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Beutler G. — Methods of Celestial Mechanics: Volume I: Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical Principles
Beutler G. — Methods of Celestial Mechanics: Volume I: Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical Principles

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Название: Methods of Celestial Mechanics: Volume I: Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical Principles

Автор: Beutler G.


G. Beutler's Methods of Celestical Mechanics is a coherent textbook for students as well as an excellent reference for practitioners. The first volume gives a thorough treatment of celestial mechanics and presents all the necessary mathematical details that a professional would need. The reader will appreciate the well-written chapters on numerical solution techniques for ordinary differential equations, as well as that on orbit determination. In the second volume applications to the rotation of earth and moon, to artificial earth satellites and to the planetary system are presented. The author addresses all aspects that are of importance in high-tech applications, such as the detailed gravitational fields of all planets and the earth, the oblateness of the earth, the radiation pressure and the atmospheric drag. The concluding part of this monumental treatise explains and details state-of-the-art professional and thoroughly-tested software for celestial mechanics. The accompanying CD-ROM enables readers to employ this software themselves and also serves as to illustrate and reinforce the related theoretical concepts.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1 edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 464

Добавлена в каталог: 21.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aberration, annual      I 363
Aberration, diurnal      I 363
accelerometers      I 41; II 83 174
Adams, J.C.      I 29
Albedo radiation pressure      II 175 206 327 330
Altimetry      I 40 412; 194
Amplitude spectrum      II 402
Angular momentum functions      II 84
Angular momentum, point masses      I 57
Angular momentum, Solid body      I 69; II 37
Angular velocity vector      I 66; II 15 17 32 37 51 55 56 85 100 102 113
Annual equation      II 31
Anomaly, eccentric      I 133 138
Anomaly, equation      I 134
Anomaly, mean      I 134 138
Anomaly, true      I 133 138
Apollo missions      II 19
Apparent place      I 363
Approximation errors      I 292 331
Area-to-mass ratio      II 173 194 201 327
Argument of latitude      I 125 132 220 225 231 371; 133 135 157 170 172 204
Artificial Earth satellites      I 11; II 3 6
Artificial Earth satellites, Anomalistic period      II 140
Artificial Earth satellites, Draconitic period      II 140
Artificial Earth satellites, Sidereal period      II 140
Artificial Earth satellites, Typical perturbations (GPS)      II 209
Artificial Earth satellites, Typical perturbations (LEOs)      II 208
Asteroids      II 249
Astrometric position      I 7 33 361 363—366
Atmospheric angular momentum      I 10; II 6
Atmospheric drag      II 7 173 175—187
Atomic time      I 47 117
Attitude of a satellite      I 96 111—117
Attitude stabilization      I 114
Axial angular momentum function      II 85
Barometric formula      II 177
Barycentric dynamical time      I 47 117
Bernese GPS Software      II 303
Bessel, F.W.      I 325
Bode, J.E.      I 27
Body of negligible mass      I 54; II 211
Body-fixed system      I 64 78
Bradley, J.      II 200
Brahe, T.      I 19; II 31
Brouwer, D.      I 340
Brown, E.W.      II 25
Bruns, H.      I 59
Cartesian coordinate system      I 46 48
Cartesian product      I 183 354
Cassini, G.D.      II 51
Center of mass, Earth      I 412; II 123
Center of mass, Earth-Moon      I 48 371;
Center of mass, Point masses      I 56 152
Center of mass, Satellite      I 426
Center of mass, Solid body      I 64
CHAMP      I 41 423;
Chandler period      I 10 418; 63
Chandler, S.C.      I 418; II 63
Charge coupled device      I 7 29 358 396
Chebyshew, P.L.      I 326
Chiron      I 30; II 250
Clairaut, A.-C.      I 25 150;
Climate      II 8 248
Collocation method      I 7 255 376 389 403; 193 272 281 285
Commensurability in probleme restreint      I 173
Commensurability of revolution periods      II 271
Commensurability of revolution periods, Earth-Venus      II 239
Commensurability of revolution periods, Jupiter-Saturn      II 213 238
Commensurability of revolution periods, Minor planet-Jupiter      II 256
Commensurability of revolution periods, Neptune-Pluto      II 218
Commensurability of revolution periods, Uranus-Neptune      II 236
Commensurability of satellite revolution period with sidereal day      II 148
Computer program, ERDROT      I 17; II 4 12 18 371—385
