional, norm of a linear 30
Functional, positive sesquilinear 33
Functional, sesquilinear 32 35
Functional, strictly positive sesquilinear 33
Functional, symmetrical sesquilinear 32
Galilei, G. 30
Galilei, invariance 207
Galilei, invariant 235
Galilei, transformation 207
Gas, free Bose 280
Gas, free Fermi 285
Geher, L. 221
Geometry, continuous 123
Geometry, projective 123 127 128
Glasmann, I. M. 29 45 64 221
Glauber, R. J. 221
Gleason, A. M. 104 110 132 134
Gleason’s theorem 132
Gram determinant 22
Grosseteste, R. 3
Group 137
Group, abelian 137
Group, cyclic 137
Group, dynamical 154
Group, factor 138
Group, invariant sub- 138
Group, Lie 139
Group, sub- 137
Group, topological 139
Group, universal covering 141
Halmos, P. R. 17 29
Hamermesh, M. 150
Hamiltonian (or evolution operator) of a system 154
Hanson, N. R. 191
harmonic oscillator 211
Heisenberg picture 155
Heisenberg, W. 191
Helmholtz, H. L. F. von 68
Hermite polynomials 45 213
Hermitian operator see Symmetrical
Hertz, H. 68
Hidden variables 116
Hilbert, relation 53
Hilbert, space 18
Homogeneity 197 224
Homomorphism 138
Horace 46
Horwitz, L. 134
Huygens, C. 68
Identical particles 275
Ikebe, T. 64
Imprimitivities see System of imprimitivitics
Inoenue, E. 221
Integral of a simple function 12
Integral, definite 12
Integral, direct 250
Integral, indefinite 12
Integral, Lebesgue 13
Integral, Lebesgue — Stieltjes 13
Intersection of, greatest lower sets 4
Intersection of, propositions see Bound of propositions
Intersection of, subspaces 26 38
Invariance, Galilei 207
Invariance, gauge 238
Inverse, image 10 98
Inverse, of a function 10
Inverse, of an operator 34
Isometry (partial) 35
Isomorphism see Morphism
Isotopic spin 249
Isotropy 225
Jacobi identity 140
Jauch, J. M. 64 120 134 272 280 287
Jordan, P. 22 29 88
Jost, R. 287
Kaplansky, I. 220 221
Kepler, J. 121
Ket 32
Kilpi, Y. 205 221
Kolmogorov, A. N. 95 110
Korner, S. 191
Kramer degeneracy 261
Kronig, R. 247 268
Larmor frequency 263
Lattice 26
Lattice of subspaces 85
Lattice, atomic 80
Lattice, Boolean 80
Lattice, center of a 81 108
Lattice, complete 27 77
Lattice, direct union of 81
Lattice, distributive 80
Lattice, irreducible 81 108 124
Lattice, modular 83 122
Lattice, orthocomplemented 27 77 129
Lattice, reducible 81 108 125
Lattice, sub- 80
Lattice, weakly modular 86
Lebesguc, H. L. 9
Lebesgue — Stieltjes integral 13
Lebesgue — Stieltjes measure 8
Lebesgue, integral 13
Lebesgue, measure 7
Lebesgue, theorem 9
Leibnitz, G. W. von 275
Lesieur, L. 88 133
Lie, algebra 140
Lie, group 139 141
Linear, manifold 20 24 128
Linear, manifold, closed 25
Linear, manifold, closure of a 25
Linear, operator 33
Linear, vector space 18
Linearly, dependent system 20
Linearly, independent system 20
Local factor 148
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