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Bernard P.S., Wallace J.M. — Turbulent Flow: Analysis, Measurement and Prediction |
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Nusselt number 57 67
Nye, J. O. 94
Nyquist frequency 83
Obi, S. 367 369
Ogami, Y. 421
Ogura, Y. 455
Oldroyd derivative 319 323
Ong, l. 96 130—131 160—161
Onsager, L. 453 477
Optical mixing 72
Oran, E. S. 398
Orszag, S. A. 142 202 453 455—456 459 469—470 472 476
Oster, D. 214
Outer layer 148—150
Overheat ratio 58 67
Overlap, argument 135 149
Overlap, layer 120
Pairing 210 219—220 222
Palenstrophy coefficient 264
Palenstrophy coefficient, joint 8—9 160 194—195 453
Palenstrophy coefficient, pdf 8 50 238 431 434 443—444
Panton, R. L. 170
Papavassilou, D. V. 165
Park, S. — R. 62
Parlange, M. B. 406
Payne, F. 197
Pedestal signal 78 79 83
Pedlosky, J. 318
periodicity 101
Perry, A. E. 66 167—168 248
Peyret, R. 98 106
Pfenninger, W. 2
Phase-locked loop 83
Photodetector 70 72 75 77 78 80 82
Pien, C. L. 439
Piomelli, U. 65 397 402 405 410—411
Pipe flow 132—142 155 160 175
Pipe flow, transition 2
Pitts, W. M. 94
PIV 54 87—90
PIV, resolution 88—89
Plume 96 431 440 443
Plume, continuous point source 436—440
Plume, Gaussian 434
Plume, laminar 448
Plume, line source 442
Plume, origin 435
Plume, slender 438
Plume, source 445
Plume, spread 434 437
Poiseulle flow 113
Pope, S. B. 334 433
Power, law 120 134 136—142 150—152 201 271 275 289 326 469 482
Power, spectrum 81
Prandtl 309
Prandtl, L. 134 309
Prandtl, number 57 446
Prandtl, turbulent 313
Pressure, coefficient 382
Pressure, diffusion 29
Pressure, near-wall 174
Pressure, work 27 129 313
Pressure-strain 30 126 127 321 324—333 335 345 375 378
Pressure-strain, fast term 31
Pressure-strain, slow term 31
Probability density function (see pdf Probe)
Probability density function, calibration 69
Probability density function, constant temperature hot-wire 69
Probability density function, multisensor 59 61—64 69 160
Probability density function, rake 207
Probability density function, twelve-sensor 64
Probability density function, X-array hot-wire 193
Projection method 97
Projection method, operator 98 291 462
Prolate spheroid flow 379—383
Proper orthogonal decomposition 197
Prostokishin, V. M. 139—141 150—152
Prud’homme, M. 345
Pseudo-spectral method 104
PTV 81 93
Puckett, E.G. 416 419 421
Puff 50—51 431 440
Puff, laminar 431—432
Puff, Quadrant analysis 155—156 216 219
Puff, turbulent 432—436 496
Quarteroni, A. 103—104 106
Raffel, R. 90—91
Rapid distortion theory (see RDT)
Rapid planar scanning 54 79
Rate-of-strain tensor 20 168
Rayleigh light scattering 88
RDT 320 326 329 332
Realizability 320 329 333 455 459
Reattachment point 353 360—361 363 365
Rebollo, M. R. 94
Reece, G. J. 327 330 374 376
Reichardt, H. 213
Reichl, L. E. 436 478 480
Renormalization 453 456 466—467 470—471 473 475—476
Renormalization, group theory (see Model RNG)
Renormalized perturbation theories 455
Resolution cell 86
Return to isotropy 326 329
Reynolds analogy 446
Reynolds analogy, averaged equation 18
Reynolds analogy, model (see Model)
Reynolds analogy, number 3
Reynolds analogy, stress budget 126—130
Reynolds analogy, stress equation 29
Reynolds stress equation stress tensor 20 23
Reynolds stress equation stress tensor, transport theorem 21
Reynolds, O. 19
Reynolds, W. C. 154—155 297 300—301 311 321 345 400 456
Ristorcelli, J. R. 347
RLS 88
Rng (see Model)
RNG Rotating channel flow 368 372
Robert, R. 477
Robertson, H. P. 258
Robinson, S. K. 166
Rodi, W. 327 330 334 373—374 376
Rogers, M. M. 213—219 297
Rohr, J. J. 296
Rokhlin, V. 420
Roshko, A. 184—185 198 218 220
Rotation 368—372
Rotta model (see Model Rotta)
Rotta, J. C. 326
Roughness 136 142
Rovelstad, A. 235 441—445
Rubach, H. 184
Rubinstein, R. 476
Runstadler, P. W. 154
Saddle region 198
Saddoughi, S. G. 42—43
Sarkar, A. 328—330 342 355—358 363 365 371—372
Sato, Y. 433
Scalar dissipation rate 445
Scalar dissipation rate, mean field 446
Scalar dissipation rate, modeling 445
Scalar dissipation rate, passive 48
Scalar dissipation rate, transport 48—51 441—445
Scalar dissipation rate, turbulent, field 430
SCALE (see Turbulence scale)
Schiff, L. B. 379
Schlichting, H. 136—137 144—145 150 163 182 211
Schoppa, F. 162 168
