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Beutler G. — Methods of Celestial Mechanics: Volume I: Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical Principles |
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Hydrodynamics, Equation of continuity II 101
Hydrodynamics, Equations of motion II 101
IERS conventions II 15 78
ILRS Network I 408
Indirect perturbation term I 55
Inertia tensor I 69
Inertial reference frame I 49
Inertial reference system I 46
Inertial space I 48
Initial epoch I 51
Inner planetary system, Eccentricities II 240
Inner planetary system, Laplace vectors II 244
Inner planetary system, Orbital poles II 242
Inner planetary system, Sidereal and synodic revolution periods II 239
Inner planetary system, Spectra II 244
International celestial reference frame II 19
International celestial reference system I 36; II 19
International GPS Service, Analysis centers I 39
International GPS Service, Data centers I 38
International GPS Service, Electron content of ionosphere I 421
International GPS Service, Length of day I 418
International GPS Service, Network I 38
International GPS Service, Orbit accuracy I 418
International GPS Service, Polar motion I 418
International GPS Service, Site motion I 420
International Scientific Organizations, BIH I 33
International Scientific Organizations, CSTG I 42
International Scientific Organizations, IAG I 42
International Scientific Organizations, IAU I 42
International Scientific Organizations, IERS I 37 42;
International Scientific Organizations, IGS I 38 42 416
International Scientific Organizations, ILRS I 35 42
International Scientific Organizations, ILS I 33
International Scientific Organizations, IPMS I 33
International Scientific Organizations, IVS I 36 42
International System of Units (SI) I 47
International terrestrial reference frame I 37
International terrestrial reference system I 37
Invariable plane I 57 154; 219
Invariable plane, Pole w.r.t. system J2000 II 219
Jacobi constant I 158
Jacobi integral I 158
Jacobi's theorem of the nodes I 154; II 225
Jacobi, C.G.J. I 152
Jacobian vector I 152
JASON mission I 41; II 82
Joint gravity model I 108 437
JPL development ephemerides II 12 17 213 324 381 387
Jupiter and Saturn, Commensurability of revolution periods II 213
Jupiter and Saturn, Eccentricities II 227
Jupiter and Saturn, Exchange of energy II 222
Jupiter and Saturn, Great inequality II 216
Jupiter and Saturn, Laplace vectors II 230
Jupiter and Saturn, Orbital poles II 223
Jupiter and Saturn, Semi-latus rectum II 227
Jupiter and Saturn, Semi-major axes II 222
Jupiter and Saturn, Synodic period II 213
KAM-theory I 30
Kaula's rule I 109
Kelvin, W. II 100
Kepler's equation I 134
Kepler's laws I 20 124
Kepler, J. I 19; II 31
Kirkwood gaps I 30; II 9 256
Kirkwood, D. I 30; II 256
Kowal, Ch.T. I 30; II 250
Kronecker, L. I 201
Kuiper, G.P. I 30; II 250
Kutta, M.W. I 272
Lagrange's planetary equations I 210 233
Lagrange, J.L. I 25 150 164 166;
Lambert, J.H. II 206
Lanczos, C. II 396
Laplace equation I 101
Laplace integral I 130
Laplace operator I 101
Laplace vector I 130; II 230 244 261 266 286
Laplacian demon I 26
Laplacian plane I 57; II 219
Laser I 34
Legendre functions I 102
Legendre polynomials I 81 102 244 319
Legendre, A.M. I 81
Length of day I 39; II 18 80
LEO orbit determination, CHAMP orbit I 435
LEO orbit determination, GPS precise point positioning I 427
LEO orbit determination, Position differences I 433
LEO orbit determination, Pseudo-stochastic pulses I 428
LEO orbits, Dynamic I 426
LEO orbits, Kinematic I 426
LEO orbits, Reduced dynamics I 427
Leverrier, U.J.J. I 26
Lifetime of a LEO II 187
Light aberration II 200
Light propagation time I 363
Linear momentum I 51
Liouville — Euler equations I 95; II 73
Liouville — Euler equations, Atmosphere and oceans II 83
Liouville — Euler equations, Lunisolar tides II 79
Liouville — Euler equations, Polar tides II 73
Liouville, J. I 95; II 18
Ljapunov characteristic exponent I 14; II 9 274 279 281 293
Ljapunov time II 275
Ljapunov, A.M. II 274
Local boundary value problem I 6 374
Longomontanus I 20
LONGSTOP project I 20 211;
