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Bernard P.S., Wallace J.M. — Turbulent Flow: Analysis, Measurement and Prediction |
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Adrian, R. J. 72 77—80 82 85—89 92 93 168
Agel, F. 406
Akamatsu, T. 421
Akselvoll, K. 406
Aksoy, H. 345 357 361
Alfredsson, P. H. 118 122 154
Algebraic Reynolds stress model (see Model algebraic
Aliasing 103
Allmaras, S. R. 313
Almeida, G. B. 365—366
Alternating tensor 41
Andersson, H. I. 373
Andre, J. C. 461
Andreopoulos, Y. 53 63—64
Anemometer, constant current 63 65—66 68
Anemometry, cold-wire 94
Anemometry, constant current 56
Anemometry, constant temperature 56 68—70
Anemometry, hot-film 53—54 56
Anemometry, hot-wire 53—70
Antonia, R. A. 193—194 198—199
Aoiki, K. 367 369
Apsley, A. D. 322 337 367—369
ARM (see Model algebraic
Ashmawey, M. F. 233
Averaging 6
Averaging, ensemble 6 231 360
Averaging, local 393 408
Averaging, path 409—410
Averaging, spatial 7 408
Averaging, time 6 360
Ayrault, M. 91 95—96
Backscatter 400—401 407
Backward facing step 360—365
Backward time analysis 232
Balachandar, S. 168
Baldwin, B. S. 310 313
Balint, J. — L. 53 63 65 145 290
Bandyopadhyay, R 168 423
Bardina, J. 300—301 400
Barenblatt, G. I. 135 139—141 150—152
Barth, T. J. 313
Barton, J. M. 476
Batchelor, G. K. 18 24—25 267 272—273 318 404 434
Baumgarten, D. 379—384
Bell, J. H. 214—215
Bender, C. M. 202
Bernal, L. P. 220
Bernard, P. S. 96 164—166 170 175 233—235 239—240 242—243 245—248 269 275 277 279 287 300—301 347—348 423-426 441-445
Bertoglio, J. P. 329
Biot — Savart law 416—419
Bisset, D. K. 198—199
Blackwelder, R. F. 53 67 154 158—159
Blaisdell, G. A. 332
Blasius 212
Blasius, dynamics 154 159 162
Blasius, scaling 152
Blasius, separation 244 312 359—368 382
Blasius, structure 152 160 162 165 169 173 403 407
Blasius, thickness 144 156 160
Blasius, three-dimensional 410
Blocking effect 343
Boris, J. P. 398
Boundary layer 112 121—122 142—152 157—163 248 312 354—359 423-424
Bradbury, L. J. S. 205
Braid 195 210 219 222
Breuer, M. 411—415
Bridge 67
Bridge, voltage 69
Bridge, Wheatstone 66 68
Brodkey, R. S. 94 118—119 154—156 160
Brooke, J. W. 164—165 170—171
Browand, F. K. 210 218
Brown, G. L. 94 218
Browne, L. W. B. 193 198—199
Brownian motion 2 49 78 431 435 448 482
Bruun, H. H. 68
Buffer layer 65 111 119 124 132—133 135 146 154 160—161
Buffer layer, bulges 160
Buoyancy 57
Burmeister, L. C. 446
Burst spectrum analyzer 81—82
Bursts 153 155—156 162 173
Cabot, W. H. 405 408 410—412
Calibration, model 304 321 328 331 353
Calibration, probe 56 58 60—61 95
Cambon, C. 460
canonical ensemble 480
Canonical flows 111 175
Cantwell, B. J. 167—168 195 413—415
Canuto, C. 103—104 106
Carruthers, D. J. 320
Cebeci, T. 310 366—367 485 486
Central limit theorem 432
Channel flow 104—106 112—132 163—166 249—251 354—360 441 492
Channel flow, curved 375
Channel flow, rotating 368
Channel flow, rough wall 229
Chapman, S. 22 227
Chebyshev polynomial 104—106
Chen, C. — H. P. 53 159
Chen, W. L. 367—369
Chen, W. Y. 470
Chesnakas, C. J. 379
Chew, Y. T. 367
Chiang, K. S. 96
Cho, J. S. 219
Choi, K. S. 330
Chong, M.S. 167—168 248
Chorin, A. J. 42 98 139—141 150—152 422 452—453 456 477 480
Christensen, K. T. 168
Cimbala, J. 184—185 198
Circular cylinder 184 189—191 196—197 411
Clark, J. A. 160
Clauser equilibrium parameter 1 8
Clauser, F. H. 148
Clipping 408
Closure 8 20 28—29 47 297 304 307 353
Closure, mean scalar field 446
Closure, model (see Model)
Closure, nonlocal 239
Closure, problem 15 23 262
Closure, second moment 306 324—334 345 365
Closure, two-point 456
Closure, vorticity transport 47 347—348
Coherent structure 153 423
Coles, D. E. 150 195 413—415
Collis, D. C. 56
Compton, D. A. 77
Comte — Bellot, G. 470
Confluent hypergeometric equation 279
Constant stress layer 116 134—135 310 315 339
Constitutive law 20 23 305—306 317 321 324 326 335
Continuity equation 19 65 186
Control volume 27 189
Cooper, D. 379—380
Core region 120 134 148
Corino, E. R. 154—155 160
Coriolis term 318 368
Correlation auto 92 432
Correlation auto, cross 90
Correlation auto, forward time 232
Correlation auto, Lagrangian 238 251
Correlation auto, longitudinal 11 259
Correlation auto, space-time 158
Correlation auto, tensor 9 31 35 156—157 196—197 257 292
Correlation auto, time 12
