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Jauch J.M. — Foundations of quantum mechanics
Jauch J.M. — Foundations of quantum mechanics

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Название: Foundations of quantum mechanics

Автор: Jauch J.M.


This book is an advanced text on elementary quantum mechanics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1968

Количество страниц: 299

Добавлена в каталог: 11.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Localizability      123 196 222
Logic (formal)      77
London, F.      191
Loomis, L. H.      88 125 133
Ludwig, G.      88 191
Mach, E.      69 222
Mackey, G.      103 110 119 201 221
Maeda, S.      88
Maximal symmetrical operator      41
Maxwell, J. G.      67
Measurable, $\mathfrak{L}$-valued      98
Measurable, comparable      8
Measurable, convergence in the      12
Measurable, discrete      8
Measurable, equivalent      8 51
Measurable, function      11 55
Measurable, Lebesgue      7
Measurable, Lebesgue — Stieltjes      8
Measurable, quasi-invariant      202
Measurable, set      7
Measurable, set of, zero      7
Measurable, spectral      39 50 197
Measure(s), absolutely continuous      8 14 58
Measurement of the first kind      165
Measurement of the second kind      165
Measurement, ideal      166 167
Measuring process      163 183
Menger, K.      134
Messiah, A.      268
Minkowski’s inequality (triangle inequality)      21
Misra, B.      64 120 272 280 287
Mittelstaedt, P.      89
Mixture      96
Modular lattice      83 122 219
Modular lattice, weakly      86
Momentum of a particle      237
Momentum, angular      228
Momentum, operator      43 210
Morphism      136
Morphism, automorphism      136 142 144 153
Morphism, homomorphism      138
Morphism, inner automorphism      138
Murray, F. J.      133
Nagy, B. Sz.      17 29 45 64 205 221
Neveu, J.      110
Newton, T. D.      221
Nietzsche, F.      160
Nikodym, O.      14
Norm of, a linear functional      30
Norm of, a linear operator      34
Norm of, a vector      19
Observable(s)      98 99
Observable(s), compatible      101
Operator(s), adjoint      35
Operator(s), annihilation (destruction)      44 211 282 285
Operator(s), bounded linear      33 55
Operator(s), closed      40 41
Operator(s), continuous      34
Operator(s), creation      44 211 282 285
Operator(s), density      132
Operator(s), displacement      198
Operator(s), domain of an      33
Operator(s), essentially self-adjoint      41
Operator(s), extension of an      34
Operator(s), identity      35
Operator(s), inverse      34
Operator(s), maximal      41
Operator(s), maximal symmetrical      41
Operator(s), momentum      210
Operator(s), multiplication with scalar      36
Operator(s), norm of a bounded linear      34
Operator(s), partial isometry      35
Operator(s), position      42 197
Operator(s), positive      36
Operator(s), product of      35 42
Operator(s), projection      35 37
Operator(s), range of an      33
Operator(s), resolvent      49
Operator(s), self-adjoint      35 41 50 54
Operator(s), shift      36
Operator(s), sum of      34 42
Operator(s), symmetrical      41
Operator(s), tensor      234
Operator(s), total number      282 286
Operator(s), unbounded linear      34 40
Operator(s), unitary      36
Operator(s), vector      233
Order (partial)      74
Orthocomplementation      76 129
Orthocomplemented lattice      77 129
Orthogonal, complement      25
Orthogonal, subspaces      25
Orthogonal, vectors      21
Orthonormal, sequence of vectors      21
Orthonormal, system      22
Orthonormal, system complete      22
Paradox, Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen      185
Paradox, Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, Schroedinger’s cat      185
Paradox, Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, Wigner’s friend      187
Parallelogram law      22
Parastatistics      279
Parseval’s equation      63
Partial, isometry      35
Partial, order      74
Particle, elementary      205
Particle, free      209
Pauli matrices      255
Pauli, W.      Ill 120 191 247 287
Phase factors      146
Physical system      71
Picture, Dirac (or interaction)      157
Picture, Heisenberg      155
Picture, Schroedinger      155
Pierce, C. S.      18
Piron, C.      88 120 133 150
Planck’s constant      210
Plessner, A.      199 221
Podolsky, B.      185 186 187 190 192
Point      125 see
Polarization law      33
Pontryagin, L.      150
Position operator      42 197
Probability, current      240
Probability, density      239
Product, of operators      35 42
Product, scalar      19
Product, tensor      176 270 273
Product, topological      176
Projection operator      35 37
Projections, commuting      39
Projections, compatible      86
Projective, geometry      123 127 128
Projective, representation      145 146
Proposition(s)      73
Proposition(s), absurd      76
Proposition(s), compatible set of      81 95
Proposition(s), disjoint      86 95