Love numbers II 15 71
Love, A.E.H. II 70
Low Earth orbiter I 9 42 423; 123 323 340 347
Lunar laser ranging I 31 36; 24
Lunar rotation II 51—62
Lunar rotation, Cassini's laws II 51 58
Lunar rotation, Forced motion II 54
Lunar rotation, Free motion II 51
Lunar rotation, Libration in latitude II 58
Lunar rotation, Libration in longitude II 57
Lunar rotation, Oppolzer motion II 56
Lunar rotation, Optical libration II 58
Lunar rotation, Physical libration II 58
Lunar rotation, Precession in longitude II 59
Lunisolar tides II 74
Lunokhod missions II 19
MacCullagh's formula I 82 106
MacCullagh, J. I 82
Maestlin, M. I 20
Magnetic index II 177
Mayer, J.T. II 24
Mean elements I 5 145—147; 215
Mean motion I 134; II 130 146 159
Mercury's perihelion advance I 150
Mesosphere II 179
MeteoSat 7
MeteoSat, Observations I 398
MeteoSat, Perturbed orbit I 400 404
MeteoSat, Two-body orbit I 398
Milankovitch, M. II 248
Minor Planet Center I 12 365; 249
Minor planets II 211 249—299
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability II 283
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Eccentricities II 288
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Histogram of aphelia II 295
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Initial state II 286
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Laplace vectors II 290
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Ljapunov characteristic exponents II 293
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Orbital poles II 289
Minor planets gap at (3:1)-commensurability, Semi-major axes II 287
Minor planets, Aphelia II 250
Minor planets, Commensurabilities with Jupiter's revolution period II 256 271
Minor planets, Deterministic chaos II 274
| Minor planets, Families II 256
Minor planets, Hilda group II 275
Minor planets, Histogram of aphelia II 251
Minor planets, Histogram of eccentricities II 257
Minor planets, Histogram of inclinations II 257
Minor planets, Histogram of revolution periods II 252
Minor planets, Histogram of semi-major axes II 252
Minor planets, Laplace vectors II 261
Minor planets, Orbital poles II 257
Minor planets, Positions II 250
Minor planets, Proper elements II 266
Minor planets, Resonance period II 271
Minor planets, Resonant perturbations II 271
Minor planets, Synodic period II 271
Momentum wheels I 96
Month, anomalistic II 23
Month, sidereal II 23
Month, synodic II 23
Month, tropical II 23
Moon, Evection II 31
Moon, Inclination w.r.t. equator II 26
Moon, Increase of semi-major axis II 15 19
Moon, Libration in latitude II 58
Moon, Libration in longitude II 57
Moon, longitude of node II 26
Moon, mass II 15
Moon, Mean orbital elements II 15
Moon, Moments of inertia II 15
Moon, Orbital motion II 5 22—32
Moon, Radius II 15
Moon, Semi-major axis II 15
Multistep method I 266 304; 213 239 257
n-body problem I 50; II 3 211
N-body Problem, Earth-Moon-Sun-planets II 3
National Meteorological Center of NOAA II 82
Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS) I 34
Near Earth asteroids I 392 396;
Nearly-diurnal free wobble II 6 108
Newcomb, S. I 27; II 249
Newton, I. I 23; II 24
Newton, law of gravitation I 25
Newton, Laws of motion I 24
Newton, Principia I 24
Non-gravitational forces I 4 98; 173—207
Non-gravitational forces, Albedo radiation pressure II 175
Non-gravitational forces, Atmospheric drag II 173 175
Non-gravitational forces, Radiation pressure II 173 175
Non-gravitational forces, Thermic emission of radiation II 175
Normal epoch I 50
Normal epoch J2000 I 50 364;
Numerical analysis I 6 253;
Numerical integration I 253—354
Numerical integration, Adams — Bashford I 312
Numerical integration, Approximation errors I 292 331
Numerical integration, Boundary epochs I 254
Numerical integration, Boundary value problem I 253 258
Numerical integration, Collocation I 255 264—266 278—312
Numerical integration, Cowell I 312
Numerical integration, Decomposition of higher order systems I 258
Numerical integration, Definite Integral I 320
Numerical integration, Dimension of system I 256
Numerical integration, Error propagation I 330—354
Numerical integration, Euler's method I 254 259 263
