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Baglivo J.A. — Mathematica Laboratories for Mathematical Statistics: Emphasizing Simulation and Computer Intensive Methods |
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Geiger, M. 79
Geissler, A. 28 79
Generating function 9
Generating function, frequency 9
Generating function, moment 63
Generating function, probability 26
Geometric distribution 19
Geometric sequences 3
Gleser, L.J. 28 44 58 78 94
Goldberg, J.D. 13
Goodness-of-fit, informal 28 44
Goodness-of-fit, likelihood ratio 113
Goodness-of-fit, linear model 212
Goodness-of-fit, Pearson 75 77
Gorry, G.A. 95 143 161 181
Gotto, A.M. 95 143 161 181
Group mean 183
Group multinomial experiment 75
Haberman, S.J. 79 115
Hamilton, C.D. 166
Hamilton, L. C 167 184 205 210
Hammel, E.A. 240
Hand, D.J. 79 95 115 143 161 181 182 198 203 206 218 226 239
Harrington, G.J. 167
Hastings, K.J. 203
Hat matrix 216
Hauck, W.W. 226
Heckman, M. 115 181
Heinz, G. 224
Herzberg, A.M. 126
Heshka, S. 166
Heymsfield, S. 166
Hill, A.B. 240
Hinkley, D.V. 169 180 181
histogram 27
Histogram, empirical 27
Histogram, probability 16
HL estimator 141 156
Hoeting, J.A. 13 115 126 145
Hoffman, R.G. 167
Holtbrugge, W. 231
Hook, E.B. 115
Hunter, S.J. 183 191 203
Hunter, W.G. 183 191 203
Hypergeometric distribution 17
Hypergeometric distribution, binomial approximation 20
Hypothesis 97
Hypothesis test 97
Inclusion-exclusion rule for probability 4
Independent, events 12
Independent, random variables 24 26 40 43
Indeterminate, continuous case 47
Indeterminate, discrete case 45
Influence 222
information 89
Interaction term 197
International Olympic Committee 145 178 181 203
Interquartile range 31
Interval estimator 84
Inverting hypothesis tests 114 142 157 208
Jarrett, R.G. 58 79 95
Johnson, B.A. 181
Johnson, R.W. 58 224 226
Joint distribution 22 38
Kafka, A.L. 166
Kalwani, M.U. 203
Keller, J. 182
Kerk, C.J. 224
Khatri, B.O. 167
Kinne, D.W. 240
Kleiner, B. 115 125 145 181 225
Kolmogorov axioms 2
Koopmans, L. 203
Kruskal — Wallis test 187
Kuh, E. 205 223
kurtosis 63
Laplace distribution 36
Larsen, R.J. 28 79 115 203
Law of average conditional probabilities 11
Law of Large Numbers 60
Law of total expectation 58
Law of total probability 11
Le Cam, L. 79 177
Lee, A. 94
Lee, C 95
Lehmann, E.L. 127 147 183 240
Leonard, T. 227 240
Lesser, M.L. 240
Leung, M. 44
Leverage 222
Likelihood function 87
Likelihood function, Bernoulli 88
Likelihood function, gamma 93
Likelihood function, multinomial 92
Likelihood function, normal 93
Likelihood function, uniform 89
Likelihood ratio 107
Likelihood ratio statistic 107 109
Likelihood ratio, Bernoulli 108
Likelihood ratio, normal 110
Line plot 170
Linear conditional expectation 56
Linear conditional mean 56
Linear model 214
Linear regression, multiple 214
Linear regression, simple 208
Lipman, R.S. 79 115
Liu, L.-J. 226
Locally weighted regression 224
Location of a distribution 31 48
Location-scale distribution 38
Log-likelihood function 87
Lower tail test 99
Lowess smooth 225
LS estimator 206 215
Lunn, A.D. 79 95 115 143 161 181 182 198 203 206 218 226 239
Maguire, B.A. 58 79 95
Magurran, A.E. 167
Manly, B.F.J. 145 158
Mann — Whitney U statistic 139
Margin of error 91
Marginal distribution, continuous 38
Marginal distribution, discrete 22
Maritz, J.S. 147 208
Markov inequality 50
Marx, M.L. 28 79 115 203
Matui, I. 94
Matzo, G. 95
Maximum likelihood 87
McCabe, G.P. 145 166 203 228 240
McConway, K.J. 79 95 115 143 161 181 182 198 203 206 218 226 239
McCracken, M. 145
McNemar's test 240
McQuillen, M.P. 167
Mean difference test 179
Mean parameter, Laplace distribution 36
Mean parameter, normal distribution 35
Mean squared error 83
Mean, continuous case 46 50
Mean, discrete case 45 50
Median 31
Method of moments 86
Midrank 138
Miller, A.J. 167
Miller, M.D. 225
Miller, P.E. 166
Minimum chi-square estimator 77