Proposition(s), minimal      see Atomic proposition
Proposition(s), system      87
Proposition(s), triviul      76
Radon — Nikodym, derivative      15 61
Radon — Nikodym, theorem      14
Radon, J.      14
Random variable      see Observable(s)
Range of, a function      9
Range of, an observable      99
Range of, an operator      33
Reduction of an operator      42
Regular value      52
Reichenbach, H.      89
Rellich, F.      205 221
Representation, induced      203
Representation, occupation number      281
Representation, projective, of a group      145 146
Representation, Schroedinger      200
Resolvent operator      49 53
Rey, A.      69
Riesz, F.      17 29 31 45 64
Riesz’s theorem      31
Ring      5
Ring, $\sigma$      5
Ring, generated by a class of sets      5
Rose, G.      88
Rosen, N.      185 186 187 190 192
Rotation      228
Rotation, axis      228
Rotation, proper      228
Russell, B.      287
Scalar product      19
Scalar product, positive definite      20
Scalettar, R.      88
Scheibe, E.      89
Schiff, L. I.      45
Schroedinger, cat paradox      185
Schroedinger, E.      185 190 191
Schroedinger, equation      154
Schroedinger, picture      155
Schroedinger, representation      200
Schwartz, J. T.      17
Schwartz’s inequality      21
Scotus, D.      275
Secular equation      47
Segal, I. E.      104 110
Self-adjoint operator      35 41 50
Self-adjoint operator, essentially      35
Separable, proposition system      100
Separable, space      100
Separable, sublattice      19 100
Sequence, Cauchy      16 19 26
Sequence, dense      19
Set(s), Borel      6
Set(s), class of sub-      4
Set(s), compatible, of propositions      81
Set(s), disjoint      4
Set(s), empty      4
Set(s), open sub-      11
Set(s), sub-      4
Set(s), total      80
Set(s), x-null      100
Space inversion      241 260
Space inversion, operator      242
Space, $L^1$      16
Space, $l^2$      23
Space, compact      142
Space, complete      16 19
Space, completion of a      20
Space, dimension of a      20
Space, dual      31
Space, Fock      281
Space, function      16
Space, Hilbert      75 131
Space, homogeneous      198
Space, linear vector      18
Space, measure      7
Space, separable      19
Space, topological      10 11
Spectral, density      58 59
Spectral, family      54
Spectral, measure      39 50 197
Spectral, representation      48 56 61
Spectral, theorem      53
Spectrum      52
Spectrum, continuous      52
Spectrum, discrete      52
Spectrum, of an observable      100
Spectrum, simple      47 49 57 59
Speiser, D.      134
Spherical harmonics      231
Spin      249 267
Spin, $\frac{1}{2}$      249
Spin, isotopic      249
Spin, space      253
Spin, state      252
State(s)      91 94 112
State(s), classical      172
State(s), dispersion of a      96 114
State(s), dispersion-free      96 114
State(s), equivalent      170
State(s), macro      171
State(s), micro      171
State(s), mixture of      96
State(s), pure      96 115 132 181
State(s), reduced      181
State(s), spin      252
State(s), vacuum      282
State(s), vector      132
Statistics, Einstein — Bose      278
Statistics, Fermi — Dirac      278
Statistics, para-      279
Stern — Gerlach experiment      252
Stone, M. H.      29 57 125 133 221
Stone’s theorem      57
Strong, convergence      21
Strong, interaction      249
Structure constants of a Lie algebra      141
Stueckelberg, E. C. G.      131 134
SU(2) group      254
Subspace(s) (closed linear manifold)      20 24
Subspace(s) (closed linear manifold), compatible      28
Subspace(s) (closed linear manifold), disjoint      28
Superposition principle      106 108
Superselection rules      109
Superselection rules, abelian      280
Symmetrical, maximal      41
Symmetrical, operator      41
Symmetrical, subspace      279
Symmetry of a lattice      see Automorphism
System of imprimitivities      202
System of imprimitivities, canonical      203
System of imprimitivities, irreducible      204 205
System of imprimitivities, transitive      203
System, classical      78 80
System, complete, of observables      101
System, composite      196
System, conservative      156
System, nonconservative      157
System, of propositions      87
System, physical      71
System, separable, of propositions      100
Szasz, G.      88
Thomas factor      263
Thomas, L. H.      263 268
Time, evolution      151
Time, reversal      244 260
Time, reversal, operator      244 245
Titchmarsh, E. C.      64
Topological space      11
Transformation, Fourier      63 243
Transformation, gauge      237
Transformation, of states      145
Transformation, semilinear      144
Uhlhorn, U.      150
Uncertainty relation      162
Union, direct, of lattices      81
Union, of sets      3
Union, of subspuces      26 38
Union, of systems      179
Unitary operator      36
Universal covering group      141
Value, eigen-      47
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