Numerical integration, extrapolation I 275—278
Numerical integration, Extrapolation (multistep) I 267
Numerical integration, Gaussian quadrature I 255 322
Numerical integration, Initial epoch I 254
Numerical integration, Initial value problem I 253 257
Numerical integration, Integration step I 262
Numerical integration, Interpolation (multistep) I 267
Numerical integration, Interval subdivision (collocation) I 265
Numerical integration, Interval subdivision (Euler) I 262
Numerical integration, Interval subdivision (multistep) I 267
Numerical integration, Linear system I 312—330
Numerical integration, Local boundary value problem I 258 283—285
Numerical integration, Multistep I 255 266—269 278
Numerical integration, Multistep and collocation I 304
Numerical integration, Order of system I 256
Numerical integration, Particular solutions I 253
Numerical integration, quadrature I 253 320—324
Numerical integration, Rounding errors I 292 301 331
Numerical integration, Runge — Kutta I 263 271—274 278
Numerical integration, Stepsize I 262
Numerical integration, Stepsize control I 295—304
Numerical integration, Stormer I 312
Numerical integration, Taylor series I 269—271
Numerical integration, Taylor series for two-body problem I 270
Nutation I 36; II 17
Nutation model of IAU II 21
Oblateness perturbations II 123—146
Oblateness perturbations, Analytical solution II 130
Oblateness perturbations, Conservation of energy II 131
Oblateness perturbations, Conservation of third component of angular momentum II 130
Oblateness perturbations, Critical inclination II 127 142
Oblateness perturbations, Equation for the mean anomaly II 139
Oblateness perturbations, Exploitation of characteristics II 142
Oblateness perturbations, Higher-order effects II 144
Oblateness perturbations, In light of first order theory II 127
Oblateness perturbations, Inclination dependance II 125
Oblateness perturbations, Perturbing function II 132
Oblateness perturbations, Revolution periods II 140
Oblateness perturbations, Rotation of the node II 136
Oblateness perturbations, Rotation of the perigee II 138
Oblateness perturbations, Sun-synchronous satellites II 143
Obliquity of ecliptic II 15
Observation equations, Astrometric positions I 358
Observation equations, Fourier analysis II 397
Observation equations, GPS code I 414
Observation equations, GPS phase I 416
Observation equations, Satellite Laser Ranging I 407
Ocean loading II 83
Ocean tides II 82
Oppolzer motion II 41
Optical libration II 58
Orbit determination I 7; II 4
Orbit determination, Boundary value problem I 366 378—381
Orbit determination, Circular orbit I 369
Orbit determination, First orbit I 361 366—395
Orbit determination, First orbit, Boundary value problem I 366
Orbit determination, First orbit, Initial value problem I 366
Orbit determination, Fundamental equation I 390
Orbit determination, Gaussian principle I 388
Orbit determination, Improvement I 357
Orbit determination, Ininital value problem I 366
Orbit determination, Laplacian principle I 388
Orbit determination, LEOs I 423—440
Orbit determination, Multiple solutions I 383
Orbit determination, Observation equations I 358
Orbit determination, Parabolic orbit I 384
Orbit determination, Parameters, Dynamical I 355
Orbit determination, Parameters, Initial state I 355
Orbit determination, Secton:Triangle I 374
Orbit Improvement I 357
Orbital arc I 406
Orbital coordinate systems I 140
Orbital elements I 21 142—144
Orbital elements, Arg. of pericenter I 132
Orbital elements, Eccentricity I 127
Orbital elements, Inclination I 124
Orbital elements, Node I 124
Orbital elements, Semi-major axis I 128
Orbital elements, Time of pericenter passage I 132
Osculating elements I 5 144—145 356; 125 194 213
Osculation epoch I 145
Outer planetary system, Angular momentum II 216
Outer planetary system, Eccentricities II 227
Outer planetary system, Laplace vectors II 230
Outer planetary system, Orbital poles II 223
Outer planetary system, Pluto's perihelion II 217
Outer planetary system, Pluto's semi-major axis II 220
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