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Baker H.F. — Principles of geometry (Vol. 2) |
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Right angles, circles cutting at 110 111
Right angles, lines at 63 110
Salmon 59 227 236
Schoute 236
Segre 236 238
Self-polar triad, in regard to a conic 23
Self-polar triad, of two conies, algebraic determination of 140
Self-polar triad, self-conjugate tetrad, Hesse's theorem 31
Similitude, centres of, for two circles 112
Similitude, circle through, with centre on line of centres 112 132
Soal 62
Sphere, division of surface into four equal and congruent triangles 197 207
Spherical and elliptic geometry 178
Spherical geometry and plane geometry 196 197
Staudt, von 232 235
Staudt, von, theorem of Seydewitz 28
Steiner 72 216 231 232
Sylvester 220 235
Symbols applied to involutions 4
Symbols applied to involutions, applied to general theory of conies, Chap III
Symbols applied to involutions, applied to initial theorems for a conic 16
Symbols applied to involutions, applied to measurement of intervals, Chap V
Symbols applied to involutions, symbol of a line 99 100
Syntheme 220
Tangent of a conic 11 14
Tangent of a conic, general tangent of a conic which touches three lines at given points 58
| Tangent of a conic, tangents common to pairs of three conies which touch three lines 60
Tangent of a conic, tangents of confocal conies which are at right angles meet on a circle 133
Tangent of a conic, tangents of two conies, at intersections with a line, meet on another conic 54
Tangent of a conic, when tangents at intersections of two conies meet in two points 42 66
Tangential coordinates, and tangential equation 100 105 106
Tangential coordinates, of confocal conies 119
Taylor, C. 88
Taylor, H. M. 61
Taylor, J. P. 75
Tetrads of points of a conic whose joins touch another conic 96 127 see
Three conies related in a particular way 149
Triads, two, of points of a conic, centroid and orthocentre of a triad 64
Triads, two, of points of a conic, relation of a conic to a triad of general points 53
Triads, two, of points of a conic, their joins touch another conic 29
Triads, two, of points of a conic, three triads of points of a conic are in perspective with another triad 52
Triads, two, of points of a conic, two self-polar triads are points of another conic 35 45 48
Triangle, definition of 173
Triangle, trigonometrical formulae for 176 177 179
Triangularly circumscribed conic 48 145
Two conies, enumeration of reduced equations in all cases 146
Two-two relation on a conic, condition it be derived from a general involution 137
Veronese 235
Vertex of a parabola 82
Wallace line (pedal line) 29 71
Weill 139
White 236
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