Computer program, FOURIER      I 17; II 8 13 410—422
Computer program, LEOKIN      I 16; II 12 340—347
Computer program, LINEAR      I 15 255 324; 321—322
Computer program, NUMINT      I 15 255 263; 311—320
Computer program, ORBDET      I 16 365 396; 355—370
Computer program, PLASYS      I 17 145 174 255; 8 12 387—393
Computer program, SATORB      I 15 145 403; 6 11 123 323—340 347—353
Conic sections      I 128
Conjunction of planets      II 213
Constant of gravitation (Astr)      I 48
Constant of gravitation (SI)      I 48; II 15
Continental drift      II 63
Cooley, J.W.      II 396
Coordinate frame      I 49
Coordinate system      I 49
Copernicus, N.      I 20
Correlation of VLBI signals      II 21
Cosmic geodesy      I 31
Critical inclination      II 126 138
d'Alembert, J.L.R.      I 25; II 24
Danielson, G.C.      II 396
de Laplace, P.S.      I 25; II 155 216
Definite integral      I 320
Deformation of a celestial body      I 92
Deformation of the Earth      II 66 68 69 77 121
Delaunay, C.E.      II 94
Density of atmosphere      II 177
Descartes, R.      I 46
Deterministic chaos      I 26; II 274
Development of perturbation function      I 242
Direct perturbation term      I 55
Discoveries in Celestial Mechanics      I 27
Doodson variables      II 94
Doodson, A.T.      II 94
Doppler observations      I 32
DORIS system      I 40
Draconitic month      II 23
Drag perturbations, Eccentricity      II 186
Drag perturbations, Perigee and apogee      II 187
Drag perturbations, Semi-major axis      II 186
Earth orientation parameters      II 18
Earth rotation (non-rigid)      II 62—118
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Atmosphere and oceans      II 82
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Deformations      II 68
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Lunisolar tides      II 74
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Poincare Earth model      II 98
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Poincare equations for Earth rotation      II 107
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Polar tides      II 69
Earth rotation (non-rigid), Proofs for non-rigidity      II 62
Earth rotation (rigid)      II 32—51
Earth rotation (rigid), Angular velocity      II 36
Earth rotation (rigid), Forced motion      II 40
Earth rotation (rigid), Free motion      II 32
Earth rotation (rigid), Free polar motion      II 32
Earth rotation (rigid), Nearly diurnal period      II 39
Earth rotation (rigid), Nutation      II 43
Earth rotation (rigid), Oppolzer motion      II 41 50
Earth rotation (rigid), Precession      II 43
Earth rotation parameters      II 18
Earth's angular momentum vector      II 35
Earth's angular velocity vector      II 35
Earth's figure axis      II 35
Earth's gravity model      I 108
Earth's potential function      I 101
Earth, angular velocity      II 15
Earth, core      II 99
Earth, Core flattening      II 99
Earth, Core mass      II 99
Earth, Core moments of inertia      II 99
Earth, Core-mantle boundary      II 99
Earth, Crust      II 99
Earth, Elastic mantle      II 99
Earth, equatorial radius      II 15
Earth, flattening      II 15
Earth, Flattening (dynamical)      II 15
Earth, Form factor      II 15
Earth, Gravity field      I 362
Earth, length of day      II 15
Earth, Liquid outer core      II 99
Earth, Love numbers      II 15
Earth, Mantle      II 99
Earth, mass      II 15
Earth, Mean distance to Sun      II 15
Earth, Moments of inertia      II 15
Earth, Oblateness      II 6
Earth, Permanent deformation      II 68
Earth, polar radius      II 15
Earth, Polar tides      II 69
Earth, Solid inner core      II 99
Eclipse year      II 23
Ecliptic      I 50
Edgeworth — Kuiper belt      I 13 30 392 396; 250 296 363
Edgeworth, K.      II 250
Effective angular momentum functions      II 89
Einstein, A.      I 29
Encke's method      I 6 211
Encke, J.F.      I 211
Ephemerides      I 356
Ephemeris Time      I 31 46
Equation of the Center      II 30
Equations of motion      I 3 45—122
Equations of motion, Artificial satellites      I 96—117
Equations of motion, Planetary system      I 51—55
Equations of motion, Relativistic version      I 117—121
Equations of motion, Rotation of a planet      I 71—95
Equatorial angular momentum functions      II 85
Error propagation, Approximation error      I 348
Error propagation, Floating point numbers      I 332
Error propagation, General law      I 350
Error propagation, Local approximation error      I 341
Error propagation, Local rounding errors      I 334
Error propagation, Rounding errors in anomaly      I 337
Error propagation, Rounding errors in integrals      I 336
Error propagation, Rule of thumb      I 350
Euler angles      I 64; II 37 41 53 107
Euler angles (satellite attitude)      I 113
Euler equations, Earth rotation      I 89
