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Baglivo J.A. — Mathematica Laboratories for Mathematical Statistics: Emphasizing Simulation and Computer Intensive Methods |
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Russell, A.P. 145
Rutherford, E. 79
S (sample space) 1
Sample correlation 54
Sample IQR 123
Sample maximum 117
Sample mean 54
Sample mean, approximate standardization 73
Sample mean, normal distribution 72
Sample median 117
Sample minimum 117
Sample moment 86
Sample proportion 91
Sample quantile 123
Sample quartiles 123
Sample space 1
Sample standard deviation 54
Sample sum 57
Sample variance 54
Sample variance, normal distribution 72
Sample variance, ratio of 74
Sampling distribution 81
Sampling, with replacement 5
Sampling, without replacement 5
Saunders, S. C 79
Scale of a distribution 31 48
Scale parameter, Cauchy distribution 35
Scale parameter, gamma distribution 33
Scale parameter, Laplace distribution 36
Scale test 164
Schachtel, G. 44
Schall, J.J. 145
Schmoll, D. 167
Schumacher, M. 231
Scott, D.W. 95 143 161 181
Sego, L. 240
Senie, R.T. 240
Separate families test 180
Sepulveda, D. 166
Sequence, of running averages 59
Sequence, of running sums 59
Shape parameter gamma distribution 33
Shaw, D.E. 167
Shift model 140 156
Shift parameter 140 156
Shifted exponential distribution 140
Shoemaker, A.L. 145
Sign test 126
Signed rank test 153
Significance level 100
Significance level, observed 101
Simonoff, J.S. 240
Simple event 1
Simple hypothesis 97
Simple linear model 205
Simple random sample 20
Simpson's paradox 240
Simpson, J. 145
Size of a test 100
skewness 63
Smirnov test 151
Smith, S. R 166
Smolowitz, R. 203
Smoothness conditions 89
Solow.A. 167
Spencer, D.B. 166
Spread of a distribution 31 48
Standard bivariate normal distribution 41
Standard deviation, normal distribution 35
Standard deviation, of a distribution 48
Standard error 173
Standard normal distribution 36
Standardization 49
Standardized influence 222
Standardized residuals 76 133 211 222
Statistic 81
statistical significance 101
Step function 16
Stern, M. 79 115
Stochastically larger 135
Stochastically smaller 135
Stone, J. 240
Stratified analysis 165 202
Stuart, A. 58
Student t distribution 70
Stukel, T. 126 133 182 203 226
Subset rule for probability 4
Success in Bernoulli trial 18
Sulman, P.G. 203
Survey analysis 20 25 76 91
| Survival analysis 92 114
Syrjala, S. 167
t test 103
T(p) (I — p quantile) 84
Terman, L.M. 44 78 94
Test statistic 98
Test, correlation 159
Test, equivalent 99
Test, Friedman 194
Test, goodness-of-fit 75 77 113 212
Test, Kruskal — Wallis 187
Test, likelihood ratio 107 109 111
Test, lower tail 99
Test, mean difference 179
Test, of 105
Test, of 106
Test, of 103 107
Test, of 112
Test, of 113
Test, of 183
Test, of 128 129 130 134
Test, of 104
Test, of 132
Test, one sided 99
Test, permutation f 189 202
Test, rank correlation 161
Test, rank sum 137
Test, scale 164
Test, separate families 180
Test, sign 126
Test, signed rank 153
Test, symmetry 157
Test, trend 162
Test, two sided 99
Test, two tailed 99
Test, UMPT 102
Test, uniformly more powerful 102
Test, upper tail 99
Thomson, A. 94
Tibshirani, R.J. 125 169 175 179 182 226 240
Tied observations 138
Tietyen, J. 166
Toland, R.H. 126
Transformation-preserving 175
Transformations 36 42
Treatment effect additive 141 156
Trend test 162
Trial 1
Trimmed mean 177
Trinomial distribution 25
Tukey, P.A. 115 125 145 181 225
Turnbull.G. 113 167
Two sided test 99
Two tailed test 99
Two-way layout, balanced 196
Two-way layout, unbalanced 226
Type I, II errors 100
U.S. Department of Agriculture 203
Uhlenhuth, E.H. 79 115
UMPT test 102
Unbiased estimator 82
Uncorrelated 53
Uniform distribution 31
Uniform distribution, likelihood 89
Uniformly more powerful test 102
Univariate distribution 17 31
Upper tail test 99
Urn model 18 24
Vandaele, W. 226
Variance of a distribution 48
Veitch, L.G. 167
Waller, L. 113 167
Walsh averages 156
Walsh differences 141
Ward, D.H. 240
Weisberg, H.I. 226
Weisberg, S. 58 181 205 226
Welch t test 130
Welsch, R.E. 205 223
Wilkinson, J.L. 225
Willemain, T.R. 225
Wittes, J. T 13
Wynn, A.H.A. 58 79 95
Wypij, D. 226
Yim, C.K. 203
Yu, C 167
Yu, H. 44
z test 103
Z(p) (1 - p quantile) 84
Zelterman, D. 167
Ziv, G. 203
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