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Itzykson C., Drouffe J-M. — Statistical field theory. Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
clock model 474
-series 609
-expansion 235 290 311
-regularization 568
A-D-E classification 579 754
Abe 157
Abnormal dimension 176
Adjoint representation 625
Airy’s equation 653
Alvarez 780
Amplitude ratios 314
Amputation 239
Anderson 646
Andrews, Baxter, Forrester 588
Annealed average 802
anomalies 268
Anomalous dimension 241 274
Anomaly 516
Anticommuting variables 48
area law 345
Articulated diagrams 250
Ashkin — Teller model 554 594
asymptotic freedom 329 437 727
Atiyah-singer index theorem 793
Avron, Seiler 729
Axial gauge 333
Background gauge 340
Baker — Campbell — Haussdorff formula 334
Baker, Nickel, Green, Meiron 317
Bare parameters 237
Baxter 558
Baxter, Andrews, Forrester 579
Becchi — Rouet — Stora (BRS) 647 657 717
Belavin, Polyakov, Zamolodchikov 501 578
Beltrami equation 784
Bender, Wu 447
Berezin 48
Berezinskii 200
Berlin — Kac 140
Bernal 739
Berry’s phase 734
Bethe approximation 121
Bethe lattice 419
Block spin method 168
Bogoliubov, Parasiuk, Hepp, Zimmermann renormalization scheme 264
Born amplitude 282
Bosonization 97 722
Breziu, Le Guillou, Zinn-Justin 311
Brownian motion 1 649 778 801
Caianiello 95
Callan — Symanzik equation 233 273 285 309
Canonical degree 237
Canonical dimension 23 241
Cardy 546 601
Cartan matrix 622
Cartan subalgebra 619
Casimir effect 519 504
Casimir invariants 583 625 635
Casimir operator 332
Cauchy determinant 84
Cayley tree 419
Central charge 515
Character expansion 374
Cheeger, Mueller, Schrader 708
Cheng-Wu 88
Chevalley, Serre 622
Chiusius — Mossotti formula 109
Christ, Friedberg, Lee 738
Classical Coulomb gas 193
Classical Heisenberg model 26 107
Clifford algebra 52 63
Co-roots 623
Coleman 197
Configuration number 439
confinement 345
Conformal anomaly 773
Conformal invariance 502
Conformal weights 511
Connected correlation functions 239
Contragredient form 527
Coordination number 1
Corrections to scaling laws 301
correlation length 40
Coulomb gas 203 691
Coulombic partition function 593
Coxeter numbers 585 624 626
Coxeter — Dynkin diagrams 622
Crentz 473
Critical amplitudes 189
critical exponent 6
Critical exponents 125 280
Critical point 40 274
Critical slowing down 460 471
Cross ratio 518
Crossover exponent 720
Cunmlant expansion 77 239 412
Curie transition 58
Curtail — Killing 579 619
Darboux Chritoffel kernel 699
David 805
Decimation 176
Deconfining transition 354
Dedekind's function 528 549 611
Descendant 526
Di Francesco, Saleur, Zuber 577
Diagram 405
Diffusion equation 3
Dimensional analysis 236
Dimensional regularization 250
Dimensional transmutation 716
Dirac equation 93
Dirac field 721
Dirac matrices 394
Dirichlet — Voronoi construction 739
Discrete Laplacian 3
Dominant weight 635
Dotsenko 561 563
Dotsenko, Dotsenko 716 720 728
Dual complex 348
Dual Coxeter number 624
Dual group 347
Duality 59 345
Duality transformation 180 204
Dynamical dimension 242
Dyson 310 647 665 690
Effective potential 156 240 249
Eguchi, Ooguri 578
Elitzur’s theorem 341
Elliptic functions 609
Energy-momentum tensor 507
Enveloping algebra 583
Equation of state 106
Equations of motion 145
Euclidean fields 21
Euler characteristic 740 765 793
Euler’s formula 705
Euler’s pentagonal identity 549 610
Euler’s relation 409
Faddeev — Popov determinant 785
Faddeev — Popov ghost fields 337 436
Feigin — Fuchs 533
Ferdinand, Fisher 574
Fermi levels 714
Feynman integrals 246
Feynman rules 154 244 337
Finite size efforts 478
Fisher 233 235 290 480
Fisher circles 139
Fisher — Gaunt 157
Fock — Bargmann space 50 676