Euler equations, Rotation of Moon      I 89
Euler period      I 10; II 5 36 63
Euler's kinematic equations      I 66 68
Euler's method for numerical integration      I 7 254 259
Euler, L.      I 23 150 163;
European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts      II 82
European Space Agency      II 155
Evection      II 31
Excess length of day      II 18
Exosphere      II 179
Families of minor planets      II 256
Fast Fourier transformation      I 17; II 13 395 403
Fictitious masses      I 153
Figure axis      I 70
First integrals      I 55
First integrals, Angular momentum      I 57
First integrals, Center of mass      I 56
First integrals, Energy      I 58
First integrals, Planetary system      I 55—61
First orbit determination      I 8 28 361 366;
First-order perturbations      I 240
Floating point numbers      I 332
Force function      I 55
Fourier analysis      II 395
Fourier analysis, Amplitude spectrum      II 402
Fourier analysis, Coefficients      II 397
Fourier analysis, Fast Fourier transformation      II 403
Fourier analysis, Fourier series      II 396
Fourier analysis, Fundamental frequency      II 396
Fourier analysis, Fundamental period      II 396
Fourier analysis, Lemma by Danielson and Lanczos      II 406
Fourier analysis, Observation equations      II 397
Fourier analysis, Power spectral density      II 403
Fourier analysis, Power spectrum      II 402
Fourier analysis, Prograde and retrograde motion      II 408
Fourier analysis, Strategy depth      II 407
Fourier analysis, Zero padding      II 407
Fourier coefficients      II 397
Fourier series      II 396
Fourier transformation      I 17; II 13 395 400
Fourier, J.B.F.      II 395
Fourier, J.B.J.      I 17; II 13
Free core nutation      II 6 115
Fundamental arguments of nutation      II 94
Fundamental equation of first orbit determination      I 390
Fundamental law of error propagation      I 207 351 352
Galilei transformation      I 52
Galilei, G.      I 52
Galle, J.G.      I 29
Gauss, C.F.      I 28; II 131
Gaussian constant      I 48
Gaussian perturbation equations      I 210 230
Gaussian quadrature      I 255; II 4
General perturbations      I 210
Geodetic astronomy      I 31
geoid      I 412
Geostationary satellites      I 12; II 130 142 149—155
Geostationary satellites, Development of orbital pole      II 153
Geostationary satellites, Equation for longitude      II 152
Geostationary satellites, Perturbation in longitude      II 149
Geostationary satellites, Perturbation of semi-major axis      II 149
Global Positioning System      I 32 36;
Global Positioning System, Code observations      I 38
Global Positioning System, Constellation      I 37
Global Positioning System, Double difference processing      I 416 428
Global Positioning System, Observation equations      I 414 416
Global Positioning System, Occultation technique      I 42
Global Positioning System, Orbit characteristics      II 194
Global Positioning System, Orbital manoeuvres      II 158
Global Positioning System, Phase observations      I 38
Global Positioning System, Precise point positioning      I 425
Global Positioning System, Satellite      I 12 37
Global Positioning System, Satellite characteristics      II 194
Global Positioning System, Satellite, schematic view      I 96
Global Positioning System, Spaceborne receivers      I 41
Global Positioning System, Zero difference processing      I 427
GOCE      I 41; II 83
GPS perturbations      II 156—168
GPS perturbations, Equation for resonant argument      II 163
GPS perturbations, Examples      II 149
GPS perturbations, Heuristic explanation of resonant perturbations      II 156
GPS perturbations, Mean vs. shallow resonance      II 161
GPS perturbations, Periods of resonant perturbations      II 167
GPS/MET      I 423
Grace      I 41; II 83
Gravitational constant      I 25
Gravitational deflection of light      I 363
Gravity potential      I 102; II 68
Gravity stabilization      I 116
Great inequality      I 246; II 216 235
Harmonic analysis      II 395
Harmonic functions      I 102
Hecuba gap      II 254 275 283
Heliocentric reference frame      I 53
Heliocentric vector      I 52
Herschel, J.F.W.      I 27
Hilda group      I 14; II 9 253 275
Hilda group, Histogram of conjunctions      II 283
Hilda group, Initial state      II 277
Hilda group, Ljapunov characteristic exponents      II 279 281
Hill Surfaces      I 160
Hill, G.W.      I 26 160;
Hipparchus      I 34; II 30
HIPPARCOS mission      I 34
Hirayama, K.      I 30; II 256
History of Celestial Mechanics, Planetary system      I 19—30
History of Celestial Mechanics, Space geodesy      I 31—42
Homosphere      II 179
Hooke's law      I 10; II 5 66—68
Hooke, R.      I 25; II 66
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