ML estimator 88
MODE 125
MOM estimator 86
| Moment generating function 63
Moment generating function, method of 65
Moment of a random variable 63 86
Monte Carlo analysis 61 149 171
Moore, D.S. 145 166 203 228 240
More efficient estimator 82 83
Multinomial coefficients 8
Multinomial distribution 75
Multinomial distribution, likelihood 92
Multinomial experiment 75
Multiplication rule, for counting 5
Multiplication rule, for probability 10
Multivariate distribution, continuous 43
Multivariate distribution, discrete 26
Mutually independent, events 12
Mutually independent, random variables 26 43
MVUE estimator 83
Nasca, P 113 167
Negative association 52 235
Negative binomial distribution 19
Neyman — Pearson framework for hypothesis testing 97
Neyman — Pearson lemma 108
Neyman, J. 79 177
Nick, T.G. 240
Nolan, D. 44
Nonparametric bootstrap 169
Nonparametric method 135 149
Normal distribution 35
Normal distribution, likelihood 93
Normal distribution, likelihood ratio 110
Normal distribution, moment generating function 63
Normal distribution, sample mean 72
Normal distribution, sample variance 72
Null hypothesis 97
O'Connell, J.W. 240
Oakes, D. 226
Observed distribution 169
Observed significance level 101
Odds 235
Odds ratio 235
Oeltgen, P. 166
Olsen, A. 145
Olsen, A.R. 13 115 126 145
OMn, L 28 44 58 78 94
One sided test 99
One-way layout 183
Ord — Smith, C 240
Order statistic 117
Order statistic, approximate summaries 120
Oris, J.T. 182
Ostrowski, E. 79 95 115 143 161 181 182 198 203 206 218 226 239
Outlier 124
Overall mean 184
P (probability) 2
P value 76 101
Pagano, M. 166
Paired t methods 153
Pairwise disjoint events 2
Parametric bootstrap 170
Pareto distribution 181
Partial regression plot 218
Partitions 7
Pearson statistic 75
Pearson, E.S. 58 79 95
Pearson, K. 94
Pelletier, O. 203
percentile 31
Permutation 6
Permutation distribution 148
Permutation f test 189 202
Permutation p value 148
Permutation test 148
Petkau, J. 167
Physicians' Health Study Group 240
Pisani, R. 240
Plackett, R.L. 94 240
Point estimator 81
Poisson distribution 21
Poisson distribution, moment generating function 65
Poisson process 21 32 33
Poisson process, related distributions 34
Pooled blood testing 58
Pooled estimate of 129 184 191 198
Pooled t test 129
Population model 144
Positive association 52 235
Posterior probability 12
Powell, G.L. 145
Power function 101
Power of a test 101
Predicted response 211 216
Predictor variable 205 214
Prior probability 12
probability 2
Probability density function 16 22 26 30 38 43
probability distribution 2
Probability generating function 26
Probability histogram 16
Probability plot 120
Probability plot, enhanced 133
Pseudorandom numbers 13
Purves, R. 240
Putman, R.W. 145
Quantile 31
Quantile, chi-square 69
Quantile, f ratio 71
Quantile, standard normal 36
Quantile, Student t 70
Quantile-quantile plot 143
Quartiles 31
Ramsey, F.L. 145
Randall — McGiver, R. 94
Random experiment 1
Random sample, bivariate case 54
Random sample, continuous case 43
Random sample, discrete case 26
Random variable, continuous 15 29
Random variable, discrete 15
Random variable, mixed 15
Random variable, range 15
Random walk 66
Randomization 144
Randomization model 144 148
Randomization test 148
Randomized block experiments 190
Randomized pairs experiment 152
Range of a random variable 15
Rank 136
Rank correlation test 161
Rank sum statistic 136
Rank sum test 137
Ratio of sample variances 74
Redelmeier, D.A. 240
Regal, R.R. 115
Regression effect 219
Regression equation 55
Rejection region 98
Repeated trials 1 13
Resample 170
Residuals 186 211 222
Response variable 205 214
Rice, J.A. 79 115 124 167 177 181 203 226
Richardson, L. R 28
Ricker.W.E. 13
Ripple, W. 145
Risk Ratio 240
Robust estimator 177
Rosen, P.P. 240
Running averages 59
running sums 59
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