Correlation auto, transport 333
Correlation auto, transverse 11
Correlation auto, two-point 31—36
| Corrsin, S. 57 470
Counter processor 82—83
Cowling, T. G. 22 227
Craft, T. J. 322 357 360 363—364 379—380
Crow constraint 327—328 331
Crow, S. C. 321 327
Csanady, G. T. 440
Cummings, R. M. 379
Cummins, H. Z. 70
Cumulant 454 466 474
Curvature 322 374—376
Daly, B. J. 333 447
Damping eddy 459
Davidson, L. 403 409
Dealiasing 103 106
Decay, final period 267 270—274 277 287 343
Deformation work 25—26
Demuren, A. O. 357 372—373
Dia (see Model)
DIA Diffuser 312 359 365—368
DIA Diffuser, annular 376
DIA Direct numerical simulations (see DNS)
Diffusion by continuous movements 432
Diffusivity 309 435 438 448
Diffusivity, eddy 249 435 440 443 446
Diffusivity, plume dependent 440
Diffusivity, thermal 49 446
Dimas, A. 423—426
Dimotakis, P. E. 95
Direct interaction approximation (see Model)
Displacement thickness 144—145
Dissipation 5 12 15 30 42 101 123 266 287 299 314 341 400 421
Dissipation of dissipation 275
Dissipation, budget 126
Dissipation, enstrophy 131 281
Dissipation, isotropic 27
Dissipation, rate 26 37 40 131 194 215 221—222 261—262 324 402 477
Dissipation, rate equation 28
Dissipation, rate tensor 29 346
Dissipation, scalar rate 445—446
Dissipation, spectrum 468
DNS 14—16 42 54 97 106 119—123 174 213—215 219—220 397 410
Doppler burst 77 80—83
Doppler burst, frequency 72—73 75 80—81
Doppler burst, pulse 78—79
Dowling, D. R. 95
Dracos, T. 53 63—64
Drag, coefficient 191 412
Drag, force 189
Dragan, D. 64
Driest 402 407 411 426
Driver, D. M. 361 365
Dual beam method 73 75 77
Dual scatter method 73
Duct flow 372—374
Dumas, R. 158—159
Durao, D. F. G. 365—366
Durbin, P. A. 320 342 357 372—373
Dynamical system 275 331
Eaton, J. K. 77
Eckelmann, H. 71 74 76 80—81 85 89 118—119 122 154—156 184-185
Eddy, turnover time 266 274—275 277 312
Eddy, viscosity, definition 226 305
EDQNM (see Model)
EDQNM Ejection 155 160 163 244 422
Elghobashi, S. 345
Energy cascade 38 422 456
Energy cascade, decay 261—277
Energy cascade, density function 10 42 468
Energy cascade, equation 285—287 460
Energy cascade, production rate 221—222
Energy cascade, redistribution 30 128 324
Energy cascade, spectrum 42 282 404 455
Energy cascade, tensor 10 282 292 463
Energy cascade, turbulent kinetic 221—222
Enstrophy blow up 282
Enstrophy blow up, budget 130—132
Enstrophy blow up, dissipation 131 281
Enstrophy blow up, equation 47—48
Enstrophy blow up, spectrum 289
entropy 481
Equilibrium 39 270 279 328 335 481
Equilibrium, high Reynolds number 274—277
Equilibrium, production-equals-dissipation 297
Equilibrium, universal 39
EVM (see Model)
Eyink, G. L. 474 477
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 81 103
Fast multipole method 420
Favre, A. 158—159
Feller, W. V. 78
Ferziger, J. H. 300—301 400
Fey, U. 184—185
Fickian diffusion 49 432
Fiedler, H. 203
Filter 391—394
Fishelov, D. 421
Fixed point analysis 269—270
Flatness 9
Fleishman, B. A. 436
Flow elliptical 331—332
Flow elliptical, nearly parallel 182—183
Flow elliptical, visualization 4 145 154—155 160 198 210 220
Folz, A. B. 121
Forster, D. 469
Forward time analysis 232
Foss, J. F. 63 163
Fourier — Chebyshev expansion 104
Fourier — Galerkin method 101
Fourier, series 100—101
Fourier, space 456
Fourier, space-time transform 470
Fourier, transform 10 13 35 101 286 292 393 463
Fractal 478
Free shear flow 180
Frenkiel, F. N. 436 470
Frequency trackers 83
Frequency-locked loop 83
Friction velocity 115
Frozen turbulence 64
Fry, P. 376—377
Fu, S. 332
Fully turbulent layer 120 146 156
Gad-el — Hak, M. 94
Galilean invariance 198 318 401
Gatski, T. B. 328 330 334 336—337 355 371—372 476
Gaussian 392
Gaussian, base state 455
Gaussian, distribution 91
Gaussian, filter 392
Gaussian, function 272
Gaussian, grid 405
Gaussian, plume 434
Gaussian, random field 453—455 462
Gaussian, random variable 8 431 448
Gaussian, sharp Fourier cut-off 393
Gaussian, test 405
Gaussian, tophat 393
Gaviglio, J. 158—159
Gee, K. 379
George, W. K. 83—84
Germano, M. 405 410—411
Geurts, B. 398 410—412
Ghorashi, B. 160
Ghosal, S. 392 398 406
Gibson, M. M. 328 379—384
Girimaji, S. S. 329 331—332 334—335 355 359 371
Godeferd, F. S. 460
Gorski, J. J. 132 347—348
Gortler, H. 202 212
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