| Fokker — Planck equation 487 649
Free fields 22
Freudenthal formula 626
Friedan 780 798
Friedan, Qiu, Shenker 543 592 618 638
Frustrated partition function 72 86
Frustration 352 588
Fujikawa 776
Gaudin 699
Gauge Fields 329
Gauge fixing 435
Gauge invariance 329
Gauss series 561
Gauss sum 612
Gauss — Bonnet formula 766
Gaussian discrete model 205
Gaussian Integrals 22
Gaussian model 33 550 592
Gell-Mann — Low formula 522
Generating functionals 236
Genus 705
Gepner, Qiu 582
Gepner, Witten 581
Glueball mass spectrum 390
Goddard, Kent, Olive 636 642
Goldstone modes 107 118 120 127
Goldstone’s theorem 298 300 435 495
Grading 524
Graph 405
Grassinannian integrals 48
Green function 8
Green functions 238
Gross — Neveu model 490 720
group characters 331
Group theoretical factors 259
Haar measure 427
Hadron spectrum 494
Haffnian 95
Hall conductance 729
Halperin 647
Hard hexagon model 558
Hardy — Ramanujan formula 548
Harris criterion 716 720
Hausdorff dimension 6 802 808
Heat bath algorithm 460
Heat kernel 332 776 790
Hierarchical model 192
Higgs fields 350
High temperature expansion 33 421
Highest weight vector 526
Hilbert — Einstein action 768
Hioe, Montroll 715
Hohenberg 197 219
Homology and cohomology groups 349
Hopping parameter 492
Hopping probability 759
Huse 588
Hypergeometric equation 561
Hyperscaling hypothesis 165
Importance sampling 458
Infrared fixed point 171
Interacting fields 25
Interface energy 480
Intersection probability 16
Irrelevant operators 174 307
Ising model 33 58 573 605
Jordan — Wigner representation 63
Julia sot 193
Kac character formula 640
Kac determinant 528 532
Kac table 555 559 589
Kac — Moody algebra 526 581 619 638
Kadanoff 168
Kadanoff — Ceva 87
Kaufmann 574
Kazakov, Kostov, Migdal 808
Killing field 786
Killing vector 790 794
Kirchoff’s theorem 410 805
Kirkwood — Yvon theory 110
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition 193 200
Kramers — Wannier duality 61
Kronecker’s formula 567
Kubo’s formula 732
Lagrangian 233
Landau levels 675
Landau — Ginzburg criterion 158 166
Langevin equation 486
Laplace transform 153
Laplace — Beltrami operator 332
lattice fermions 393
Lattice gauge fields 328
Lattices 43
Laughlin 688 729
Lee — Yang singularity 125 129 131 547 566 588
Legendre transformation 155 159 239 415
Level 581
Level spacings 696
Liapunov exponent 666
Lie algebra 330 579 619
Lifshitz tail 654
Liouville action 773 779 795
Liouville theory 798
Lipatov 310 447
Localization length 670
Loop expansion 246
Loop group 626
Low temperature expansion 430
Lower critical dimension 143
MA 456
Majorana field 93 554 721
Majority rule 183
Marginal operators 174 218 307
Markov process 5 458
McBryan — Spencer 222
McCoy — Wu 78
Mean field approximation 108 352
Meijering 743
Mermin — Wagner theorem 143 193 197 219
Metropolis algorithm 462
Microcanonical simulations 465
Migdal — Kadanoff approximation 178
Minimal coupling 330
Minimal models 546
Minimal subtraction scheme 337
Modular group 567
Modular invariance 564
Moduli 786
Moebius transformation 510
monodromy 562
Monte Carlo renormalization group 456 481
Monte Carlo sweep 460
Multicritical points 317
n-vector model 25 118 259 427 436 595
Nambu — Goto action 781
Neveu — Schwarz and Ramond boundary conditions 577 616
Nickel 311
Nielsen — Ninomiya theorem 396
Niemeijer — Van Leeuwen 183
Noether current 508
Noether’s theorem 97
Nonlinear -model 26 107 436 769
Number of loops 247
One particle irreducible Green functions 239
One-loop correction 155
Onsager 48 58 68 75
Orbifold 554 594
Order-disorder variables 87
Oscillator wavefunctions 698
Pade approximants 448
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