Schraub, F. A. 154
Schumann, U. 403
| Schwartz, S. P. 160
Scott, J. F. 460
Second moment closure (see Model Reynolds
Secondary mean flow 373
Sedov, L. I. 279
Seegmiller, H. L. 361
Self-avoiding random walk 480
Self-similarity (see Similarity self)
Sensor, cold-wire 54 67
Separation (see Boundary layer separation)
Shah, D. A. 193
Shankar, S. 421
Shanmugasundaram, V. 468—470
Shariff, K. 332
Sharma, B. I. 378—380
Shavit, A. 328
Shear layer 153 159 162 185 216 416
Shear layer, Blasius solution 144
Shear layer, complete 134 138—139 268
Shear layer, free 397
Shear layer, function 189 199
Shear layer, incomplete 134 139
Shear layer, localized 154
Shear layer, self 219 268—269 276
Shear layer, thin 182
Shear layer, variable 202 214
Shih, T. — H. 332 345
Shima, N. 345
Shivaprasad, B. G. 367
Similarity 110—111 133 136 185—187 204 211
Simoens, S. 91 95—96
Simpson, R. L. 367 379
Sirovich, L. 197
skewness 9 264 282 449 459
Skin friction coefficient 381
Slater, L. J. 279
Smagorinsky, J. 310 401
SMC (see Model Reynolds
Smith, A. M. O. 310 366—367 418
Smith, C. R. 154 160 185
Smith, G. F. 322
Smith, L. M. 453 456 469 476
Smits, A. J. 142—143
So, R. M. C. 322 325 342 345 355—358 361 363 365 374 448
Sohankar, A. 403 409
Sommer, T. P. 345
Spalart, P. R. 119 121—123 125 131 146—147 313 358—360 410—412 423 425-426
Spalding, D. B. 119
Specific heat 24 55
Spectral analysis 36—39
Spectrum, dissipation 468
Spectrum, enstrophy 289
Spectrum, inertial range 456 477
Spectrum, one-dimensional energy 14 42—43 65 287—289
Spencer, B. W. 214
Speziale, C. G. 269 275 277 279 300—301 318—320 322—323 325 328 330 335—337 346 355 361—362 367 369 371—372 374 401 448 476
Splitter plate 180 210 217
Spohn, H. 477
Squires, K. D. 410—412
Sreenivasan, K. R. 42 478
Stagnation point 198 354 376—379
Stephen, M. J. 469
Stevens, S. J. 376—377
Stewart, R. W. 40 470
Street, R. L. 401 408
Stress tensor 18—19
Strouhal number 184 194
Strouhal, V. 184
Structure function 404
Subgrid scale stress 390
Suga, K. 322 357 360
Swearingen, J. 235
Sweep 155 244
Swirl 322
Taneda, S. 185
Tangemann, R. 229
Taulbee, D. B. 334
Tavoularis, S. 329
Taylor — Proudman theorem 318
Taylor, G. I. 43 47 64 229 248—249 257 265 432 440
Taylor, T. D. 98 106
Taylor’s hypothesis 64—65 158 288—289
Tennekes, H. 181—182
Thangam, S. 361—362 476
Theodorsen, T. 161
thermal conductivity 25 49 57
Thermodynamics first law 24
Thermodynamics first law, vortex systems 477—482
Thomas, J. L. 379 490
Thomson, D. J. 449
Thurlow, E. M. 154
Tiederman, W. G. 83
Tollmein — Schlichting waves 423
Townsend, A. A. 40 161 182 185 191—192 194—196 198 267 272—273 297 470
Transport, acceleration 232 236—237 241 244 297
Transport, countergradient 249
Transport, displacement 232—233 236 239 241 442—443
Transport, molecular 22—24 50 228 305
Transport, scalar 51
Transport, turbulent 226
Transport, vorticity 248—254
Tritton, D. J. 2
Tsai, C. — Y. 379
Tselepidakis, D. P. 332 345 370
Tsinober, A. 53 63—64
Tsuge, S. 2
Turbulence, definition 1
Turbulence, homogeneous 5 10 34 256 432
Turbulence, homogeneous anisotropic 326
Turbulence, isotropic 5 256
Turbulence, scale 39—43
Turbulence, stationary 6
Turbulence, two-dimensional 323 477
Twelve-sensor probe 63—65
Uedo, T. 94
Unidirectional flow 227 249 309—310 368
Unsteady RANS 360
Ushiro, R. 166 170 173
Utami, T. 94
V-array 61
Van Atta, C. W. 296
van Dommelen, L. 421
Van Dyke, M. 423
Vatsa, V. N. 379
Vector potential 417
Veeravalli, S. V. 42—43
Velocimetry, flow field 84
Velocimetry, laser speckle 86
Velocimetry, laser — Doppler 53 70—84
Velocimetry, particle, image 54 87—88
Velocimetry, planar 85—86 89
Velocimetry, pulse-light 84—86
Velocimetry, speckle 54
Velocimetry, tracking 54 87
Velocity bias, convection 64 174
Velocity bias, correction 83
Velocity bias, defect law 134 148
Velocity bias, effective cooling 60
Velocity bias, fluctuation vector 7
Velocity bias, Fourier analysis 289—295
Velocity bias, inflectional profile 154
Velocity bias, out-of-plane 89
Very large eddy simulations (see VLES)
Vincent, A. 5
Vincont, J. — Y. 91
Viscous sublayer 111 118 122 130 132—133 155 164 171 378 419 421
VLES 360
Vollmers, H. 379—384
von Karman, T. 134 184 278
Vortex, arch 167 171
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